[Main Chapter] Breakout!

Resistance Plot: Prison Break. Serro won't leave a good man behind...

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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Francis Pusher
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Sun Dec 02, 2018 5:48 am

05 Dentis 2718
The new boss man's attempt at reassurance, and he persumed the reassurance was aimed towards Francis's first aerial voyage and not only at the madness they were embarking for, did absolutely little to actually assuage the very tense, very nerve wracked Francis. Still, it would have served nothing to turn about simply because he was afraid of it while others went aboard.

That didn't stop him from trying to pretend he wasntr afraid as he boarded the metal coffin woth wings and took a seat. His arms wrapping around anything that was sturdy enough to keep him in place as he tried to think happy thoughts.

Soon the happy thoughts were drowned out as the everyone took their seats and everything was drowned out by the sound of the aeroshop's engines roaring so loud that the Mugrobi turned an interesting shade of white hidden only by tye darkness inside the craft.

As the ship lurched it certainly wasn't him that let out the feminine sounding yelp and no one else would get him to admit it, why with the engines so loud and the number of female passengers it could have easily been one of them! Yessiree..and it certainly wasnt him that was letting out a low and long whine as the vessel ascended to the air, frequently interrupted by the bumpy shaking if the vessel.

When everything was more or less settled, francis kept his tight hold as he dared not kove in some belief that so lon as he didn't move the ship wouldn't toss him out.

Silently he lamented to his ma an' da as to why he didn't join some other resistance endeavore like a suicide assualt to the Gaol's front door, he could jave done that!

But it was too late now, he was on this death trap till the end.

Clockin' hells.

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: "Cypress"
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Sat Dec 08, 2018 11:02 pm

05 Dentis 2718....
Sednai wrapped her hand desperately into the leather loops hanging off the interior walls of the aeroship as it lifted into the night sky. She gripped the strap with both hands and pressed the heels of her boots into the floor, afraid to somehow lose contact with the ship that acted as her tiny biosphere in the foreign environments of flight and night. Handicaps of palpable darkness and burdensome noise settled upon her shoulders like a heavy blanket of morning dust. The lazy bees of ships that floated on the wind had always been so foreign and off-limits to her like everything else set aside for the galdori above her. Above her, above her- she was eye level with them now, the clouds they ran off to in their ships now merely neighbors to wave to across the ocean of atmosphere between them.

Kill. Serro had given her permission to kill. The weight of her daggers grew exponentially as she held them. They had never taken a life, much less more than a few drops of blood. Tonight, though, whose blood would stain their surfaces? Would some galdori mother, father, brother, or sister's blood drip down the blade with Sednai to witness, or would her own blood pool at the handle? Gods, did she wish there was a third option.

She caught the eyes of her fellow Resistance members in the moonlight. Serro, so old, now, so weathered and weary. How much longer would he- no, no, she mustn't think like that. Then, Gunner. She knew Gunner. The mask- they had taught her to shoot. She didn't expect them to remember her- she was one of many faces, after all. Ginny, too, she knew. Recognized her from various operations over the time Sednai had spent in and out of Resistance cells. Now, Hammer. She could only hope he was competent. Every piece of tonight's puzzle depended on another.

Perhaps most of all, she hoped she wasn't the weak link.

Ready. She affirmed with a nod rather than a verbal cue over the sound of the ship. She hooked her daggers into her waistband, ready to leap into action without the fear of her own twin blades while still having them ready for quick use. Moving carefully from leather loop to leather loop, she made her way near to Ginny, her partner tonight, nodding to acknowledge the other woman as the ship came closer to descent.

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Wed Dec 12, 2018 4:51 am

5th Dentis, 2718
Serro’s face seemed made of carved stone as they travelled in the dark cold night, Gale’s singing of the Anaxi anthem bringing to the soldier memories of another time. Another battle. Another war. He looked over them one last time. Gunner, Hammer, Cypress, Red and Ginger. Off to save the Bull from the bowels of the Viendan gaol.

It was madness, one might say. But then, weren’t all great men a little mad?

Nodding to Red to signal they should begin their descent, the older man drew his own gun, a dark long barreled, blue steel flintlock with a dark mahogany grip, engraved with a simple word.


With a sudden lurch, the Crow began to descend, silent save for the constant whirring of engines. They were engulfed by the thick cloud, as though wrapped in a dark ominous entity that masked them in the cold dark.

