A Meeting of Minds

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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Boston Brilliant
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Writer: Nate
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Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:27 pm

Yaris, 3rd, 2718
Everything was nearly done.
The water was heating for the tea, sweet biscuits had been freshly baked, the shop had been swept, dusted, and overall cleaned. The closed sign had been put up, which something that rarely happened while Boston was still in the city. He made sure to keep the store open as long as he was there with only a few exceptions.

He made sure his back workshop was all organized, minus a the few schematics and inventions in work he had left out on the tables. He had left out the two gloves he was working on, as well as the cloth suit he had been sowing for the water-suit. The schematics would detail a long range of different inventions, one looked like a frame that went around someone’s body, another was something that looked like a gun, but at the muzzle of it there was a hook, and more.

Upstairs he ensured that there was not a spot or stain or any other form of damage to the main eating areas, though, he left the bedroom in its usual state, Boston found no real reason to clean that up. The washroom of course was tidied up and cleaned, ensuring that the towels had been cleaned. Everything had to go perfectly today.

If there was one thing Boston was not used to, it was company. By no means did he shun social activity or have any form of avoidance towards it, quite the opposite actually! He loved to socialize, he cherished the few bonds that he did have. The only people he was actually close to was his two co-workers, Tomlay and Olivia, his mother, Belle, and his younger brother, Brendon. There were also a few frequent customers and the blacksmith he had maintained a general chumminess with, but he wouldn’t call them friends. However, he generally didn’t create new lasting bonds nor was he good at finding them. Often, he was just busy. He didn’t have the time to go out and seek new friends. There was always too much to do in the day! Between thinking of inventions, making inventions, testing inventions, selling inventions, keeping a few inventions for himself! Time just escaped him during the day and it was so hard to create bonds during what little free-time he had.

Today was different, though. For once, he took the initiative and actually invited someone he had never met over to his home! Through word of mouth of a few of his customers Boston had heard tale of a metalworker who had their own place of business. It wasn’t quite inventing, but it was creating and that was enough! It was grounds to build a friendship and maybe they could enter some form of business deal! Of course, business wasn’t the goal, but it could be a byproduct!

He had decided to send this Gale Saunders a letter, inviting her over, and offering her tea, biscuits, show her some of his inventions, and just to have a general good time! It was hard having a business as a human and it was something they both could probably relate to! He had sent the letter out about a week ago and only received word two days ago stating her acceptance of his offer. Her was overjoyed and immediately started prepping his shop for the coming visitor. It was strange for Tomlay and Olivia to see him work in such a diligent manor to get his shop clean, he had usually been very lax about it. Olivia found it to be quite a relief as she was the one who usually tended to the shop. Tomlay, of course, did not help, but he cheered them on.

It was nearly noon now and Boston’s guest should be arriving soon. He awaited by the counter of his shop, quietly working on a pocket-watch he had started the other day. He could’ve finished the yesterday, but he was too distracted with his busy work to do so. Today, the watch had actually been done for some time, he just mindlessly worked at it, tightening gears and screws that didn’t really need to be tightened. He kept checking its time, adjusting it, and then thinking it was wrong and adjusting it further, only to change it back again.

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: Artful Gunner
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Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:10 am

Belle's Brilliance | Midday
3 YARIS 2718
A blast of cold stung at her features, intrusive and filling her senses. Eyes screwed shut, fingers clawing and rubbing, scratching in across her flesh. With a firm shake of the head she ripped her head out from the quenching trough and inhaled the air of the still forge. Brine water dribbled from her hair, eyes blinking in the low morning light. A deep breath, she submerged her head once more, adamant this time in stripping out the worse of the coal staining before she once more withdrew. The brine water was far from the best option, but it allowed her to remove the worst of it. Resting back on her haunches, she surveyed the rest of the quiet forge. Clothing had been scrubbed at last night, receiving a similar treatment as her hair, rinsed out with clearer water, before being hung to dry – which left her padding around her space with not much else. Her hand gave a testing touch of her shirt and found it stiff and dry. With a jug of clear water she rinsed the salt from her hair, before drying herself off with a rag. Cleaned, the layers were pulled on, everything tucked away and hidden from sight – it was the cleanest she had been in a while. Sorted she left the forge, locking it behind her and headed out to the destination of the day.

