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Murko Muelton

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:59 pm
by Murko Muelton
Murko Muelton


Race: Galdor
Birthday: 31st of Yaris, 2789
Age: 29
FC: Michael B. Jordan
Place of Origin: Thul Ka, Mugroba
Current Location: Old Rose Harbor
Occupation: Pirate (Bad Brother)
Player Name: Satyr

Physical Description


Standing at 5'6", Murko stands at parity with the typical Anaxi galdor, but the similarities end there. The Mugrobi-born sports very short, cropped hair, kept trimmed on a regular basis to avoid looking scurry and gaining the ugly, frazzled quality that the sea instills in hair. He does, however, keep a goatee, which matches his hair color as a deep, charcoal hue.

Murko's body, while short, is by no means frail or thin. Lean musculature covers the entirety of his form, though his lithe shape is meant more for agility than raw physical power. Thrown onto the deck of a ship as soon as he finished his time in Brunnhold, Murko has gained a body hardy to the rigors of the ocean and prepared for the tasks given to a Bad Brother.

The galdor's face sticks out from a crowd, his dark complexion utterly clear of scars, scratches and common blemishes: a reward from his Mugrobi heritage. His lips are plump and often curved into a smile that's mirrored in the pools of intense, dark eyes.



Though Murko was born and raised in Mugroba, it's apparent that his life in Anaxas has rid him of any sort of connection with his culture. More than anything else, Murko is first and foremost a liar. His deceptions stretch from the obscuring of his real name to strangers to lying to his family and leaving them behind. Greed sullies Murko's heart, making him prone to do almost anything should it result in his direct profit. However, that's not to say that the once-Mugrobi is unkind. Tolerance for the lesser races is ingrained into him, with much of his adult life led with humans all around him at all times. The galdor, while inherently believing in galdori's superiority for access to the mona, also realizes the strengths and merits of other races due to his constant interactions with them. Any and all are privy to his lies and his kindness alike, proving him to be rather unpredictable to associate with.

Beneath the contrast between fabrication and kindness, there lies another thing that delves deep into the psyche of Murko Muelton. Hardened by his life among humans, the loyalty he has for Silas Hawke tests everything that Murko views about himself. As a Bad Brother and a pirate both, the galdor has to make decisions that can end or permanently mar the lives of other people, and he makes them without hesitation. He's been given a lot in life and a family to call his own: the Bad Brothers. To turn his back on them is to die, and death is something reserved only for the enemies of Silas Hawke. Murko isn't a cold-blooded murderer, but he does what he has to and deals with the emotional consequences of his actions privately, showing only the face of an ambitious galdor to those who preside over him.

Views on the Races

Galdor - While they are in effect the beings in power, Murko's opinion is that the galdor rely too much on oppression to solidify their status as the ruling class. He finds their reasoning illogical, but also finds that the systems in place aren't representative of every galdori, and thusly, he judges his fellows as he sees them.

Wicks - Wicks are often wary of Murko himself, given that he is a galdor. However, the Mugrobi himself feels at home with Wick culture and even took it upon himself to learn Tek as a means of getting to know the local nomads the best he possibly can. Murko often conducts business with Wicks, and keeps them satisfied to the best of his abilities, counting them among those he feels are truly free in the world for their ability to go and do anything.

Humans - Being the type of people that Murko spends the most time with, Murko sees humans as his own. While the galdor believes his ability to control the mona a powerful asset, he does not see it as an excuse to put people down. Therefore, he considers humans to be his greatest assets, both as friends and family as well as his victims.

Passives - Murko doesn't think too much on passives, as seeing them outside of Brunnhold is very uncommon. If he were to meet one, he'd treat them just as he'd treat a human. At least, while also hoping they don't explode on him.

Raen - Rarer than any other, the raen are an unknown to Murko. Life and death are complicated enough without things he doesn't know much about to weigh down his view on it.


