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Runcible Spoon

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:06 pm
by Runcible Spoon
Biographic Information
Salutations. I was once Sular and am now Runcible Spoon (mostly because the latter is way to much fun to say)

Ages ago, I played Thorns in its original incarnation, as well as the survival forum that Rillani set up. For a while, I was a mod and content writer for Thorns 1.0, mostly on for Thul Ka lore. I had a lot of fun with all of this, and I am glad this new forum has risen from the ashes.

I'm a linguist by profession and so I spend a lot of time with words and despite this fact, I am still fond of writing, even if I am massively out of practice.

I'm all up for politics, legal matters, madness, manipulation, murder, and so on. I hope to get into that much more in this incarnation, as I never got much of a chance before.

I like to torment my characters to a degree, just to see what they will do. That said, I like to keep them alive and able to participate in the story, but nasty setbacks, failures from overreaching, and the folly of hubris and all fair game.

Cast of Characters
Basil Ambrose Shrikeweed - civil servant, political manipulator, wearer of waistcoats, orchid enthusiast

Umberto Bassington-Smythe - scholar, theorist, slightly unstable

Ulysses Allardyce - Owner of The Leviathan Public House. A slightly shady merchant, trader, and publican [On Hiatus]

Genet Meseret Dereje - Late of Three Flowers, Prefect from Thul Ka [On Hiatus]

Writing Habits and Expectations
Not sure at this time - I'm rusty, and I am adjusting to a new iteration of my job as well as doing pen and paper RPGs on a semi-regular basis. All that said, I do want to get into a regularish cadence.

Please understand the use of the symbols I use below like this:
✅ Enthusiastic consent; bring it on.
⚠️ Okay if veiled or offstage; might be okay onstage but requires discussion ahead of time; uncertain.
🛑 Hard line; do not include unless I give you explicit permissions.
Narrative Consent and Preferences
Relationships: Sex and Romance
I'm not a huge sex and romance sort of person (though I enjoy a bantery romance from time to time). My initial character, Shrikeweed, is even less romantic than I, and so he's not likely to participate in any form of romance. Though I am all for hilarious and awkward misunderstandings and generally tormenting my characters.
Romance, Romantic Relationships
⚠️Between PCs and NPCs

⚠️Between PCs
Sex, Sexual Encounters
✅Between PCs and NPCs
✅Between PCs
✅Fade to Black

Combat: Horror, Gore, and Violence
I'm all for atmospheric nastiness, a good knife fight, and have no aversion to rats and spiders. I prefer a light hand with the gore itself, preferring the horror of the reaction and the impact on psychology and physical state, but I don't have objections to moderately long gore in the service of the plot. The one major exception is with regards to torture by disembowelment. I can't quite explain why this particularly disturbs me, but it really does.

✅ Blood
✅ Body Parts
✅ Bodily Fluids
✅Combat and Injury
✅Harm to Animals
⚠️Harm to Children
✅ Rats
✅ Spiders
⚠️ Disembowelment

Please list any and all triggers that are important for you to avoid in order to have an enjoyable role playing experience. Unfortunately, given the nature of the political and social structures in place in the Six Kingdoms of Vita, please keep in mind it is rather difficult to fully escape such things as racism, sexism, and the occasional bit of homophobia, but if those are triggers for you, please list that you would like to limit interactions with major plot lines or player-led plots dealing directly with these things.

Note: Below are just examples. Please feel free to write in your own and/or delete ones that you don't think at all matter to you or will come up as an issue. Thank you.
✅ Most things
🛑Sexual assault, Rape

Hard Limits
Rape, sexual assault, and related - I don't want to be involved in explicit threads about this. At all. Certainly nothing elaborately described or lingered upon.