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Re: [Open] Of Cleaning and Culture

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:21 pm
by Ezre Vks
The Laundries
Early Morning on the 79th of Roalis, 2719
The Hoxian, while outwardly unemotional and aloof, was a sensitive enough creature to the body language and tones of voice used by others to see that his choices were causing various levels of distress in the two young passive women he'd already disturbed. His choices were too far out of their comfort zones, limited as that comfort already was for gated servants, and Ezre had been raised to be courteous to the needs of all people, not just when burying their dead. He sighed, just stubborn enough to at least take the effort to finish washing the linens he'd already taken, aware that he'd apologized too many times already to those who would have otherwise been deemed not worth the sentiment by the majority of his Anaxi (and Hoxian) peers,

"I do not believe it is your station to tell me what I should and should not do." The dark-haired boy smirked then, an expression of more humor than authority warming his otherwise delicate, tattooed face, "But I do not wish to put you at risk of unnecessary discipline should your peers report you have willingly allowed a galdor to do passive work."

Ezre was so very soft-spoken even with the lilt of sarcasm lacing his consonant-heavy Hoxian accent, harder sounds throaty and softer sounds airy like the wispy nature of his Clairvoyant-laden field.

He was aware of Anaxi standards of propriety, though for the most part he chose to simply step lightly around them, the lighter undershirt thin enough fabric to give far more of a glimpse of the intricately inked lines that decorated his entire self made more obvious once he was elbow-deep in hot water and sweaty from the humid room. This Kingdom was just too warm and he'd been home just long enough that he was forced to ignore a wave of dizziness.

Setting the sheets he'd cleaned in direct rebellion to the pair of young women's ardent request aside for wringing out, he turned his attention to his own clothing, which did not contain a single uniform. He was not looking forward to donning it again in Yaris after nearly an entire season spent avoiding it's confining green heavily-gendered ugliness,

"Is conversation allowed while working or should I keep quiet?" The Hexxos Guide had curiosities and little opportunity to satiate them, quite aware that he most likely wouldn't find himself in amicable passive company again even if he came to do his laundry often enough. Most of the time, no one spoke to him, and yet perhaps it was because these two were so very close to his age and he'd quite interrupted their lives that he found himself in any position to talk at all.

Not entirely waiting for an answer either way, Ezre thought to edge nto his usual interests without much subtlety because using words superfluously at all was not a Hoxian strong point outside of opera and poetry,

"Neither of you have ever been to the East Garden, have you? Are there places on Brunnhold's campus that you have been told to stay away from for unusual reasons?" There was something about the inflection of his question that implied he wasn't asking because such a location was off-limits for legal reasons so much as for strange ones. It was an odd question—sudden and direct—but it wasn't as though the dark-haired boy had behaved normally yet anyway.

Re: [Open] Of Cleaning and Culture

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 6:45 pm
by Aurelie Steerpike
Even if Ezre had meant for his reminder of their place to be more of a joke than a rebuke, Aurelie was flooded with contrition. Perhaps not Bernie--Aurelie wondered how she had managed to go seven years at Brunnhold without learning to control herself in this way.

"No we didn't... Er. C-Conversation is fine! I'm--we're sorry, we didn't mean to..." Aurelie covered her own embarrassment with work, taking the ready excuse to not look at Ezre directly and avoid having to feel quite so certain that her every thought was written out in her expression. Bernie fell into a rhythm beside her, both of the young women letting years of habit take over and guide their movements.

Ezre's next question was direct, quick on the heels of the first, and Aurelie was taken aback. Something about the manner in which he asked it made Aurelie wonder at the purpose of the question. Perhaps because everything about his manner was unusual to begin with, or maybe because they were not too terribly far apart in age, she felt a little more comfortable giving him a response than she might have otherwise.

"I haven't been to the East Garden, no," she answered slowly, chewing over her thoughts. Nobody had to tell her not to go there, either. The whole place gave her the creeps; she was more than happy to comply. "As for, er, unusual reasons..." What was an "unusual" reason by his standards? Everything about the young man himself was strange. So would a normal reason be unusual then, or was he asking for unusual by their own perceptions?

"The Crypts?" Bernie offered hopefully from beside her. Aurelie nodded--yes, they were not precisely invited there. Nor would she want to be, truthfully. Aurelie could never decide how much faith she had in the idea of ghosts, having never seen one, but it seemed best to err on the side of caution. Also, she hadn't much reason to be there. Or anywhere, really, that wasn't her room, the kitchens, or, well, here in the laundries. Other duties carried her around Brunnhold from time to time, but that was rare.

Aurelie thought of the little bench on which she did her sewing practice, but for once kept her tongue and didn't mention it. That wasn't forbidden, anyway--no more than spending her time at leisure anywhere was forbidden. So it didn't precisely qualify.

"There's the old gymnasium...? We aren't to go there--though I have never known why." Likely the reason was just that the building was derelict, the student body having long outgrown this particular facility's capacity. It had been kept for overflow classes, or special events, but in her ten years at Brunnhold she had never once known it to see any use. There was a very good chance it should have been condemned, but as it was rather out of the way nobody had gotten around to doing so. She had heard of an injury or two when some young students took it upon themselves to go exploring. As Aurelie couldn't be certain of the reason it was off-limits, she thought it was worth the mention.

Re: [Open] Of Cleaning and Culture

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:37 pm
by Ezre Vks
The Laundries
Early Morning on the 79th of Roalis, 2719
Ezre didn't apologize for the embarrassment of strangers, hardly sorry for flustering a pair of servants with his honesty. These two seemed outspoken, and while his Anaxi peers might have found such attitudes unsavory or undesirable in gated passives, the Hoxian couldn't help but admire their strong desire to be themselves despite the cultural weight stacked against them. Traditional belief in his homeland went even further, believing passive offspring the result of some moral transgression on the part of their family, whether their parents or further back in their heritage.

