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Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:31 pm
by Aziza


Race: Wick
Birthday: Yaris 42, 2694
Age: 25 (as of Yaris 2719)
FC: Letitia Wright
Place of Origin: Manatse, Mugroba
Current Location: Anaxas (on the move)
Occupation: Herbalist, Quack, Diviner
Languages: Estuan (F), Monite (C), Tek (C), Mugrobi (C)

Physical Description


Quick Facts
  • Height: 5' 8"
  • Skin colour: Deep brown with warm copper undertones
  • Hair colour: Black
  • Typical hairstyle: Braids interwoven with feathers, beads, shells, bits of fabric, etc. Little chaotic
  • Eye colour: Dark brown
  • Jewellery: Piercings (rings: earlobes and helix, multiple; nose; and right eyebrow), bracelets, both metal and woven, a few rings on each hand
Of Mugrobi origin, Aziza is darker than the many Anaxi that she mingles with but her skin isn't as dark as the gollies of her homeland. Her skin is a deep brown with warm copper undertones and her eyes are a darker brown still, sometimes bordering on black depending on the lighting. Her black hair is typically kept at chin length but frequently appears far longer courtesy of the many things she weaves into it. Animal or even humanoid hair can be braided and woven into it, adding a false length to it, which isn't readily apparent because Aziza will weave anything into her hair. Feathers, fabric, shells, beads and grasses are typical ornamentation, braided together in thick sections that she leaves hanging loose or occasionally ties back. If she doesn't want to look as primitive as the gollies seem to think most wicks are, she will weave finer braids and oil them to give herself a sleeker appearance.

Aziza's features are strong, her bone structure adding definition to her brows, cheeks, chin and jawline in particular. Her nose and mouth and broad, her lips full and frequently curved into a cheeky grin, oft accompanied with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. Smiles are a ready feature on the young woman's face but she can switch to irritation or anger with surprising ease, especially if someone questions her practices or insults her.

Her height is a little above average for a Mugrobi at 5' 8" but it does not make her seem skinny. In fact, skinny is not something Aziza could ever be accused of being as she is solidly built, courtesy of her full figure and the muscle that she has developed over the years - the nomadic life of a Wick can be tough after all. She cuts an intimidating figure, even for those who are taller than her, her apparent physical strength suggesting that she shouldn't be messed with although in truth, violence is not her way and so she isn't actually likely to hit anyone, even if she does have the strength to cause a fair bit of damage.

Like many wick, she's fond of piercings and other forms of adornment. She has both ears pierced in multiple places, both lobe and helix piercings, although she has a horrible habit of losing the rings that go through them. She also has her nose and her right eyebrow pierced, also guilty of misplacing those, especially if she gets her braids caught in them. Some rings decorate her fingers but it is the bracelets that adorn her arms that are the true ornamentation that she bears. A mixture of metallic bangles that she's received as payments for services rendered and woven bracelets, below the elbows on both arms are heavily decorated. Sometimes, she will also loop material high on her arms.


At a glance
  • Free-spirited
  • Outgoing
  • Sunny disposition
  • Overly talkative (talks at things)
  • Blunt
  • Actually horrible at dealing with people
  • Prejudiced against gollies; will warm to individuals if they respect her practices
  • Pities passives when she knows they aren't gollies
Free-spirited, Aziza likes to do her own thing. She likes to learn new things, meet new people and discover new sights. Thus, the nomadic life is a given for her and she can't see the tsat life for her, especially as she did live that way for a number of years before she struck out on her own. She is so free-spirited that she will happily travel with any wicks willing to accept her company, especially given that much of her original Shining tribe were decimated and the remnants scattered on Hulali's waters. She likes to think of herself as self-sufficient so if she has to go it alone she will. Believing that life is meant to be lived and enjoyed, she will hook up with the tyat on occasion, especially if things feel like they're getting too serious. Her disposition is usually a sunny one, the young woman is usually smiling and ready with a laugh.

Outgoing is an understatement to describe this loud wick. Aziza talks a lot and will honestly talk at anything and everything in her vicinity. Some may deem her mad for talking to inanimate objects and living things alike but she simply likes the sound of her own voice, finding it a comfort, especially in moments when she might otherwise be alone. Having grown up in a tribe, she enjoys having noise around her and the sounds of others, and thus, silence is something she cannot abide. It also makes her difficult for some people to stomach as she honestly doesn't know when to stop.

Inclined to be more than a little blunt, speaking her thoughts almost as soon as they enter her head, she is good at filling others with a dislike for her, her manner often viewed as rude. Given her origins, she thinks that truth is important, even when unsavoury and so she considers lying to be a grave matter. While other Mugrobi might be willing to bend the truth or do their best to go around it in ever widening circles, Aziza will typically just say exactly what she feels needs to be said. As such her bedside manner is horrific but she does consider it her duty to help others where she can as she has the abilities.

Occasionally, she will succeed in haggling simply because the person wants her to shut up and clock off! Ultimately, as far as social things go, she enjoys talking someone's ear off but she's awful at socialising; she doesn't carry on a dialogue but a monologue.

