[M] As Nice As Apple Pie

Mature - Sexual content/themes

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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: Too pretty for you
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Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:21 pm

Achtus 14, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
Gods, why hadn't Shae pounced on him sooner? There was no denying his desire for them when they were wrapped around each other like this, the galdor's mouth pressed against soft, pliable flesh, the stays he'd undone providing far more skin for him to enjoy and taste. They couldn't help but moan under his attentions, resisting the urge to grind down onto him every time he rocked his hips with the greatest difficulty. The raen didn't want to push him over the edge yet, even though they probably wouldn't be too far behind him to tell the truth. Friction certainly wasn't a bad thing, they could get behind that but they did want to drag this out a bit more, experience more, experience everything. This wasn't simply about getting off, it was about Kit and them and well... everything. That was what they wanted, anything and everything that they could experience in this body.

A shriek of fright escaped from the one-time-wick as the chair leg broke, the movement of the world around them leaving them with the horrible feeling that they'd lost their grip again. Except that they hadn't, the worldly wobble all the more disorientating because they were still in control - barely - although things were definitely loosened a bit in their fright. Their heart was fluttering for an entirely different reason now, the youth feeling a little ill because of the sheer anxiety that had just lanced through them. They laughed, an hysterical, nervous edge to it, the reason for it not something that Kit would be able to pick up on. He probably just thought that they'd gotten a bad fright from the chair; he wouldn't be entirely wrong.

The galdor seemed to find the whole thing very amusing and the raen fed on his mirthful energy, trying to absorb it quite desperately in fact because it might stop them from bawling their eyes out. Gods, this body could honestly be the most terrifying thing and they'd never realised how easy things had been before. They hadn't taken it for granted, effortlessly staying in the body they'd been born in because well... they hadn't known that there could be any other option.

Funnily enough, they had a feeling that Kit would be able to put them at ease about the matter. Unfortunately, it'd mean telling him. It'd also require him not to fling them away in disgust or horror if they told him. The mere thought of it sent a tremor through them although their companion might take it for a shiver.

The chair incident might have been amusing to Kit but it was deeply unfortunate for Shae. It gave them a chance to think. A chance to consider what it would be like to tell Kit that they'd been a man until fairly recently while he had a hand full of tit.

Clock the Circle, what were they doing? What were they doing to Kit? Stupid, selfish-

Somehow, they managed to keep a strong grip on the man while he shifted them to the table, legs holding onto him for dear life, flinching as the chair clattered to the ground. Their lips moved soundlessly, the raen searching for some sort of excuse, some way to put the brakes onto this encounter because well... they couldn't do this, could they? They wanted to certainly, at least in a physical sense especially as they'd gotten themself all wound up and they weren't alone in that but mentally? Gods, how could they make a decision like that?

Their gaze was a little blank when Kit posed his question, Shae still distracted and the choice of words slow to filter into their brain. Wick tea? Clock the Circle, that was such a galdori thing to say, wasn't it? They probably had a totally different name for whatever he was talking about but to a galdor, it was just labelled as 'wick'. They really were just-



The two together only came into play for one reason: to prevent pregnancy.

They'd grown up with a woman in the house, a woman who had sat him down and had words about certain matters, about respect and responsibility and all that. They'd seen their mother drink the bloody stuff, never thinking on it too deeply when they watched her drink it, especially when their father was about. That tea ended up being downed quite diligently when Jerrod was around but it wasn't something they'd wanted to think about the implications of because well... it was their mother. But they'd had lovers, seen them drink the stuff, but they'd always been wick or human because galdori women could just use magic to-

Oh gods!

Circle strike them dead again!

Kit was asking if they'd been- Their body was female so of course-

"I forgot that I could- How did I forget that- I almost had a baby! Well, I didn't b-b-bu-but-" the raen stuttered out, the words cut off by a wail of sound, utterly incoherent. Hands moved to their face, danced nervously up over their forehead, tangling in their hair, tearing at it as they whimpered and gasped. Their breath was coming too fast, chest heaving in and out more frantically as they started to hyperventilate.

Their growing panic was unsettling their mind, making their physicality wobble and that just made everything worse. It wasn't fair, none of this was fucking fair! Why couldn't they just have sex like a normal person and not have to worry about becoming pregnant? He couldn't even use magic on them because of her stupid allergy to the mona and they couldn't- gods, they couldn't deal with the prospect of being pregnant. A few short months ago, it had been a physical impossibility and now...

"Oh Kit!" they wailed and burst into ugly, hysterical sobs.

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Writer: Foxing
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Mon Feb 25, 2019 2:59 pm

14th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
Kit grinned down at his pretty friend, breathing heavily, still riding the double high of arousal and adrenaline, and Alioe, it was a sight.

