[Closed] [Memory] Summer Encounter

Su'yina meets Cass, on a summer evening.

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Su'yina Liae
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Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:24 am

🙐 The Rose Arena / old rose harbor
on the 19th of yaris, 2716, during the early evening.
Su’yina nodded along to Cassandra’s words, not at all offended by being called…small of all things. At least that was what she was taking it as. The woman had a point and as someone who had seen the shadier side of life recently, she was well inclined to believe that not all people were as nice as she wished they could be. Yet Su’yina was young, and the world still held it rose tinted hue. All warnings were taken with half an ear, only time would temper the rest of those childish whimsy. The world was bad and cruel, but it could not be that cruel. “That’s right! People always pick on the small and weak.” At least some of the boys back in her last home did. Annoying stinky little buggers. Sometimes, she wished she bit them at least once before she left. But that was in the past and she had a lovely hopefully exciting future ahead of her!

She pondered Cass’s question, the wrinkle between her brows deepening with the intensity of her thought. Just what would she do? The answer seemed straightforward enough at first until she heard the rest of the addendum. If she struggled and they got her and no one was there to help her then… her mind drifted back to her earlier quote, of the scuffle she saw on the street and the whispers of the ladies she had briefly spoken to. She stared at her hands, intent on finding a suitable answer; one that would not rely on the magic she barely touched. With no teacher and only the brief lessons, her father can afford her when they were trying their best to survive, using it seemed…pointless even. But she would learn, for she was aware of her shortcoming and here at the harbor, there was a slew of people she could tail and learn from.

At least, that was the hope and goal. She had learned more here than she had in the past few years in that sleepy town. All she knew right now, was a few paltry tricks, enough to earn a few coins and a few laughs. Unfortunately, one could not cause one’s enemy to laugh themselves into a stupor.

“Kick ‘em between the legs or bite…them?” Practical was what she felt those answers were when she had first heard them. “I could also try to elbow them in the gutt.”

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Cassidy Elwes
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Location: Old Rose
: Do No Harm, Take No Shit, Bake Bread
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Mochi
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Wed Dec 02, 2020 5:53 pm

Yaris 19, 2716
The streets of Voedale, early evening.
Her question seemed to stump the girl for a moment as they walked. Cass was worried, initially, but Su proved herself to be a smart girl and came back with an actual answer. Cass grinned, nodding along as she offered the suggestion of biting and kicking them. She didn’t fight dirty in the ring unless her opponent made it clear they intended to, but she knew well that on the street, dirty fighting was the best option, especially if you were a tiny witch like her companion. She was actually a bit proud, as laoso as that sounded. She’d only just met the girl, but knowing that she knew how to take care of herself made her feel better.

“That’s good,” she said, “that’s real good. Someone grabs you, ya bite, an’ ya scratch, and y’ throw them bony li’l elbows o’ yers every which way. Y’ might be tiny but that don’t mean y’ can’t be dangerous, ye chen? Make ‘em regret pickin’ you t’ mess with.”

She stopped walking then, struck by an idea. “Lemme show ya somethin’ else you can use,” she said, reaching down and taking one of Su’s small hands in her own large and slightly battered ones.

“See this part o’ your hand here? The fleshy part? S’called the heel,” she explained, “if y’ can get yer hand free and face whoever’s gotcha, y’ take that part o’ yer hand and drive it as hard as y’ can right into their nose.”

“Hit ‘em real sharp, goin’ straight up,” she demonstrated this by gently tugging Su’s arm up, stopping just shy of her own face. “Ye’ll likely break their nose. Ye’d be surprised just how easy that is. Breakin’ the nose’ll make ‘em tear up somethin’ fierce too. So not only are they in a world o’ hurt, an’ bleedin’, they can’t see fer shit.

She let go, and a grin spread over her features. “That’s when y’ kick ‘em hard as y' can ‘tween the legs an’ make a run for it. Man or woman, it don’t matter — ya kick hard enough an’ they’ll hurt.”

She wasn’t sure if the girl’s parents would approve of just what it was Cass was showing their child, but she had just been in an arena full of violent bloodsports and combat, and so she wasn’t too worried. It was, in her own opinion, important that the youngster have some tools to defend herself with that didn’t depend on casting a spell, especially when she was so small and apparently prone to wandering dangerous parts of town alone.

