[M] Keep Your Hands to Yourself

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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: Too pretty for you
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Sat Mar 23, 2019 7:51 pm

Achtus 25, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
Shae gave the contents of the cup a dirty look. They did not like this tea. It didn't matter that they'd been drinking it for about a week now, it didn't matter that it was quite important that they drink because they loathed it. It was a dreaded part of the day because the raen didn't like the taste of it at all. The first sip was always bad but it was something that could be borne, it was every sip after it that was the problem; it got worse the more of it you drank. They were glaring at it now because they were nearing the end where they were liable to hit the dregs of the leaves, have to deal with the grittiness even if they were actually leaving the remains at the bottom. They couldn't afford to shirk their duty though because it would be on them if the contraceptive failed, they'd have no one to blame but themself.

Not that they had any chance of it failing right now. You kind of needed to be having sex for that because it was highly doubtful that you could fall pregnant through sweet words or a warm touch - not by those things alone at any rate. If that was possible then Shae was well and truly fucked.

As things currently stood, they were drinking the tea without any real purpose. It was a just-in-case, protection against something that they weren't likely to come up against. It wasn't that they didn't want to have sex, it was just that they'd experienced some unforeseen hiccups. Well, they hadn't wanted to foresee the potential snags on their chosen path, that was the truth of the matter, and so they'd ended up a sobbing, hysterical mess and Kit had ended up a far more disappointed, frustrated and uncomfortable mess than he'd been willing to let on.

The whole thing had had its advantages, they couldn't deny that. They could stop thinking that the galdor was uninterested in them or saw them as a child. The shocking possibility of pregnancy had landed in Shae's lap and they now understood a bit about keeping it at bay courtesy of a conversation with Delyth, the delightful witch that Kit was intimate friends with and who seemed quite capable of breaking the raen's galdor host if she put her mind to it. Most importantly, it had allowed them a chance to transition from the couch to the man's bed. It certainly wasn't the way that they'd anticipated and it wasn't full time but it was surprisingly nice to be able to curl up with him and enjoy the warmth of another body, to murmur intimately to one another while they embraced.

Unfortunately, as lovely as those embraces were, they'd given the former wick ample opportunity to think and to feel guilt as a result of their thoughts. Kit liked them that was clear, they got on very well and he hadn't kicked them out onto the street or even hinted that he wanted them gone and that was part of the problem, wasn't it? They'd been noticing it more when they were out and about, how people treated them, how they looked at them. It was this body, this feminine delicacy that made others want to protect them and yet they were also pretty, attracting a particular kind of attention that they never would have before, even with men who were so inclined. They were a woman, except that they weren't. If they'd been in the body they'd been born in then they wouldn't have engendered such responses.

They hadn't known their galdor roommate for very long but they did know that he liked women. Whether his tastes were broader than that was unknown to them. If they were as they'd been before, would Kit want them? Would he be disgusted at the notion that he was really with a man, even one in this shape which he obviously found appealing? They didn't know but it felt horribly dishonest. If he did like men then... well, it'd still be lying to him but it wouldn't feel as awful.

They chewed their lip, grey-blue eyes raising from the hated beverage to the man's back, the galdor having rolled up his sleeves to sort out the dishes that had accumulated in recent days. They could both be a bit untidy, they had to admit but they cleaned up in the end.

The youth worried at a bit of loose skin, considering. They'd spent days debating whether to ask him and every time they thought of it, he just managed to be so damn distracting. It was his hands. He was always doing something with his hands and it was either bloody hypnotic, like when he played the guitar (clock the Circle, they couldn't think properly when they watched him do that) or he had his hands on their person and that was a whole other distraction. It never seemed like there was a good time to ask 'do you like men?' But he currently had his hands in water, the soft clink and clatter of dishes telling how occupied he was. They didn't have to watch his hands either, they could concern themself with drying. That'd be very grounding.

They'd already made their decision, hadn't they?

The raen took a deep breath, grimaced a little and then downed the end of their herbal tea. There were a series of twisted expressions of disgust, including one where they extended their tongue out as if hoping that the taste would fall off their tastebuds, before they rose and dumped the dregs out and went to join him.