Cropped hair disheveled, shirt and stays hanging unfastened to cut a swathe of bare skin down her chest, the flush in her cheeks...but something was clearly wrong, and his brow creased in concern. At first he thought the chair breaking had thrown her off, and it clearly had, but when she didn't laugh it off he became genuinely worried.

His question didn't seem to register for a moment or two, but then…

“...oh shit…” he breathed, catching the word ‘baby’ as the wick dissolved into a sobbing mess.

...she's still not over it...she lost it and she's still...clocking hell, what has this girl been through…

He'd known vaguely that Shae had been pregnant not too long before he met her. Hell, that first day she'd been a mess...but since then, somehow he'd forgotten that she was fragile too.

...no, that's chroveshit, you wanted to forget. You wanted to wind her up so tight that she begged you to take her, and now look…

The galdor's high cheekbones burned with chagrin, and he grabbed the chair that Shae had been sitting on a few short moments before, sitting down in front of her so he could look up into her face, thinking she wouldn't want him looming over her right now.

Quashing the part of himself that very much wanted to pick up where they'd just left off, he grabbed her erratic hands, rubbing soothing thumbs over her knuckles in some hope that the pressure would ground her a little.

“Here now, hush, it's alright..”

Some sense filtered through from her words and he clung to one thing he could assure her of. Low and soft, even without the assistance of the mona that he wanted so badly to call on, his voice was rich and reassuring. If there was one thing he knew how to do, it was use his voice.

...ersehat. You did this, now fix it...

“Sometimes… sometimes we forget in self-defence. Sometimes it's good not to remember. It helps somehow, lets us heal. And you know I don't need to know everything.”

He took a breath, looking down at their hands.

“But if you want to talk about it...any of it… I'm here, darling, I'll listen. And try to help if I can.”

He looked up at her again with a gentle smile, squeezed her hands once, and stood up.

“Be back in a moment.”

And he was, sitting down again and slipping his unstoppered hip flask into her hands.

“Go easy, it's neat rum...but it should help some.”

His hand came up with what seemed to be a dishcloth, making a gentle attempt to blot the mess that was her tearstreaked face.

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: Too pretty for you
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Writer: Maximus
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Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:57 pm

Achtus 14, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
Shae had ruined everything. Mainly, they'd ruined themself. They'd be able to feel sorry for the man, truly contrite once they'd calmed down but for now they were simply unravelling at the seams, having a breakdown in front of Kit. They had a thread of sanity within them, a lifeline that kept them attached to Cordelia's body, their body but they still managed to feel as if they were floating, too loose and free in this pretty skin to be fully contained by it.

They couldn't do this.

They couldn't stay.

They were going to come completely undone.

And then Kit was sitting before them, his hands on theirs, callouses pleasantly rough against soft skin. It was something grounding, something solid, another lifeline to the place that could tether them here. He was warm and real and good but they couldn't go to him yet, couldn't bring themself to close that short distance between them and embrace him. They were still too distraught, part of them ready to rip away, to tear at their own hair and skin in frustration and despair. To hug themself and try to keep their poor tortured soul in.

His words hardly registered but his rich was deep and rich, wonderful in its concern and its affection. He cared. He did care. But speak to him? No, no, no, they couldn't tell him what was wrong, couldn't begin to explain. He didn't know what he was asking.

They shook their head emphatically, violently, denying any possibility of such a thing. There would be no comfort here, no explaining what they were. An abomination. An abomination that didn't even fully understand how awful it was. A man in a woman's body who'd gotten there by slaughter, murder, death. A man who could get pregnant and hadn't even thought of it when he'd landed in a body in the midst of post-miscarriage effects. Aches in parts they hadn't had before apparently hadn't managed to stick with them in the days since the agony and the blood had ceased. They'd forgotten somehow.

They'd wanted to have sex with Kit, they'd been aware what that meant - on a physical level at least - but they hadn't thought past those marvellous moments of ecstasy, what was sure to be a pleasurable and memorable experience. This was certainly memorable but for all the wrong reasons without the pleasure or the ecstasy. What enjoyment they'd had had evaporated, readily forgotten now.

When he made to move away, they made a brief, futile clutch at his hands. Their grasp was almost boneless, fingers skittering off his skin and falling to thump against Shae's knees. The raen hugged themself, shivering a little and hiccuping as they clasped their clothing around them, clumsy trembling fingers trying to do up the buttons on the shirt at least. They managed to get one in entirely the wrong whole, material pulled askew to gape and fold in new ways.

