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Re: [Closed] Laws and Customs (Titus)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 12:01 am
by Basil Ambrose Shrikeweed

Vienda - The Standard

The Thirty-Second of Loshis, thirty-six Minutes Past the Eighteenth Hour

he Inspector’s pipe suits the man. A solid thing in wood the color of old honey. A pipe for thinking. A pipe for concentration. The man handles it like an old friend. His movements are exact, economical, unhurried but fluid. This is a ritual he can complete many times. And it is a ritual. There is no mistaking it. Gods know he has enough of his own. Again he turns his glass, clockwise, anticlockwise, and clockwise again. A ritual for a ritual. His own have grown strange, uncomfortable. Futile gestures against chaos, entreaties for calm and equanimity of thought. They serve their purpose. They are not enough.

They are never enough.

The ritual of pipe is not one such. This is a ritual of comfort, perhaps of contentment. Whatever ghosts haunt the Inspector, ghosts raised by riot and by ruin, have not poisoned him so deep as to be robbed of this small comfort. Still, this is the Inspector’s place. His private office. At the Elephant, or behind the indigo door in Chancery, he might feel much the same. A man at home with himself, with the task at hand, with curious company.

“Purely hypothetically? I would approach such a situation of considerable caution. It may be nothing, it may be the tip of a very delicate iceberg. There is no sense in stirring up superiors without cause. The facts must be assessed, examined, scrutinized with as impartial an eye as can be had.” Ledgers upon ledgers, tedious manifests drawn up in equally tedious hands, reports, inspection notes, all of it he has gone over a dozen times. A maze of commerce, a labyrinth of figures. All of it is still swimming behind his eyes. His eyes are not impartial. They are seeking names, patterns of malfeasance.

The former still lurk in shadows. The later he has found in abundance.

“Then, I would begin compiling models that can explain the patterns in the paperwork, in the movements of persons and goods.” And then he would sit alone in his rooms, a snifter with sixty drops of hygeth dissolved in brandy at hand, and he would try to see the thousand threads tying everything together. He has done it all before. He will do it all again. What are conspiracies by policies enacted in secret? Policy can be analyzed, its effects determined with some degree of plausibility. What are the effects of a conspiracy? The effects that are meant to be unseen?

“I am not a man of action, Inspector.” At least not what is usually meant by such words. “But I know how to provide information to such men.” He gives a nod. “Their Majesties’ government likes to think of itself as an active and energetic force.” And so it is. Half the time it is acting against itself in a thousand ways with great energy indeed. “Even so, I require data, leads, information. The more the pattern we can see, the more we can imagine the shape of the missing pieces.” The ale in his glass has barely been touched. It is a drink to be savored slowly. Slowly, and alone. “I would begin with Balfour. Or rather, I would begin to try and peace together whoever it is that signs that name. We need to know who created Balfour, and why.” A small gesture toward the Inspector’s notebook, not quite a request, but near enough to make the intent clear. “Your notes would be invaluable. Your notes, and any other documents that cannot be easily requisitioned through normal channels.”

The notes alone are reason enough to stay in this dim and wood-smelling place. A long and quiet read. And just a little magic to fill in the gaps and speed his thoughts. It is reasonable. It is sound. It is excuse enough not to follow the Inspector to his lodgings. Already he is out of place and out of sorts. It will serve his fraying nerves not at all to be wholly within the Inspector’s power. The man may be no more than he seems, nothing but a fellow public servant. He has been wrong before. He cannot risk being wrong again. “It would perhaps be better if I remanded here, with your notes and my papers. In the time it takes you to shed the official costume and return, I may have something more. I may have something that neither of us saw within our own disparate investigations.” He may find nothing at all. Still, he needs time to think, time to assess.

“Besides,” he raises his glass with a half-smile, “I still have my glass to finish, and it is a most thoughtful brew.” He takes one more sip, letting the smooth bitter-sweet liquid play upon his tongue before a long and leisurely swallow.

“And just one more thing, Inspector” his colorless eyes narrow now, fixing the man as one might an insect in a collection, “Who was it that removed you from this case?”



Re: [Closed] Laws and Customs (Titus)

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:11 pm
by Titus Greycastle
The Standard Tavern. The Thirty-Second of Loshis
Smoke curled from Titus’ nostrils as he looked thoughtfully across at Shrikeweed as he pondered the question. He slowly took his pipe from between his teeth and placed it on the table and took up the tankard of amber ale and took a swig.

"Well the order came directly from my Division CO, Captain Haines, though where that order came from..."

He tapped the scarred and scuffed table top with a knuckle, the hint of a scowl pulled at his heavy brows.

"Although, I know he’s tight with Captain D’Arthe."

Titus did not trust D’Arthe, he hadn’t liked the man when he had been in Patrol Division when Titus had been a sergeant and Damen had been an Inspector.
However while he might not trust or even like D’Arth, there was a silent bond of loyalty to the Seventen that had been bred into him.

"I don’t trust the man Shrikeweed, never have."

Loyalty aside, if D’Arth was using his connections to the Seventen to fund or benefit from shady dealings then that broke any bonds, because that spat in the very face of the law.

Titus nodded gravely and was silent for a moment and then a slight smile pulled at his moustache before he picked up his tankard and drained the last of the ale.

"Now, I shall leave you my notebook here and go to my lodgings to change. I shall come back here."

Titus stood stuck his pipe back between his teeth and put on his uniform jacket buttoned and draped his greatcoat over his shoulders. As he left his cane clicked on the old boards of the tavern and he paused by the bar.

"Sarg, anything else Mr Shrikeweed wants goes on my tab."
On the way out into the sunlight he paused to place his hat on his head.