[PM to Join] Good Company

The LeClairs host a party at their estate outside of Vienda.

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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Aurelien LeClair
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Race: Galdor
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Writer: Mistral
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Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:06 pm


Aurélien was fixated on himself. More notable, he was fixated on his clothing. The stain didn’t show boldly against the fabric of his attire, but as it had begun to dried, it was beginning to stick out. He was sure many people wouldn’t notice it at first glance, but some glances were more perceptive than others, and thusly he’d need to change lest he risk appearing perhaps sloppy and disorganized - something he couldn’t risk at a party of such importance.

He caught Palis out of the corner of his eye and turned his head to look at the young man, whose gaze seemed to avert itself. Aurélien figured the young man was still surveying the workshop. It was a lot to take in, given how often his mother worked to insure that her brand was a step ahead and beyond others. She didn’t always succeed, even with her mind, but she worked hard to maintain the integrity of Reign. Even if it did fall behind the curve from time to time, it always returned in the next season or two with a design that seemed to shake the industry. Aurélien had learned that that was the fashion industry; sometimes brands would seemingly fall from grace, only to return and start the latest and most popular trend.

Aurélien had turned his attention back to his reflection, studying the stain in his waistcoat and dress shirt. He didn’t notice Palis’ approach until the shorter man was already taking up the breadth of the mirror with him. He looked at Palis through the mirror, smiling at his comment.

“You’re no burden at all,” Aurélien reminded Palis. “Would you like a vest, too?” Aurélien began to unbutton his waistcoat and slid it off. He tucked it in his hand and started at his dress shirt: he flared up his collar then undid his bowtie, letting that fall loosely around his neck before he worked at the buttons, undoing them one by one in a quick fashion.

He moved from the mirror when his shirt was undone. He moved towards the rack of extra clothing with his both his shirt and vest in his hand. His long strides made short work of the distance. He laid his discarded top and vest on the sewing machine then turned his attention to the rack.

“You like colors, don’t you?” he said back to Palis. “Are there any that you prefer? You’re wearing that golden vest today with that navy coat. Do you just want another white one? Maybe navy, too, to match your coat? Cream also goes well with navy, though if you do that, you’ll have to wear tan.”

Aurélien pulled shirts from the rack as he spoke, temporarily holding off his own need to dress himself until Palis was taken care of. He pulled a white dress shirt, followed by a navy one with white stripes, and then a solid cream one. He held them in one hand then grabbed a tan vest with his freehand, just in case. He quietly went to Palis, shoes tutting on the wooden floors as he strode up to the shorter man. The clothes were still on their hangers, so he held them out in front of Palis, as if envisioning the young man in the garment.

“I quite like the tan, cream, and navy combination if you wanted to change your vest, too,” he said. “If not, the navy shirt with the white stripes will break up the monotony of the color and still look nice with the vest you’re wearing now. White, of course, is pretty safe.”

Aurélien spoke with solid confidence, the bass of his voice accentuated by the low volume he was speaking in. He folded the shirts over his free arm and held the white shirt in front of Palis again. Focus was held in his gaze as he imagined Palis’ white shirt, new and pristine. He looked past the shirt for just a moment at Palis and took in the young man, who, in that moment, looked really young. His complexion was pale, accented by the pink hued undertone showing in his face. Palis was even small in every sense of the word. Aurélien could see and assume how thin and wiry his frame was when he was this close to the man, examining him for the sole purpose of dressing him. He supposed he was blessed with his mother’s attentive eyes when it came to people’s forms.

Above it all, Palis’ eyes were most remarkable. Before they had appeared brown but, again this close, Aurélien could see the azure pockets hugged by the dark chocolate ring. He did not realize how deeply and intently he was looking at Palis until a moment had past without a word from him. He blinked to disconnect himself before his eyes trailed to strawberry blonde locks sitting like waves on Palis’ head. Aurélien cleared his throat and pulled the navy blue shirt with white stripes out again and held it in front of Palis.

“What do you think?” he said, trying to get himself back into the conversation.