When he returned, he pushed a flask into their hands, the strong smell of spirits burning their nostrils as they raised it to their lips, swigging it eagerly. They'd liked rum before, had been able to stomach it but it was stronger than they remembered, burning everything on the way down so that they were forced to splutter and cough. Some of it spurted out their nose and dribbled down their chin, while some of it was sprayed forward over Kit.

"I'm sorry!" the brunette gasped out, trying to set the flask down on the table without spilling it. The galdor was doing his best to try to blot their face but they didn't care, they simply threw their arms around his neck and attempted to burrow into his shoulder.

"Oh Kit, I'm s-s-so sorry! I can't- I'm sorry. I'm j-j-just a mess. I- Please d-d-don't think that I d-d-did it on purpose. N-n-not this. I d-d-didn't think about getting p-p-pr-pr-pr-"

The one-time wick couldn't say 'pregnancy', couldn't bring themself to say it. It was too much, too horrifying but they felt better for having the man so close to him. He was warm and comfortable and he smelled nice.

He was safe. Except not safe enough to explain things to, leastwise not the truth.

The youth ground the heel of one palm into a teary eye, sniffling loudly. They were still distraught but they could think a bit more, could feel guilty for what they'd interrupted. They knew from experience that such a thing brought a special sort of pain if it wasn't dealt with and sometimes you just couldn't satisfy yourself, especially when it was something necessary, done mechanically. It made them try to glance down, catching a wobbling lip between their teeth.

"Did... did I k-k-kill your mood? I d-didn't mean to, I don't want you to s-s-suffer. Do you want... me to..." they trailed off, fingers sliding down to find the waistband of his trousers, trembling digits moving to lightly rest against his crotch unless they were stopped.

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Race: Galdor
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Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Foxing
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Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:29 pm

14th Achtus | Evening
Kit’s apartment
When Kit stood briefly to fetch cloth and hipflask, Shae’s feeble attempt to catch hold of his hands was heartening- it meant that she’d taken some comfort from the contact at least. He was on the right track. Sitting back down again, the galdor itched to fix the button she’d done up askew, but…

...no, I am not putting my hands anywhere near there unless she asks me to...

Then he girl took a swig that was clearly much more than she was expecting, and spirits went everywhere.

"Whoa, I said go easy…,” he exclaimed, hand darting out to catch the flask Shae was attempting to set down as she spluttered and coughed. Briefly swiping the teatowel across his own face to mop up the sprayed rum, concern painted across his aristocratic features, Kit gave her a wry smile-

Suddenly, there was a damp face burrowing into his shoulder, arms clinging around his neck, and he sighed, reaching hands behind her to screw the cap on the rum before stroking a comforting palm up her back.

...what do I do with her… he wondered to himself, looking down at the dark head on his shoulder as she mumbled what sounded like apologies into his unbuttoned shirt.

“No, darling, it’s alright...here, come on…” He stroked her head gently. “...I’d never think that sweetheart, you haven’t got it in you to pull that kind of trick.”

He’d heard of it of course, every so often in Old Rose, word went around of another tumble who’d slept her way into a lucrative blackmail or career advancement opportunity simply by ensuring that her preventative measures ‘failed’. But Shae? Never in a thousand years.

Clocking hell, now she was apologising about something else entirely and he just managed to grab her hand in time.

“Uh. No. I’m not… I’m fine. It’s you I’m worried about.”

Yes, things could be a little more comfortable in the trouser department, but did she honestly think he was going to let her...while she was clearly distraught?

...Alioe save me...

Making a decision, he stood up, and slid one arm under her knees to pick her up, the other behind her shoulders, flask still in hand.

He shouldered his way through his bedroom door, but rather than setting the tearstained girl on the bed, he sat down, with a little awkward maneuvering, so his back was against the pillows and headboard, and swung his legs up so that he was cradling her in his lap, boots on the coverlet.

“Now if you want me to let go, or leave you, you just have to say…”

Bending his head, he gently kissed the top of hers, and held her close.

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Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:13 pm

Achtus 14, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
Good, sweet Kit. He seemed so willing to understand, so ready to accept whatever the raen said, whatever explanation. No, of course they wouldn't pull a trick like that, nothing on purpose. They were grateful for that, grateful that he would take their word for it and the former wick realised that it was an amazing relief to be believed. And it also meant that Shae was tempted to tell him more, to spill the greater secrets about their existence in the hopes that he'd gobbled up the information as willingly and readily as the rest. Could he take it in his stride, their murderous, body-snatching nature? Gods no! They weren't in the headspace to have that conversation, especially if he didn't take it well; they were enough of a wreck as it was without adding that into the mix. Now wasn't the time to complicate things with their state of existence. Although... maybe Shae was capable of overcomplicating things without opening their mouth.

