Evandria Sericks

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Evandria Sericks
Posts: 59
Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:57 am
Topics: 11
Race: Galdor
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Titania
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Sat May 12, 2018 10:08 pm

Evandria Sericks


Race: Galdori (Pure-blooded Hoxian)
Birthday: 1st of Ophus, 2693
Age: 25
FC: Bae Suzy
Place of Origin: Aexx Aora
Current Location: Northern Tors
Occupation: Seventen Squad Sergeant, Patrol Division

Physical Description


They say the women of Aexx Aora are some of the most beautiful throughout Hox, or even in all of the Ten Kingdoms. Evandria is most certainly a testament to the rumours, a traditional beauty by Hox’s standards. Smooth and pale skin, long and thick dark hair, slender and lithe figure, she has it all. Her features are often described as delicate, with almond-shaped eyes with dark irises and soft, pink lips. As most Hoxians are, the young woman is often considered lithe and average in stature. Despite that, her slight figure carried the athletics of a trained warrior, having spent years training as a Seventen.

Unfortunately despite devoting her life as an elite guard, her fragile beauty has planted seeds of doubts in her superiors and colleagues who saw her as a pretty face, doubting that she could do any sort of real work. This infuriates her and so Evandria usually paid little mind to her appearances. It is a rare occasion to see the young sergeant not clad in her uniform, even her squad members joked about how she slept in it. Her face are almost always kept bare, leaving her features in its natural state. Her dark hair is pulled back into a messy braid or a ponytail while she is on duty, to make sure it didn’t bother her. Off work, Evandria can almost always be found wearing a vipoxz, a simple metal circlet that used to be her mother’s. Finding Anaxas fashion stuffy and restricting, the young woman favors off-shoulder dresses that are commonly found in Hoxian high society - even when it procures her some disapproving looks from the populace.

She bears a scar on her stomach, a reminder of her more foolish years where she had nearly gotten herself killed taking down a target she was not prepared for. Callouses decorated her fingers, courtesy to the hours she spent stringing bows and nocking arrows. Evandria is never bothered by this markings on her body, considering them all prove of her hard work and that she deserved to be acknowledged by her fellow Seventen.



To her closest friends and associates, Evandria had always been known as an intelligent and charming young woman. Her smiles are easy to come by – just as easy as her sarcastic remarks and critical comments. Blessed with a quick wit and a sharp tongue, Evandria is not one to keep her opinions to herself. She will say what she thinks blatantly, which sometimes got her into deep trouble. It seemed like her parents’ teachings as Hoxian diplomats never really settled into the young woman’s mind.

Headstrong couldn’t even begin to describe the young sergeant. In her mind, she will never back down, for anyone. Not when people had always doubted her and she had to fight tooth and nail to get her where she is. While she is willing to hear from the people she trusts, Evandria will never go against her own convictions and she will fight when it is challenged. This combined with her idealistic beliefs had often made her life more difficult, but she is slowly learning that the world does not work like the stories her father used to tell her.

Perhaps much to her fellow squad members’ dismay, Evandria is known for a split second decisions. While it had served her well when trouble arises and had led her to rising through the ranks of Seventen, it had also undoubtedly branded her as an impulsive and unpredictable individual. She likes to do things rather than just thing about them and this has caused her throw herself into danger without a second thought.

While her duty often comes first, there is no doubt that Evandria is loyal and caring to the people that holds her affection. Losing her parents had just reminded to cherish the love surrounding her, but at the same time she was fearful of it, of the thought that her love might be ripped away from her. It is tricky for her to trust other people outside her own squadron, despite her friendly mannerism. Yet deep inside her heart, Evandria longed for that connection, for a bond that would last a lifetime.


Despite being a pure-blooded Hoxian and born in Aexx Aora, Evandria had spent most of her life in Anaxas. At the age of two, her parents moved their family to Vienda to serve as ambassadors between the two kingdoms. The girl was their only child after several miscarriages, so her parents dotted on her and gave her the best of everything. Despite living in a foreign land, the family was happy and prosperous, a family anyone would have wished for. Her parents still made sure that Hoxian values and belief were ingrained in their daughter.

With her family’s wealth and resources, it wasn’t a surprise when Evandria grew up to be an intelligent and curious girl, always having the wildest imagination and creativity. She is particularly fond of the wilderness and often worried her parents sick while she sought for hiding places in the nooks and crannies of their house. Soon she turned ten years old and like all the well-off children in Anaxas, she was enrolled in Brunnhold. While often feeling out of place, Evandria breezed through the university with flying colors and well known as a gifted student of Physical magic. Even though she wasn’t quite sure what career to pursue in the future, she nonetheless had a bright one ahead of her.

It was during the summer break of her eighth year in Brunnhold that her whole life changed. Her family had decided on taking a trip to Cellas Isle, her father’s favorite hunting ground. Evandria had always loved the place, its wilderness and openness. They had spent days in the isle on the last night, her mother and father wanted some time alone. A date for two of them – even if it’s a political gathering presented as a cocktail party. Of course, the young woman didn’t mind. She slept in their vacation home as her parents’ left. The next morning, she woken by a harsh knock on the front door. A Seventen introduced himself to her and told her that her parents had died in an attack by the Resistance.

