[Closed] Ageless

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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Charity Valentin
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: The voices aren't real, right?
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Writer: Raksha
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Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:30 pm

40th of Vortas, 2718
I[/color]t was the morning of the fortieth that Charity awoke before the man, blissfully having the day together, a break from working and from escaping the darkness that nipped at their heels. Today, she devoted herself to giving Rhys a birthday he would never forget.

It had been awfully hard to get the Hoxian woman downstairs to truly understand what she was looking for the days prior, describing as best as possible and pushing a concord into the woman's hands with a warm smile and a nod.

“It won’t be in the market place, you understand? You’ll need to visit the place I told you about in the Court. Specifically. It should be ready to pay for, they already know you’re coming on my behalf, just tell them that its on behalf of Miss D’Arthe, okay?” The noodle house owner had tucked the coin away and chuckled.

“You surprise. Make happy. Day of birth happy.” Charity had nodded with a shy smile, before letting the woman go to make the pick up. She’d taken the time to scry, Good Lady it had been a long time since she’d done it, and organised the tall Seventen’s gift for his twenty eighth birthday. Twenty eight. For the first time ever, the currently brunette galdor would be able to celebrate his turning of the years, perhaps not as openly or as lavishly as she might like but it was better than nothing.

And now the day was here, the captain’s daughter rolled on her side, watching the wick as he slept in the bed they currently shared without shame or regards for social proprieties. Her dark locks curled in a mussed state starkly around her pale face, and her gold flecked violet eyes searched his face, seemingly at peace in his slumber. Alioe, she loved him. Her heart wanted to burst with the way she felt. He wasn’t just some man, some slow-burn fling. He was her happiest moments of her childhood, he was her only friend and her lover. He’d saved her from too much, too many times. He was her hero, and her protector. If she could give him the world, she would. Leaning on her elbow, Charity reached out to stroke a strawberry blonde lock from his forehead, letting her fingers trail over his cheek before resting on his chest and leaning over to kiss his temple.

“Hey, Mister Valentin, rise and shine.” She whispered in his ear, cuddling closer with a chuckle and a hum, poking the man in the ribs if he wouldn’t rouse just enough to tickle.

“Mmm…if you don’t wake up you’ll never get to experience the delights of my cooking.” The galdor teased, absolutely aware that her ‘cooking’ was in fact a box of bakery fresh delights that she had organised with the Hoxian’s help. They should be waiting for the couple downstairs, when the decided to leave the safety of the bedroom. From there, Charity had wished to take Rhys for a day in Vienda, or the Stacks, the specifics not yet entirely locked down. She had coin in her purse, her own coin collected from the city bank, and she wanted badly to treat the man to a day where he didn’t have to worry or think about anything other than enjoying the day.

Shifting under the covers, the petite creature climbed over the man, keeping the sheets and blanket on them both with a giggle. Holding his face between her hands, Charity kissed him again, grinning mischievously.

“Is there anything at all you could possibly want today, Rhys? Anything at all. If you could have it, what would it be?” Her gift, so cleverly organised, was stored safely for later. Part of the woman wanted to give it to him now, but most of her was more excited about making it a surprise and therefore, it would be for later. After the day. It made her nervous thinking about it. Would he like it? Would he hate it? Tocks...just stop thinking Charity.

“Well?” The pianist asked again, sitting back and raising a brow at the man impatiently, resting her arms on the mattress beside his hips and bouncing impatiently like a child.

Last edited by Charity Valentin on Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Rhys Valentin
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Fri Jan 25, 2019 4:31 pm

40th of Vortas, 2718
HOME in BED for the moment | Early MORNING
Rhys had never really been one to celebrate the day of his birth: his father had never made a big deal of it growing up, perhaps out of a desire not to bring attention to the circumstances of his half-breed bastard’s actual heritage or because he was just that much of an ersehat that he didn’t feel the need to bother with flippant celebrations. Whatever the case, the young Valentin had long ago grown used to noting the coming and going of his birthday privately or with drinks with friends or simply not at all.

The events of this year had thus far left the not-galdor hardly interested in celebrating, especially with the trial looming so close over their heads that it was hard enough for the Sergeant to relax, let alone enjoy much of anything beyond Charity’s company. Perhaps she was all he’d ever wanted anyway, and there was an unspoken blessing in her presence that he was thankful for but couldn’t quite express in words. He couldn’t remember wanting much else, and now that he had the delicate pianist all to himself, he certainly wasn’t about to let her go, let alone anything happen to her.

Fingers brushed his hair and warm lips attempted to stir him, the blond registering the comfortable weight of a familiar body over his chest as he sighed, breathing deeply. One eye opened reluctantly, blearily taking in the delicate, eager creature who was surely awake too early in her enthusiasm, his voice more a sleepy mumble than entirely understandable words, “If I relieved you of your cooking duty, what other delights could I have instead? Do we even have to leave the house?”

