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Aurelie Steerpike

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:01 am
by Aurelie Steerpike
Aurelie Steerpike


Race: Passive
Birthday: Loshis 15, 2699
Age: 21
FC: None
Place of Origin: Outside Vienda
Current Location: Brunnhold, Anaxas
Occupation: Gated Passive
Player Name: Cap O' Rushes

Physical Description
Aurelie is short, topping out at around 4'11", and has a rather pear-shaped build, though she is overall fairly slender. Her face is small, pale with a dusting of faint freckles, and best described as "pretty, but not beautiful". Her eyes are green and her nose unremarkable, set above a wide mouth that is always smiling but rarely laughing. Her red hair is cut to chin length for practicality's sake, but with a wistful nod to fashion in the form of pointed bangs and longer sections that frame her heart-shaped face. She gives a general impression of approachable busy-ness. Only her hands betray her aura of gentle competence--her fingers are slim but calloused, and her nails are bitten to the quick.
Aurelie's diablerie has yet to manifest. It inflicts blindness on anyone in an approximately 30-foot radius of her, including herself. At the moment of infliction, the spell feels physically painful, like having thorns raked across the eyes, or sharp stabbing sensations from behind them. The loss of vision is ultimately temporary, but the duration of the effects depend on the person. It can last for anywhere from an hour to several days. Just outside of the primary range, sensitive individuals might find their vision blurred or lightly impaired, though not totally gone. For Aurelie herself, the effects last for at least a full day and the ache is more persistent (lasting hours instead of less than a minute).


Aurelie is friendly to most and close to none. While she is happy to chat with her fellow passives, and indeed anyone who wants her attention, she has very few close friends. She holds a reserve of herself apart from others, and is often slow to trust. Very few people have been close enough to her for her to express her unguarded opinion. Those who gain her trust would find her to be blunt and not prone to nonsense, and her opinions do not come gentled. She can be very anxious in situations outside of her (limited) sphere of experience, and is prone to self-doubt. Aurelie is always waiting for the other shoe to drop when she cares about someone in any capacity. This doesn't help with her problem of getting close to others in the slightest. That said, she is fiercely loyal and wholly giving of herself to those she has let in and considers important. She has taken up many handicrafts since coming to Brunnhold. They help occupy her and keep her grounded.

When she was first given to the University's care, she was heartbroken, but accepting. She truly believed that she was cursed, and her family was being as kind as they could by not tossing her out into the streets. While she still believes herself broken in more ways than one, something in her is slowly changing--she is lonely, and finds herself in her quiet hours longing for a life outside of Brunnhold. If not the life of the galdor she thought she was, than one of her own direction.


Aurelie is the second child of Julietta and Edmund Steerpike; her sister Lilliana is her elder by a full ten years. Julietta and Edmund were somewhat distant, but not unkind, parents--Aurelie was largely raised by a human nursemaid, who she loved fiercely. It was not that her parents didn't love her, in their own way, but they had not expected a second child and were quite preoccupied with the first. After all, Lilliana was proving to be the darling of any galdori parents' eyes--brilliant, gifted in magic, loved by those around her. Aurelie loved her sister as well, as Lilliana spoiled her baby sister terribly. And so, most of Aurelie's childhood passed without incident.

The year of her sister's graduation was the year of Aurelie's initiation test. She was eager to follow in her sister's footsteps, or at least try. It was the look on the examiner's face that first told her what some part of her had been afraid of her whole life--she had failed. She was a passive. Her father wept and her mother was furious with her, but both decided it was in Aurelie's best interest to be turned over to Brunnhold's care. She has not heard from them since, nor her sister.

And so the life of Aurelie Steerpike, Galdor, ended, and the life of Aurelie Steerpike, Gated Passive, began. The last decade has passed without much more incident than the first, with a heartbroken Aurelie managing to find a sort of unsteady place for herself in the rhythm of life in Brunnhold. She told herself that she was content to find out about her sister and parents from newspaper clippings and idle chatter from visiting socialites, and that this was where she belonged. As she grew older, however, she found it more and more difficult to convince herself that this was all life should hold for her.

In 2719, she was reunited with her sister Ana. But their relationship was strained and Aurelie found it difficult to deal with. Things came to a head in the rainy season of 2720. After an argument on her twenty-first birthday that left both of them shaken and uncertain about each other, Aurelie wrote to her friend Aremu Ediwo. He smuggled her out of Brunnhold in a trunk to the Muluku Islands. Leaving Aurelie in a place where she now has to decide what she wants out of a future that was, until Hamis 2720, very firmly decided.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Poor. She could probably get a surprise jab in if someone snuck up on her. At best.


  • Estuan (fluent)
  • Estuan Sign (fluent)




  • Maidservant (Proficient) - She is a reasonably competent maidservant
  • Cook (Expert) - She can cook quite well, and enjoys doing so. She is particularly fond of baking.
  • Needlework (Proficient) - She can do light mending and garment repair, and is progressing in teaching herself embroidery

Career and Income

Occupation: Unemployed

Aurelie previously worked primarily in the kitchens of Brunnhold, and now has no job whatsoever.

Income: Servitude

Aurelie was a gated passive.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Dormitory

Aurelie stays in the dormitories with the other passives at Brunnhold.


  • Standard set of clothes (Brunnhold passive uniform), clean and well-mended but worn
  • Standard issue toiletries
  • A slightly tarnished silver locket with a picture of her family inside
  • Embroidery kit, or what passes for one


Aurelie is just starting to think she might have longer-term goals. At present, all she wants is to live a quiet life, unnoticed by others for good or ill.