[PM to Join] Plotting, for banjos and other stringed instruments

In which Aodh pays a visit on Cat at her blacksmith's shop, to inform her of the plan he and Ava have hatched, inquire about the banjo he requested and also to practise his sign.

Open for Play
A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Aodh Elzo
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Tue Nov 26, 2019 7:05 pm


Morning, 23rd Yaris. 2719

Aodh had managed to get a couple of hours sleep in the end. He rose early, washed shaved and brushed his wild hair. From the chest in his took the faded tan leather waistcoat, grey collarless shirt and his brown corduroy work trousers. With his old workman's boots and battered cap he look like a labourer on his day off. As good as invisible in much of the city, to the jent at least.

Before he left he went to the hidden penal in the workshop wall and took out the pouch that held the money he had made from performing. It was a fair amount, he poured around half of it into a small pouch and stuck it in the inside pocket of his waistcoat.

As he left he paused to pick up his brass knuckles, folding knife and a lock pick. The folding knife went into the top of a boot, the brass knuckles into his waistcoat and the lock pick he hide under his broad belt. On his way up Hollow street he lit up a smoke and pulled the brim of his cap down against the glare of the morning sun.

By the time he reached the Kings Way market his boots were dusty and his throat was dry. Aodh stopped at a stall for a mug of black tea and a pastry, he could practically hear his old daoa.
'Spur ent no substitute fer yats young Aodh. Nah wonder you're al'gristle an' bone.'

He smoked another cigarette after he finished the black tea he walked over to the forge.

Aodh walked as if he didn't have a care in the world, just another tsat on streets crawling with them. He noticed where the patrols were though, as he always did, the green coated devils stood out a mile off. Their hubris and complacency would their downfall, Firebrand grinned then. He took one last drag on the cigarette and put it out and dropped it in a dustbin before heading into the smithy.

Aodh smiled broadly, pulled the cap from his head stuck it in his back pocket and gave a slight bow.

"Junta! Miss Cat. Far'ye this mornin'?"

As he spoke his hands formed the sign for good morning, a little haltingly but recognizable.

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Catriona Fraser
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Location: Vienda
Character Sheet: Catriona Fraser: The Smithy
Plot Notes: Cat's Plot Notes
Writer: GingerJSM
Writer Profile: Ginger's Writer Profile

Sun Dec 01, 2019 8:05 pm

23rd of Yaris • morning
It had been only seven days since Aodh had come by before. Not even a full tenday. Last night, Cat had found herself with a circular object that, if you turned your head just right, might resemble a banjo frame. But only just. It was her first try and it had gone rather poorly. The whole attempt now lay abandoned on a table in her workshop and she’d elected to buy some better quality materials for the final piece. But she had a ways to go before then.

This morning, she was outside working at her table outside while she waited patiently for some silver to smelt in the crucible. She liked to work on things outside as well in the hopes that curious onlookers might find themselves, and their purses, interested in her makings.

She was cutting tanned leather in a pattern of sorts. She didn’t really sell too much in the way of clothing but for herself, she only made her own clothes. The seams would be a bit sloppy and the hems a bit ragged but she was getting better. Now she was making some basic armor. Nothing too conspicuous, nothing crazy, just something to make her feel safer.

Cat was not a fighter by any means. But she was strong for her stature, the product of smithing day and night. Still she hoped to train, perhaps with the resistance, if she ever worked up the courage to seek them out. After the riots, during which Cat had helped the baker on the other side of the street gather people in his upstairs apartment, and the hangings, something inside Cat snapped. They’d killed innocent people, and not for the first time. From then on, Cat wanted nothing more than to help cut the galdori from their thrones. But her searching to find any piece of the resistance at that time had come up empty. And slowly, the fire had burned out and she’d returned to her daily work, just trying to get by.

But then recently the burning had begun again. Like molten metal, it swirled inside her, waiting to be cast into something that could pierce through the heart of any golly that dared to lord over the other races as if they owned them.

Her face grew grim with the thoughts in her head. She often did her best to push down the bitterness she felt for her station. But today seemed like it was going to be one of those days that she swelled on it. She hammered harder on the piece of metal and all but threw it into the water next to her anvil. It was at that moment that Aodh Elzo, the musical wick and, apparently, her defender, made his way toward her.

He waved, an exaggerated wave, and it took Cat a moment to realize he was signing. In an instant, all the bitterness washed off of her and her face broke into a grin. She returned the greeting, adding his sign name. “Hello, Aodh!”

