A Hoxian and a Gioran Walk Into A...Bar?

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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Athrym Bruthgrave
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Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:58 am

33rd Roalis, 2718
Gods save her, it was hot.

Athrym fanned herself gently with a fine white lace hand fan as she walked slightly behind Hadrian Siordanti, Nauleth’s father taking it up on himself to take the Gioran Ambassador for an impromptu tour of Vienda’s several Courts, the external walk of the Royal Palace and finally the overly decorated and overly pompus Congress building. The platinum haired foreigner frowned up at the building, sighing heavily and brushing her hair from her shoulders. She’d dressed in a fitted white batiste and blue jacquard day dress, pale blonde locks pulled back in a high chignon.

“It’s quite…it’s…it’s really something.” She said politely, unbelievably bored and completely over the architecture of the capital. Clocks, why in Imaan’s name had she agreed to this? Her frown turned into a pout as she fanned herself more briskly, thinking of all the unpleasant things she wanted to say to the tall red haired professor, looking around at Crosstown Court before turning back to—

“Oh.” The older Siordanti had dissapeared. Athrym turned, and again, and again before closing her fan with a sharp snap. Muttering curses in Gioran, the short Ambassador stomped up the stairs that led into the building of Congress, pushing the door open to look around in the cathedral like reception hall for the wretched politician.

“Some clocking tour.” The woman growled, boots clicking on the polished stone floor and field simmering with frustration. Marching up to the mahogany desk that housed a single solitary receptionist in thin wireframe glasses and grey hair, Athrym tapped her folded fan on the top, rattling a small jar of mints.

“You there. Have you perchance seen Mister Siordanti? Senior.” The old woman looked up slowly over the top of her spectacles with a permenant scowl.

“No, you’ll need to seek him out at his home in—“

“I know where his clocking home is thankyou. I’m not looking to visit him, I have lost him you…” Her temper was running away from her, temple throbbing and summer eyes bright. The receptionist raised an eyebrow, her merger field drawing closer to her person.

“You lost him?” She asked in an incredulous tone, making the young Ambassador feel ridiculously moony. A blush crept across her features and she drew her fan back with a deep breath, before releasing it slowly and stepping back.

“Not like...I don’t mean...oh forget it.” Brushing her hand over her soft skirts, Athrym nodded curtly.

“Thankyou for being of literally no help what so ever. I’ll be sure to pass on my recommendations about Vienda’s hospitality to the Headmistress.” Not waiting to see if the threat affected the wretch, the Gioran grabbed a mint and held it up like a victory medal with narrowed eyes.

“And I’m taking this.” She snapped, popping it in her mouth before storming from the building in a sweep of white and blue skirts, icy scowl on her face and field now all but crackling with anger. Taking the stairs by two, she stopped and the foot of them and huffed.

So, she didn’t quite know the way to the Siordanti residence, but it was too clocking late to go back inside now. And Imaan that was an awful mint. Defiantly, she crushed it with her teeth and swallowed the offensive ‘sweet’.

Now what?

Athrym stood in the heat of the midday Roalis sun, glancing up and down the street, her pout turning into a slightly concerned frown as she tried to get her bearings. They’d come from the left, past the bookshop and the…uh….


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Drezda Ecks
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Sat Aug 04, 2018 9:26 pm

Roalis 33, 2718 - Midday
Perhaps it was a poor choice to venture out into the midday sun, but she had had an appointment in the Congress building and she couldn't hang around for hours simply waiting for the scorch factor to drop. It was the main reason that she had a parasol, her delicate Hoxian complexion quite adverse to sunlight. Even if her pale skin didn't dislike the sun, she shuddered to think about her skin darkening like some lower race, tanning as if they had no means to avoid such things. Plenty of those she dealt with were well-off enough to keep their skin pale, not allow it to darken like some commoner's.