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Su'yina Liae
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Sun Dec 06, 2020 3:25 am

🙐 The Rose Arena / old rose harbor
on the 19th of yaris, 2716, during the early evening.
Positively preening at the praise, Su’yina’s smile only grew. Her cheeks ached from how her glee and for a second, she looked akin to a twitchy squirrel as a cramp seized ruddy cheeks. “WOo -owww…” the glee tapered off to a whine as she moved to massage away the pain. She made quite the sight, nodding along all the while her palms soothed away the cramp. “I eep tha in mine,” she slurred between squished lips. What an inopportune moment to suffer from happiness. Skidding to a halt when Cass did, Su’yina blinked up at the taller woman, the question obvious in her expression as she wondered what the other was doing. She fiddled with the hem of her shirt, patience was a virtue, and she was not the most virtuous child there is.

The tsat’s unanswered question was solved in the next moment “Really!” It had been physically possible for her eyes to be glued to her hands; it would have been done so at that moment. “He…heel?” Her mouth rounded in surprise. So that was what that part of her body was called, she had simply referred to her hands…as well, hands the entire time, who knew that there were specific parts of it. And more importantly, specific parts that could be used to smash someone's nose. Or if Cass was to be believed -and she trusted her knowledge -to break someone’s nose. Break not hurt. The escalating level of violence was shocking, a bit strange, and overall, not something she could say she was entirely uncomfortable with. She was by no means a violent child, preferred running over all else, but even young as she is, she was practical enough to shake off her attitude. To be uptight, one had to survive that long to be it. Su’yina for exactly a second, grossed by the thought of touching anyone’s nose but logic and survivability won. She would after all, only hit bad people. So… if it was just a little, violence was okay. That logic sounded perfect to the teen.

“This…sounds real useful,” she stared back at her palm after pulling it gently away from Cass’s face. It was astounding just how much damage the squishy part of her hand could cause. Even if it was a demonstration, the small image of her hurting her new friend stirred a modicum of discomfort, even on accident. Pulling herself to the side a bit, Su’yina mimicked the action Cass showed her one more time. “BAM.” The sound left her lips without a second thought. Turning to her new teacher and friend, the witch’s eyes were wide as she heads bobbed again. It was a miracle her enthusiastic movement had yet to give her whiplash. “Ye ya right! Imma remembers that. It sounds much easier to hit ‘em in the root when they blind as a coot-” She cocked her hands on her hips, looking mighty proud of herself for learning something new today. “Maybe if I git stronger, things be easier.” Maybe if her arms were no longer limp like soggy biscuits, she could help her father more. She hesitated, wondering if she would bother Cass with her next request. She had seen this happen too often in the neighborhood for her to ignore. “Mm Cass…if my hair was yanked, what’a I do?”

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Cassidy Elwes
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Location: Old Rose
: Do No Harm, Take No Shit, Bake Bread
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Mochi
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Tue Dec 08, 2020 3:12 am

Yaris 19, 2720
Voedale, early evening.
The girl hung on to everything Cass said with rapt attention, watching carefully as Cass showed her how to break a kov’s nose in one move. Cass laughed as she watched Su repeat the motion she had just been shown, complete with an added sound effect, her wiry arm snapping out into the air. The girl was clearly feisty, she had to give her that. She pitied anyone who tried to mess with the boch, even without her added instruction. With some training and a bit more muscle, she had to think that the little girl might actually be dangerous.

Cass continued walking along after the demonstration. Su was quiet for a bit, but Cass could almost feel that she was not yet done peppering her with questions. Sure enough, they were not walking long before she piped up with another query. It was a good one, as well. Getting grabbed by the hair was all too common, especially for women.

“Well,” Cass replied, “that depends on how they have a hold o’ ya.”

She was about to stop again, but considered that, perhaps, the middle of a somewhat busy street was not the best place to be laying hands on a young girl. Even if it was to show her how to look after herself, it was possible they might garner the wrong kind of attention. Her brow furrowed as she thought for a moment. An idea occurred to her. Seamus lived in a rented warehouse with a practice area where it was both more private and safer to demonstrate things and teach Su’yina. Having the old man in on it as well would also mean that she would have someone else who knew what they were doing to go through the motions.

