Abeline Ixbridge

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Abeline Ixbridge
Posts: 20
Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:35 pm
Topics: 4
Race: Galdor
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: rillani
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:35 pm

Abeline Ixbridge


Race: Galdori
Birthday: Yaris 5th, 2688
Age: 31
FC: drawings
Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Brunnhold
Occupation: Doctor
Player Name: rillani

Physical Description

A small, slight galdori, Abe wears her brown hair in a loose bun. She wears stark black-and-white practical clothing: skirt with pockets (or trousers where allowable), waistcoat, starched shirt. She wears thick round glasses, and has faint freckles on her pale cheeks.


Abe is a nerd, first and foremost. She delights in puzzles and complex structures. Where there is no complexity or structure, she falters. Her expertise lies in living magic and anatomy--including the studies of the body by human scholars. Outside of scientific facts and overt fantasy, she is quite lost at sea. In domestic matters of either feminine or masculine nature, she generally differs to others. However, in a pinch, she will fill a need, heedless of gender barriers--be it to fix a machine or feed a child.

Regarding race, Abe is indulgent to passives, and wary of humans and wicks. She wishes to be more egalitarian, but cannot always sail above her upbringing. She is strongly pro-literacy, and theoretically in favor of improving the situation for humans and wicks. How to put that into practice is a mystery to her. She abhors violence and prefers peaceful solutions--bloody revolution is not tenable.

If caught in the thick of it, Abe will heal whatever injuries are in front of her. When she is in "healer mode," her purpose in life is clear: see an injury, heal it.


Abe was raised by her father, Wilburfborce, a clockmaker, and two aunts Sagacia and Murgatroyd (married). While Abe was young, the aunts attempted to instil a feminine demeanor; this failed miserably. Abe took to the bicycle at a small age, and never left it. She also built many clockwork machines, tootled on the oboe, and cooked for her father.

Though Wilburforce himself had not met the requirements for Brunnhold, he encouraged Abe to apply. Abe passed well enough to surprise the family, and entered Brunnhold, beskirted and entirely unprepared. School life was difficult. Her thoughts during the dark times prompted her to become a healer. Death seemed to lurk around every corner; sometimes she would imagine welcoming it. Sometimes she would daydream of wielding it against her hated peers. Fear of both sped her toward living magic: save others, and she might justify existing.

After school, Abe entered employment at the hospital. A decade of successes does little to soften the failures, but she has grown into a more outwardly steady person. She copes with her demons by drowning them in books and tea.

Aptitude Skills

Abe is a brainiac. She spends a good deal of her free time on puzzles, reading scientific papers, etc.
Although not strong, Abe is quick. She is prone to climbing on things. She bicycles to work. She eats healthy, home-cooked meals.
An eccentric born to a family of eccentrics (on both sides), Abe is completely hopeless. Small talk to her is a comparison of the latest astronomical findings to ancient mugrobi poetry. Hard to get her started, harder to get her to stop.

Focus Skills


Strict pacifist. Zero skill. Will run away.


Fluent: Estuan
Conversational: Sign language, Mugrobi


Intermediate: Living magic


Proficient: Medicine (anatomy, pharmaceuticals, etc.)

Miscellaneous hobbies
Beginner: Clockwork, Cooking, Oboe

Career and Income


Dr. Ixbridge is established at the Brunnhold hospital as a general practitioner.

Income: Wealth Level


Housing and Inventory

Housing: Rented Tiny Townhouse

A small rented abode in the Brunnhold campus, close to the hospital, and utterly filled with books. Her closet hides more bicycling bloomers than is strictly necessary for a young lady.


Likely on her person:
Medical bag
Pocket watch
Fanciful novel


Short Term:
- Start a medical practice of her own somewhere?? Maybe Vienda??
- Get better at Living magic.

Long Term:
- Master the art of saving lives, cure even the most bizarre of cases, and attempt to retain her integrity.
- Become a respected old healer.


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