"You could have waited you know or left it for me to do," they commented as they pushed their sleeves up so they could work without fear of dampening the fabric. "I might as well do something after all. It's not like I'm much good on the money front. Well, I kind of am. I've given you plenty of rent thanks to what I hocked but... you know what I mean. I didn't really do anything to earn it. Talking to some tight tekaa isn't exactly working for a living."

They laughed at their self-deprecation, swabbing cloth across the ceramic surface of a dish, the action done with care. They still weren't entirely certain of this body, especially with finer tasks and it would be all too easy to drop a slippery dish because of one moment of careless inattention or needless impatience.

They set it aside and picked up a bowl. Their teeth found their lip again - the sting of flesh and the tang of blood likely soon to follow with the way they were going - and they lapsed into thoughtful silence, wondering how they were meant to broach this subject. They did tend to be very blunt but even for them it seemed a bit weird just to blurt it. How were they meant to say it?

"Hey Kit, do you like men?" it rolled off their tongue, syllables almost crashing together from the speed of delivery and the raen's mouth opened and then shut, eyes blinking rapidly as they realised that had actually come straight out and said it. "Uh... sorry, that's a bit of a strange question, isn't it? Don't laugh!" they warned, gaze flicking to him, a little stern although the effect was likely lost given the pink that had bloomed in their cheeks.

You idiot! What is he even meant to make of that?

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Writer: Foxing
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Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:59 am

25th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
Kit hummed softly as he worked. Neither of them were particularly domestic, and the crockery in the bowl had built up over the last few days until they couldn't ignore it any more, simply because there were no clean dishes left. Shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbow, the galdor employed cloth and scrubbing brush with vigour, grinning to himself as he heard vague tiny noises of disgust behind him.
He'd been worried for a couple of days after...well. After they'd both given in and events had been cut so torturously short.

Shae had calmed down however, and apparently had spoken with Delyth… Kit was very glad he hadn't been present for that conversation. To hear the witch tell it, the girl had been excruciatingly embarrassed. She'd been drinking that noxious brew daily ever since, which presumably meant that at some point she wanted to pick up where they'd left off…

The golly had been tempted to mention that Delyth took hers with honey, but there was a horribly mischievous part of him that rather liked the adorable faces she made.

“One of us had to do it, darling, we've nothing to eat off,” he replied to her reprimand, scooting over a half step to give her room to join him. “And don't be ridiculous, you eat next to nothing and actually get me out to gigs.”

Though she hadn't yet seen him in one of his truly dark times- and he fully expected the girl to run for the hills when she did- there had been a couple of times where he might not have made it out of the apartment without her shining eyes as she handed him his guitar, reminding the man that there was someone who still thought he was a decent functioning person.

...she'll learn…

Her next words were… odd.

“Like men?” He was scrubbing at a particularly stubborn bit of crusted mashed potato and didn't gather the nuance of the question at first.

“Why would you think I didn't? How many of my friends have you met now?”

He looked down at Shae, bemused, but the expression on her face, notably the flush that was so attractive on those cheeks, made him turn over her words in his head, and...


The girl's coy euphemism filtered through, and to the musician's surprise he felt heat rise to his own cheeks. He carefully ignored it.


And he definitely wasn't thinking about strong, calloused hands or a low voice in his ear.

“Hm. And why would you be interested in that information?”

There was a slight teasing edge to his tone as he swirled the plate in the water before setting it to drip in the rack.

“Are you worried there's more competition for my affections? Because I have plenty of those to go around. Or were you hoping I'd bring home another stray?”

The question was clearly important, for what reason he couldn't fathom, but the golly couldn't help but tease her just a little before actually answering.

“As a matter of fact…”

He turned a bowl over and around in long fingers, letting it drip, water running down his wrists, before reaching over to lean it gently on the draining board in front of her.

“...I do.”