She walked carefully out of the building, her steps delicate courtesy of heeled shoes and her tight red silk dress sheathing her legs so that she could hardly move them at all. The floral parasol was opened above her head, set at a careful angle to prevent the harmful rays from touching an inch of her pure ivory skin. It was a good thing that she had it too because as it turned out, there was no sign of her carriage, despite her explicit instructions about when she was to be collected. They should have been here early and waited no matter how much time her appointment might have run over. They should be willing to wait an hour, a house, all day in fact! Passive heads were going to roll.

She stood still, honestly too shocked to do anything more, although her face remained still and impassive. It was while she stood seemingly taking the air that she spotted the blonde woman. The Hoxian wouldn't have taken much notice of her if she hadn't been so openly gazing up and down the street, her face full of bewilderment. She seemed to be looking for something to but judging from her confusion, she was lost rather than awaiting some manner of transportation. Was she walking with no parasol and that skin? How truly lower class! Really these Anaxi-

She looked at her again, really looked. Blonde hair wasn't a complete impossibility for an Anaxi but it was a distinctive feature - extremely so - of another race entirely - Gior. It was when she scrutinised her properly that she realised who she was: the Gioran ambassador. She was a mere slip of a girl, reminding Drezda of a doll with her smooth, youthful skin and childish features. She was pretty, the Hoxian would give her that, and she imagined that the most delicious expressions could be brought out on her face if one mixed the right amount of pleasure and pain. The diplomat bit her painted-red lips, quelling the thoughts as she realised that she ought to interact with her.

She ran her tongue along her top teeth to ensure they wouldn't carry the telltale red of lipstick as she stepped up to her, a careful smile perched on her lips that showed just the right amount of teeth. She reached out as if to tap her on the shoulder, fingers hovering above her skin.

"Pardon me, it's Ambassador Bruthgrave, isn't it?" she murmured politely. "I couldn't help but notice that you seem a bit put out. Are you lost?" the Perceptive questioned softly. She looked up and down the street herself, wondering where on Vita her carriage was.

"I'd offer you a ride somewhere but my carriage... well, I don't know where those passives have gotten to, but I'm not amused," she explained with a soft laugh, twirling her parasol in her grasp, eyes flicking appraisingly to the fan she held. Athrym liked to keep herself cool, an interesting social accessory as well, but yet no parasol. Perhaps she could be excused because of her age but she seemed so unaware, so childish. However, she couldn't be stupid; she was an ambassador at 20 or 21, something like that. That pretty, childish face probably hid a very shrewd woman.
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Athrym Bruthgrave
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Mon Aug 13, 2018 4:02 pm

33rd Roalis, 2718
The Gioran ambassador flicked her fan open, trying to cool her pale skin as the sun beat down relentlessly. If she had even remotely expected the older Siordanti would be taking her on an entire city tour she would have brought something to protect her skin, or not come at all. Already, she could feel herself cooking, and Gods it was horrid. Switching from fanning, Athrym held the fan above her face like a visor, gathering her field with a pout and a mildly throbbing headache.

Nauleth would not hear the end of this when she figured out where the tock to go to find him.

Lifting her chin, the pale foreigner realised that she would need to eat her words and go back inside to ask the receptionist for directions. Steeling herself, the blonde took a breath, before the brush of a curiously unfamiliar field caught her attention, perceptive mona clinging to its disciplined edges. Athrym turned at the sound of her name, faced with a Hoxian woman sporting red ruby lips and the most wonderful parasol. Her dark hair was loose, Anaxi in style, but her features were most definitely not of the country they both stood in. She could have been older than herself, but it was hard to tell sometimes with the Hoxian galdori, they were ageless it seemed in their pale skinned beauty. Not quite the alabaster of her countrymen, but adequate. The Gioran moved to fan her face again, trying to determine if she knew the prim and well kept woman before her.

“Yes, though I admit I am afraid you have me at a disadvantage, Miss…? You seem to know who I am, yet I am not sure we’ve met before?” The living mona in her own field curled against them both, as though tasting the biological differences and relishing in them. The woman suggested she was lost, and for a brief moment her pride nearly took over to proclaim that no of course not, except that she was. And it wasn’t getting any cooler whilst standing trying to figure out the way to the Siordanti home. Taking another deep breath, Athrym offered a quick smile.

