Elisora Rivaen

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Elisora Rivaen
Posts: 49
Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:34 am
Topics: 8
Race: Writer
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Tue Apr 17, 2018 6:16 am

Elisora Rivaen


Race: Galdori (Anaxi and Gioran)
Birthday: 1st Day of Bethas, 2696
Age: 22
Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Brunnhold
Occupation: Healer & Heiress

Physical Description


There will be no doubt in anyone’s mind when looking at this young woman that she is a galdor through and through. Gazes are often drawn to her dark red hair, a hint to her Anaxas origin. It is often let loose and only pulled back into braids when she wanted to prevent from her hair falling on her face as she reads. Spending a life of being sheltered and pampered, her skin is pale and unmarred – entirely unaccustomed to any sort of hard labor. Her dark eyes tend to wander when she’s bored, taking on a dreamy look as her mind spiraled across her own imagination. Anyone who knows Elise wouldn’t hesitate to say the young woman is generous with her smile and even quicker to laugh. Her fair features occasionally attract attention from the people around her, but it is often went unnoticed for Elise is usually too focused in her own work and spent little time on her appearances.

Elise stands at 5’5, slightly taller than a few of her Anaxas peers courtesy to her mother’s Gior blood. Built lithely, the young woman was certainly not an imposing figure. Despite her lovely face, Elise is easily overlooked – and she was actually grateful for it. Even her sense of fashion doesn’t attract attention to herself, usually preferring pastel or dark color rather than bright ones.


Gentle and soft-spoken, Elise has always been the quiet, studious young woman to the people around her. When she speaks, her voice carries a warmth and compassion that might lower most people’s guards. This certainly helps her in her career as a healer. Most of the time, she prefers her own company or the books that never seems to leave her hands. Still, her upbringing as a member of a prestigious galdor family had forced her to pretend that she enjoys idle socialite events and parties.

All her life the young woman has been taught to be ambitious, to be better than everyone around – to bring honor to the Rivaen name. And with that, Elise spent most of her life chasing for perfection. The pressure on her only grew with what happened to her siblings and the redhead suddenly holds all the weight of carrying her family all by herself. She’s the one that needs to prove that the Rivaens are still a force to be reckoned with.

Under all that, however, was not a weak-willed girl. Elise has her own convictions and beliefs, and she would hold on to them. While she is not one to boast, the young woman has a firm confidence over her own skills and intelligence. She will not shy away from debates regarding her line of work and can come off as stubborn when she refuses to back down.


Born as a second child and the only daughter to a great galdori family, Elisora Rivaen had want for nothing from the very moment she had entered this world. Needless to say, the whole family doted on her and showered her with attention. And that includes the eldest son and heir to the family name, Erikarn. They were only separated by two years and quickly got along together. Elisora would tail her big brother everywhere, idolizing him, and following whatever he did. Her fascination with books actually came from watching her brother doing it. Erikarn cared for his little sister just as much and actually the first one to start calling her Elise.

Then came her younger brother, Edriel, and things became even better. The siblings were inseparable and each of them gifted with a brilliant mind. Soon it was time for them to enter Brunnhold. Both Erikarn and Elise got in with high scores, bringing their parents’ great pride and they had no doubt that their youngest son would be just as gifted.

If only things were that perfect.

Edriel came back with the score of 0, damning him as a passive. What happened next was a whirlwind of events that went so fast. Elise remembered hearing her mother crying while her father watched. Edriel was locked in his room, forcing Erikarn and Elise to sneak through the windows and be with him. They lay huddled together in silence, dreading what was to come The next very next day, guards barged into the room and ripped them apart. Her older brother was fought back, using his magic to keep them away until they sedated him. Elise simply sank to her knees as she cried. Their parents’ had come to a decision. That Edriel would be stripped of his name and be sent away to serve somewhere away from Vienda and Brunnhold. Somewhere far so that people could forget that the Rivaen family once sired a passive.

Erikarn became furious at their parents’ decision, telling them they were power-hungry and heartless. He was angry at her too, for saying nothing and simply accepted the way things were. Despite Elise’s attempts to reach to him, her brother became more and more distant. And one day, he simply left. His things were gone and all he left for her was a secretive letter, telling her where he went. Elise never told anyone what she knew – that her brother had left their family for the resistance. Her parents’ simply told everyone that Erikarn left the kingdom to travel and study.

With both of her siblings gone, Elise was left to her own devices as her parents continued chasing their ambitions as members of Congress. She would see them only at social functions and in the brief time of their meetings, all they ever said to her was how important it is for her to bring honor to their family. The constant barrage of expectations made Elise somewhat obsessed to be the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect woman.

The young woman studied and studied, sometimes forgoing socialization entirely to learn all she could. Sleep was forsaken and hunger sometimes went ignored. In the end, she got what she wanted. Elise graduated as the very best of all the Living Magic student in her class. She was then recruited to one of the best hospitals in Vienda to practice medicine.

Idealistic as she was, the young woman refused to use her family name to gain some respect in the hospital, instead opting to start like everyone else. She wanted to show them that she was more than a mere heiress and had a lot more to offer. Unfortunately, her noble goal backfired. Her fellow healers loathed her, assuming that she was another spoiled daughter of a rich family. They would avoid her and give her the unwanted jobs – that was to deal with their non-galdori patients. Elise grudgingly did as she told, keeping her head down for now despite her growing ire. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for her to get used to such treatment. To release her stress, the young woman would often travel to places outside the city to offer her services, as well as an excuse to see the world.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Magic: Living - Intermediate
Magic: Perceptive - Intermediate


Professional: Doctor - Proficient
Professional: Researcher - Beginner


None yet.


Housing: City Dweller

Elise chose to live outside of her family estate in Vienda. Her house was too big and lonely for her after what happened to her siblings. She owns a small apartment not far from where she works. The room only had basic furnishing and two bookshelves and a vanity to fill it.


Starting Package:
  • One set of clothing
  • One set of toiletries: soap, a comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste
  • One water skin
  • Two sets of eating utensils
  • Tinderbox
City Dweller Galdori:
  • Access to a carriage. Any other mount must be bought or approved to start with by a moderator.
  • Access to up to four full outfits of clothing.
  • Access to a range of passives who will meet the PC's needs and requests.
  • Access to tutors/trainers in appropriate Focus Skills. If in doubt, please send a moderator a PM.
  • Work Clothes
  • Fancy Clothes
  • Traveling Clothes
  • Casual Clothes

Career and Income

Occupation: Healer

Elise currently works as a healer in a hospital in Vienda. Despite her talent in the field, her superiors had assigned her to mostly treat humans – much to her disappointment. There she is known as a particularly kind and skilled practitioner, going out of her way to care for her patients. On her time-off, Elise often travels out of the city to smaller towns to offer her services for free.

Income: Wealthy

The young woman is the sole heir to the Rivaen family who is known for their rich history and wealth even amongst the galdori. She has lived in comfortable wealth ever since she was born. Her family would make sure that Elise want for nothing. Her work as a rather well-known healer also provides her with more than enough to live easily.


For now, Elise’s goals are pretty simple. She feels it is to be a renowned healer and making her parents proud. While in truth, the young woman wants to see the world and go on adventures. Still, her responsibilities kept her dreams grounded in reality. There is another wish of hers, however, something she rarely admitted even to herself: Elise wants to find her brothers and be reunited with them, yet she has no idea where they are.

Thread List

To be written.


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