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Mon Apr 01, 2019 5:23 pm

Achtus 25, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
Maybe if they hadn't been so concerned with their guilty thoughts, the youth would have had some retort, a quick response to his comment about them eating hardly anything and helping him out to work. It wasn't enough, not really but it hardly mattered. The raen wasn't in the humour to argue about paying their way, to impress upon him that they didn't simply want to be some stray that Kit had brought home and would mind and dote upon like a pretty bird that had been broken and needed to be nursed back to health. They wanted to be of use. They would need to explain that to Kit at some stage but not today, not when there were other things that were far more pressing.

When the galdor completely misunderstood their question, Shae's gaze turned to the heavens, an exasperated sigh escaping their lips as they paused in their drying. Clock the Circle, apparently it was necessary to be far more crass in their line of inquiry. Grey-blue eyes returned to the task at hand, picking up a dish and giving it little shake to remove the excess moisture before swabbing the towel over its surface, a soft hum escaping them. Now that they'd broached the subject, no matter how accidentally, it was a lot easier to speak about the matter. What was more, they were a little irritated by his inability to understand as if he was being intentionally dense.

"I mean, do you want to fuck men, Kit, not have them as friends," Shae murmured, a little colour creeping into their cheeks, a subtle wince as they heard their own tone. They were blunt, almost aggressive in sound and they regretted that.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that to sound so..." the former wick whispered, carefully setting their dish aside and reaching for a cup, swishing the material around its inside. Their gaze flitted to him, intended to be quick and furtive but stopping to stare, the cup giving a little slip in their fingers, catching it before it could come to any mischief.

Kit was blushing.

It was fascinating and only fucking gorgeous.

Shae bit their lip to stop themself from grinning stupidly or releasing a ridiculous little giggle, turning their attention away so that they stood a chance of keeping their delight within them. Had their question embarrassed them? Was it the original, the mere idea or had it been the rather crude way they'd explained themself? He wasn't used to that sort of speech from them, didn't know the depths that had been hidden - these ones rather unintentionally so unlike their true nature. Did the idea embarrass him or had they succeeded in hitting something close to his heart, something that he hadn't expected them to find? Gods, it was pleasant to see his cheeks grow pink though and they hoped that they could find a way to set it off again in the future.

They wanted to see it again.

His initial musing, lightly teasing earned another sigh, the head bowed a little further down, towelling off another plate, this time with rather more haste, flustered. That question had better be rhetorical because they couldn't answer it. They couldn't tell him why they wanted to know because then they'd have to explain- They couldn't explain that, not now, maybe not ever. They were chagrined at his next words though, blush manifesting with greater intensity as they gave him a nudge with their elbow.

Affections. Clock the Circle, what did he mean by-

Don't even think it, Shae, don't even go there, don't-!

"Shut your head, would you? You've got a singular thought in your head, Kit. Don't go making silly assumptions," they retorted, the trace of a smile haunting their lips before it slid away, corners of their mouth pulled downwards instead.


The gaze slid towards the water, seeking a distraction, seeking something that wasn't his face and yet finding those bloody hands, long fingers so ridiculously delicate and elegant, their dance slow and entrancing, crying out for a partner in Shae's eyes. They could imagine sliding their fingers into that hand, letting fingers intertwine, a beautiful union because Cordelia had had such lovely hands, even if the raen did disapprove of their softness. Such lovely galdor hands, like could be intertwined with like.

Their insides gave a hopeless little wobble and they wanted to turn away, wanted to stop themself from feeling but too late. Their hands were shakier now, fingers suddenly feeling boneless as they swallowed hard, hand moving unconsciously to sweep back their hair from their face and managing to rub water across their cheek. They shook out their trembling hand, trying to get rid of the moisture before they tried to dry their face, settling for using the tea towel.

"Oh well, I was just... wondering, that's all... just... trying to get to know you a bit better?" the feeble lie carried the inflection of a question, the raen seeking approval for their false words, belief. Their skin was aflame, body squirming a little, gaze skittering away, every indication that they were lying so fricking obvious that they might as well have stood on the table and bellowed that they'd told a falsehood.

That they had had a reason for asking was clear. That it had been idle curiosity was obviously untrue.