“Actually, truth be told, yes I am lost. I had a clocking escort who clearly has no concept of hospitality. He dragged me through Vienda, which by the way is far too open and sunny to be in any way enjoyable, before somehow disappearing and leaving me stranded outside this monstrosity.” She gestured at the Congress building with the fan, unimpressed with the hand built building. No doubt, it had been the labour of humans rather than galdori hands, and frankly that made it worthless in her view. Gior had been carved from a mountain, by the magic and labour of galdori hands, pure and grand in its design. Whilst Vienda was admittedly pretty, it was no great Wonder of the World.

The Hoxian laughed, and Athrym couldn’t help but chuckle softly in return, though her summer gaze watched the woman carefully. The Ambassador knew what it was to play the game, and by the look of her this brunette was a well established player.

“Perhaps they’ve melted in this heat?” She quipped, before snapping her fan shut and offering the woman a dimpled smile.

“If you happen to know where the Siordanti residence is, I would be more than happy to share a carriage with you. Perhaps I can return inside and threaten that useless receptionist till she calls us one. Surely this place has transport.” Her gaze fell on one of the small two person rickshaws as it rolled past, field bristling slightly as she picked up on the human driver. She’d rather walk all of Vienda than get into human driven transport. How they managed to control the cabs was beyond the Gioran. Animals, the whole clocking lot of them. Curling her nose slightly, the blonde let her gaze return to the other womans dark eyes.

“Transport operated by galdori, or passives at least. Tocking humans, they shouldn’t be allowed to operate those things.”

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Drezda Ecks
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Sat Aug 18, 2018 7:41 pm

Roalis 33, 2718
The Gioran looked like she was all too aware of the toll the sun was taking on her delicate skin. In truth, based on what she was trying to do with the fan when Drezda approached, she doubted that the young woman had chosen to come out in the light like this. The Hoxian wondered what had led her here, vulnerable and unprotected like this. It didn't seem like something that she'd do of her own volition. It wasn't pity exactly that made her angle her parasol so that a shadow was cast over the Gioran's face, but rather it seemed a shame to see such lovely skin damaged. A terrible, terrible shame.

She fanned her own face with her hand, stirring a breeze against the light perspiration there. "Miss Ecks, Drezda Ecks. Only a very slight disadvantage but no matter. You haven't been in this occupation long, it's understandable and... you're an ambassador but you spend much of your time at Brunnhold, I believe? An academic. I respect that. I have an interest in educational matters myself," she explained, a rather long-winded introduction but she was pressing her advantage, 'politely' exhibiting how much she knew. Still, she smiled when the other did, not able to resist that prettiness. If a smile from her would cause an answering one in this child then it was a small thing really.

As Athrym explained being abandoned, the diplomat clucked in sympathetic disapproval, shaking her head slightly. She'd been right then, the girl hadn't exposed her skin this way on purpose. Someone had led her out and hadn't taken adequate precautions, possibly hadn't warned her of the conditions at all. She wondered who her escort had been. Asking directly probably wouldn't be wise because it would show that she wanted to know the answer; that simply wouldn't do.

"Yes, they've no sense of architecture, have they? Not true architecture. Even though they do have Static sorcerers, it doesn't mean that they have any sense of real taste. Although I'm not sure that they utilised the mona to make it. Although given its size, I suppose it's possible. That would make it worse, wouldn't it? At least if it was humans, you could blame them for the ugliness," Drezda remarked, glancing up at the building as she spoke, a disgusted twist to the corner of her mouth as she shook her head.

The diplomat felt that the Gioran actually understood some basic things that most Anaxi did not. It was why the Anaxi were so inferior to her own people but Gior was a kingdom on par with Hox. They weren't all that different from one another. This ambassador was practically her equal.

Her quip about Drez's servants made the woman scoff. "They should be so lucky. If they aren't puddles of liquid crying out in this heat then I will certainly give them something to cry about," she remarked sourly, gaze flicking up and down the street in case they had put in an appearance at a mention of them.