She wondered that he couldn’t have learned much in the course of seven days but nonetheless she tested the waters, signing, “How are you today?”
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Aodh Elzo
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Mon Dec 16, 2019 8:28 pm

Morning, 23 Yaris, 2719

Aodh shot an interested glance at what Cat was working on before turning his full attention, seeing the grin light up her face he beamed. He took that for confirmation that he'd got the sign right.

Aodh watched Cat's answering sign closely, at seeing the sign for his name his smile grew wider, and hello he knew well enough. Then the next sign gave him brief pause.

"Aye, I'm well enough, thank ye. I hope you're well Miss Cat."

He rubbed the back of his neck then, a little self concisely.

"Miss Weaver kindly taught me some sign. I'm not sayin' I've the hang of it yet, but I'll try me best."

Speaking of Ava reminded him of his true purpose in coming here, he shot a quick and subtle glance around the street. He didn't want to speak of the plan they'd hatched out on the street.

"I was curious on how the banjo was comin'. I realised on ma last visit I didn't pay ya at all, to cover materials an' the like."

He glanced towards the door into the smithy, and gave a slight quirk of an eyebrow in signal to Cat.

Aye, best off the street he thought, his posture was still relaxed and casual.

"If yer busy, I could always come by later."

Aodh smiled, a thumb hooked in his belt the other pulled on the pointed beard on his chin. He regarde Cat and wondered about this woman, someone had hurt her and bad. To Aodh that was a great wrong, and he would do everything in his power to right that wrong. Somehow.

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Catriona Fraser
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Location: Vienda
Character Sheet: Catriona Fraser: The Smithy
Plot Notes: Cat's Plot Notes
Writer: GingerJSM
Writer Profile: Ginger's Writer Profile

Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:51 pm

23rd of Yaris • morning
Cat nodded in understanding and led him inside the workshop. The extra space from removing two tables made for much more comfortable sitting room. She motioned to one of the chairs and sat across from him, notepad at the ready. She wrote, looking rather sheepishly and handed it to him.
I’m afraid that actually making a banjo is not nearly as simple as one might think.
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Aodh Elzo
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Thu Jan 16, 2020 12:48 pm

Morning, 23 Yaris, 2719

Aodh followed Cat into the shop and closed the door behind them, taking care to remain nonchalant.
He took of his cap and stuffed it into a pocket on his way in, running a habd through his mass of hair.

He sat down at her bidding and waited as she wrote the note handed it to him. Aodh read it, smiled and looked up at her, his smile warm.

"Aye, I can imagine. I assure you Miss Cat I wouldn't have the faintest idea where ta begin."

Before he handed the note back he drew a pencil stub from his waistcoat and scrawled quickly.

'Safe to speak plain?'

His tone as he spoke was still relaxed.

"As I say, I've brought coin to pay fer materials an' such. There's no great rush, so take whatever time ya be needin'."

He handed Cat the note back and raised a bushy eyebrow.

Aodh was never sure who could be listening it was always better to be careful, than dead.

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Catriona Fraser
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Location: Vienda
Character Sheet: Catriona Fraser: The Smithy
Plot Notes: Cat's Plot Notes
Writer: GingerJSM
Writer Profile: Ginger's Writer Profile

Sat Jan 18, 2020 11:47 am

23rd of Yaris • morning
The new shop project had come to a halt for the moment. It seemed her Master had taken ill, and told her to hold off on any renovations. Still, Cat had been given enough that she had begun looking for an apartment away from the smithy. Having her own space, alone. A few weeks ago she would have called it a fantasy. To not have to sleep where she worked. Now it was a very real possibility as long as she could keep the money coming in.

Her dress was new, by her own standards. Cut from cotton that had been sitting, lying in wait to be made into curtains. Cat had decided instead to turn it into a shift. The material was soft enough and Cat knew her own measurements so well that it was certainly a good fit. Her boots were, however, quite worn and Cat resolves to spend her next bit of coin on a pair. The cobbler nearest her was quite frank when he said he had no interest in trade and Cat could understand that. Her hair was, as always, tied back and held up in a bandana made of the same material as her dress. Cat had little time for her looks. And with all the latest developments, she wasn’t sure she wanted to start now.

Cat knew why Aodh was really here but in the pit of her stomach, she wished it was only for a banjo. A part of her, the terrified part, wished she’d never made her frustrations known to the bard and the draper; wished that she had told them thank you and moved on. But she hadn’t. She’d looked for a friend in them both and they proved themselves to be so. That is, if Ava wasn’t still upset with her. Of course then the other part of her, the part that yearned for answers, just wanted to know if Aodh to kill the bitch and damn the consequences. Certainly she could find the line between those two feelings.