"Look, I can't explain it, Kit and you... maybe wouldn't like the answer even if I was able to get the words out but I'm not asking because of some- I'm not hoping that you'll do something with any men while I'm around, that isn't what-" they broke off, clearly flustered. They tried to pick up the bowl but failed, the crockery falling back down with an unpleasant clatter. Although it wasn't worse for wear, it jangled the raen's nerves.

They'd told the truth. Sort of. They'd told a version of it at least, a massively abridged one but this time it would be clear that they were sincere. If the man was hoping that they were registering interest in a threesome, he wouldn't find it there.

"I just wanted to know where your interests lay, if you had... a preference one way or the other, I suppose."

Fingers hovered over the bowl, a tip finding and tracing its underside as the former wick tilted their head up to meet Kit's gaze.

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Writer: Foxing
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Mon Apr 08, 2019 3:59 pm

25th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
He'd upset her. Kit wasn't sure why, but this subject was clearly important to her- important enough that the musician treating it flippantly was hurtful.

He sighed, dropping the plate he was washing in the suds and reaching for the towel Shae held, drying his hands on a free corner.

“I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to…"

He turned, leaning back against the sink and crossing one ankle over the other. Leaning on the heel of his hand, his head turned down towards her as his other hand came up to rub the back of his neck.

“You told me not to laugh, I shouldn't have joked.”

He sounded genuinely contrite, and blue eyes sought grey with a concerned gaze.

“So, yes. I do. You'd have found out in person at some point, I'm sure. I don't think…”
Kit paused for a moment, eyes narrowing as he looked up in thought.
“I don't think I have a preference,”
finished the golly, smiling down at her.

“Of course, ladies tend to be less likely to attempt to break your nose for offering to buy them a drink. Unless their name is Delyth…” He chuckled softly to himself.
“It took her a while to decide I was worth her time.”

The musician ran a still-damp hand through curling red hair, pushing it back from his brow, cheeks flushing ever so slightly again as memories surfaced- memories of the night he'd first been persuaded to explore that inclination, and the man who had managed to persuade him.

Tocks, he hadn't thought about that for...well. He hadn't been that much older than Shae was- or rather, how old he thought she was, they hadn't exactly exchanged life stories, as her query aptly illustrated. He'd also been more than a little guttered, but his memories were still crystal clear…

The golly realised he was staring off into space and coughed self-consciously.

“Was there uh… anything more specific you wanted to know?”

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Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:06 pm

Achtus 25, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
They weren't in a good place for coping with things right now. More specifically, they weren't in the right headspace to deal with Kit's hands coming out of nowhere, the heart rate of the raen's borrowed body picking up despite themself. The point of having this conversation now was to ensure that the man was sufficiently busy that he couldn't be... distracting and so very, very present. They relinquished the tea towel, holding back a bit so that they didn't simply shove the cloth into his grasp and skitter away; they couldn't trust themself near those hands. They could just carry on working away - when they had full access to the drying cloth at least - but that distraction could only last so long. There was only so much dishware and only so much of it that had been washed. Shae couldn't take over the job of washing either unless they got the galdor to move and then he might do something while their back was turned. It was all too easy to imagine him encircling their waist with his arms, long fingers firmly locked together low on their belly.

Would that be so bad?

Even the thought of it made their breathing hitch, the former wick inwardly chastising themself as they tried to calm down, certain that their face was hot enough that he'd be able to feel the intensity of their blush at this distance. No, they certainly couldn't take over the dishes right now, just as they couldn't continue drying so the tea towel was set aside, a damp hand balled against their cheek. They leaned on their knuckles, feeling the burn of their face as they moved an elbow to rest on the counter top, hip finding support against the side of the draining board as they tilted that way, head bowed so they wouldn't have to look him in the face. The youth was hoping for a chance to gather their wits and collect their thoughts but they were also faced with the elegant cross of the man's ankles. Honestly, there was no way to return to some semblance of sanity unless they weren't in the same room as him. He was honestly ridiculous. They swore that Kit did it on purpose but he was always so nonchalant that they couldn't be sure that he was entirely aware. Did he know he was attractive? Almost certainly but that didn't mean that he considered the effect that he could have during every waking moment.