However, at the mention of Siordanti, her gaze shot straight back to Athrym, brows raised in interest and curiosity. "Siordanti? Why yes, I know where they live. The Incumbent, of course, I've associated with him. You have an appointment with him, I take it?" she asked, unable to keep the interest from her voice, her face, her field. The woman would easily pick up on it and her curiosity too. "I'm sure that this carriage of mine has to show up sooner rather than later. Once it comes, I'll be happy to share it with you. I wouldn't chance a random passive on the street, or worse... a human."

Her gaze followed the same human-driven rickshaw that Athrym focused on, a similar disdain present on her features. Anaxi allowed them to mingle so readily in their society: galdori, wicks, humans, even the occasional passive, all together in a horrible mixing pot that led to the most contemptuous behaviour. The kingdom was overrun with wicks and adulterated galdori, and was it really that surprising?

She was about to comment on the fact that humans ran around Anaxas like vermin, worse than rats, when she saw a carriage rattle around the corner with a familiar driver. She pursed her lips together and glared, hand coming to rest on her hip while the other twirled the parasol in her grasp. "Here are the sorry pair now. We'll be out of this light in a moment, Ambassador."

The carriage pulled up before them, the footman jumping to the ground, mumbling apologies fervently, bowing before her while he moved to open the door. The Hoxian gathered her field about her, beginning to sigil and warm the air around her that little bit more. Her eyes narrowed slightly in concentration as her lips formed the Monite for a pain spell, choosing a lash variant that smacked across the man's freckled cheek, raising a painful mark that sent him staggering back a step.

"You will not leave me waiting again. Don't say you haven't been warned. Consider yourself lucky that it wasn't you," she added, pointing meaningfully at the driver as she closed her parasol. "Now, we'll be bringing Ambassador Bruthgrave to the Siordanti residence."

Drezda stepped into the carriage, seating herself primly and gesturing for the Gioran to sit across from her. "Please, sit with me," she invited in the Ambassador's native tongue, smiling sweetly as she set the parasol across her lap, hands placed neatly over it.
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Athrym Bruthgrave
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Sat Aug 25, 2018 7:53 pm

33rd Roalis, 2718
The Gioran Ambassador acknowledged the sharing of the parasols shade with a small nod, unwilling to decline the unspoken offer, but also skilled enough in political etiquette to know that one did not openly say they’d seen the slight shift to share the cover. As they stood together, Athrym couldn’t help the chuckle at Drezda’s words, listening to her words with no surprise.

“Ah, how gossip travels in this kingdom. Yes Miss Ecks, I have chosen Brunnhold as my residence. It was academia that led my Headmaster and parents to come to an agreement regarding my appointment as Gioran Ambassador. I was, so far as I can tell, falsely lured into this position by promises of grimores and journals of the Grand Library that could better further my research into True Names. To date, my research has come up entirely lack lustre. I would do better remaining in Gior and trying to find a way to access the Deep Histories.” The pale creature arched an eyebrow cooly, her field simmering with the fringe of her temper. Her mother, ever striving to find her lost glory through her only child, had pressed and pressed the point of Brunnholds library even if she hated the country. Father had merely prattled on about all the Very Important People she would be expected to brush shoulders with.

“Though admittedly, the Crypts appear to offer some promise, even if they aren’t entirely safe.” Looking up at the building again, she nodded at Drezda’s comments.

“I have no doubt this is crafted by human hands. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed Miss Ecks, but this kingdom seems to rely on humanity for a great many things. It’s…it’s degrading.” Her petite nose curled at the thought, shaking her head and looking up and down the street with the Hoxian, nodding in agreement at her comments about her help. Indeed, even if Gior didn’t use passives as servants or slaves, she could appreciate the frustration of waiting on those who were in your employ. As Drezda confirmed she knew of the Siordanti’s, Athrym turned her summer gaze back on the woman with a smirk, sensing the curiosity in her field even if her face was so almost perfectly professional.