“You know what,” she said, “If y’ wanna learn a few more things, I’d be happy t’ show ya. Just, maybe not here. I wouldn’t want no one t’ see me layin’ hands on ya and get the wrong idea.”

She scratched her cheek, thinking for a minute, before continuing. “My trainer has a place where we practice sparrin’. If yer free the day after t’morrow, I can tell ya where t’ meet me an’ we can go from there. It’d be a lot safer t’ show ya things there than the middle of the street.”


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Su'yina Liae
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Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:24 am

🙐 The Rose Arena / old rose harbor
on the 19th of yaris, 2716, during the early evening.
The ball of tension that unconsciously seized Su’s body unraveled at Cass’s answer. It was hard for the young girl to admit that that it was difficult for her to voice her questions at time. Toeing the edge of being a burden and wanting to learn. the witch had been confli9cted until that moment. Her attention narrowed upon her friendly teacher and the girl awaited with bated breath for her next lesson. That would apparently, must wait.

Disappointment would be as plain as day when Cassandra gave her the response. Her lips pursed, her brows furrowed, and a whine pulled itself from her throat. The girl’s fist trembled as she forced herself not to stomp her feet like the child she still is. “Dangit.” Her movement stilled as she cocked her hands onto her waist. Her cheeks puffed in her frustration. She had been looking forward to it, excited even to learn something new and something that would have been so very useful. Not matter how much she wanted to whine and beg Cass to teach her today, logic ultimately won. The older woman had a point. “You’s right,” the words were grudgingly grumbled. “It would be bad to make a scene here…” and as she looked around only to spot a few familiar faces, Su’yina realized just how badly things could end. She in no way feared for her life in the hands of Cass, but she did hold a great amount of fear for the lectures her dad would give her if he happened to hear that she got into a supposed scuffle on the street. Her old man would not even listen to the full story and assume the worst out of worry. That was just the kind of man he is. If she were older, she could have understood but at the tender age of 16, he felt more overbearing than anything.

The teen’s pout did not cease even as she trotted to catch back up to Cass once again. “Don’t want the rumor mill goin’ that’d be a pain. I gotta get going anyway before dad give me ‘ell. Gotta close shop ‘n all too.” Even if it were going to make her practice her limited patience, moving it to another day would probably be the best. She was already worn out from all the lectures she received this week and if the length of her shadow was anything to go by, her energy and time. The road forked before them. Su’yina padded to a stop, her footsteps a swallowed echo against the clops of horses and the rattle of old wagon wheels of the street. Eagerly, she reached forward to try to gently grasp Cass hands in her own. “But! I will take ya up on that, just tell me the place and I’ll be there!” She rocked on her heels, eyes sliding left to the road home. The orange sunset was starting to dip lower, kissing the line of buildings and hiding the remnant's bright rays beyond the stone.

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Cassidy Elwes
Posts: 63
Joined: Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:39 am
Topics: 7
Race: Human
Occupation: Baker and Face Breaker
Location: Old Rose
: Do No Harm, Take No Shit, Bake Bread
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Mochi
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:36 pm

Yaris 19, 2716
Voedale, evening.
Cass grinned at Su’yina’s excited response. She had expected as much from the girl. She wasn’t sure how enthused Seamus would be about the idea, but she couldn’t see it hurting anyone. She could smooth things over with the old man easily enough. There were worse things she could have signed him up for than helping her teach a kid how to defend herself.

Cass reached out and clapped a hand on Su’s shoulder. “Good,” she said, “you meet me the day after next, about midday, right where y’ found me tonight, ye chen? It’s jus’ a short jaunt from there to my trainer’s place.”

She gave another smile, her hand returning to her side. “Y’best be gettin’ yerself on home, now, ‘fore someone starts worryin’ after you. T’was nice meetin’ ya, Su’yina. I’ll see ya in a few days.”

With that she headed off down the street, waving over her shoulder to the girl as she headed off towards home and a warm bath.


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