"Don't worry about it, you wouldn't be you if you took anything entirely seriously," they dismissed, a touch of something bitter in their tone. Them, it was them that he couldn't take entirely seriously but how could he take such a question seriously? How could they have expected to accept it gravely when it was really such a peculiar query given that he didn't know the truth about them?

Sweet Lady have mercy, he did appear so very penitent and they regretted that bitter note in their words. He hadn't meant any harm, he didn't know, how the hell could he? Their housemate didn't want to see them distressed evidently and he must have copped that his answer held some significance, even if the purpose was inconceivable. The man hadn't had malicious intent and yet here they were sulking at the floor like a sullen teenager. Well... they were technically a teenager but that was easy to forget. It was just a number after all and in wick terms, they older relatively speaking than their galdori peers.

The hand that had been balled against their cheek moved down, replacing their elbow on the counter as they leaned on it instead, face tilting up so they could observe him. Hopefully, they were less scarlet now although they hoped to see that touch of crimson in his own cheeks. Shae's bottom lip was clamped firmly, almost painfully between their teeth as he spoke of Delyth but there was a torturous sort of hope in there, even in spite of his comments about the attractive albeit intimidating witch: he didn't have a preference. If it had been Shae as Shae then he wouldn't necessarily have been put off, wouldn't have been disinterested. But what if their former body hadn't been to his tastes, what if he still would have had no interest in them except in this pretty little wrapping that they currently wore?

Circle save them, they'd go mad thinking like this but it was so bloody difficult to stop!

Their gaze was intent on him, their mind whirling although they might seem to be looking through him for a few moments, deep in their thoughts as they were. "I don't think I do. Have a preference, I mean," the raen responded, quickly clarifying what they'd meant, too distracted by what they wanted to ask next. So difficult to avoid the truth, so difficult to lie so it was all about packaging things properly.

"Kit... be honest here, i-i-if I hadn't been me, if I hadn't looked like this, would you have taken me in the way that you did? Would you have done the same if I was a man? You don't seem to type to bring home and keep strays."

Their grey-blue eyes were huge and grave.

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Writer: Foxing
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Wed Apr 10, 2019 2:29 pm

25th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
Well, that was intriguing. The golly hadn't even considered that she might be in the same boat… his train of thought threatened to derail completely, but she was...she was actually worried, so much so that he had trouble thinking of anything other than allaying her fears.

If he could actually work out what those were, of course, because currently she was so uncomfortable that she couldn't actually look at him. But then she did, and with a question that caused an eyebrow to raise.

“If you were a man?”

He had to think for a moment to give her a genuinely honest answer.

“Do you know, I rather think I would have…” He looked down at his feet, knuckles tightening on the cracked enamel of the sink edge. “And I don't just like you because...heh…” He caught her gaze with a brief crooked smile. “Because you're adorable. Or because I want to fuck you.”

He winked.

“Though both are true.” His gaze slipped down again, expression becoming more serious.

“No, I've been… thinking. I…”

...I think I needed you…I think you're good for me...

...he trailed off as the words caught in his throat, words he hadn't realised he'd been about to say...

But that was...ridiculous. He'd been in states like that before. He'd dragged himself out of them before with no chirpy little helper to make him remember what being a person was like.

Had he actually been thinking that? No, it was nonsense…Surely...

The man shook his head, blinking hard.

...talk about something, anything else…

“...so if you were a man,” he heard himself say, “what do you think you'd be like?”

The musician's grin turned mischievous again as he regarded her. Taller, presumably. The golly wondered idly if a male Shae would still fit so neatly under his chin when his arms were around them. A more defined jaw. Oddly enough, with the way she walked, the way she moved and acted, it wasn't that difficult to imagine.

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Wed Apr 10, 2019 5:39 pm

Achtus 25, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
The raised eyebrow was to be expected, as was the sweep of warmth through their own visage as he checked that he'd heard them right. The raen gave a minute nod in confirmation, teeth catching their lip again, far far too self-conscious in this moment, certain that the galdor was going to understand things a little too well. Or maybe laugh again. If he laughed, they wouldn't be able to blame him but it'd hurt.