She had heard of Belle’s Brilliance, it was a store run by an inventor who enjoyed making a grand concoction of devices. Boston, the signed name, was not one familiar to her. Perhaps he was the current owner, she did not dwell too much on the thought. As time ticked on, Gale smoothed out her layers; damp hair was slicked back and quickly drying in the heat, buttons done up and sleeves rolled down. She held her coat across her shoulder; toolbox tucked under one arm with her tools clattering within. It was always good to take such with her, who knew what she may need out there.

Through the soot and smoke, she saw the occasional odd glances towards her. Steps walked many a time before, but normally covered in the marks of her trade. It made her in some regards difficult to recognize as the same person. The few that did however would no doubt guess that today it seemed Beckett’s son was off somewhere important – why else would he put some effort into his appearance?

For now however, she would have to work out the angle Boston was looking for. Was it just to show his inventions? To massage his ego? Or was he looking for something else? Sinister or otherwise? She paused briefly to check her matches and cigarettes were in her coat pocket, a familiar presence that gnawed at her. She ignored it best she could, strides growing as she made distance. Either way, her mind was made up – she would have to play it safe around this self-proclaimed inventor.

Reaching the store front, she gave it a firm look over – noting it was cleaner and better presented than her own. Though the forge was a dirty job, which was to be expected. Her gaze settled upon the closed sign, brow rising with curiosity before her knuckles rapped firmly upon the door. Her hand reached down to give a test of the handle, rolling tones of her voice calling out, while she attempted to sound as clear as possible and not return into the bad habits that working in the lower end of town gave her, “Uh, Mister Brilliance? Are you in? It is Gale from Saunders forge. Alright if I can come in?”
When the last of us will disappear
Like shadows into the night
The broken ones, the fighting sons
Of ignorance
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Boston Brilliant
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Writer: Nate
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Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:14 am

Yaris, 3rd, 2718color]
Boston nearly jumped out of his skin as he heard the bells of the door ring and the sound of a unknown voice calling him. He had been expecting both, but for whatever reason he was still caught off guard by it. For a few moments he just stood there, watch clutched tightly in his hand. He listened to it tick in his hand, second by second. For whatever reason, he felt uneasy. He did love social activity, but he was far from used to it.

He shook his head. He should back out of this now. Well, he could, but that would be the furthest thing from polite and he was looking to make new bonds. If he didn’t get this right then he’d miss out on a chance for a good friendship and possible business partnership. He mainly wanted a friend out of this, but business would be a nice addition, something to strengthen the bond! That’s right! That’s how it would go! He’d befriend Gale, they’d be able to do business, and perhaps even meet for weekly tea! The plan was set. It was just missing a few key details and steps.
The best way to start that bond would be to actually let her in. It was only making it worse by making her wait over by the door and not making any attempt to invite her in or open the door! It had probably been a good thirty…forty seconds he went on his long-winded internal rambling…he always did that…the mental rambling. Also external. He was a person who rambled often.

He was doing it again…

He sighed and quickly hopped over the counter, leaving the watch there as he went, and hurried over to the door. He quickly swung it up, a very enthusiastic, kind smile. He looked to Gale, giving a small bow of his head. “Miss Saunders! A pleasure! Thank you for coming!” He held the door open for her, his head rising up as his arm swung outward, presenting the shop to her. “Please come in, I hope my humble shop is acceptable! I know you come from a fine foundry and I tried to make it as presentable as I could!”