Having grown up in Mugroba, Aziza was used to a more liberal and relaxed treatment of her race. The first time she came to Anaxas, the more noticeable prejudices towards her race came as something of a shock. The overt racism is also something that she's found she has issue with although she has absorbed certain prejudices of her own without truly meaning to do so. While she will readily associate with other wicks and humans who may tag along with them, she is automatically on her guard around a golly. She is accustomed to them, especially Anaxi galdori, having a very opinion of her occupations and thus, she automatically assumes that they're closed minded and will treat them more brashly as a result. If an individual respects her practices then she will warm to them.

Not instantly knowing the difference between them, she will usually take a passive for a golly and apply the same prejudices. When corrected, she will view these 'imbali' (as she thinks of them) as creatures to be pitied for their lack of connection to the mona. The raen are unknown to her.


Aziza was born into the Swift River tribe in the midst of a sandstorm, a time of energy and excitement, which seems to have characterised the Mugrobi woman's life. Initially, life was relatively quiet - if there is such a thing in a wick settlement - as they remained in Manatse for a number of years after Aziza's birth before finally attempting to settle in one place. The nomadic life was something that the girl loved in her earliest years, revelling in the frequent movement and the change of place and people. However, when they settled down, the wick girl was displeased, finding that something wonderful was lost when they tried to put down roots in one place. The colour and variety of life seemed to dim, the growing girl feeling that they were only experiencing a trickle of the waters of life. While everything else continued around them, they were trapped in the same space day in and day out.

The tsat life was something that the girl grew to resent, especially when she got into her teens, constantly trying to convince her parents to become "proper" wicks again. They did their best to channel her energies into useful activities like hunting, divining and healing, directing her in the use of magic and trying to teach her how to identify different plants to be used in medicine. They managed to teach her to shoot but she was more inclined to shoot at everyday objects lying around than animals they could actually use for food. Additionally, she treated her Spoke's Almanac with almost religious reverence but her practical application of skills was usually fairly casual and she still managed to find the energy to badger her parents.

Unfortunately, her badgering only managed to take hold when it was pretty much too late, an illness sweeping through Mugroba making her family move in a vain effort to escape it. Her father, Faas, who had already been sick was an easy victim and when her mother, Nazia, spent long hours tending to him, even staying up over night, she too grew ill. While Aziza tended to her, the woman was severely weakened and while she pulled through, she has never been the same since. In fact, the young woman takes care of her mother, providing her with what medical relief that she can although more frequently turning to drugs to ease her discomforts.

Realising that her daughter was a free spirit and that if they'd move sooner, they might have escaped the sickness, Nazia agreed to take to the road once more. For the first year or so, they travelled around Mugroba but the fear that another illness might take hold in the muggy heat drove them to Anaxas where things seem safer and where there are more wicks. They might not be hugely loved there but most Anaxi people aren't too bad so Anaxas is a good location for the time being although shifting elsewhere isn't out of the question. For now, there's plenty to enjoy in the Anaxi Kingdom, even if it is a bit racist.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Combat (Short Bow): Beginner


Magic (Spoke's): Elementary


  • Estuan (Fluent)
  • Monite (Conversational)
  • Tek (Conversational)
  • Mugrobi (Conversational)


Professional (Herbalist): Beginner
Professional (Diviner): Proficient

Career and Income


Aziza is a practitioner of what the gollies would call "false magic" but she'd be quick to deny that there's anything false about it. Those who think that divination is free of the influence of the mona honestly needs to get their head examined in her opinion. She can do a bit of scrying although it leaves much to be desired and she has been known to squint at people's palms, spouting facts about them but whether it means anything remains to be seen. Aside from being a diviner, she's also a healer of sorts. She can chat to fix some minor things or shove some plant-based medicines and hope you don't die.

Chances are that if a service turns out to be not all it was advertised to be, you probably won't be able to find the nomad to make a complaint.

Income: Poor

Aziza's nomadic and her occupations are based on demand for them so they aren't steady per se. As such, her existence is relatively hand to mouth but she has a fairly broad base of occupations so she should always have something coming in somewhere. Additionally, she can technically trade and haggle although it should be noted that she's awful at it!

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Nomadic

A 130sq ft kint (18ft x 7ft wagon) painted red with yellow wheels. It comes with a built-in cupboard with bench-top, a bed with mattress, bedding and shelving.



  • Standard Clothing
    • Cloak
    • White blouse
    • Red and green skirt
    • Undergarments
    • Shoes
  • Weather Gear
    • Heavy cloak
    • Thick black pants
    • Undergarments
    • Boots
  • Survival Gear
    • One tent (sized to accommodate two people or one person and their possessions.)
    • 100 feet of rope
    • One tinderbox
    • A set of six torches
    • One Lantern and lantern oil
    • One bedroll
    • A compass
    • A fishing net or fishing pole with a set of thirty hooks.
    • A blanket
    • A rucksack
    • A knife
    • One waterskin
    • One set of toiletries
    • Two rags
  • Animals
    • Kenser
    • Osta (Pet)
  • Weapons
    • Short bow (Muse said I could have a weapon AND a pet)
  • Magic items
    • Spoke's Almanac (An heirloom of sorts; blame Bard)


Long-term: See as much of the Six Kingdoms as possible, maybe even have a chance to try to explore all Ten although she knows that's ambitious

  • Improve her magic and add to her Spoke's Almanac
  • Get better at divining the future, especially scrying
  • Learn more herb things and poison fewer people