As if in response to his question, Charity was suddenly over him with more kisses and he hummed groggily, hands moving to snatch the delicate creature in an embrace just to keep her from more excited bouncing, rolling to one side and tangling their bodies together. Content to hide in decadent and fleshly warmth under the covers, he teased her with his answer to her persistent pondering, "Oh, besides another house of sleep—hmm. Yes. I know exactly what I want, but it would require that we both get dressed."

Rhys made the idea of putting more clothing on sound both important and undesirable at the same time, curling closer to nibble his way from her shoulder to her ear, whispering with secretive mischief,

"What's your fanciest dress, lover? My friend at the Courthouse said he would be in his office early today—just for us."

What else did he really want?


Gods, really—just her. Were they listening? Did the Circle have a full account of all the times he'd quietly pleaded for them to grant him this one thing? Just a moment to pretend that everything was as it should be, even though it wasn't.

He didn't look at her, further burying his face in the dark cascade of her hair as if he could hide in it and closing his eyes again, biting his lip even as the last word slipped off his tongue. He was so very aware of what he was saying, a nervous ripple of excitement shuddered through his glamour and his arms loosened their warm grip, anticipating Charity's response. Surely, she had plans for today considering just how excitedly eager she was to wake him, but here he was more or less proposing in bed before breakfast.
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Charity Valentin
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: The voices aren't real, right?
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Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:28 pm

40th of Vortas, 2718
Giggling ridiculously as Rhys embraced her and rolled the galdor to lay side by side, Charity stroked her fingertips over his face as they lay tangled together, eyes filled with love and wreckless delight. For a moment, there was no Diaxio or Benjamin or Damen. There was just them, together, under the covers like two carefree lovebirds.

“Yes, eventually we have to leave the house dearest.” She giggled again, tucking her head back from the ticklish nibbles he placed across her neck, delighting in the goosebumps that danced across her skin. Adoration swelled in the mingling of her aura, a warm tingle across their skin that hummed with joy. Perhaps they should stay in bed, her gift could wait till later that was for sure. But no, there were the pastries, and the day was just beginning. She wouldn't fall to his delightful kisses.

“I worked really hard on breakfast you know, toiled for houses. I've so impressed with myself, never knew what an excellent cook I was. I should absolutely give compliments to myself, truly, and whilst staying here is tempting, we will need to leave the house later today. I have a—” Her smile turned curious, violet gaze looking at the light coming through the bedroom windows as the Seventen cuddled closer with whispered words.

“My fanciest dress? Rhys I don’t…courthouse? For—I…what?” As the wick buried himself in her dark locks, Charity frowned slightly, her mind replaying his curious words again as she tried to decipher their mean—

Oh. Ohhhhhhhhh.

Charity drew back as the taller man loosened his grip, looking over his face, even if he wouldn’t meet her gaze. Her brow was drawn in confusion, and her heart all but wanted to burst from her chest it beat so hard.

“Rhys are…what are you…” Her mouth slowly shifted, a wide grin across her face and eyes lighting up. Kissing him with a laugh, the brunette rolled out of the bed and ran to where her clothing was stored, searching for her undergarments and tucking her hair behind her ears with a stammered exclamation.

“I don’t…I uh…I don’t know what I have. Maybe. I’ll look. I mean, I’ve got this. But that's just a summer dress it’s nothing special. I’ve got…well it’s cold out. I can’t wear that.” Throwing off her night clothes, the galdor’s field hummed with excitement as she stepped into the lace garments that she had withdrawn. She reached for a soft pastel blue dress, made of silks and sheer fabrics, pausing with her hands winding together nervously.

The courthouse, for them.

Charity looked back at him, pressing hand to her stomach to quell the quivering sensations of butterflies within. It was hard to concentrate as her pulse thrummed in her ears and her fingers trembled with nerves. The woman laughed awkwardly, walking back to the bed half dressed and sitting on the edge, looking at her hands settled in her lap as her field jittered with anxiousness, needing very suddenly to take the weight off her legs as they felt weak at the knees.

“Are you asking me to marry you?” She asked softly, needing to be sure she wasn’t making assumptions. Pretty sure she wasn’t making assumptions but afraid of being wrong. They had a trial coming up soon, it could have everything to do with that and nothing to do with marriage. It could be merely to give one last statement, for them, before they faced Damen and accused him of everything that was wrong with her. It could be a quick stop to finalise paperwork or...well anything else.

Or it could be exactly what it sounded like.

Last edited by Charity Valentin on Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Rhys Valentin
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Wed Feb 20, 2019 3:04 pm

40th of Vortas, 2718
In between fluttering heartbeats | Early MORNING
The tall blond was in no hurry, smirking against pale skin at Charity's breathless insistence that she'd cooked breakfast, holding back a chuckle before he whispered his invitation, before he taunted her with mysteries. The very ideas of needing her fanciest dress and mentioning the Courthouse confused her, Rhys feeling the shift in her field before her warm, comfortable body leaned away from him.