Slowly, trailing the cloud in their wake, the crew broke through the cover, and there below them were the twinkling lights of the Law District, the Seventen Headquarters, the palace all gleaming and opulence, and the gaol yard's bleak, barren earth. Beyond there, the low stone walls of the gaol itself, windows of the cells facing outwards to the yard. Ginny and Sedani would need to drop into the yard, make their way across the blocks till the found the right cell, and blow the wall clean out to get Stu. It was going to be messy, and risky.

Far below them, Stu's eyes were glued to the sky.

He was drowning in a wave of doubt as he leaned against the bars of his cell, oblivious to the other inmates catcalling and wailing in the blocks beside him. He was tired, bruised and beaten. Held for hours, tortured for information. Through it all, the solid barkeep did not talk. He roared in pain, cried out in agony, but he did not talk. The Seventen that questioned him barely even knew that they wanted to ask, seemingly more excited to inflict pain on the human then to really question him. A dark haired man, with bright blue eyes and a short cropped goatie watched on with some strange sort of delight, hands clasped behind his back. When Stu had finally passed out, they tossed him into the cell to recover. His face was swollen, one eye compeltely shut, and blood had dried on his jaw where his lip had split. Two fingers he was sure were broken, and his right foot was missing a toenail.

Was it vain to believe that Serro would come for him, knowing just how high the risk was? Was he a fool to even think such things? How could they possibly be successful?

The big man sighed, resting his forehead against the bars. Ginny, Gods look after her, she’d be pushing for Serro to rescue him. Probably planning her own.

“Don’t do it Ginny, just don’t.” He croaked softly to himself, sighing heavily.

Just as he was about to close his eyes, rest for just a moment in his despair, he saw a black spot in the clouds. He squinted, holding the bars with both hands and staring closely. It was an aeroship, nothing huge like the zepplins that freighted the golly folk, but more of a stout cargo ship. He watched as it came closer to the gaol, and with a shake of his head the man swore.

It couldn’t be.

When the Crow broke from the clouds, no one noticed at first. Stu was the only one even looking at the dark, dismal sky; the Seventen guards in the yard moving inside to banter briefly with their counterparts as they turned over keys and reports for the shift change.

"Now, Red!"

Serro hissed, the galdori muttering incantions to bring them in quickly and steady the ship whilst the one eyed man threw open the door of the aeroship and leaned out to get a look at the situation, wind whistling loudly as it poured heartily through the opening. The yard below was empty, for the moment. They had only moments to act, before the situation would escalate. The aeroship descended slowly over the yard.

Turning to Gale, he gestured to him.

"Gunner, to the door, now," he said, pointing to the opening that he’d created as Red drew the aeroship sidelong to the yard.

“If you see any of the guards and they see these two—” He glanced at the young blonde, hoping they would not lose their head in the face of real action as he uttered his command.

“--shoot them. Before they can cast. Before they can raise the alarm. Shoot them.” Serro paused, in thought for a moment, before making one last statement.

“You can stay here and take the door with me, or you can go up on the roof. You’ll have a better shot of the yard on the roof.” His eyes flicked to Hammer, and he pointed to a steel ladder that led to a hatch on the roof of the cabin.

“I need you up top, climb up on the roof and over the side to the ladder. Cut it loose. It should roll down into the yard. The winch will need to have the pin removed, so you can wind it up once they start climbing. Ginger and Cyprus, follow him and get down that ladder as fast as you can. It’s going to be windy out there so watch yourself on the top. I ain’t gonna be able to scrape you off the ground if you fall.” Reaching to pop a window beside the door, pushing it wide, Serro cocked his flintlock and took a deep breath in, blowing it out hard.

“Ginger, you got what you need?” The small witch saluted her leader, hoisting a satchel over her shoulder with a grim smile. The older man closed his eyes, taking a breath, before straightening and nodding.


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: Artful Gunner
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Wed Dec 12, 2018 6:32 am

5 DENTIS 2718
The descent began. Silent the masked gunner gave a slow, careful look to Serro. Their own features mimicked his expression, though there were hidden. The breathing became slow, mind lingering on the concept of killing. They did not want to, the very thought knotted up in their stomach – rebelling and wanting to vomit as it remembered the blood and gore. It was dark out there though, the targets so far away. Nothing would be seen. They would not see those twisted faces or hear those cries of pain. It would be quick, far away. the thoughts niggled louder in their skull, blinding as it consumed the senses.

They could not do this. They were weak. They were -

Even in the low light Gunner recognised the craftsmanship of Serro’s firearm. With it the loud thoughts were snuffed out, a hum of clarity taking over. It has been a while since they had seen the craftsmanship of their father. Beckett Saunders, a man who had crafted firearms for decades who could harness both functionality and aesthetic into a piece. It all was in that freeze frame - the kept pan, the almost off grey hammer, the small pieces of brass that highlighted points. The name rested on the tongue and was breathed in the same instance.