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Palis Ainu
Posts: 71
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Race: Galdor
Occupation: Young politician. Temporarily out of service.
Location: Vienda
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
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Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:24 pm

Hamis 30, 2718

olitely, Palis turned his attention back to the workshop as Aurélien began to undress. As the elder galdor, shirt, vest, and tie in hand, moved into Palis’ field of vision, however, Palis floated after him like a helium balloon tied to his wrist and floated toward the colourful rack of clothing. He lingered behind Aurélien, not wishing to be in the way as the man worked quickly, sifting through the racks with a seemingly perfect vision of exactly what he needed. He watched Aurélien work curiosly, but his eyes soon drifted to the muscles moving slightly underneath the bare skin of the man’s back. It was clear to the man that Aurélien was strong, or certainly stronger than Palis ever had been. Palis stepped back suddenly as Aurélien turned, giving the latter room as he held the shirts out before Palis and looked at him curiously over the shirt. Rather than disturb the focus of the man before him, the young galdor turned his excitable attention to the dancing fabric, reaching out now and again to roll the cool textiles in his fingers. The shirt waved before him, ghostly. He was growing bored of the plain white shirt that had been held to him for some time, and he looked up to Aurélien for an explanation.

He found himself caught in the spotlights of the other man’s gaze. Palis averted his own eyes as Aurélien stared into them for a moment that was just a second too long. He ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit his father had given up on breaking him from.

A familiarly sly confidence boiled up in Palis as Aurélien broke his silent stare. He waved Aurélien’s question away for a moment, matching the low tone of his companion from under one raised eyebrow.

Do I look good?” he asked, only half joking in his quiet voice. His voice, as always, made him sound like he was trying his hardest not to laugh. He tilted his head like a curious canine, and, smirking, he strode towards Aurélien with a slow ease and purpose. He kept his eyes low and level with Aurélien’s chest. He stepped inches away from Aurélien, watching, for a moment, his breast rise and fall steadily as he breathed. He raised his eyes slowly to meet the other’s, holding the gaze temporarily, searching Aurélien’s eyes for some reaction. Whatever Aurélien’s reaction, Palis plucked the cream shirt and tan vest from his hands before he could act and twirled away gracefully with the ensemble held to his small chest. He grinned as he slowed his dance to face Aurélien again, this time beyond arm’s reach as his face flushed slightly. With the time alone, his confident carelessness and ease was replenished. He knew the risk his boldness put on the slowly established respect between himself and the stranger he was smiling at, but he hoped he wouldn’t overwhelm the other man too much with his playful vivacity. If it wasn’t well-received, he knew to stop, but he wanted to test the waters, even if just to further chip away Aurélien’s formalities. He wanted to see more than the business side of the man, whether annoyance or otherwise. A man successful, young, and attractive... why wouldn’t Palis take the opportunity to try?

I quite like this one,” he chirped happily as if nothing had happened, looking down at the clothing as he clutched the hanger at his neck. He set the clothing down on the nearest empty surface, taking his turn before the mirror without wasting any time. He was sure Aurélien wanted to return to the party soon rather than dawdle with him longer than necessary. He moved his fingers deftly to the three low golden buttons of his navy coat. He shrugged it off and, as he revealed the smaller frame beneath, it seemed as though he had stepped out of a bulky shell. He discarded the jacket and moved on to the vest and shirt, repeating the same motion until he was left in the light, sleeveless undershirt that hugged his torso, a skinny mass completely lacking the definition of muscle. He reached for the new cream shirt Aurélien provided with his thin, wiry arms glancing back at Aurélien through the mirror as he carefully removed the shirt from the hanger. He finished dressing, and, leaning towards the mirror, he began combing his hair back into its neatly planned place. Palis took a moment to inspect his reflection. Aurélien’s choices certainly were delectable, not that Palis thought they wouldn’t be. He turned slightly this way and that to take in every aspect of his reflection before turning back to Aurélien and clapping his hands conclusively. With new clothes and a moment for composure, he was again illuminated with the excitement to greet the world in the LeClair ballroom.
tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 2699
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Aurelien LeClair
Posts: 37
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Race: Galdor
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Writer: Mistral
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Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:06 am


“You do,” Aurélien replied to the joke seriously.

Aurélien could not deny Palis’ looks. The young man was handsome - actually, he was more adorable than handsome. Palis was cute. The young man, with the soft curves of his face and the brightness of his hair, and with the curious quirks for eyes, was pleasant to look at. Aurélien forbade himself from speaking on it more than that, having distracted himself from the thoughts by considering what the clothes looked like on Palis’ form rather than thinking about the young man’s form itself.

The older galdor had withdrawn a bit to showcase all the potential outfits for Palis’ consideration, and so that he could see the man from a larger distance - though not overly far. Aurélien considered the space between them distant enough to be comfortable but close enough to be friendly.