Considering all he'd come to know of the Cycle in its brokenness, Ezre couldn't bring himself to trust such a theory as true. That didn't mean he considered passives safe, even if he might have recognized their inescapable relation to galdorkind. It presented a strange dilemma, honestly, and he had yet to figure out how to reconcile all of it into his very limited, still so achingly small worldview.

It was easier to change the subject than to linger on social justice, especially considering how willingly the dark-haired student joined the servants in their work. He was a galdor, that much was true, but as a Hexxos, he wasn't entirely viewed with favor by his own kind—the handling of corpses carried its own stigma, lesser though it was to the absence of perceived magical ability.

"The Crypts are a bit dangerous, zjai. Supernatural activity there is well-documented, though due to a lack of educated concern, the warnings go largely unheeded." Ezre was matter-of-fact, as if belief in ghosts was as natural as the sting of lye against skin. He spoke as if he knew from personal experience, also, confident in his understanding without even the hint of humor in his tone of voice, "I haven't heard any rumors about the old gymnasium, but I will assume that your kind—that the gated passive population of Brunnhold has access to places that I, as a student, may not always have opportunity to see. Of course, the reverse is also true, unfortunately. I am certain there are placed you would like to go and cannot."

He didn't apologize for his separative language, still working through each piece of his personal laundry with his delicate features naturally inexpressive and his tone too calm and even to be actually insulting. It was easier to fall into a comfortable rhythm together in general quietude than to press further into racial tensions, each of them simply doing their respective duties even though no one would have ever made such demands of the Hoxian galdor had he not also made them of himself,

"I take it neither of you have been there—to the gymnasium, that is. There are possibly any number of reasons you could be disallowed—it could be in need of destruction, it could simply no longer need service, it could be housing secret research, or it could be haunted. All of those seem like viable excuses, in my opinion."

He'd make small talk until there wasn't much left to say, which for Ezre probably happened sooner rather than later since he had no idea how to relate to Brunnhold's gated population and was already not a young creature shaped to make random conversation. Instead, he'd finish his own laundry before reaching for more linens, making sure that the two passives didn't have to do all the work themselves. He was persistent and efficient, going so far as to make sure that the sheets he'd made a mess of were completely rewashed before he began packing up his things with all the intention of hanging them to dry back in his dorm.

The Hoxian was aware he'd kept them long past their normal shift, and so when it came time to pack things up and prepare to part, he made sure to remind himself mentally of the two passives' names,

"I will make sure to put in a good word with a Matron. It would be a shame for either of you to receive discipline on my behalf."

Re: [Open] Of Cleaning and Culture

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:14 pm
by Aurelie Steerpike
Aurelie surpressed the urge to shudder a little at the phrase "supernatural activity". Ezre had mentioned it as casually as one discusses the weather. A trip to the Crypts was not ever really on her agenda, but she was quite happy to keep it that way. Especially when Ezre sounded so confident that there was something to be afraid of, after all. No, Aurelie Steerpike was willing to keep such things out of her life entirely. Even if she was, now, terribly, slightly curious. A great many things were the subject of curiosity for her, and she ignored those too. Usually.

Your kind. The student was strange, it was true, but not so strange as all that, it seemed. She wouldn't have expected anything else, but to an Aurelie who had been thinking so much lately on the idea of her kind, it stood out. Something bitter and sour was on the edge of her tongue when he mentioned "places they would like to go". The statement was made so blithely, so evenly, that it was somehow more insulting than if he had been trying to rile either of them up. A strangled sound escaped her, though she wasn't sure either Bernie or Ezre could have heard it.

Oh? Like off of University campus you mean? Or--much of anywhere, unsupervised? Aurelie was very tempted to say it. Tired and restless as she was, it would have been very, very easy. What, she wondered, would this strange young man have to say to that? Picturing it gave her a kind of grim satisfaction, no matter the scenario she conjured. Aurelie bit her tongue to contain such a thing behind the safety of her teeth. Better to just settle into the rhythm of the work and pretend she hadn't heard him say it.

Her suggestion of the gymnasium had been something of a stretch, even when she made it. Really, the first reason was the most likely--that the building should have been torn down, or at the very least was badly in need of repairs. Secret research or being haunted seemed like more the subject of rumor than reality. Aurelie turned this picture over in her mind as well. Ghosts and mad scientists. It was too fantastical for her to believe. Although it would certainly be more interesting than what was likely to be true, were either of those the case.

Conversation hit a lull, and Aurelie was glad of it. She was tired, and hadn't much energy left for strange young men and their stranger requests. Ezre was efficient, for which she was grateful. Bernie was less so, but Aurelie picked up her roommate's slack and in time they were back to where they had been before. Only a small diversion, in the end.

"Oh--! Er, thank you--I'm... Hmm." Aurelie wanted to wave off the offer, as that seemed only polite, but, well. She had been pressing her luck with Matrons far and wide, of late. Surely a good word or two wouldn't go amiss. She did prefer to avoid trouble, if she could manage it.

"Thank you also for--for the assistance. If you ever need--well. Ah. That is to say... Hmm." Aurelie wanted to offer--something. A favor, perhaps. But the idea died before she could really articulate it. What did a favor mean from someone who had to do what you asked to begin with? And truly, she only had the one skill. She didn't even know why she wanted to offer anything, other than it seemed like she should. Aurelie came to a fumbled silence, poorly covered by the labor of packing the linens back to take to the other room to dry.

"Have a good day, sir," she said at last, linens loaded and work complete. Bernie echoed her and both young women bowed as they should. They would wait for him to leave first, and then depart themselves. To finish this work, and then on, of course, to more.