“An appointment, not quite. I am currently visiting with the man and his wife, together with their son Professor Nauleth Siordanti. The Professor and I have developed a close relationship, and my father was insistent on my meeting the Incumbent. Nauleth being the man’s son was a fruitful discovery, and thus here I am. Though I will strongly say between us Miss Ecks, the man is not all that his reputation suggests.” Her free hand gestured at the city scape before them with a clear frustration, as this was entirely his doing.

“Case and point.” She said with an arched brow, snapping the fan open again to wave it quickly. As they watched the rickshaw pass, the Hoxian shifted, catching Athrym’s eye as a carriage pulled up before them. Miss Ecks carriage by the looks of it. As the air around them swirled with living mona, the Gioran watched with mild discomfort as Drezda intoned monite to lash across one of the passive’s cheeks. Passives were not at all treated the same in Gior, but she’d been in Anaxas long enough to know that showing any sympathy for the disabled was frowned upon. Instead, she fanned herself and waited patiently.

“Imaan bless your kind heart, Miss Ecks.” The blonde said genuinely, smiling as she watched the woman step up. It wasn’t until the Hoxian invited her to sit across from her that Athrym’s carefully diplomatic face cracked with a dimpled grin.

“You speak Gioran?” She breathed in her own language as she climbed in and settled across from the exotically beautiful woman, sighing softly with a longing sort of distant look.

“It’s been seasons since I’ve heard my own language, and gods I’ve missed it. Estuan is so…chittery and fast. Like people are rushing to make their words. There’s no depth or complexity to their words. Love is love, hate is hate, there is no nuance or infliction that expresses the depth of love for a child or hatred of the color red. It takes so many words to say things too.” Switching back to Estuan, the Ambassador blushed, her dimpled smile apologetic.

“Forgive me, I didn’t realise how much I’d missed proper conversation. Have you spent time in Gior?” The Gioran had settled her fan in her lap, much happier now to be out of the glaring sunshine.

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Drezda Ecks
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Wed Sep 05, 2018 6:22 pm

Roalis 33, 2718
The diplomat had to suppress a smile as Athrym gave new information away, information that Drezda certainly hadn't possessed. It wasn't gossip that had explained the girl's placement but politics, business. If she'd been doing her job right then she might have found out more about the Gioran prior to this meeting but she'd failed, been lazy. She hadn't really taken an interest in the young woman, not really considering her someone who required intense scrutiny. Sure, she was working in Brunnhold but they weren't moving in quite the same circles, the woman wasn't a real threat. However, perhaps that had been an unfair assessment. Although she had just given away certain pieces of information.

Athrym was researching True Names, which was instantly intriguing to the Perceptive who one day hoped to seek her own although she had no illusions that she was in a position to discover it now. She had no idea what the Crypts were though and she made a note to do some research into Gior and its landmarks.

The other thing that she'd discovered was that the ambassador didn't consider Brunnhold to be as good as what her own kingdom could provide. It was a sentiment that Drezda understood perfectly and if there was anyone else who might be happy to see the Anaxi institute fall, it was this one. Oh they could be wonderful allies, watching Anaxas burn together. They had a mutual disdain for the place and seemed to hold some similar views so it seemed like an excellent beginning. Politically, she had no idea if they were compatible but the blonde creature intrigued her.

"Yes, I've noticed. In Hox, our societies are quite separate, it's the main reason that we don't have wicks but here... well, Anaxas is full of wicks, isn't it? It isn't particularly shocking given the blurring of boundaries here. There galdori bloodlines are so... adulterated," she commented with a light shudder as she glanced back at the building.

The diplomat's brows rose high as Athrym explained the situation with Siordanti, curiosity mounting within her. It was the hand wave, the gesture that encompassed the cityscape making glee rise within her. Was she saying that the Incumbent had been giving her a tour today? Was he the one who'd abandoned the fair-skinned woman to the merciless onslaught of the sun? She had talked about his reputation after all, not Vienda's. She bit down on her lip, holding in the questions that threatened to burst from her. From a political standpoint, it was a potentially wonderful piece of dirt on the politician if he'd neglected a foreign ambassador. If the Gioran and Nauleth were close then it was possible that Athrym was Siordanti's prospective daughter-in-law, which added a delicious layer to any neglect on his part.