The strategic placement of distance didn’t serve to keep Palis at bay. The smaller galdor closed the steps between them with purposeful, mirthful steps. Aurélien’s gaze was contorted by his reflexive brows: one raised and the other fell deep over his browline. Palis kept his quiet in spite of Aurélien’s silent yet burning questions. Like his questions, Aurélien remained quiet and studied the young man - who didn’t so much as regard him with eye contact at first. He swore he could feel Palis’ breath rolling like a butterfly’s kiss over the skin of his bare chest, and just as his curiosity rose to its peak, the shorter man looked up to him. Aurélien fought quickly to deny the blitz of emotion welling up inside him when their gazes did meet. His field plainly reflected the flare but to a dulled degree, for he had stopped the wave before it could fully break shore. His belly was wrecked by a flock of anxious birds that stole away his will to speak, at least for that instance. The mental battle raged inside, and he won in the end, but that brief moment was documented in his eyes and the way his gaze bore down on Palis.

Palis had stolen the cream shirt and tan vest away from him like a fairy, dancing away in an equally carefree and whimsical fashion. Aurélien did not pursue, striving to collect himself in one quiet, weighted breath followed by shallower others. The rest of the clothing was brought together and he turned from the young man.

“It suits you,” Aurélien called back. He re-racked the rest of the clothing then began to browse for himself. He already had in mind what he wanted to wear in order to re-complete his outfit, so he made short time out of picking out another dress shirt and waistcoat. Since he and his parents were wearing black and white, he wanted to stay on theme. So, he selected a black shirt decorated with large white floral print. He covered that with a black waistcoat and even strode over to one of the few armoires for a pair of white gloves, thinking they’d go nicely with a solid black bowtie he also retrieved from the armoire.

Aurélien turned towards the rest of the room and set his gaze on Palis once more, just as the young galdor was beginning to don the cream shirt as suggested. He rested against one of the armoires, leaning against it as he waited for Palis to finished dressing. The young man really was a delicate thing, almost fragile looking. Aurélien felt as if one stiff breeze could simply force the smaller man to fold like a thin tree.

Aurélien watched on attentively, resting his head on the side of the armoire, too, as it was taller than him. His clothes rested over one of his arms near his center and he didn’t stir even as Palis caught his presence in the mirror, nor when Palis fixed up his hair or inspected himself. He only pushed away from the dresser when Palis had finished up, turned, and clasped his hands together to announce as much. Aurélien couldn’t help the smallest of smiles tugging at a corner of his mouth as Palis showed off his excitement.

He approached Palis with his collected gait, each step sounding off as his heels clicked against the wooden floor below. “You’re handsome,” he told Palis before taking position in front of the mirror. Like Palis before him, he set his gathered clothes on the small table near the mirror and started to dress himself.

He decided to forgo the undershirt in favor of the black, floral dress shirt. Aurélien slid into it seamlessly and buttoned it up with deft, long fingers. He studied his reflection all the while, insuring that the garment draped from his shoulders and hugged his chest and abdomen in complimenting ways. He shrugged on the black vest after that, also making sure it wasn’t too tight or too loose. Next came the bowtie; he flipped up his collar and weaved the tie around it, flipping it back down before working methodically to perfect his tie. He put his gloves on last, sliding them on then tugging on them as a finishing touch. Aurélien smoothed out his entire outfit as a final step then turned to view himself at a profile angle. The height of the mirror allowed for his full frame to be seen.

“What do you think?” he asked Palis. His gaze flitted over to the young man briefly then back to his reflection. Regardless of Palis’ response, Aurélien replied with a soft hum and nod. Even if it was a bad fit, there was no time to change it now, he would have to make it work.

“Ready to head back?” he asked next.
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Palis Ainu
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Wed Jul 11, 2018 6:09 pm

Hamis 30, 2718
Aurélien’s compliments didn’t share Palis’ underlying joking tone, and Palis stood for a moment in flushed awe as his companion strode past him to stand before he mirror. He couldn’t suppress the bewildered smile that found itself wildly spreading across his reddening face. A great if nervous elation boiled in his stomach. He wanted to dance, to scream giddily, to rush to Aurélien and throw his arms over the taller galdor’s shoulders to embrace the man and pull him close. Instead, he laughed quietly, a short exhalation of barely perceptible amusement. Laughing was his defense, his antidote to such nervousness, but, as he turned to glance back at Aurélien as he dressed, the sight of the other man and the vivid image of the emotion Palis’ plot had temporarily caused reignited the fire of emotion dancing in his shallow belly.