“Rebecca Resist. Been a while.”

From there the world moved on quickly. Gale took position on the opposite side of the door way, the wind roaring as it rushed into the cabin. The first of the flintlocks was drawn, digit finding comfort in the curl of the trigger. The shoulder braced against the side, head turning to look through the opening to survey what was available. They were ready to act, to shoot while thoughts of directory and wind filled their mind. The main door to the yard was their first target, the limbs rolling gently as they focused on keeping it all steady.

“May the best cadet win.”

And so, it began.
When the last of us will disappear
Like shadows into the night
The broken ones, the fighting sons
Of ignorance
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Francis Pusher
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Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:44 am

05 Dentis 2718
Fr- Hammer gulped, Serro's words were another reminder that not only had he jumped into this blind but was also being thrown off into the deep as far as possible without actually joining the actual fighters in this gollymuck. Urgency beget urgency, so he did not even have a tick to stew on this as he moved to the steel ladder, climbing it up with the ease of the warehouse worker that he was as he opened the latch and stuck his head through the roof.

Wind struck his face the moment he did, emphasizing the warning Serro had given to Fran-Hammer about how unwieldy standing on the roof would be and reminding him that should he take a mistep he had much more than broken bones to worry about. Of course that all didn't take account to the Golly's tossing their magic at him and he would like to enjoy forgetting that a few more ticks before reality decided to correct that.

His form climbing on top and not in a fun way, Hammer found his form involuntarily shaking, partially due to his own nerves, and partially because the wind was doing its darndest to playfully shove him to his doom as the Mugrobi human moved as quick as he liked towards the ladder, all tucked up and read for it's own rude awakening once the Mugrobi cut it loose with a knife most certainly not his own, rather one shoved into his hand for the mugrobi to complete his task.

A firm grip kept the knife from flying out of his hand y the buffeting wind, the blade's edge meeting rope and sawing through it so that Hammer's new compatriots could climb down as soon as the ladder dropped, and dropped it did as the ladder unveiled and swung through the air, Hammer giving space as he beckoned the infiltrators to well... infiltrate and spread havoc he supposed.

"Hopin' whatever gos her prayin' watches her arses" and his too, he hoped.
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: "Cypress"
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Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:30 am

05 Dentis 2718....
The wind of the night was bitter and violent as the sky attempted to rid intruders from its sacred canvas. The ship swung low, and Cypress had taken only a tick to observe as Gunner, Ginny, Hammer, and Serro got to work. She had slipped between Hammer and Ginny, and clawed her way out of the airship. She kept her center low to the roof and steady as she followed Hammer. She watched the man, ready to steady him if stumbled dangerously at the hand of the wind, the moving ship, and fear. Cypress had forgotten about fear. She was almost too scared to feel fear, her instincts of survival taking over instead. She kept her eyes on Hammer, though, knowing the ground was much too far below to look comforting.

Hammer's blade kissed the ropes, and the ladder swung loose, sounding as though it had taken to wing. She clasped Hammer's hand in her both of her own and, with one solid shake, wished him good luck. She knew how terrifying a first mission could be, especially one as intense and deadly and death-bringing as this one. She retracted her hands from his, secured a boot on the ropes, pulled her hood over her head, and began to descend. The ladder whipped about wildly, and all she could do was focus on where she was placing her hands, her feet, wanting to go painstakingly slow to preserve her life but needing to descend oh, so quickly. It would be seconds, minutes maybe before they were noticed. She could barely hear the wind above her heart in her chest, her fear palpable and hard to swallow as it dried her throat. She looked up, eyes watering painfully with wind and fear, and watched Ginny begin her descent. Cypress was nearly a third of the way down the ladder now, by the looks of it. She refused to look down. Down, down, down, reaching her foot to take another rung that would solidify under her weight. Air, however, greeted her. About six feet up, she realized her next wrung was the ground of the prison yard, and she rolled. The ground was unwelcoming and hard as she imagined a prison should be- cold, unforgiving.

Cypress pulled the twin kris-daggers away from her belt and moved away from the base of the ladder, eyes flicking from entrance to entrance as she drifted towards them, still anchored to Ginny until her descent was complete. The air of the prison yard crackled. The storm of a battle was approaching.

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Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:02 am

5th Dentis, 2718
SAs they reached the ground, Ginny hefted her bag a little higher on her shoulder and moved quickly past Cyprus towards the wall where the cell windows faced out. She stopped at the first corner, counting under her breath as they moved along.