Cat looked down at the note and frowned slightly, nodding at Aodh. As far as she knew it was safe. There could be any number of reasons why it might not be but she couldn’t think of any off the top of her head. One beautiful thing about conversing on paper was that she never had to worry about being overheard, and all her conversations were burned afterward unless they had to do with business. Words of friendly conversation were meant to be no more kept than if they’d been spoken aloud. They should only live in someone’s memory.

She pulled out her own paper and pencil and wrote quickly. “Have you found anything?”
She handed it to him and then sat down in her own chair.
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Aodh Elzo
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Tue Jan 28, 2020 5:44 pm

23rd of Yaris , morning. 2719

Aodh lead forward slightly in the chair.

"Not yet, however we've a plan. I reckon it's already in motion."

He thought about Ava's plan to speak to her local street sweeper.

"I'm goin' to be watchin' the place, see what I can learn. An' when the moments right I'll be goin' in and I'll find everything and anything I can about what the jent bitch might have on ya."

Aodh stated it in a matter of fact way, with a solid certainty, these were not just words or a promise. These were things that would happen, facts.

He held up a hand and smiled slightly.
"I'll be careful, as I say, it's not the first gollymancers house I've cracked."

The wild haired wick paused then.
"Anythin' I find, that's relevant comes to you. I won't even read it more than needed, it ain't my place."

He sighed and looked away then, they all had their secrets after all.

Aodh looked thoughtful for a time, he wanted to tell her he was with the Resistance, we wanted to recruit her, give her the chance to fight back! However it wasn't his place, what right did he have to endanger her like that? He let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Epaemo Miss Cat, I wish I had more news. I shall o'course keep ya informed, an' if ya think'o anything else I can do, just ask."

Sitting back in the chair Aodh smiled warmly at Cat.

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Catriona Fraser
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Character Sheet: Catriona Fraser: The Smithy
Plot Notes: Cat's Plot Notes
Writer: GingerJSM
Writer Profile: Ginger's Writer Profile

Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:39 am

23rd of Yaris • morning
As he spoke, Cat stood again and paced for a minute. He spoke so assuredly, so certain that Cat wondered if there was ever an ounce of doubt in him.

She ran her hand through her hair and looked at Aodh, just in time to see him look away. She let him sit in silence, watched his face as he seemed to lose himself in thought. She, too, had her own thoughts. Thoughts that perhaps she should not be having this conversation. She was putting someone in danger. Someone who seemed all too willing to put himself at risk for her but nonetheless, she should tell him to let it go. Though, somehow, she doubted he would listen.

He asked her if she needed anything...did she? Or rather, did she want to ask the question on her mind?

She turned around again and began writing on the notepad she had at the ready. Once more, writing meant that pauses weren’t read, nervousness and stutters couldn’t be heard. If it took her a little longer to write, perhaps he might realize, but for the most part, it was easy to come off like she had no doubts in her wording when she could carefully pen it just so. Between the first set of words and the last there was a long pause. She handed it to him and waited patiently.

“Do you know about other people? People who might also need help?”

“I’m a smith, of course. I’m not good with a sword but I can make them just the same. And I’d like to do something. Something that matters.”

There it was...sort of. Short of writing down, ‘Do you know the resistance.’ She couldn’t be much more clear.

She gave him a meaningful look, one that spoke of her knowing that he would know what she meant. If he did know the resistance, then the regard he could give her some insight. If he didn’t, well, she doubted he would turn her in for asking. Not with his obviously unhappy disposition toward the galdori.
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Aodh Elzo
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Wed Feb 05, 2020 5:42 pm

23rd of Yaris, morning. 2719

When she handed Aodh he read in silence, face passive. Then he read it again and a understanding look came into the wicks angular face. 'She wanted to do something that mattered.' Aodh could understand that, hell it was why he was in this city.

He let out a slow breath through his nose and then nodded slightly. When Aodh opened his eyes he fixed Cat with an intense gaze, all pretence of the simple busker gone. He tapped the note with a slender finger and gave Cat a meaningful look.

"Aye Miss Cat, I reckon there's folk you've a need ta meet."

It wouldn’t be easy he knew, and she would have to earn her place and the Resistances trust, like he had.
However, her willingness to help was plain, and after all what mattered more than freedom.

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