She managed to keep herself quiet on the matter, acting as if it was of little consequence to her until after they were settled in the carriage. In truth, she was slightly less concerned about the Siordantis, either the father or the son, when she saw the absolute joy on the young woman's face at hearing her mother tongue. It was a delight that Drezda could never experience in relation to Deftung; Estuan was the official language of Hox and the most used so there wasn't the same attachment to what was honestly an antiquated and dying language.

However, the joy gave way to enthusiastic chatter, the lilting words spilling out while the diplomat sat very still, doing her best to make sense of her giddy speech. It was easier to understand than to speak it but her ear wasn't well-trained in Gioran so there were still plenty of words that she missed. Still, the Hoxian got the gist of it. She smiled, but there was a wooden quality to it, the woman rigid as she waited for the tide to subside.

"Yes, I speak a little. Well... yes, enough but not... a lot," she responded in careful Gioran, some animation returning to her smile. "I'm certainly not terrible at it but I wouldn't want to speak it and suffer you to listen to my butchery of your language," she added, switching back to Estuan.

"I haven't been to Gior, no, so my understanding of the language is purely academic. I doubt I can do it true justice. It's likely very stiff," she explained, setting light hands on the parasol as they began their trundling journey. "Had you been outside of Gior before you came here? I understand that your kingdom isn't keen on having outsiders enter so I'm wondering how much contact you've had with the Anaxi previously for instance. I just mean, did coming her cause something of a culture shock?"

She racked her memory for any minute recollection about the girl's background but found herself chasing scant details. "You didn't attend Brunnhold for your schooling, did you?" Drezda asked after a moment.

Her curiosity about Athrym and the Siordantis continued to press on her but there was no easy segway into the topic, not without declaring her interest and thus, she could only hope that things would steer closer to the matter.
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Athrym Bruthgrave
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Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:08 am

33rd Roalis, 2718
”Wicks.” Athrym hissed, her nose wrinkling in disgust and eyes narrowing.

“It’s the most revolting abomination, a human and a galdor...it’s...it’s unfeasible! Might as well go court a kenser, or marry a whice. I had heard about them, but to see it...” The Gioran shuddered, her skin crawling at the mere mention of the half breeds. As they settled into the carriage, and Athrym let her mouth run away with her at the sound of her native tongue, blush settling and sitting back as Drezda carefully danced her way around the language before moving back to Estuan.

“A shame, I suspect you’d enjoy Gior Miss Ecks. Hox sounds like it values the civilised approach to things, unlike Anaxas.” Smiling, the blonde raised her brow slightly.

“We definitely have a tight ruling on who enters our borders, though I understand the Da Huanes have relaxed this in the past thirty years or so. Prior to them, the Da Giore held Matriarchal rule, and they entirely banned outsiders. It risked the purity of our people, but I suppose eventually things change.” Clasping the closed fan in her hand, Athrym tapped it on her chin in thought.

“With Anaxi people, I’ve had enough exposure. My father was an Anaxi who married my mother and sired me. Whilst mother has done her absolute best to keep the taint of his culture from me, it has rubbed off in some ways. I am marred, in the eyes of my people, tainted by his bloodline. Not a pure Gioran. I have been told I have have her temper, but his curiosity. Probably explains why I took up Living conversation instead of Physical as expected of all Giorans. It has allowed me to see a snippet of what the culture is like here...though I admit I didn’t expect it to be so...crude. And backwards. I mean, for the love of Imaan they are home to the greatest clocking university in all of Vita!” She barked a short laugh, pausing for a moment before continuing.

“Did you know that we don’t have passive home staff? Sure, passive’s can do labour type work, we have many galdori that tend to the Carverns and such, but in Gior passives also can choose to become a Priest of Imaan. Only till the age of nineteen mind you, then they must become Reborn and take a pilgrimage away from Gior. They are considered the eyes and ears of The Eternal Child, and are treated with a deep respect. It is considered punishable by death to hurt a Child Priest. I admit, seeing the treatment of passive’s here was...jarring...to say the least.” Glancing out the window for a moment, the young woman looked back at the Hoxian with a shake of her head and a smile.