He didn't though, Kit taking the time to contemplate while Shae's heart beat faster, the press of their teeth on their lip easing so that their mouth opened a little, breath stilled. He was really considering it, properly thinking about it rather than simply giving the youth an answer he thought they wanted. A desperate hope had arisen within them, the former wick scarcely daring to believe that he might actually provide them with something genuine despite not knowing why they wanted to know.

They were hopeful that he'd say yes.

They were frightened that he'd say no.

And when they answer came, it was everything they could have wanted, his posture speaking to the truth of his response. Their heart swelled within them, an unimaginable joy rising within them as they gazed at him wide-eyed, their delight shining out although Kit wasn't likely to see it given that he was inspecting his feet. When he did look up though and caught their eye, they smiled back at him, unable to resist responding to that crooked smirk. Their tongue slipped out, caught between their teeth, the glint in their gaze decidedly wicked. Oh they were blushing, yes, but it was nice to hear him say certain things out loud. The latter had been evident a week ago but adorable? Interesting.

Did they preen ever so slightly? Yes, they did, even though this wasn't their body. There were more reasons to want to fuck someone than what they physically had on offer that was true but... it was also pretty difficult to screw things like personality.

However, he grew quiet, something more dwelling on his mind, something serious and their playfulness died a little, Shae growing a little sad as they worried over him, worried over what could be dwelling on his mind.

Frowning, they took a hesitant step towards him, head tilted so they could try to get a better view of his face. His willingness to insert a bit of lightheartedness into a situation when it turned serious was something they could understand. When they were faced with it themself, they wanted to take away some of the seriousness from his expression, to try to bring that smile back rather than that thoughtfulness. They weren't quite as able to insert it at random though but he did give them an opportunity.

When he asked his own interesting question, the youth was left feeling as if the man had spoken without really thinking as they had done a few minutes before. Serious thoughts prompted interesting queries although... they'd asked things that had been dwelling on their mind. What did that say about Kit? Did it say something about him?

"If I was a man?" they murmured, moving closer this time so that they were scant inches from him. "Well... I'd be taller, which would be handy because then I wouldn't have to stand on tip toe..."

They did it as they said it, stretching up so that they could let their lips ghost over his jawline near his ear as they let their hands drift to his chest to rest there. He had humour, they had other things. They would certainly be a distraction at the very least. "I'd still be adorable... and fuckable" they added in a whisper against his ear. Provided that he didn't stop them, the raen would catch his earlobe between their lips, giving the lightest nibble.

"I wouldn't have the curves but... men have other attractions. I'd have those," they whispered, sliding a finger down his shirt front before they drew back, dropping flat on their heels, a sly grin on their lips. "But you have me as I am, not as you imagine I could be. How awful for you."

With a laugh, they picked up the tea towel and whacked him with it playfully. "Now get your hands back in that water. If you want to talk then talk but don't let those hands of yours be idle... or I might have to give them something to do."

It was their turn to wink.

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Writer: Foxing
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Thu Apr 11, 2019 5:22 am

25th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
Thank the clocking Circle, she was smiling again. And-

...oh, hello…

There she was, echoing his own thoughts about height. Not only that… Kit had been very careful to let her take things at her own pace since the Pie Incident, and so far there had been nothing but gently teasing words and the occasional heated glance when she thought he wasn't looking… he noticed it most when he played, though the musician wasn't sure what it was about that particular activity that distracted his diminutive companion so.

But now? This was definite intimate intent and he hummed appreciatively as soft lips dusted kisses along his jaw, carefully keeping hands locked on the edge of the sink to allow her a moment of control.

At her words, however, a low chuckle spilled from his lips.

...oh, it's SHOWTIME…

He rather did think he would want her in any form. But, as she so teasingly pointed out, he was stuck with this one…

...and what a form it is…

“A terrible fate, to be sure. However shall I cope?”

As she thwacked him with the teatowel, ordering him about so decisively, he caught the trailing end of the fabric, using it to tug the girl towards him so that she thudded into his chest.