The shop itself was small, but well-spaced. It had a cluttered feel, but it was organized clutter. The shelves on the walls held different inventions, devices, and tools! Clocks and watches! Different kinds of toys which, when spun, would move on their own! Music boxes with different and intricate designs! A wide variety of astronomy tools that were as clean as a whistle! Besides them were seafarer’s tools, things perfect for any sailor! And finally, there were lanterns and lamps, all unlit, but ready to be used at a moment’s notice! But there were more items than that! There were four small islands in the center of the room! Upon each of these islands there were slightly larger and generally more sought-after items! There were pressurized crossbows on one, phonographs and spectrographs on another, a few typewriters across from the phonographs and spectrographs, and on the last island there were a few explosives, though they would obviously be defused!

Boston seemed to smile proudly as he looked around his shop, his gaze finally landing on Gale. If she had entered Boston would’ve followed her in and would linger at the crossbow central island, which he would casually lean into. Regardless of whether or not she entered he’d give another nod of his head and begin to speak in a very calm and casual tone. “So! How do you like it?” The look on his face would now be one of energic anticipation. “This is my pride and joy, and yeah, I know a lot of it is of a simple nature I am in the works for some originals! Though, those are back in the workshop behind the door over there!” He motioned over to the door. “That’s also how we get upstairs! I have some tea and biscuits up there if you’re interested!” He gave one last nod before bringing his hands behind his back.
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: Artful Gunner
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Writer: Crosspatch
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Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:47 am

Belle's Brilliance | Midday
3 YARIS 2718
For the longest while there was nothing, a long lasting quiet. From it though, came the shuffle of movement before with seemingly too much enthusiasm. That paired with the use of the word ‘Miss’ caught the smith off guard. A blink, a brief glance downwards, skin momentarily prickling with concern. Most would have seen a boy, or a young man – but he did not, and that made Gale uncomfortable.

“No need to go out to shout at the street,” There was a long, cursory glance of the man. The almost awkward nature, the curling of lips, energy resisting bursting forth. The smith shuffled in, hunching slightly as the man with all his energy all but threw himself about the room. Too close, her gaze moved around the various clutter of inventions, away from the overly cleansed man, and to the stock on display. He clearly made a lot of things, all ready for collection, selling and displaying at a moment notice. Her gaze paused and hovered briefly over the crossbows, a small mental note that he openly sold weaponry and explosives.

I wonder how the Galdori feel about that.

“Your store. It is…” Gale frowned, searching the mind for the correct word, “Very clean. And full of a lot of… things?” She was not sure the correct words to use – but it was clear on the surface at least, that Benton was using the opportunity to show off. She may have recognised the typewriter, but the various other tools were distinctly alien to her, “I mean, clear you well. Make a lot of things. And run tight. Not sure what half the stuff you ‘ave here is though. So uh…” she shrugged, “My foundry isn’t that fine. It works, does what I need it to do. Got a permanent stain from smoke and soot. None of this… humble front.”

This is anything but humble. I wonder if he has anyone working for him?

The coat was pulled in slightly closer. Noting the gesture of the inventor, she gave an awkward nod back, “Sure. As you want? I mean, I don’t really get what is the correct thing to with stuff like this. You’re the host, so going to follow your lead… and try not to break anything,” The fingers were wiggled in taunting, “Thick smith hands, kind of clumsy on the delicate,” The orbs swivelled around him, “Though, got one question for you. How’d you work it out?” The free hand gave a point back to herself, “Most see a boy or know me as that. How’d you get through that so quick?”

A clear difference was between the pair; where Boston was full of vigour, Gale was more reserved. While he was enthusiastic, she was cautious. They were both clearly products of very different upbringings – not that she could hold that against him too much. He took advantage of what was given to him, nothing more, nothing less. She gave a shrug, “I mean, s’not a problem. Just… don’t go blurtin’ it out. Got an appearance to keep up.”

She shifted along towards the door that lead onwards. There was a brief pause to take a closer look of the typewriter, head turning to get a better angle of where the paper was fed in – a useful design that had revolutionized the written word. Or at least, those privileged enough to be literate. The fingers twitched, curious and considering touching – yet chose against it.