He was still grinning, a mischievousness in his expression that was softened by a nervousness that was somewhat unavoidable in such a moment as he was making. The petite galdor was searching his face as if it held all the answers, and while she returned his grin and pressed her lips to his, she slipped away in flustered excitement. Cold, autumn air replaced where her body had been and the not-galdor gathered all the covers to watch the attractively undressed creature flit about his bedroom with the sudden need to explore all of her clothing options as if doing so would help her process.

Blue eyes drifted over pale skin and lace without any particular hint of shame, following the motion of her delicate fingers over fabric, not moving from the nest of blankets he'd buried himself in until Charity returned to perch on the bed like a cautious bird about to fly away. Rhys shifted to sit up, smile unfaltering despite the waver of anticipation that rippled through his glamour, mingled as it was with hers in their obvious proximity.

Perhaps he should have been dressed for such things.

Perhaps he should have said something earlier—yesterday, the day before.

Perhaps this was just as things should be between them, the not-galdor so very aware of what he was and what he wasn't. He had never had much of anything to offer her, not all those years ago and certainly not now: no fancy title, no impressive display of wealth, no prestige, no social standing, nothing.

Today? Even less.

Four snaps into the Seventen and a secret heritage—that was all he was and he was quite sure he'd never be much more. The cold shadow of their looming trial threatened him with accusations of slander, with dishonor, with dismissal. Then, what would he be?

How could he ever give to Charity D'Arthe the life of galdori luxury she'd been born into? All the prestige she'd been imprisoned by under the dangerous, watchful gaze of Damen her father?

Did she even want any of what she'd already tasted? Maybe. No. She'd already said what she wanted—and it had always been him, Rhys Valentin, worthless name and all.

The tall blond clung to the covers as if there was at all a need for modesty in this moment, meeting her violet gaze boldly, "Am I? Yes. Well, sort of. I'm not asking you to marry me in some clocking fancy ceremony with an unwieldy host of disapproving sods who all claim to be family watching on, judging our true feelings and more true intentions. No—"

A hand snuck up and raked through tousled, ever-unkempt hair, curling against his scalp as he paused, warm color rising to his well-carved face. Slipping from the edge of the bed to kneel at her feet with the whisper of soft linens and bare skin, scandalously improper as the pair of them were in the gold-tinted Vortas morning light that marked the turning of another year for Rhys, he smiled brighter still,

"—I'm asking you to sign a few papers in front of a Lower Court judge's vastly underpaid and probably very discontent secretary in your fanciest dress. I'm asking you to take my clocking good for nothing name as your own because—the Circle knows!—I love you and you've already had my heart forever. Don't marry me. Not yet. Instead, let's make official what we already know to be true. Will you—would you do me the honor of legally becoming Mrs. Charity Valentin?"

Quieter, groggy, morning voice wavering with unconcealed emotions, he added,

"One day, when all of this is behind us, when the dust has settled on the bones of all the monsters that have chased us, you can have the grandest of weddings this Brayde County halfbreed can afford. Until then, however, I hope all of me is sufficient as a promissory note."
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Charity Valentin
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: The voices aren't real, right?
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Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:51 pm

40th of Vortas, 2718
As Rhys sat up, suddenly things felt painfully intimate, and the brunette found herself awkwardly shy. She searched his crystalline gaze with a touch of color in her pale cheeks, admiring once again for the millionth time over how their depths and clarity always made her heart skip a beat. Her father had blue eyes, but they were piercing and cold, like the deepest color blue in a large chunk of ice sitting on the ocean. Rhys’ were warm and inviting, mischievous and expressive. They didn’t strike fear or shame in her heart, only love and adoration. She smiled a little at his stop-start explanation. Yes, he wanted to marry her, but no, this wasn’t a marriage.

“I don’t have family anymore remember? I can’t bare to call that man family any longer, and my mother and brother are gone. So, I don’t think that’s an issue. And after Elmonton, I don’t think your father ever wants to speak to me again, that’s—” The petite pianist paused her rambling as the taller man shifted to kneel at her feet, violet eyes wide and cheeks a definite red. It was ridiculous, and beautiful, neither of them entirely dressed—he quite naked in fact—sitting in the golden winter morning sun amid tussled sheets and worrying futures right on the cusp of his day of birth. At her feet, in the private world of their own, Rhys Valentin proposed a legal union between them. An official declaration to the city and the country they were citizens of, that stamped out Damen’s final stronghold over her. Not because it was his duty, or that it would sway things in their favor.

Because he loved her.

Laughing nervously, deliriously, Charity held one of his hands with hers whilst the other covered her bright red face.