Born in the desert lands of Mugroba to a pair of tradesman hailing from Thul Ka. Though a younger Murko might remember the lands of Mugroba, his life was full of travel, hardly ever sitting in the same place for very long. Instead, the family traveled as a unit, moving from settlement to settlement peddling large quantities of jewelry from Thul Ka to the outer lands of Mugroba. Humans, wicks and galdori alike would partake in such finery, earning the Mueltons a great deal of financial freedom to operate however they pleased.

When Murko was ten years old, he was sent away to Brunnhold, where his formative years were spent in the university. Ambition and talent alike were rife within the young Mugrobi boy, and his studies flourished in the realms of magic. His other subjects didn't seem quite as appealing, and as his studies progressed further and further he had trouble deciding a career path to take. However, that all began to change in the break leading to his tenth form. During his time off from school, Murko visited Old Rose Harbor, keen on finding out more about Anaxas than the small lens he'd been given into it in his life in Brunnhold. Murko found fast friends, copious liquor, and the touch of beautiful human women that began to challenge the beliefs of galdori dominion he was instilled with. More and more, he found that humans in their freedom were creatures of inspiration, clever and adaptive. Then, he met the Wicks, and found them just as intriguing. His life came to a complete change once he was introduced to Silas Hawke near the end of his break.

The self-proclaimed 'King of the Underworld' took a shine to Murko, and though the young galdor was committed to returning to Brunnhold for his last form, he certainly wove his plans with Silas Hawke for a future outside of the traditional galdori culture that'd been shoved down his throat for nineteen years. On every opportunity he could, he'd travel to Old Rose Harbour, taking jobs with the Bad Brothers on quick raids. Drugs and loot became the world to him, and he began weaving careful plans to come back as soon as he finished school to work for the 'King' full-time.

Ten years of serving as a Bad Brother have hardened Murko considerably, and his relationship with his family and the galdori life he used to lead are long gone. Instead, he lives for himself and those few who spend their time flying under his - and Hawke's - banner. Hedonism drove Murko to take the life of a criminal, but it was logic that propelled him to keep it. After all, where was someone freer, as a part of a broken system or as the bastard profiting off of its existence?

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Ranged Weaponry: Pistols - Beginner
Bladed Weapons - Beginner


Estuan - Fluent
Monite - Fluent
Tek - Conversational
Mugrobi - Conversational


Static Conversation - Intermediate


Profession: Pirate - Proficient

Career and Income


Murko Muelton works as a pirate under the Bad Brothers organization created by Silas Hawke. He takes down shipments of opiates and puts them at the feet of Silas Hawke for money and protection from the Anaxan government.

Income: Wealth Level

Average. The take from each job for Hawke is very lucrative, but the life of a pirate is expensive and he shares his profits with his human shipmates. However, he leads a comfortable life unmarred with significant financial worries. Only worries for his life.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Murko Muelton lives in a cataraman that, while capable of being sailed alone, operates optimally with at least four people. There's a single cannon on each side of the hull, allowing up to one gunner to aim at a target at any given time. Her name be The Guilty Pleasure.

The Guilty Pleasure has two hulls with the portside hull retrofitted with a small 'captain's' quarters that belongs to Murko. It has enough space for a bed, a desk, and a small library for him to peruse through at his leisure. He also has a wardrobe that's fitted into a corner, filled with clothes stolen from his victims.

On the starboard side, Murko has a room with three cots available for use of whatever crew he's brought with him for a job. This room isn't fitted with any additional furnishings, due to Murko not having (yet) a set crew to sail with. This room also acts as storage, leaving with the crew even less space than they'd have otherwise.


  • Seven sets of linen garbs (tunics, shirts, blouses)
  • Five pairs of black pants
  • A cutlass (used primarily for ship work)
  • One muzzle-loaded flintlock pistol (with black powder and munitions)
  • Three spare sails
  • Lots of rope
  • Two full-sized barrels (One for water, one for ale)
  • Two wooden kegs (for rum and whiskey)
  • One sturdy chest (for shipment storage ie: lots of drugs when full)


  • Acquire a full-time crew to sail with.
  • Acquire a larger vessel. (Steam-powered?!)
  • Learn different types of magic
  • Buy a property on the Muluku Isles.