[Memory] Study Period

Sneaky stacks fun times with Mister Valentin

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Charity Valentin
Posts: 129
Joined: Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:41 pm
Topics: 23
Race: Galdor
Location: Vienda
: The voices aren't real, right?
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Raksha
Post Templates: Post Templates

Sun Jul 29, 2018 2:58 am

10th Hamis, 2707
”Quantitative conversation is a vastly more accurate subset of clairvoyant conversation, involving numbers and measurements. It is a subset of Perceptive and Clairvoyant conversation that conveys questions about the natural world and manifests answers directly within the caster's mind. Holding this in regard, explain how Quantitive conversation works, in two hundred and fifty words or more.” Charity read the paragraph in the thick leather lined text book out loud, laying stomach down on the unmade sheets of Rhys bed with the text book and a journal open in front of her. Her legs were crossed at the ankles, bent up to swing lazily in the air above her, quill twirling back and forth in her fingers. Her other hand almost unconsciously curled a lock of platinum hair around and around, mind focused on the magical questions at hand. Groaning and dropping her forehead into the open book for a second, the teenager looked over at her friend with a sigh.

“You’re so much better at this Rhys, help me make it sound good. In fact, just do the whole clocking thing for me, please?“ Sighing, Charity lowered her legs and rolled onto her back, ankles still crossed and propping on her elbows to watch the taller boy pull his thoughts together. They both had essays to hand in tomorrow, and whilst the blonde girl may have had her monic phrasing’s written out, she still needed to complete the mind numbingly boring theoretical component. At least her study buddy was also her best friend. Tilting her head to rest on one shoulder, the young pianist fluttered her lashes with an innocent grin, speaking in her most winsome convincing voice.

“I’ll write your monite homework for a week if you do. I get monite. I don’t get all this...chatter.” She said with a roll of her eyes, gesturing vaguely at the books with a quick shift of her hand and another sigh.

“I swear Professor Higgins literally wants us all to die from boredom.” Charity complained again, before grinning and sitting up on the edge of his bed, pausing for a moment as though contemplating her next words. The blonde had been spending a lot of time with the boy, and whilst they both knew they wanted more from the friendship, neither had taken any steps to progress past ‘the friend zone’. She herself knew that her father would never accept anything more than a passing acquaintance with Rhys, but then what her father didn’t know couldn’t hurt her. It was a dangerous line the teenagers walked, and perhaps in the corners of her mind Charity knew that, but it was difficult not to make excuses when she was so captivated by blue eyes and charming grins.

“Hey! So! We should go into the Stacks, like right now! It’s only mid day, and we could be back before curfew. We could visit the Brass Uncle and try a Starfly with those cute little umbrellas in them! Ooh and Half-Moon. You know that human does the best lemon and beet cakes. Maybe with Diaxio and Kent?” She purposefully left Jenowynn off the unspoken invite, not particularly fond of the red head that seemed to be first to have a dig at the taller boy. Sitting straighter, Charity’s violet eyes sparkled with excitement. Clearly she had given the casual suggestion a lot of thought.

“Or by ourselves. I could ask Xi to cover for me in the rest of my classes today. I’ve only got a double block of history after this study period.” A thrill of rebellious delight curled in her stomach, knowing how very badly things could go if her father found out she’d gone to the Stacks with a boy, but also so very keen to get out and be a normal teenager. It felt like she was the only galdor in all of Anaxas that wasn’t allowed to hang out, or visit the Stacks, or spend time with boys that weren’t on a Father Approval List.

“I mean, you know, if you want to. I’m sure you’ve got plans today as well. Probably.” Charity very well knew what his plans were, practically living in the boys back pocket.

“But you know, whatever, it’s just a suggestion, I’m cool if we don’t.” She shrugged, tilting her head to rest on the other shoulder and swinging her foot so her shoe tapped gently against his own, glancing up with a slow grin.

“What’dya say Valentin? Sneak off campus with me?”


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