“So, you invent – lots of tools, and stuff. I mean, I mainly work metal to make pieces – not necessarily to go together mind. Or that kind of complicated,” she nodded towards the typewriter, “Like, how many pieces are in it? Hundred? Or different materials. It’s interesting.” She offered a shrug, clearly floundering on what to say, “What you working on currently?”
When the last of us will disappear
Like shadows into the night
The broken ones, the fighting sons
Of ignorance
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Boston Brilliant
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Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Nate
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Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:07 pm

Yaris, 3rd, 2718
A compliment!

That was a good start! It wasn’t the comments he was used to, a tinge bit of oddness to it, but that only meant it was all the more endearing! He couldn’t make much of a reply to her comment on her foundry, he had never laid eyes upon it. His original compliment had originally been one based off of assumption, though he tried to sound meaningful in it. At least he wasn’t completely called out on it…

He let out a small, quick laugh at her comment and wiggling of fingers. Though, he was caught a bit off guard by the question, which only made him laugh a bit more, this time nervously. He brought a hand to the back of his head and dove his fingers through his mess of hair, clutching it slightly.

“Ah! That! Well…” he cleared his throat slightly, hoping that he did not come off as rude or presumptuous, “A few of regulars had made mention of ya, identifying ya as a man. It wasn’t brought to my attention until a single patron labeled ya as a girl. She said you didn’t have the eyes of a man, that no man could have them so you must be a woman.” He shrugged, “I trusted her, she knows people well, and seeing you I would have to agree, I think?”

He gave her a thoughtful, trying to measure it for himself. He wasn’t quite sure as he looked into her green eyes, but he could sort of see what his patron meant. Not really knowing what else to add to that he gave a shrug and smiled casually. “And don’t worry, I won’t go spreading it around. I have secrets myself I’d rather people not know.”

He watched as she moved and then get caught up on the typewriter. He designed it to be a little lighter weight, easier for travel and whatnot. It was hard to remember exactly how many pieces, he closed an eye trying to remember, his expression becoming more thoughtful, losing his smile. His gaze shifted over to the typewriter, trying to remember the specific construction that it took to craft it. “I think…roughly two-hundred eighteen? Twentyish? Somewhere along those lines. So, not too much! It’s pretty simple!” He shook his head looking back to her, smiling again.

He nodded towards the door leading onward. “Ah! I can show you! It’s nothing too amazing, sadly, mainly personal interest projects!” He opened it for her and waited for her to enter. Inside the next room there would be three workbenches. The bench to the right held a series of paper, schematics detailing different things! A few of the notable ones consisted of different limbs in different positions, something looked like a full body suit with a bulbed head, something that resembled a gun, but much thinner and had a canister on the back of it, and some really rough sketches of a vehicle.

On the bench to the left and next to the door which led upstairs, there was just a few parts and boxes which most likely contained more parts. There was also a small sign above the bench which read “Parts”. It was rather bland compared to final bench which held the few devices which Boston was currently working on. A few schematics hung on the wall in front of it! There was that same suit on the schematic bench, though this was better detailed. Besides it was a glove with a strange contraption on the back of the hand. The last schematic was of what looked to be…a dragon head with a stick coming from the butt end of the head?

On the bench itself there was a bulb head made of metal and a glove with several parts attached the back of it. Both looked far from done, but it would be apparent of how much work and parts were being put into them. Boston moved over to the bench and held up the glove to her.

“My hope is…” He started, his smile softening as he looked at it. “To make a glove that can emit flames from it, a weapon of sorts.” He put it back down on the table and sighed. “It doesn’t shoot flames yet, not dangerous yet, but! I don’t think it’ll be for market, this is solely for my own personal reasons. An old childish desire that was never realized.”

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: Artful Gunner
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Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:31 am

Belle's Brilliance | Midday
3 YARIS 2718
Gale hummed. She was not completely satisfied if she was sure of the answer, a single brow rising as she studied him and his reaction – but she did not dwell too much upon it. There was little point in allowing herself to be upset by his noticing, more so as he understood the needed tact around such a subject. Secrets however made the back of her mind itch. Everyone had secrets, but no one liked to openly admit to having them. She shrugged, “Aye, I understand.” On the subject of the typewriter and the pieces put into it, she turned her head with some curiosity, Not too much? Con-tary, that’s a lot in comparison to my work. I’m considered busy if I get a half dozen parts in one thing. But, that be the differences between you and I.”