“No, I did not. I was schooled in Qrieth, academically in the University of Gior and conversationally in the Temple of Qrieth. Mother wanted me to get a true Gioran education, though Brunnhold is certainly the known ‘better’ school.” The shorter blonde tilted her head, meeting Drezda’s glittering black eyes with her own summer green ones.

“What of you Miss Ecks? Is Brunnhold home, or just a business trip? Did you attend the University? I admit I know very little about Hox, except that you get some wickedly wild winter storms.” Athrym found herself relaxed in the older womans company, her bold no-nonsense attitude familiar enough to feel comfortable. If the woman were alabaster from tip to toe, the Ambassador would have mistaken her for a Gioran.

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Drezda Ecks
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Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:19 pm

Roalis 33, 2718
Athrym actually seemed to understand the revolting truth about wicks. It was something that many galdori here seemed to conveniently forget: wicks were their bastard brethren. There had been an unholy union between magic and non-magic to create a mockery of the true race. They weren't meant to breed like that. Drezda had wondered on more than one occasion if the passive problem was a punishment, their truly magical children cursed for the sins of the galdori who had sullied their whole race. The young woman wasn't sure who had actually meted out that punishment: the gods or the mona itself. Still it was only a theory, or not even that; it simply a thought that sometimes flitted through her mind. It was hardly relevant here. Regardless of what repercussions the creation of wicks in the past might have had - might continue to be having - it certainly didn't explain what had possessed those galdori in the first place. Humans really were as dissimilar to them as a kenser or a whice.

Not that it's stopped you seeing the odd one as attractive and where's the harm between women? her mind whispered, the taboo desire deliciously seductive and promptly buried. No, humans were vile, sub-par beings and obviously no one would want to have any sort of carnal relations with them. It'd be like having sex with... with a mushroom or something! Some horrible grey-black fungus that you found growing in a dank and forgotten corner. No, disgusting!

"I know, they're like rats here. I thought that wicks were some sort of horrible tale designed to frighten children before I came here. Brunnhold is relatively safe from them but Vienda... some of them are actually allowed to live and work here. I suppose they're more civilised specimens than those other wicks that just wander in... They've actually caused riots here before, can you imagine?" she commented disdainfully, heaping on the revulsion and shuddering. If the shudder was in response to her own desires... well, she wasn't going to acknowledge it, was she?

The political situation in Gior was... not one that she was as well-versed on as she should have been and while Athrym named what she could only assumed were families, she forced to nod in understanding, as if it wasn't news to her. Inwardly, she was panicking a little, praying that the woman wouldn't ask her anything specific.

The Hoxian hadn't been raised in a household where international relations were expected. Many of Anaxi's elite were taught with a mind to what lay outside their borders, especially in diplomatic and political households. Other Kingdoms likely had a similar approach, even Gior. Although they hadn't wanted to let people in, they certainly had ventured out themselves. By contrast, when Drezda had been growing up, there hadn't been a diplomatic mission from Hox in Anaxas, despite it being one of the nearest Kingdoms to their own. She hadn't grown up with such an interlinked political mindset. The Anaxi queen had helped drag them onto the international stage with some reluctance and Drezda could remember it well. Even now, her people hadn't fully embraced the idea. Her father was still debating the idea of expanding his trades beyond Hox's borders although if she were to make an educated death, such a move likely wouldn't occur until after her father had passed and her brother - tsutek mho! - inherited his enterprises.

While she considered her own people to be superior, it was painful to admit that she was ignorant in these matters. Yes, she could say that she had considered them beneath her but it was clear that Gior was on a far level than Anaxas and look at all that she knew about this pissant kingdom!

She made a sound between a hum (she was trying for sympathetic and failing) and a cluck of disapproval at the notion that this beautiful creature was marred. She had seen pure Giorans and frankly, she didn't care for their albinism. Those eyes... they didn't look healthy to Drezda and their skin... well, yes, it was clean and pure but it was nigh on translucent. What lay beneath the skin certainly wasn't pretty, especially when it became more readily visible on the surface.