“One, two, three. Cellblock one, room three. Here. This has to be it. It has to be.” Reaching for the bars with a jump, the small wick pulled herself up to peer in. Two dark, angry eyes stared back at her.

“You clocking idiots.” Stu growled quietly, though there was a softness to his tone. They had come for him, against everything that made sense, they had come for him. Ginny grinned at the man and sniffed.

“Yeah, yeah. Shuddup an’ get back kov. This is gonna be loud.” She dropped down and pulled the bag from her shoulders, digging for the explosives inside. As she worked, a sudden shout rang out from the yard as the prison guards began noticing the aeroship, even cloaked as it was against the night sky; it was hard to ignore the sound of beating propellers.

“Shit. That was sooner than I wanted. Heads up Gunner! They’re coming!” Serro growled, cocking his gun. Sure enough in the yard below two Seventen guards were rushing from the officers quarters, shouting at Ginny and Cyprus. From the wall, more officers were coming, three of them. They were further away from the two on the ground, and therefore had more opportunity to gather their field for casting.

Ginny continued to focus on the dynomite, placing it in between the cell bars and along the wall where she predicted weak points. Her heart raced in her chest, and she could feel the crackling of the fields around her. Gale and Cypruss both needed to decide who they would go after? The two from the officers quarters, or the three from the wall?


No, make that the two from the wall. Serro drew back his pistol to pack another shot as one of the officers turned to face the ship, leaving his companion to continue moving on Ginny and Cypruss.

“Havakda! Back up Stu, back up!” Ginny cried as she struck a match on her tinder box, the flame blazing brightly in the darkness of the yard and sparkling as she lit the fuses on her little bundles, before dashing back and drawing her own dagger with wide eyes.

A sudden rushing sensation would fill the aeroship as they made their choices, and the vessels engine would dip dangerously, causing Red to swear like a sailor and begin madly chanting counterspells. Hammer would feel the whole thing lurch, and need to grab onto something to avoid slipping.

“There’s someone down there, casting at us. Trying to bring us down!” She spat between the monite, desperately fighting off the backlash of her imperfect battle casting. The mona buzzed angrily in the air, thick and heavy with frustration. All the group would feel it in their teeth, a twinge, or a ringing.

You have two guards rushing from the left, one from the right, and one standing in the middle of the yard casting at the aeroship to bring it down. The ones on the right are further away then the ones on the left. You’ll need to call out in your reply who you go for and how. Remember, casting is interuptable with injury, distraction or death.

Make your move but don't assume it works/doesn't work. No need to roll dice, I will do this when I reply to the outcome of your actions. :)

Ginny’s explosion will occur after your actions.

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: Artful Gunner
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Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:57 pm

5 DENTIS 2718
TThe world lurched, a shift that caught the attention of Gunner as the growl of Serro rumbled out. Knees bent with impact, the small shift in muscles and form allowing them to sway and resist the violent jerking the vessel while effects attempted to ground it. But while the beginnings of the assault turned, the Gunsmith felt the mind slow the sense of perspective. The numbers were increasing quickly, their own internal calculations blurring between the lines.

Flintlocks, lower power, less accuracy – rifling dependent of course. The further threat, time to prepare, evaluate, cause mayhem. They needed to be dealt with, detered and forced to keep their head down.

A single shot would not achieve that.

Gunner’s left hand grasped the barrel of the flintlock, pulling it out of their right. They held it towards Serro who seemed to still be busy loading, the right now curling round to grasp upon Liberator, “Take it. I've got right.”

It was less of an order and more a statement. Preferred firearm now available to them, Gunner took the slow measured inhale and aimed for the right hand guards. Hammer came back eyes narrow as they braced the shot. Hand beneath the other, arms bent, the form of the other within their sight. A mere smudge higher – they were well aware of the demands gravity took on firearms.

What if he has family? A child? You’re a murderer. A monster. His blood on your hands. You can’t kill him. You’re a coward. COWARD.

The shot was loud in their ears, the gunsmith did not flinch to it. Another inhale, they ignored the world around them as they tried to focus on the task at hand. They could taste the copper in their mouth, feel the dull beat growing louder and louder. That constant pulse as they saw the blood ooze and drip.


“Oh, Shut the fuck up.”

Gunner pulled the trigger and fired. Shot rattled down, hurtling through the air towards the target. Was there a flinch, that tiny pop of noise as the Seventen was shot? Did it matter? The thumb already moved onto the next. The cylinder rotated, the satisfyingly heartless click echoing out, before they shifted it towards the next – down towards the one who was casting. An open target, an easy pick – in a manner of speaking.