“Rhys I—” She started, before letting her hand slip to her lips, fingertips pausing there for a moment before she leaned closer to hold his face in her hands and kiss him gently, aware that tears were threatening to come forth. Only this time, they weren’t for fear or anguish or sadness. They were joy, and delight, and love. So much love. Finding her voice Charity continued.

“I don’t need a fancy wedding, or a special ceremony. Money didn’t buy happiness or love, not when I was a student and not now. Everything I’ve ever wanted, you gave for free, without expectation. I won’t marry you then, Mister Valentin, not yet. But yes. Yes I will officially and legally become Mrs Charity Valentin.” Hitching a small breath and another laugh, she kissed him again.

“You’ve kind of overshadowed my birthday gift. I only hope when I give it, you can still enjoy it.” She said softly, searching his face with eyes only for him, a smile irreplaceable on her lips. Taking a deep breath, the not-blonde knuckled at her eyes and let it out in a quick huff.

“I’m going to be all blotchy if I keep this up, and that just won’t do. Off the floor, my naked lover, and into some clothing. There’s breakfast to be had and places to be and all the things in between.” Looking away for a moment, the pale creature smiled dreamily, staring into nothingness with a curious look.

“Mrs Valentin. I have heard it so many times in my head and now…” She turned back to him with a tearful sound and another laugh.

“Damn it! Look at what you’ve done!” Slapping his arm gently in mock chagrin, the brunette felt her heart soar with giddy happiness. Was this what it felt like to be happy? Truly happy? It would be fleeting, no doubt. The wolves still bayed at their door, and darkness curled its clawed fingers under the threshold, but for one gods-be-damned day, they could have this moment.

Last edited by Charity Valentin on Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Rhys Valentin
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Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:24 pm

40th of Vortas, 2718
In between fluttering heartbeats | Early MORNING
He was admittedly grinning almost too much for her kiss to be returned, blue eyes wide open while he watched her lean away, still on his knees because he was far too dizzy to stand.

Yes. She said it. Out loud. Again. Yes. Not that she'd say no, surely, but the words still rang true and he did his best not to sob a laugh about it all, especially when she echoed his words and said her full soon-to-be married name out loud. His expression was pure stupidity and he giggled like a clocking child.

"I can't overshadow your gifts, Charity. I'm only celebrating today—with you—in the best way I can imagine." Rhys murmured distractedly, reaching to use her thighs as his support to stand, shedding his layers of blankets without any modicum of concern for everything he wasn't yet wearing, smirking at the delicate pianist's chiding while he turned to shuffle about the bedroom and make his own clothing choices.

"So. Uh. You said you made breakfast?" He couldn't help it, teasing playfully while he hovered in front of his armoire and made a very mischievous show of his decision-making process, fingers of one hand straying to scratch idly at his bare chest. He joked because she was crying, the lovely galdor full of a momentary happiness that felt so achingly fleeting that it was all he could do on this day of all days to make every attempt to keep her smiling.

It was so clocking hard for the Seventen Sergeant to choose outside of the familiar green repetition of his uniform, but he was glad to have the excuse of the dark grey and deep black of his formalwear to fall back on, the non-standard but similarly cut dress uniform made to be worn on special occasions like the Commander's Ball in Intas or officer funerals or, well, weddings. Perfect.

Turning to selfishly watch Charity while he dressed, still grinning, he couldn't help the very strong need to take in everything, to commit it all to memory. This moment. While he did long to give the delicate pianist the beautiful ceremony she deserved, she was right. They were really the only family each other had, save for Gale, and if they had friends, Rhys wasn't really even sure he cared whether they witnessed their matrimonial union or not.

All he had to give her was himself and a lower class last name.

Thank the gods she wanted it, she wanted him.

Moving to help her finish dressing before he bothered with his coat just because he couldn't help but want to touch her, the young Valentin couldn't stop smiling, "I should get us a cab so no one wonders where the clocking hell we're going looking so fancy. After we eat, though."

It was the first of her surprises, after all, and he was eager to enjoy all the cleverness she'd designed behind his back for today despite just how he'd gone and turned it all upside down with his proposal. His clerk friend could wait an extra hour or so, anyway. What else did he have to do today?

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Charity Valentin
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: The voices aren't real, right?
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Tue Mar 26, 2019 7:32 am

40th of Vortas, 2718
Turning away from the unclothed wick as he stood, Charity couldn’t stop the blush that rose to her cheeks, as though she was some inexperienced maiden experiencing her first shy moments with her partner. Standing, she swept towards her own clothing again, replacing the soft blue garment to pull out a dress that was made of layers of soft white chiffon and satin, sleeveless per say, except that over the top was a sheer single layer of chiffon that v-necked like a small cardigan, with sleeves that ended at her elbows. Along the edges of the sleeves and the bottom of the skirt were periwinkle embroidered flowers, and around the waist a wide periwinkle satin belt that fasted with a small bow at the front.

