Ugh [Sarinah]

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Maya Wolfe
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Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:27 pm
Topics: 2
Race: Wick
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Kimmie
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Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:41 pm

Dentis 11, 2718

Maya didn’t always find herself helping out with the wounded in the arena, but every now and then, she needed money just like anyone else did. The Wick found herself staring down at a particularly nasty looking cut on his outer thigh, saying apologetically, “I am sorry, but I cannot heal the wound directly… Unless someone else comes along, the best that can be done is cleaning and stitching.” The man looked up with irritation like it was her fault that she wasn’t that skilled in her field yet. It wasn’t… She had spent many hours practicing, but it took time to hone one’s skills.

Rolling her eyes, she started to clean the wound and listened to the man bellow like a child. “You should have stopped fighting sooner if you didn’t want another pretty scar. It’s not my fault you got yourself slashed. Don’t be mad at me. I am only trying to help.” The man gritted his teeth as she gently dug in for debris, carefully cleaning grit out of the cut. She continued to speak, “Lucky for you, the cut is not jagged. It would have been a lot worse if your wound was from a dull blade.” She felt like she was talking to a kid who stubbornly refused to reply to her. He was why she tried to stay to herself.

Once she was satisfied with the hygiene of the cut, she produced a clean needle and thread, and set to task. The man was making it difficult with his thigh moving too much and she gritted her teeth. “Hold still you dolt or I will leave it wide open and then where will you be?!” He glared up at her with his teeth bared and she set the needle down so she could plant her fists on her hips. Her brow raised in challenge.

“You are just a big baby. It will only take a few moments to close your wound up and I can’t do that if you are being difficult. My goodness, calm down, sir.
” Her glower had the effect she wanted, and she gave him a scathing look before setting to task again. She made quick work of the suturing before cutting the thread.

Not even a thank you from the man. He simply got up and limped off the moment she wrapped his damn leg up. “Asshole,” she muttered out and began to pack her things sourly, wanting to be away from people.
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Sarinah Lissden
Posts: 139
Joined: Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:42 am
Topics: 19
Race: Wick
Location: Old Rose Harbor
: Passively invested
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Raksha
Post Templates: Post Templates

Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:29 am

11th Dentis, 2718
It had been weeks since they’d made the deal with Hawke. Five weeks, almost, and the witch was going out of her mind with worry. She watched the fights that Tristaan participated in, heart in her throat as she stood by the chain fencing, fingers entwined through the links of the outer layer. Each punch, or kick, or other injury caused her to wince but she didn’t look away. She watched, because if he went down and didn’t get back up, she would do everything she could to scale the fence to get to him.

But he got up. Because he was Tristaan Greymoore. Because he had to.

Working the tables at the Rose Arena was, unsurprisingly, almost no different to working the tables at the Queen. Except that the patrons were a little more violent and there was no one to stop them. If a fight broke out, it was considered fair game and wagers were made. The pregnant witch did her best to keep to herself, but it was hard when those same men who visited the Queen were the same that visited the Rose.

“Dove, hey Dove. You’re lookin’ a bit tired there love. Why dontcha put down th’ tray an’ take a break?” The human coaxed as they waited for the next round to start, turning slightly in his chair to face her with legs wide apart and eyes looking anywhere but her face with a smirk, patting his groin and chuckling.

“I’ve got a nice comfy seat f’ya too. All nice an’ warm like.” Sarinah ignored the man, collecting empty or half emptied mugs as she moved around the arena’s tavern floor to balance them on her tray.

“Ent the Dove, ent been the Dove for a while now.” She said in a flat voice, moving to mop a spill on the table across from him with her cleaning rag. The human laughed, rubbing his chin and watching with interest as she leaned to sweep it across the puddle.

“Nah, you’re still the Dove. Just because someone bought time between your legs and stuck a bastard in your belly, doesn’t change what you are. I bet it cost a mint, eh? A mint.” He shifted, moving to grab for her, but the witch saw it. Turning rapidly, she slapped his hand away, sending the tray of mugs clattering to the floor. Thank Alioe for wooden mugs.

“Don’t touch me.”The brunette growled, her field drawing closer and jaw clenching. He held both hands up, laughing and leaning back.

“Touchy! No need to get aggressive my pretty. It was just a bit o’fun. Shit, bloody crazy wench. I hope Scarlett beats the sense back into you when that thing gets out. All good. I can wait my turn. Don’t want an audience anyway.” Waiting till the man turned back to his table, Sarinah winced, leaning against the wood of the one beside her and rubbing at the pain that shot through her abdomen. It was like tearing a muscle, only she hadn’t done anything. Just a week or two past half way through the pregnancy, whilst the morning sickness was well gone, random aches and pains were common. Each one caused her a moment of panic, unsure what was normal or not.


Glancing up, the dancer laughed at the word, looking at the woman who had just left the back area where the fighters were patched up.

“Which one? There’s a few of those here rosh.” Trying to straighten a little, Sarinah held her bump, groaning a little as the tearing sensation occurred again. Loose ligaments, that’s what one of the tumbles had once told her. Still, it felt like being sheared from the inside. The baby kicked, as though protesting her own pain, unhelpful with its tiny little jolts. Letting her breath out slowly, the olive skinned wick frowned at the mugs on the ground.


