[PM to Join] Old Friends be Met

In which Jean De Silver, visiting the Capital while his 'sister' Genevieve is ill and recovering at the De Silver manor. Jean's old friend Daniel Webster Holdsworth, a member of the Assembly has brought him along as his guest. To a dinner organised in honour a member's retirement. Daniel hoped the dinner would distract Jean from his dark mood.

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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Genevieve De Silver
Posts: 98
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:00 pm
Topics: 11
Race: Galdor
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
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Sat Dec 28, 2019 7:06 pm

Evening, 15th Vortas. 2719
The banqueting hall was very grand, several long tables arranged parallel along its length.

The oak panelled room is lit with hundreds of candles in fine gold chandeliers and candelabra. Footmen in livery were bustling around the hall clearing the last of the dinner things and refilling the diners glasses.

Jean De Silver and Daniel Holdsworth sat at one of the tables around the middle of a row. Jean waited as a footman refilled his glass, scowling slightly at the fine glass as it was filled with a most excellent port. Daniel took a sip from his own glace and regarded his friend.

"Look here old boy, there must be someway to lift your failing spirits."

Jean sighed, then nodded his thanks to the footman and took up the glass and took a deep drink. The wine really was very good, but even that could barely lift Jean's heavy heart. What could he do about Genevieve? He had no desire to masquerade as her anymore, even his love of teaching could not bring him to do so. Daniel laid a reassuring had on Jean's black clad shoulder.

That evening Jean was dressed in his finest formal attire, black knee breeches, a tail cost in black velvet, royal blue stockings, a high collared waistcoat with silver buttons of the same hue, a black silk cravat, a snowy white high collared shirt and highly polished black shoes.

The outfit was accentuated by a silver and mother of pearl cravat pin and matching cuff links, a fine silver watch chain and his silver signet ring. His fine white blond hair was swept back from his high forehead with scented oil.

Jean turned his grey blue eyes to his friend and managed a wan smile, he covered Danial’s hand with is own.

"Thank you my dear friend, I am sorry I have been such dreary company."

Danial smiled, he was of a similar age to Jean, he was Anaxian through and through, his red hair worn long tied back with a black ribbon and a neat goatee beard. A narrow duelling scar ran down his left cheek, he was dressed in a finely made black suit.

No need to apologize old chap, I imagine you must be concerned for you sister, now now I know you and don’t exactly see eye to eye, but she is your only family.”

Jean let out a slightly tired chuckle, Danial had no idea how close he was, Jean squeezed his friend’s hand before taking up his glass once more.

"Ah Danial, you always were very good at reading me. Yes, you are right, I should really visit her. She has always been of a weak constitution."

He took a sip from his wine and looked around the room before speaking again.

"So, what happens next?"

Danial looked around the room himself and stroked his pointed beard.

“Well, I do believe now is the time for speeches. Thankfully due to my relatively lowly position, I don’t have to worry about that particular honour.”

Danial chuckled and took a sip from his own glass and then pointed towards one of the tables towards the head of the room and said.

“Ah ha, and it looks like it’s Incumbent Vauquelin’s turn.”

Out of curiosity, Jean looked up and followed Danial’s pointing finger and his mouth went dry and it took all of his skills and resolve to hide the reaction that flooded him.

For there standing plain as day was the man he knew as Tom, one of the very few people who knew Jean’s secret.


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