"Your looks certainly haven't been marred, not by any stretch of the imagination! Now if you'd inherited that awful red hair..." she trailed off, a ripple of a flinch crossing her features. The Siordantis. That Nauleth was a true carrot top and she did not yet know this woman's relationship to him. If she was indeed his future bride, perhaps it wasn't wise to suggest that their spawn might run around with such horrible hair!

If she could have swallowed the words back down, she would have.

"I, myself, am pure Hoxian but I also diverged from the expected Conversational path. My interest in Living Conversation certainly wouldn't be as deep as your own but it complements my affinity for the Perceptive. Alas, neither are as favoured in Hox as Static although Living certainly has more opportunities for development. I do hope that one day, Frecksat will have the same sort of resources at its disposal as Brunnhold," she admitted, sighing softly. She shook her head, picking at the folds of her parasol.

"Brunnhold is only so great because it has leeched so many great sorcerers from the other Kingdoms. If the resources were distributed more evenly... many of our sorcerers must leave our Kingdom if they want to learn something beyond Static. Not all of them have an aptitude or a desire to teach so they do not necessarily bring their knowledge back to Frecksat. Those that return often apply their new knowledge in other areas and so the vicious cycle continues," the diplomat commented, a slight edge of bitterness in her voice. "If sorcerers had more choice, I imagine that Brunnhold would not be quite as mighty," she added disdainfully.

She grew very still at the mention of passives, however, a definite loss of colour in her features as she listened to the ambassador talk about them as if... they were people. Worse, her little display before they'd gotten into the carriage obviously wouldn't have left a good lasting impression. Punishable by death. In Gior, she would have been executed for what she had done with such glee. It made her feel a little ill. That wasn't right.

The Perceptive swallowed with care, doing her best not to appear nervous as she smiled at her companion. "They lack communion with the mona. To us, they are... not galdori. We only interact with other galdori in Hox," she stated, aiming for the greatest neutrality that she could muster in light of what Athrym had seen her do.

Oh by Bash, it could be one of the worst mistakes of her life! To have such a good potential ally and to jeopardise it through such ignorance! Drezda wished that it was possible to turn back time, to approach the same moment again with her current knowledge. Hindsight was a bitch! But clock the Circle, she was old enough to know better! What had this damned country done to her?

Business, politics, education... they were comparatively safe topics.

She hoped.

"I spend much of my time in Vienda although I do make trips to Brunnhold. I have contacts there and it's always valuable to keep tabs on the school. Hoxian students frequently come here and it is good to have someone to pave the way, ease the transition. I attended Brunnhold myself for the latter half of my education. There was no Hoxian diplomat when I began but there was one by the time that I graduated. Things are... smoother these days," she explained, leaning to the side so she could look out without getting sunlight on her face. Were they far from the Siordanti residence? She couldn't be sure but they were in a likely area; she probably wouldn't have Athrym's company for much longer.

"I had intended to complete my Perceptive education in Bastia but alas, it was not to be. However, I likely would not have ended up in my current position if my life had taken that direction. I'm in a good position to help my Kingdom although it isn't my intention to remain in a diplomatic position indefinitely. I'm sure you've discovered that politics is a tricky field for a woman to be in and an ageing woman... well, men seem more willing to put up with the build-up of years on their own sex than on ours. They might not take any woman seriously, especially not a young one but youth has its advantages."

There was a storage area beneath the seat and the Hoxian took the opportunity to fetch a hand mirror from it, tilting the glass this way and that as she searched for any sign that the sun had marred her skin, a frown on her face as she did so. She tucked it away.

"Men can be so easily distracted by the sight of a young, pretty face. Although, I suppose that many women are not immune to such a thing themselves," Drezda commented, a sly smile on her face as she turned her attention back to her companion. "Speaking of men, I take it that the Incumbent and Master Siordanti are anticipating your presence? It isn't far to their residence from here, is it?"
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