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Maya Wolfe
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Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:27 pm
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Race: Wick
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Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Kimmie
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Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:38 pm

She heard laughter chiming after her muttering and glanced toward the woman who queried about such a declaration. She wasn’t so shy when she gestured hotly toward the man who was limping toward an empty table. “No appreciation. Patch up his leg and no thanks, not a single word beside a bellow of outrage or two when I was cleaning his damn wounds.” The Wick crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head in annoyance. “Well from now on, he can clean his own shit and stay away from me. Ingrate.”

After a moment of muttering, Maya let her silver eyes settle upon the pregnant one, not paying much attention to fields and such due to the fact that there were plenty around her at the moment. “You alright there?” It wasn’t like Maya to talk to people she didn’t know at first because it was always so awkward with her, but when there was something to take note of, her healer side always did kick in and point madly at folks who needed help.

Except… she wasn’t able to help as far as being able to heal a man’s gaping wound… yet. Maya had not been around people as much as she could have been and needed to learn how to hone the healing… She could dance for money too if she wanted to, all she would need to do would be put on her costume and shake her hips. It didn’t earn her much either, but money was money, and it was better than making it on her back, or so she had been told since she had never… well… done anything to get into the condition that the one she was looking at was in.

With a weary sigh, the air escaping her mouth caused a lock of hair to fly away from her face. She was damn tired and wanted to go back into the forest to be a hermit for a few weeks. Unfortunately, money was necessary if she wanted to replace certain objects or at least get the materials needed to patch things up. Yes, she thought, she needed…stuff. Hell, a horse would be nice at that point.

Unfortunately, wicks seemed to have a disadvantage at times… She had been shooed away by folks before when trying to busk or offer services. She suspected that was why the jerk she had just treated wouldn’t even thank her for her services.
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Sarinah Lissden
Posts: 139
Joined: Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:42 am
Topics: 19
Race: Wick
Location: Old Rose Harbor
: Passively invested
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Raksha
Post Templates: Post Templates

Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:32 am

11th Dentis, 2718
Sarinah’s mahogany gaze drifted towards the man in question, and she nodded with a face that screamed ‘ah yes, that one.’

“Ent a single one of these kensers that’ll give ye anything more than that rosh. ‘Cept my kov, Tristaan. He’s a balach, and a benny sapper. Hawke’s put him in there for…” She pursed her lips and sucked on her teeth, humming a bitter laugh before looking down at the mugs again.

“..for all the reasons Hawke has.” Glancing up at the silvery eyed woman again, she hummed questioningly, hand on her belly. For a moment, she had no idea what Maya was referring to, until she twigged with a grimace.

“Oes. Ne. Maybe? I ent sure.” Laughing at herself, Sarinah gestured at her bump with a shake of her head.

“Ne one said it would be this confusing, having a bochi. Ent had one before and there’s all these pains and aches that I ent sure are right or wrong and it’s scary and I just would like to know. Ye chen? I stand up, and my insides feel like they’re tearing apart. But, it’s alright, oes?” Her voice held just the slightest edge of concern as she spoke, as though panic was just on the outskirts waiting to creep in. Laughing again, the dancer pointed aggressively at the mugs on the ground.

“I used to dance, ye chen? Up in the air, on a hoop, swinging and twirling and bending and such. Now? I can’t even pick these tsuter things up without feeling like I might pull something. I ent able to just bend, I gotta lower myself down and collect them like some old chip!” Taking a deep breath to calm herself, the brunette smiled at the other witch and shrugged.

“It’s all worth it though, oes? So I’ve been told. Epaemo rosh, I didn’t even introduce myself. Sarinah Lissden.” She offered her hand to shake, straighting through the stitch like pain with a sigh.

“So, ye new to the Rose Arena? I ent sure I’ve seen ye here before.” The olive skinned wick nodded at the pit.

"Ye here because ye want to be, or because ye made to be?" She asked more quietly, bending at the knees to lower herself to the mugs and begin collecting them onto her tray one at a time, ignoring the protest of her ligaments and the jittery movements of her unborn child. It was like the little being enjoyed her pain, bouncing around with joy. Admittedly, the moment did bring a small smile to her face.

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Maya Wolfe
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Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:27 pm
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Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Kimmie
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Sat Jan 12, 2019 2:35 pm

She listened to the woman with words that were hard to understand at first due to accent, but she was patient in doing so. “You would think they’d at least thank someone for closing a gaping wound. Oh well… Money is money.” She gave a shrug and found herself stretching fingers that ached from holding tiny needles all day and glanced to an empty table. Perhaps it was time for food.

But her attention was moved back to the pregnant woman and she tilted her head in a nod. “It is perfectly normal for the aches and pains when carrying a child, or so I have heard. A hot bath would help ease the ache for a little while, and you should chew on some willow bark for the mild pain. I have some if you want.” She wasn’t an expert at medicine, but she was smart enough to have memorized basic things like natural pain relief. The aches and pains of pregnancy were beyond healing spells and it would take physical medicine to help.

The medicine woman thought about offering an examination, but had never done so before and didn’t want to make anyone feel as if she was invading their privacy. Besides, she wanted to leave town again after spending her money on much needed supplies. Working at the arena was not her idea of a great employment opportunity anyway, seeing as one had to put up with so much shit.

The other part of her hesitation was the fact that she didn’t necessarily like being around people very much because she was socially awkward. After all, she was a nomadic Wick who hadn’t yet grown into herself. People bothered her, plain and simple. Well, some people, not the pregnant one before her.

“My name is Maya,” she said eventually, “I come here to heal stupid people of my own volition. I am my own person. By stupid people, I mean the idiots who get fixed up and then go right back out to get injured some more.”
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