“Yes well,” The pale creature laughed through her tears, glancing at the man with a smirk and a shrug.

“I made…arrangements for breakfast. So technically, that counts as making it…right?” She blatantly lied, slipping into the dress and moving to fasten the back closed. As she realized the man had been watching her as he dressed, the galdor smiled slowly and made a show of looking Rhys over, feeling her heart flutter as she saw him dressed in formal attire. Since being together, she’d seen him in uniform and in day clothes, but not in anything quite as well cut as the grey suit. Her violet gaze dropped away with another blush as she allowed him to help her into the cardigan and fasten the bow, brushing her delicate fingers over the fine fabric of his garment.

“You look…very handsome.” The musician said with a chuckle and a raised eyebrow, as though the compliment wasn’t quite enough. Lifting to press a kiss on smiling lips, Charity moved to slip on a pair of periwinkle ankle boots and find her ivory comb to run it through sleep tangled dark locks. Smoothing them out, Charity left them long and lose, a slight wave catching the tresses where they fell around her shoulders. Opening a small jewelry box, she withdrew a pair of small silver earrings and clipped them in quickly before nodding to Rhys.

“Yes, after. Come on lover, let’s have some food.” Wiggling her fingers, Charity took his hand in hers once he collected his jacket and dragged the man from his bedroom and down the hallway, into the loungeroom and to the front door. Sweeping into her own ivory and fur cloak, the brunette waited for him to open the door, before leading the Seventen downstairs into the dsoh house.

“Sit. Here.” She said firmly, pushing the well groomed man into a chair and moving to approach the counter. As though having forgotten something, the galdor halted, turned and grasped his face with both hands to tilt his head up and plant a long lingering kiss on his mouth. It over-brimmed with passion and promise for later things, and she sighed softly as she pulled away.

“Mmm okay. Now. Stay.” Charity hummed softly, before releasing him and moving away. Sweeping towards the counter, currently unattended by any of the Hoxian’s that ran the place, the petite creature slipped between the doorway that separated the kitchen from the diner and grinned with relief as she spotted the small woven basket on the bench top. Collecting the red cloth covered container, she rushed back into the diner and towards the table that Rhys occupied.

“Mister Valentin, I present hours of hard work and slaving over an oven. I think.” Giggling, she placed the basket before him, tucking her hands behind her as she waited for him to open it. Within Rhys would find still warm muffins, savory pastries, fruit compote filled doughballs and a sheet of music. Just one sheet, out of any context or order, with no words. Only notes.

Picking up a small muffin, chocolate and coffee by the smell, Charity broke off a piece and brought it to his mouth for a taste.

“You can eat it here, or bring it with us, or leave it behind and we can collect it on the way home. Jsara said she is fine if we leave it, she’ll take it upstairs later.” The galdor beamed, pleased as punch with her first surprise of they day, even if it was nothing in comparison to that which awaited them. The butterflies in her stomach were reflected in her field, fluttering and jittery.

“I suppose a cab would be a good idea. I didn’t actually organize one, because frankly I didn’t expect…well…I didn’t expect to visit the courthouse today.” She said with another breathless giggle.

Last edited by Charity Valentin on Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Rhys Valentin
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Wed Mar 27, 2019 4:11 pm

40th of Vortas, 2718
The Courthouse, Clerk's Office | Early MORNING
"Arrangements. Of course it still counts." Tongue in cheek, the tall blond grinned, expression faltering once he turned to face the galdor, catching the way she looked at him and blushed. His hands weren't entirely proper while he helped her dress, but her own traced over the well-tailored lines of his suit in a way that would have tempted him back out of it had he not been very keen on marrying her that morning,

"Me? No. You're far lovelier." Rhys shyly riposted, leaning into her coy kiss and watching the now-brunette gather the rest of her things. He paused to dig something out of a drawer in the armoire, waiting until she was distracted by her earrings to tuck whatever it was away into his vest. Reaching for the hand that was offered to him with a laugh, he willingly allowed himself to be dragged away through his flat and toward the door where he paused to help her into her coat before slipping into the long jacket, fingers smoothing over folds and making sure silver buttons were all in their place.

Opening the door, he held it before being swept downstairs and into the dsoh house that should have been closed. It had been left open for them and the Sergeant made a noise of surprise while he was pressed into a chair. About to ask questions, any thought of such things was quickly stolen when the delicate pianist surprised him with a very delicious kiss, the not-galdor's hands raising to grip at the smooth fabric of her dress and keep her from slipping away, lingering until she sighed for breath and letting her go reluctantly when she moved to slip away.