The barrel moved over the new target, an exhale and the trigger was squeezed. Another shot escaped the barrel, the brief flash as gunpowder burned. The hammer came back again, the gunsmith less thinking now and more merely acting.

The trigger was pulled a third time.
When the last of us will disappear
Like shadows into the night
The broken ones, the fighting sons
Of ignorance
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Francis Pusher
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Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:21 pm

05 Dentis 2718
The lurch nearly sent Hammer flying, it need be said. The shift in balance causing him to drop and begin to slide, panic and instinct took hold as hands gripped the winch tightly. He didn't know what was causing the shaking, all thoughts focused on keeping a strong grip lest he wished to be thrown off the airship and... images if his body hittings hard earth and spraying blood like ripe foot caused him to grip tighter.

Thunder, or what suddenly sounded loke thunder assaulted his ears as he kept his grip. The shaking hadn't subsided, not fully he felt. Or was that him shaking even as he lay down on his belly? Still that thunderous sound wasn't his imagination it seemed, his first time hearing the firing of guns.

A lump formed in Hammer's throat. He debated lifting hinself to his feet, but nerves had taken him currently and he wasn't quite sure the ship wouldn't lurch again.

Ni, best keep his head down. Yes, till Ginny comes back and he has to pull the pin, too soon after all. He certainly didn't want a better view of the carnage and risk hinself a target.

His breath was rapid, hus chest pressing the surfacr beneath wuth each breath. Was this really what he'd wanted? He wanted to teach the Golly's a lesson, he wanted to firce then to give him what he felt was his right, and he wanted then to pay for olenty more things. But he'd grossly underestimated the danger. He was given the chance to walk away though, and he'd refused it, now he was here...

Slowly he lefted himself to his knees, hands gripping the winch tightly as he looked and saw a body... his chest tightened as he saw the prone corpse of the Seventen.

Reality battled with disbelief even as he knew thus would happen, but what was that old adage about seeing and knowing? Whatever it was it applied here, and now his fate was binded to the rest of his new comrades for certain.
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Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:06 pm

05 Dentis 2718....
Time was a fickle thing.

Cypress stood at the wall beside Ginny, but did not face Stu in greeting. She stood in a wide stance with her daggers in her fists, watching the yard with nervous eyes. Shouting rang out across the yard, and Cypress’ quickly located the source as two guards entered the yard, green uniforms desaturated in the pale moonlight. “Oh, hells,” she whispered to herself, the reality of the situation weighing heavier than ever. She was faced with a choice now, to kill or not to kill, to fear or not to fear. Time was ticking away at the choices, the guards moving both so slowly and so quickly towards her, towards Ginny, their hands raising slowly to thwart the two of them, to capture them, and to hang them. To kill or not to kill? Kill. To fear or not to fear? Fear. It was necessary. Sednai had always wanted a family, but had only wanted one in a world where they'd be allowed to live freely, where she wouldn't leave them in the fear of whether or not she'd return from a deadly mission such as this. Right now there were two Seventen in between her and what could be her hypothetical family. She took a shaky breath, then growled over her shoulder in a voice that sounded like it was an angry cat muffled inside a basket.

Two uncles on the left," she informed Ginny. “I'll keep 'em out of yer hair." She prepared her defense against their predators, but was stopped by decision as three more appeared on the wall, farther away but still a threat.

Three more, Gin," she spat, urgency in her voice hoping that Ginny was almost done blowing apart the wall. She looked up to the aeroship, where the guns of Gale and Serro were already pointed out ready to defend. Pointed towards the three newcomers on the right. BANG! One crumpled. “Make that two," she muttered to herself in amusement, watching Serro prepare another shot from in the aeroship.

That meant the two on the left, the immediate threat to her and Ginny, were hers.

I've a dagger for each of ya!" she jeered, trying to ward away her fear with some conjured energy, and she ran towards them to engage them before they got any closer to Ginny. She knew her primary person objective- not to get overwhelmed, not to let them pass. How she went about that was the true question.

She was close enough to grab, but she swung low and fast, letting the dagger in her right hand greet the right kneecap of the closer Seventen. If everything went as planned, the Seventen would fall and Cypress would kick her hard in the chest, enough to knock the wind out of her and leave her out of sorts for a few seconds. At this point, she'd have one dagger, and at this point, she'd move to the next Seventen with her aim at the stomach, objective to make him bleed out.

Oh, the explanation she'd have for her employer if she survived. What fun.
Last edited by Sednai on Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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