Two-hundred and twenty odd? Blooming heck. He is in a completely different field to me. And a smug git with it.

The room beyond – personal projects or otherwise – tickled the interest of Gale regardless. Head craning over the papers, she did not miss the distinct shape of the firearm being drawn out. It made part of her crawl, what did he know? How much did he know? Was she invited to help him with such a project? Who had slipped up and spoken about Gunner, again?

The parts overlooked, the attention turned to the actual projects that were being made. A small lean closer, she inspected the bulb head – iron or steel, or perhaps a dirty brass, she was not quite sure – was it designed to maintain something? Keep something under pressure or within a particular environment? Her fingers rubbed at her jaw, contemplating it while Benton spoke about the other project. The orbs swiveled away, regarding him and his very vocal intentions.

“Shoot flames?” she repeated, “You trying to mimic the Gollies? I mean, they sure have their neat tricks with their whatyamacallit… magic,” A finger scratched at her jaw, “I mean, you’d need somethin’ that sprays a constant stream of flammable material – probably with a pre-lit flame, unless you want to try and ignite it with a spark.” Her head turned to look to the glove, “Though, guess you could try somethin’ similar for spreading any liquid substance – being able to with a more equal coat over would be useful and less back break for some, am I right?” She let the thought hang there, before she gestured to the metal bulb, “Guessin’ his is a helm of some form – and goes with the suit drawing. What’s it for? I mean, it looks kind of bulky to wear for public.”

Did he want her to ask questions? To throw thoughts at him? Or was he after something else entirely? It was hard to read the intention of the smiling man – so, she applied her mind and began to feel him out with words instead, “You got an odd looking design over there, thin looking – kind of reminds me a little of the back of your crossbows. Trying to fire somethin’? What is that? I mean, the other looks like some overloaded cart – not sure what your aim is there though.”

Let him talk himself out, let him give before you even think about giving back.
When the last of us will disappear
Like shadows into the night
The broken ones, the fighting sons
Of ignorance
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Boston Brilliant
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Writer: Nate
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Sun Nov 11, 2018 6:35 am

3 Yaris 2718color]
Boston did his best to keep an eye on Gale as he showed her his workshop, trying to get a good idea of what she was taking interest in. He rarely got to show off his workshop and he wanted to see what captured people’s interests. There may even be something among all the items that could really capture her interest and potentially lead into them making some form of business deal.
That would be a good a way to strengthen a bond.
When she got to the flame gauntlet his eyes lit up. He nodded, rotating it in his hand so he could better show off the back of the hand. “You’re exactly right! Both in terms of me wanting to impersonate the Galdori and in how it functions! The idea is to use a spark to ignite a stream of gas. There will be a pressure plate or a handle that can be activated that will cause the gas canister to slide forward which will both open a small hole on the back of it to release gas and cause a spark further down the gauntlet to ignite it.” He thought a bit more on her comment, “Though, I haven’t thought of a liquid spread. That may be a better way to work on it. I’ve been having some problem with the ignition, I may be going about it wrong.”
He set down the glove and nodded towards the helm. “Yep! Right again!” He let out breath, relieved that someone else could finally understand his work so well, “It isn’t for public attire though. I am trying to craft a suit that allows someone to walk on the floor of bodies of water. It will provide the means to survive beneath the water. Or…at least, that’s the intended goal. It is a bit hard to test out, been trying in a bath tub, but it is still in the testing phase.”
He went over to the table and tried to see which schematics she was referencing. She seemed like the sort with a lot of questions, something that was quite enjoyable for Boston. Once he caught a glimpse of what she was asking about he rubbed his chin a bit, grinning. “Ah! Yes, it uses the same build as a crossbow, but with a new function! I call it a Nail-Gun! It should do the job of a hammer without all the fuse! Just aim and shoot the nails into the wood! It would make construction projects all the simpler!”
He shifted through the papers a bit, passing through a few other schematics, there was another glove which seemed to have a firing mechanism, a balloon looking device, and then the vehicle page. “This one is the furthest from completion. I am still working on how it would to begin with, this is more so of a rough idea sketch.” He cleared his throat some, “This is, or my hope for it is, a horseless carriage. A way of traversing the land without the use a horse or air travel, just machinery. I’ll figure that one out as I go along.”
He turned back to her, smiling. It was nice to have someone so curious. He folded his hands behind his back, “Would it be alright if I asked you some queries? I am happy to answer any further questions you may have, but there are some things I am curious about your work.” He rubbed his forehead a bit, “Ah! My apologies!” He motioned to the staircase that lead upward, “I have some tea if you rather have this discussion over some of that! Though, if you are not thirsty or in the mood for tea, not a worry.”