Palis wasn’t quite sure what he had seen in Aurélien’s eyes as he had gazed up into them moments before. Was it infatuation? Passion? Elation? No, Palis’ wasn’t sure if he or anyone else in the world had a word for what he had seen. He knew it, though, and he knew that he was happy to see it, and happy to feel it in his own heart and emotion as well. He hadn’t expected Aurélien to respond so directly and boldly with words, either, but, again he wasn’t disappointed. The response was more than he had hoped for, and it encouraged his own playful vivacity. He would have to satisfy his hunger for the playful banter on the short walk to the party that now seemed more like a small, faint memory rather than an obligation pressing both young men. He both wanted to return to the party and the opportunities there, and wanted to stay in the studio for an eternity, stay and explore, research the whisper of unidentified emotion on Aurélien’s face. He could use a Perceptive conversation, of course, if he was desperate, but he could think of better methods of discovery and experimentation.

Palis stepped away from the mirror, resting his elbows upon a dormant sewing machine and stacking his young head on his hands. He observed Aurélien as he dressed, slightly disappointed as the man pulled a shirt back over his bare torso. The man was meticulous in every action, every button, every loop of his tie, and every deft movement of his long fingers. Though Palis was certainly nothing of the sort, he was fascinated by the attentive man before him, fascinated by his mannerisms, his skillfulness, his maturity, and the air of responsibility and command that surrounded him.

”I think you look marvelous, though you looked better when your shirt was off,” he responded, one eyebrow and one corner of his rosy mouth floating upwards in unison as if attached by fragile threads. He sighed slowly, rising from where he leaned on the machine. He busied himself in dusting away invisible dust from his front and smoothing any of the trivial wrinkles that had formed because of his poor posture as Aurélien turned back to the mirror for a final inspection. Palis smiled as he heard the small hum Aurélien gave in response. He wandered towards the doorway as Aurélien asked him if he was ready to head back to the social event. He guessed that his response really wouldn’t change whether or not they returned soon, and he supposed that he may as well return to salvage his attempt to use the party as a networking even for his political goals.

”Mentally prepared to go back and dressed for it, I suppose, but certainly not ready to leave this moment,“ he said with a sigh, a pout forming on his lower lip. As he reached the doorway, he turned back to the room and leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his tiny chest.

”I suppose someone may be missing a chance to look at the most handsome man in the room— and you, of course— if we stay much longer,” he chuckled playfully, his eyes twinkling as he teased the galdor across the room with a wave of his hand. Smirking amusement danced across his bright face. He awaited Aurélien to lead the way, both the fear of getting lost in the labyrinthine estate and the need to savor and immortalize ever smell, sight, sound, and second keeping his small feet nailed to the floor of the workshop.

tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 2699
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Aurelien LeClair
Posts: 37
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Writer: Mistral
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Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:25 pm


Aurélien turned to face the mirror one more time to get a final look at his outfit. He quite liked the piece and figured his mother would appreciate his initiative in garnering attention for her brand. He had several garments of Reign to himself, but floral print was new for him. He could imagine the smile that would spread across her less-than-sober face and smiled at the thought himself.

He turned away from the mirror and returned the hangers he and Palis used to the rack of other clothes and did a quick inspection of the room to make sure all was in order. Then, he made way for Palis near the doorway. He smiled at what the young man had to say; it was certainly nice to get away from the almost claustrophobic grand hall. The amount of people there was overwhelming, and often made him retreat away to the outskirts in order to catch his breath at one of the refreshment tables. Aurélien did not forget the job he had been assigned, though, and thus he needed to return.

Now that he was an adult - and of the working-class - he had a part to play in not only keeping the LeClair name afloat, but also making sure it ascended above all others. Aurélien was no different from his older - and only - brother. Yet, Aurélien envied his brother because he had managed to avoid being dragged to the party. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that his brother would be tasked with the same objective as he should the man had been able to come. It was no matter; this even only served to further sharpen Aurélien’s predatory canines, letting him practice preying on opportunities easily snatched up thanks to his parents’ influence.

Aurélien couldn’t help but reflect on Palis’ words as he made his way for the young man and the doorway. He, like many, was more than his parents’ legacy. He was his own man, his own person, with his own motivations and ideals. Sure, they may have aligned with many of his parents’, but he still had his own.

Aurélien found himself smiling broadly at Palis’ words. “You’re a bold one, you know?” he told the young man.

He came to the doorway and stepped beyond the archway into the hall. Once Palis was out, he closed the door to a crack then began the journey back to the party by retracing the steps taken. He didn’t walk far ahead of Palis, letting the want in him to be close to the man for a little longer overtake him. While he didn’t want to completely take up Palis’ personal space, he imposed himself near the young man, using his hands to play gingerly in Palis’ wavy hair - if allowed - under the guise of making sure Palis looked okay for their return. Aurélien also made a mental note of Palis’ discarded clothing upstairs, wanting to remember to launder it before returning the garments to the young man in time.

“So, who do you want me to introduce you to?” he asked Palis. “I still think you should meet my mother.”
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