"Staying." He murmured, distracted now, blue eyes following her flowing form as she disappeared and reappeared with a basket of delicious baked goods. Smiling, he almost began to poke through the contents but paused to lift the sheet of music from its place nestled among the treats. It was, honestly, mostly alien to him, what little music he'd picked up from Charity over the years of their childhood not enough for him to decipher the melody at first glance. A fair eyebrow arched in question, but he folded it and tucked it into his jacket while his smile became an expression of curious appreciation.

Looking back over all of the goodies, he bit his lip, "It's hard to choose. We should go—oh, a cab. Mmmyes. Let me just—" It didn't matter. It was surely all delicious. Snatching some still warm muffin laden with berries, he stood, grinning now in a stupidly enamored sort of fashion, "I think we'll attract enough clocking attention to catch a ride, don't you?" Tangling the fingers of his free hand with hers after covering back up all the food he'd be consuming when he wasn't as full of nervousness and anticipation, Rhys led them both outside and back into the cold.

Kingsway Court was already bustling despite the chill in the Vortas morning, vendors setting up their booths and shops opening up for business. It was a short walk to a busier street that intersected the open-air marketplace of sorts, and the tall blond nibbled at his baked good while ignoring the stares in their direction, aware of how they were dressed at this hour and unable to keep himself from smiling about it. It only took the wave of his hand once to hail a covered rickshaw, the young human driver's face red and chapped and his eyes as wide as saucers as he took in his passengers,

"The Courthouse, please." Rhys made sure to speak after chewing, helping Charity into the cramped little vehicle first before folding his lanky self inside.

"Yes, sir. Yes, miss." Panted the young man, hiding his shy smile of amusement by turning his head away and focusing on getting the rickshaw moving again with swift, eager pedaling. It was a short, easy ride through Uptown toward the Imperial Ward and the Courthouse, the Palace gleaming in the early morning light and the Zoological Gardens covered in a bit of frost. It was just enough time to devour a muffin, thankfully, though the Seventen Sergeant regretted the speed at which he scarfed the thing as soon as he was done with it, his field no less jittery with excitement than his lover's.

"I wanted to share the birthday surprises, I guess." He teased, sliding back out of the vehicle once it stopped and offering his hand to the lovely galdor with no small amount of flourish to help her toward the stairs. Perhaps he tipped a little too much to the human, but he didn't want to wait for change and he was far too distracted to count out proper coinage as the little rickshaw's driver nearly fell over before pedaling off again.

Rhys led them up the stairs, ignoring the pang of anticipation that swept through his thoughts without his permission, more than aware that they'd be back here again in just a handful of days for the trial, more than aware of the shadow that was looming over them both. Shoving all of that away for this moment, the tall blond kept his head down as if afraid he'd be recognized out of his uniform, curling close to the petite pianist as he held the intricately carved doors open, signed them into the front desk with a coy smile and a flash of the snaps he'd set into the collar of his formal attire, and then wove his way through various halls and corridors that were of course familiar to the officer of Anaxi law purely by the nature of his Inspector position.

It was so early the cavernous stone space seemed nearly empty. Hardly a judge or a court official had yet to make much of an appearance.

He led them past various doors until he came to the Clerk's Office, gliding up to the counter and leaning heavily upon it. The little place crammed with files and paperwork looked empty, but Rhys cleared his throat and spoke loudly, "Sir Edmund Dunhill, I believe we have an appointment. It's Sergeant Valentin."

There were a few moments of silence. The sound of something heavy falling. Some cursing. And then from a side door a short, balding galdor hidden behind thick-rimmed glasses smiled shyly and waggled his fingers in a wave,

"Y-yes. G-good m-morning, S-sergeant. Oooh. A-and M-ms. D-d'arthe. Give me. Give me j-just a mo-moment to g-gather the paper—the paperwork f-for you." He stuttered not out of nervousness but apparently out of his own condition, revealing that he was perhaps not able to be a sorcerer even if he'd ever aspired to be one. The small man disappeared again and finally re-emerged in a more formal coat and a well-fluffed cravat, what hair he had smoothed and his glasses just so on his delicate little nose. In his hands he held a stack of papers, which he brought to the counter,

"I—I will b-be officiating th-this Circle-bl-blessed union, b-but first I nee-need you t-t-t-two to sign th-these in triplic-c-cate, please."

"Of course."

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Charity Valentin
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: The voices aren't real, right?
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Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:37 am

40th of Vortas, 2718
“What, in these old things? No. No surely not.” Charity quipped, looking down at their attire and giggling as Rhys laced his fingers between hers and following him from the dsoh shop out into the street. Watching her breath plume in the winter air, the galdor couldn’t wipe the smile from her face as they walked, leaning close to the tall blonde with eyes only for him. The rest of Vienda could be on fire at this moment and she wouldn’t notice.

As the rickshaw pulled up, the petite pianist climbed in with her lovers help, offering a ridiculous smile to the human that operated the vehicle. Glancing out the window briefly as they departed, Charity turned back to Rhys with another giggle.

