[Open] [Event] (Y5, morning) Pistons and Pedals [PAUSED]

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Abeline Ixbridge
Posts: 20
Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:35 pm
Topics: 4
Race: Galdor
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Writer: rillani
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Sun Oct 27, 2019 12:35 am

Yaris 5th. Morning. Outside the Stacks.

The debate had raged within Abeline for days. Was it better to see the first locomotive in Anaxas come to a stop in the station, or was it better to see it in action on the tracks? If she had grandchildren, what would she want to tell them? That she saw a hunk of metal disgorge a few muckity-mucks--or that she had raced along side the fire-breathing behemoth herself, on her bicycle?

Atop a small hill outside the stacks, she heard the whistle and supposed the matter was settled. Steam crested a distant stand of trees, and soon the beast itself hauled into view. Though it appeared to move slowly from this distance, she knew, intellectually, that it was fast approaching.

She hopped on her bicycle, which she'd had freshly painted for this occasion, and steeled herself. The tracks went right alongside this new road. It had been paved for the workers, many of whom lived in the stacks, and many of whom were on the hill today. Indeed, she was far from alone here, nor was she the only cyclist. Thankfully, the crowd was clustered at the top, facing the train, and Abe planned to speed downward as the train passed.

The way should be clear.


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