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: Artful Gunner
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Writer: Crosspatch
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Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:56 am

Belle's Brilliance | Midday
3 YARIS 2718
He was hovering, or more circulating the current draw of his attention. Which in this case was Gale. She let him twitter away, ideas spilling out freely and brushing against her senses. While each was an interesting morsel to consume and contemplate, they were not things that currently aligned with her work. Still, his enthusiasm smothered the current atmosphere, allowing her to collect and create mental freeze frames of information. Which, in turn allowed her to grant her own insight, “You should look at the fancy cigarette lighters some folk ‘ave, they work through making a spark. Probably could do somethin’ similar.”

Much like the mechanics of the flintlock rifle. A sudden strike down would spark and ignite the powder. But he does not need to know such details.

With the explanation of the diving suit, the smith held it in regard. It was a curious thought, but how would one be able to breathe? There would be limited air, surely people would sooner suffocate than use it effectively. Digits stroked her chin, “Could always go test it in the what ya call it, the Garden with all the animals in Uptown. Ain’t they got massive tanks up there with fish in? Mean if you’re serious about it that is. Kinda public space to test it.”

The so called Nail-Gun caused a raise of the eyebrow. Part of her twitched, the use of gun was normally reserved for firearms – so hearing it on something mundane caused the brow to dip into a frown. That paired with the additional illegality of gunpowder and the related, she imagined it would only be a matter of time before someone got the wrong idea and brought the consequences hammering down on him. Besides, the device for the most part seemed impractical. One nail at a time, each requiring their own individual loading; by the time the device was opened up and loaded a normal hammer would have done the job. Of course, that was ignoring the prospect that he could load multiples at a time. It was a grey area that Gale was not about to immediately involve themselves in. It brought too much risk and brought them too close to who they really were.

Gale passed over it, affixing their attention solely on the proposed horseless carriage. That was one to try and wrap the head around. The mind searched for an equivalent, mechanically trying to piece it all together before coming to a firm halt, “So. Like one of the steamships, but on land and smaller?” She paused, face twisting to the side as she regarded the drawing properly, “But on wheels.”

The smith shrugged, “Perhaps, maybe, on the tea. I’m kind of practical. Like to work things out with my hands. That’s a bit ‘ard to draw from. Mean, how’d you power it? Steer it? Wait, ‘pologies, gettin’ head of you ‘nd myself. You’re clearly still workin’ it all out.”

“Depends on the queries,” Gale began, the head nodded towards the staircase and she made moves to follow, “If it’s about how I get good deals on my metals or my customers, got to put that down to trade secrets.’nd I take ‘em very seriously. Course, other things? We’ll see. To answer a first, I work metal – not just iron mind, steel, brass, bronze, different alloys and what not. Least, on the basis the customer pays. And, you guessed it, all in a forge. So hot furnace and crucibles. Not as big a deal as the mills mind, but smaller things.” The hands rested in the comfort of their pockets, “What you got on your thoughts?”
When the last of us will disappear
Like shadows into the night
The broken ones, the fighting sons
Of ignorance
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