“Well you’ve definitely shared, that’s for sure. I’m going to have to skip a couple of things, though we do have two stops I will need to make. After this.” She beamed at him, violet eyes dancing with delight, winter sun catching the small flakes of gold that were so often hidden by the dimmer interior light. Stealing from his muffin with a giggle and a false jerk back as though he would eat her fingers with his speedy consumption of the baked good, the brunette watched him with a loving bemusement. They seemed to arrive at the Courthouse far quicker than Charity expected, and as the man extended a hand with an over-the-top flourish to help her from the cab, the galdor laughed and accepted just as dramatically. Stepping from the carriage onto the cobbled street, she huffed out a breath as she looked up at the building before them. It seemed so surreal, standing before the legal offices, preparing to officially change her name from D’Arthe to Valentin.

So surreal and far too easy. The delicate pale creature was just waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the perfection of this day to go spinning on its axis. Either her father appearing from the early morning faces, or Benjamin leering from the shadows, or Diaxio's sultry voice purring from the street. It was just the way of their luck, things didn't go right for the couple. They were doomed lovers, never meant to be together if Damen D'Arthe had anything to do with it.

But nothing happened. The morning continued happily around them, uninterested in a couple of galdori making their way into the Courthouse.

Curling into the tall wick, the brunette climbed the Courthouse steps without fanfare and entered the building, drawing her hood back as Rhys signed them in at the front desk. She looked around, marveling at how open and empty the place was at this hour. Following the blue eyed creature with another grin, Charity felt like she was running on pure adrenaline and excitement, her field a jittery nervous mess. She almost missed the sudden stop Rhys took at the Clerks Office, letting a laugh escape as she nearly ran into him, whisked into the room to stand awkwardly before an empty desk.

Looking around at the sound of a voice and something falling from a side door, the Captain’s daughter beamed at the bespectacled man, offering a small polite curtsy before he disappeared again. The poor galdor had something wrong with his speech, a condition that Charity instinctively suspected would make casting not just dangerous but impossible. It was a strange thing, to be so magically imbued but unable to use that ability. The frustration and even mocking that Sir Dunhill would have had to endure was beyond the brunette’s ability to grasp properly, but she felt sympathetic for him. At least he’d found something in the Government, and academia was never a waste in a clever mind.

Glancing up at Rhys, the shorter galdor bit her lip with an excited sort of shiver, squeezing his arm in hers.

“Of course.” She repeated, looking back at the paperwork and taking a quill should it be offered.

“Clocks, my hands are shaking.” The pianist whispered with a laugh, trying to steady herself so she could make the appropriately flared swirls and curves of her signature. Placing the quill back in its intended holder, Charity took another deep breath and moved to unbutton her cloak as they waited for the next steps, shivering again not from the cold but from brimming excitement and anticipation.

She was going to be a D’Arthe for only a short while longer, and by the Gods it was the best feeling in the entire world.

Last edited by Charity Valentin on Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Rhys Valentin
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Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:15 pm

40th of Vortas, 2718
The Courthouse, Clerk's Office | Early MORNING
Charity's excitement was tangible, contagious, and delicious, leaving Rhys just barely able to stay focused on where they were and what, exactly, they were definitely doing at this moment. Edmund Dunhill, Congressional Clerk, owed the blond Sergeant no particular personal debt other than actual friendship, for the not-galdor was perhaps one of the few of his peers in uniform to ever bother talking to the stuttering man when he found himself in the Courthouse for cases and paperwork. There was no reason not to talk to the shy, older man, but there were plenty of galdori who chose to judge him a lesser creature for his inability to speak a full sentence without repeating syllables.

Rhys had slowly discovered the Clerk knew just about every name and face in power in Vienda, could give rather accurate critiques of their character, and could cite every new law and every damn lobbyist platform from Anaxas to Hox and back again. He was also happily married with two grown children who had, unfortunately, made a point of no longer speaking to him once immersed in the competitive, judgmental atmosphere of Brunnhold.

The tall blond had never attempted to abuse their unlikely friendship for favors, but he'd come to notice that his paperwork often ended up pushed through due processes far faster when Sir Dunhill was working than when any other Congressional Clerk had his cases. His offer to officiate their civil union had began as an off-handed remark one evening, one the young Valentin had admittedly scoffed at. But, Edmund persisted with a strangely heartfelt concern, and while Rhys was well aware that he wanted to marry Charity, that he'd always wanted this moment, he was, ultimately, terrified of her coming to terms with the truth of his existence and refusing.

Of course she hadn't.

And here she was grinning at him with her field all a fluttering mess of emotions, passing the quill with shaking hands toward his own.