Shocked and now orphaned, Evandria was swiftly returned to her home in Vienda. A now empty home with both of her parents gone. They told her she could return to Hox to be with her aunt and uncle, but she refused. Her life was here. Her friends were here. Her parents’ home and belongings were all here. So, she wept and continued with her life in Anaxas. Only now, she had a new goal, a new drive. As soon as she graduated, the young woman enlisted as a Seventen. She needed to know who did it and she wanted to find them. The Freedom Fighters.

Underestimated by her fellow recruits and superiors, she trained day and night. Evandria was known for spending hours earlier than everyone else in the training grounds, every single day. She had to do more and more, got into various troubles but slowly, people started noticing her skills. Her decisiveness and unconventional problem-solving abilities secured her a spot in the Patrol Division. While she might not be the best in physical prowess, there was no doubt her affinity to Physical magic made her stand out amongst her peers.

The work she did was no joke either. Evandria would not hesitate to crack down on feared gangs and various drug dealings. She would track down her targets stubbornly, unrelenting until she could drop them into court. Her impulsivity also served her well. The young woman rarely hesitate when an action was needed, whether it was jumping into the front lines of a riot or eliminating a threat when it presented itself.

Finally, finally, after four years, Evandria swiftly grasped the title of squad sergeant in her hands. She thought that now, perhaps she could be involved more in search and taking down of Freedom Fighters. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. Rather than being stationed in the bigger cities, the young woman was summoned soon after and finally given her location of duty. Northern Tors. She was sent to the windy north, practically in the middle of nowhere, to replace the old sergeant, who had been disgracefully removed from his station. An unwanted station in the middle of nowhere.

Despite her efforts to convince the captain to station her in Vienda or at least Cellas Isle, there was no changing an order. And so, Evandria gritted her teeth and traveled to the small mining town of Berowyn to start her new life as a squad sergeant.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Combat: Ranged Weapons - Beginner
Combat: Unarmed - Beginner


Magic: Physical - Intermediate


Professional: Seventen (Patrol Division) - Proficient


Estuan: Fluent
Deftung: Fluent
Monite: Fluent


Housing: Type

Evandria stays in a big house shared between her squadron in Berowyn, Northern Tors. The architecture certainly stood out in the small town, being one of the largest ones around. The house is equipped with a living room, dining room, and a private bedroom for each member. Outside the house is a stable, where the squadron's chrovens may lie in rest after a day of patrolling.

Her room is not particularly spacious. The lack of personal items and decorations would be obvious to anyone, proof of the fact that she had only recently moved in. The room was furnished by bed, a shelf, a wardrobe, and a vanity table. As sergeant, she acquired the privilege of having a personal bathroom equipped a tub.


  • Two sets of casual clothes
  • One set of formal clothes
  • One set of travelling clothes
  • Three Seventen Uniforms
  • Shortbow
  • Seventen baton
  • One set of toiletries: soap, a comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste
  • One water skin
  • Two sets of eating utensils
  • Tinderbox
A male chroven Evandria had trained and raised herself. Rvan had accompanied her loyally from the moment he was given into her care. While having quite a temper, the chroven had proved to be fiercely protective and vicious in a fight. He can be spoiled towards Evandria, but cares nothing for everyone else. The two undoubtedly shared a bond forged through their time together and quite inseparable.

Hoxian Vipoxz
An ornate tiara made of white gold that was gifted to her by her parents. It is a hair ornament often used by Hoxian women, but it had been years since Evandria had worn it. Still, she always kept it perch on her vanity able, so that she could always see it. A cherished reminder of her parents and priceless to her eyes.

Career and Income


As a Squad Sergeant, Evandria leads a group of Seventens to patrol and keep the peace of the mining town, Berowyn, of Northern Tors. With the tension between Sir Braxal and his miners rising, discontent spread far and wide across the area and the young sergeant is tasked with making sure that no violence broke out amongst the people. As the newly appointed sergeant, Evandria is trying her best to learn about the place – despite her dismay to be stationed at such an isolated, rarely populated area.

Most of her days are spent patrolling atop her armored chroven, Rvar. She will be often seen clad in armor with a short bow perched on her back, ready to be drawn at a moment’s notice. While her figure is certainly not the most intimidating sight, those who have seen her in action will not be able to deny that Evandria does not play around when a threat had caught her attention.

Income: Average

While, Evandria had come from a wealthy family in Hox, she lives off her own income in Anaxas. Her job as sergeant certainly paid her more than enough to live comfortably, but certainly not enough to spend on extravagant things. Although admittedly, the young woman often succumbs to spending a good chunk of her money to food and clothing imported from Hox, an effort to remember her home as much as she can.


Long and short-term goals can be written or listed here.

Thread List

To be written.


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