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Joined: Fri May 04, 2018 10:05 am
Topics: 4
Race: Raen
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
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Tue May 08, 2018 4:32 pm



Race: Mugrobi Wick
Birthday: Unknown
Age: Seemingly over 30.
FC: Josh Mario John

Place of Origin: Anaxas' Wildlands
Current Location: Anaxas' Wildlands
Occupation: Prophet.

Physical Description


This specimen stands at barely 5'10, but this height is rarely measured as his posture is slouched and crooked. Two striking big yellow eyes stare through the unkept blond hairs of both mane and beard, not even a of humanity or even consciousness to be witnessed in them; they're primitive, one dimensional, and animalistic. His flesh is filthy, but unless the cold seasons are underway, clothing is often lacking save for the occasional pair of ragged pants or stained loincloth. The malnourished physique is covered with a great collection of tattoos, most of which are composed of colorful flowers that, somehow, manage to only seem grim and out of place. Another striking feature is the severe burns that have consumed most of the man's lower body; grave and disfigured at the bottom of the feet and getting progressively better once it reaches the groin area, where the burns suddenly fade.

Other than physical, the male lacks any sort of remarkable trait. He is a blank canvas when it comes to his motions, as they can range from all sorts of origins; brute and violent, soft and calm, nervous and uneasy... It all varies. Seeing the specimen twice may seem like a completely new experience, as if one met someone new trapped underneath the same abused flesh.



The specimen is, for the lack of a better expression, a holy man. He has a strange connection to the beyond, to a strange and twisted spiritual side that has shaped him into the blank creature that he is. Unlike other holy men, this specimen does not carry prophecies or warnings; he is, instead, a soldier for the cause of his masters. 'Masters' is the right way to explain the many voices that guide him through his life. A whisper comes and gives him a task, and the specimen is to perform it least the whisper begins tormenting him, accosting him until his will is broken. It is uncertain where the many whispers he hears come from; they could be the whims of the Gods, the communication with spirits, a strangely-talking mona or simple dementia. However, the many years lived had proven the whispers are right, that their orders have cause and that ignoring them could very well result in both death for the specimen or the entire Vita.

This strange mental activity has not allowed the specimen to develop his sentient personality. He rarely talks, only doing so for the sake of chanting in either his pagan rituals or in casting spells. Some things he does not understand, even if basic to everyone else. On most matters, he is fairly judged as mentally handicapped. Even if that may be true, his mind works in a way completely alien, and this is proven as, sometimes, the specimen is able to perform tasks that are seemingly impossible - at least those related to the mind or knowledge.

Rarely he ventures into civilization, only doing so under orders. Most of his time is spent in the wilderness, hunting, praying or performing various rituals for unknown receivers and mysterious reasons. This constant exposure to the harsh nature of Vita has allowed him a fair bit of knowledge about the ways to survive, being capable to remain on his lonesome for the rest of his days if necessary.

To top it off, the specimen is unable to sleep. At all. Instead he remains awake as much as his body can allow it, and then he passes out. Fortunately (or unfortunately), he sleepwalks, and his body is capable of doing minor physical tasks that, so far, had allowed him to remain alive.

It is important to note that despite it all, the specimen is well aware of his actions and has a personality hidden beneath it all, even if vague enough to barely qualify.


There exist only three sources, all with different accounts, that can serve to piece together the origin of the specimen. One by one, their tale somehow ends up making sense, no matter how dreadful and surreal it sounds. If one were to listen to all three accounts, however, and compare them, they’d find a lot of inconsistencies between their entries. This can be for various reasons, be it the passage of time, the mingling of imagination with factual events, and subjective interpretation, among others. By studying all three sources, and judging their statements as objectively as possible, the following can be extracted. Take into account that this does not make the following tale factual in any case;

The specimen, for a lack of a better title, was born in a small but prestigious tribe. The Five Fingers, as it was called, was known as a tribe with something special. The accounts vary, some calling it a blessing, others calling it a curse. ‘Gifted’ is how they can be properly defined. It is somewhat common knowledge about the Five Finger Tribe had this gift. It is not a solid gift, however; it varies. It cannot be defined as one term as it is no the same for everyone. However, it is always centered around an expanded perception, wherein the members born into the tribe (thus sharing the blood of the tribe) are able to see things that are otherwise not there. Although ludicrous, it is not mental disease, or else the Five Fingers wouldn’t have gained fame as spirit masters, mediums, and all sorts of other supernatural titles.

The specimen was born the fifth born of the Durg of the tribe, along with a twin brother an hour older. All three accounts are adamant on the fact that the specimen was stillborn - dead on arrival. It was briefly mourned, but before it could be returned from the soil whence it came, its twin brother perished suddenly and the specimen returned to life. This was the first supernatural doing of the specimen.

It is known that the specimen was not given a name. Naming an object, an emotion or a feeling made it real, and thus letting something remain unnamed made it less real. The reasoning was that the tribe, superstitious as it was, was afraid. The strange phenomenon kept taking place as the creature grew. Its brothers began dying, one by one. But as they died, they seemed to be reborn in the body of the specimen. All three accounts described it as ‘otherworldly’. The specimen would act, talk and, by all accounts, be one brother or the other at any given time, even reacting to their names as if was their own. It was surreal, but it was also terrifying.

Five Fingers became unstable. There was a clear division between those that believed the specimen had to be destroyed and those that grew to worship it, even if barely a child. Violence ensured, at which point all three sources left the tribe and their accounts end. Not much is known after that. The Five Fingers tribe disappeared, that’s for certain, as if swallowed by the night.

I am intrigued by this. I am not one to believe in supersition or wick tales, but there is something in this that I find compelling. I don’t know what it is. I want to learn more. I want to lay eyes upon this specimen and see what is so special about him, what is it that even a tribe like the Five Fingers, a tribe dealing with the supernatural for many generations, found either horrifying or admirable about such an individual.

- Baguun Wolfhuess.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Beginner Unarmed Combat


Level 1 Spokes


Beginner Wilderness Survivor
Beginner Herbalist


Housing: Type

A 130sq ft kint (18ft x 7ft wagon). The come with a built in cupboard with bench-top, a bed with mattress, bedding and shelving.


  • One set of clothing (Adaptable as per race. This will include a coat,blouse, pants, undergarments, and a pair of shoes.)
  • One set of Weather Gear (Adaptable per race, per climate. Ranges from a second set of clothes listed above or it can include cloak, thick pants, undergarments, and a pair of boots.)
  • One tent (sized to accommodate two people or one person and their possessions.)
  • One dead horse
  • One horse-pulled wagon (two feet wide, three feet long, two feet deep) – Note: n/a if a nomad takes up a kint instead.
  • 100 feet of rope
  • One tinderbox.
  • A set of six torches
  • One Lantern and lantern oil
  • One bedroll
  • A compass
  • A fishing net or fishing pole with a set of thirty hooks.
  • A blanket
  • A rucksack
  • A knife
  • One waterskin
  • One set of toiletries
  • Two rags

Career and Income


This specimen does not have any true profession; he does not work for money. Instead, most of his time is invested in surviving in the wilderness, which is a full time job.

Income: "Poor"

This specimen has no attraction for coin. Instead, he has, though great effort, managed to establish himself in the wilds and managed to sustain a moderately good life for himself..



Thread List

To be written.

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