Kit's intervention of their hand was swift indeed. They just blinked up at him, the picture of teary bewilderment, their lip wobbling a little so that they had to bite it. Grey-blue eyes dropped in shame, a blush doing its best to creep over the blotchy skin. Was it wrong to have thought of him? Probably. The galdor was looking at them as if it was a very strange thing to have thought of indeed and they wished that they could take it back or at least explain why they had been so ready to do it, how they understood the misery that could result from such a thing. However, the raen didn't have words right now.

The female-bodied man was almost ready to start sobbing anew as a result of their own shame and upset when he stood. Their gaze rose automatically, eyes round as they wondered if they'd done entirely the wrong thing and he was going to back away now. Instead, he bent to scoop them up, the youth releasing a soft 'oh', bewildered anew. This was a very we're-going-to-bed-to-have-sex-now type action and that feeling was only added to by the fact that that was precisely where they were heading.

The dark head was rested on his shoulder, Shae biting their lip as they wondered if the could do this if that was what he still wanted. They didn't know though. Aside from their own distress, the sorts of mixed signals they were getting were downright confusing. He had asked about tea, he had seemed to back off because they were crying, offering them comfort and seeming adamant that they weren't to touch him sexually and yet... if this wasn't a continuation then what was it?

But if the Bad Brother was going to press on with things, they didn't think they had it in them to respond right, to enjoy it. Would it really interest him that much if they just lay there? Well... sometimes that was enough, yeah. Men could be easily pleased but... well, Shae would never have gone in for that. What was the point of having sex with a veritable corpse? Clock the Circle, Kit wasn't like that, was he? The mere notion that he might be filled them with an indescribable horror.

However, that wasn't what he was after. The man sat himself on the bed, scooted back so he was leaning against the pillows with Shae cradled in his arms and made no attempt to carry things forward. Instead, he murmured words that showed that he was still concerned about dealing with their upset and it was enough to make them wrap their arms tightly around his neck and bury their face in his shoulder. He wasn't being an ersehole and they shouldn't have doubted him for even a moment. He was a sweet man, full of understanding and compassion and honestly too good for words.

They curled into him comfortably, shaking their head.

"No, I want you to stay. Please. This is... it's nice. Are you... are you okay with this?" they questioned softly, adjusting themself carefully so that they could tuck their head under his chin and wrap themself around him without wiggling too much or inflame anything. They could feel his pulse, hear the hum of his breathing and when he spoke, they would feel the vibrations of his vocals as well. It was pleasant, the sensations incredibly grounding and it helped to calm them down, the threat of tears drying up.

They sought his hand, moving to blindly and clumsily interlace their fingers together as they turned their head to plant a feathery kiss on his neck.

"Thank you for this... for everything but... I really am sorry, Kit," they whispered.

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Race: Galdor
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Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Foxing
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Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:15 pm

14th Achtus | Evening
Kit’s apartment
This felt… well…

Sure, he was the one who'd unceremoniously swept the youth into his lap, the galdor had figured it was the best way to comfort the girl- but he hadn't expected to feel quite this…


Her small weight in his lap, in his arms, somehow comforted him too- she was a friend, and a good, albeit very new one, and he hated to see a friend in distress- so Kit breathed a soft sigh of relief when Shae asked him to stay. This had been the right thing to do.

“Good, I'm glad…” His words were low and soft, and he chuckled gently when Shae expressed concern for him. “Kitten, I'm the one who hauled you in here and dumped you on my lap. Of course I'm alright with this. And besides,” he teased, “You weigh next to nothing.”

The golly smiled down at her as she settled into his arms, welcoming the intertwining of her fingers with his own and squeezing them gently in return. That little kiss was like a warm ember that glowed for a moment after her lips left his skin, and he closed his eyes, resting his cheek gently on the top of her head. Shae seemed to be calming down now, and Kit deliberately adjusted his own breathing to be slow and steady, to give her a grounding baseline.

The hand she hadn’t claimed so posessively dropped the flask of rum on the coverlet, just in case it was needed later, and came up to stroke her sleek, cropped hair.

“No need for thanks, darling,” he murmured. “I look after people I care about.”

...and for some reason, the musician did care. Considerably more than he would usually, and he wasn't at all sure why. It wasn't often that the made proper, true friends- drinking acquaintances, sure, but real friendship wasn't something he found with everyone.

...she's not like Delyth though… why is this so strange…

The galdor sat there, bemused yet content, stroking her head and murmuring comforting nothings until the girl fell asleep, and somewhere along the line, he drifted off too.

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