He blinked, "Oh. Right—mine, too." Smiling at the delicate pianist stupidly before he turned his attentions to the official certificate of marriage, the document so neatly kept and printed with their names already. Signing without hesitation, blue eyes lingered on his poor handwriting, a sharp awareness that his lower class birthright hid a far more dangerous lie, "Ed—"

The Clerk was reaching for the quill with a warm smile on his round features, "V-very g-good. N-n-now let me sign as w-wit-t-tness." He ignored the hint of protest that hovered in Rhys' tone, looking up at him through the thick glass of his spectacles sternly like a good friend after signing in triplicate just as they had, "D-did you t-t-two prepare any-anything f-for each other? W-words or s-something?"

"Yes." Rhys exhaled quickly, casting a chagrined and mischievous sideways glance at Charity as if he knew he probably should have apologized for more surprises on this day—his birthday—a day she'd taken so much time to prepare for, to fill with surprises for him, "Oh, and also—" Nervous hands pat down his well-tailored coat as if searching for something, color furiously staining his cheeks in a very genuine blush, "—Surprise? I have rings."

His laugh was breathless, holding in so many emotions at once while he fumbled for a small box tucked so carefully into the inner pocket of his coat.

"Excellent." Sir Dunhill was grinning, having signed the papers in triplicate as a witness and then tucking them into a folder, "N-not here, f-friend. C-c-come with me t-to an office."

He slipped from behind the counter, putting up an away sign that read: Officiating Procedures. Please wait to be served. and then waved his hand at the pair to follow him. The tall blond was full of all kinds of ridiculous expressions and his glamour was a wild animal attempting to contain them all. Tangling one of her hands in his with a needfulness he couldn't express in words, Rhys all but dragged his delicate pianist from the Clerk's Office and out into the hall again, following after Edmund.

The shorter galdor led them up a small, carpeted staircase, removing keys from his pocket to unlock one of the many doors in the small room the trio ended up in. Each of the rooms had a small panel near the door and a piece of chalk. The Clerk paused to write, In Progress. Do not disturb. in very flourished, tidy hand before he opened the door and waved the couple inside. The Courthouse was one of the few buildings in all of Vienda to be wired for electricity, along with most of the Imperial Complex and other government buildings that littered the heart of Uptown. The older man simply flicked a switch while he closed and locked the door for privacy to light the entire room in a bright, white glow from several sconces along the walls.

The room was small and made like a miniature courtroom with a podium and a handful of seats. Moving to stand behind the podium and rifling through a stack of papers he'd shoved into the folder along with their certificates, he waved the two to stand together on the other side of the dark stained wooden surface,

"S-so, th-this is merely a le-legal p-procedure. Th-this union is b-by law only, in accordance t-to Anaxi Law, b-b-but n-not yet s-sanctioned or c-condoned b-by the Everine. It is, for all l-legal p-purposes, however, c-c-c-completely official up-upon my completion. Y-you, Ms. D'Arthe will be a Val-Valentin. D-do you understand?"

"Yes." Rhys managed to blurt the affirmative one more time while grinning, hardly able to hear the sound of his own voice above the thrumming of his excited heartbeat and the rush of his pulse. His hands were sweaty and his knees felt weak, turning the small box over and over in his fingers as if he was achingly eager to present to Charity its contents.

"W-would you lik-k-ke t-to s-say your words fir-s-st?"

"If you don't mind." The blond Seventen was carefully regathering his scattered self, unable to keep his sharp blue gaze from Charity's face even as he stilled his racing thoughts.

"N-no. Pl-please go on." Sir Dunhill was finally grinning—an ear-to-ear expression of warmth and excitement. He leaned against the podium with all the patience of a hungry child watching dough rise when hungry for the bread.

"Thank you. Alright. Listen—" Rhys cleared his throat, setting the box on the wooden surface next to him with far more force than was necessary before he reached for Charity's hands, aware that part of him wanted to crawl away, so very far away, from everything he'd considered for days—weeks—to say out loud, aware that he'd have a witness who could not know every truth, aware that the delicate pianist in front of him already knew and stood here in spite of it all. Appropriate with no other witnesses other than Sir Edmund Dunhill, the young Valentin stumbled over what could only be described as vows of his own making, totally unconcerned that for a civil union such touching words were completely unnecessary,

"Charity, I have insisted that I have nothing to offer you—no family prominence, no future of wealth, no praise-worthy name—but more than that, I have nothing to offer you that you don't already possess: my heart has been yours for as long as I can honestly remember. Sure, I've foolishly tried to hide from that truth, to bury it like some unworthy secret, but, by the Circle, you know all my secrets, every last detail, and still insist that you love me. Love is a word that is much too soft and used far too often in poetry I'll admit I've never bothered to read to ever accurately describe the fierce, infinite and blazing passion that I have in my heart for you. It's not just my family name I'm giving you today, but my everything. Always—"

Edmund tried not to sniffle. He really did. He blubbered quietly instead.

"—and forever."
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