“And just what other use,” he growled softly, sliding said hands to her hips, “would you put these to?”

Blue eyes grinned down at her, then without so much as a by-your-leave, long fingers slipped down to cup her behind, hoisting Shae up to perch her on the draining board, regardless of the spilled water still coating its surface, encouraging legs to part as he stepped in.

It made her a little taller, but not so much that her gaze was level with his. He ducked lips close to her ear, chest still flush with hers, to murmur in a tone dripping with teasing contriteness,

“Oh, I'm sorry kitten...did I get you wet?”

Teeth grazed her earlobe with the softest flick of tongue in echo of her earlier actions.

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Tue Apr 23, 2019 3:20 pm

Achtus 25, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
They were glad that they'd gotten things off their chest. They'd needed it, they hadn't realised just how much but they definitely felt a hell of a lot better for it. Perhaps they'd feel even better if they got everything out in the open, maybe Kit would surprise them as he'd done just now. Unfortunately, they thought that what they really were would be a fact that was a bit too difficult to swallow, certainly harder than the "hypothetical" notion that they could be a man. Shae didn't think that they could handle that response and so there would be no telling him that. In truth, they thought that they'd rather die first - again - and that wasn't an easy fate to contemplate as they knew from experience. Their death had been slow and painful and so unbelievably lonely and yet... they'd rather suffer that again than see the horror in another person's eyes. They'd seen it once already; Cordelia's eyes had been full of horror when Shae gazed upon themself for the first time in this life, the reflection like gazing at another person because it hadn't been the wick, it couldn't have been and yet...

No, they would not tell Kit what they were.

Melancholy was something that they found themself a bit more prone to slip into these days, the optimism and the easy smiles a little harder to dredge up than they'd been before but they pushed it down for now, just trying to enjoy the moment. The man was considering them in a new way, they could see it, that little tease before having served as unspoken permission to look at them somewhat expectantly. The galdor had been so very patient and understanding since the Pie Debacle. They didn't deserve to have stumbled across such a man so fortuitously on their first day in Old Rose. There were so many people they could have encountered, so many who would have taken advantage of them in their vulnerable state but they were so glad that it had been Kit.

They would honestly give the man anything he wanted. They wanted to give him everything. Now wasn't that a strange thing to consider?

"Terrible, I know, as for coping..." they responded, letting the sentence hang unfinished in the air but laden with suggestion. Before the raen could say much else though, they were pulled into Kit's chest, happily tugged there as a shriek and a giggle escaped them. Their grin was broad and wicked, teeth pressed into their lip in a vain attempt to tame it as hands found their hips. They hummed thoughtfully as if they had to seriously consider his question before their mouth popped open in shock. There was enough room for a gasp and a soft 'oof' before they found themself relocated to the draining board....

... bang on top of the run off from the dishes.

Even with his hands positioned under them and acting as something as a barrier, lukewarm water still began to seep through material at once and it definitely wasn't the most comfortable predicament in the world. It was going to be a lot worse when it got cooler or when they moved and the air got at the saturation. Frankly, it was more than a bit of a dampener on the mood and the former wick wasn't highly amused. If things had been further along, he probably could have sat them in the fucking sea and they wouldn't have really minded.

His "contriteness" earned him a flick to the top of the ear, Shae managing to find the side of his head in order to carry out the action blindly. It'd probably only be a little sting but there was a sense of nasty satisfaction when their fingertip hit flesh.

"Ersehole! You do know that I'm going to have to take these trousers off now, don't you?" they asked, the scolding somehow transforming into something more playfully flirtatious by the end. The pout on their lips wasn't entirely put on though, the raen giving a little squirm as they tried to find a position that was less uncomfortable and failed. With a sigh, they wrapped their legs around his waist, bending around him and intending to hold him in place. He'd stepped into this situation but they weren't going to let him get out of it as easily.

The former wick reached up to their shoulders, shrugging lightly so that Kit wouldn't be in the way before hooking a thumb under each brace to lift up and to the sides, the loosened straps left to slither down their arms as they shrugged free of them. Then they reached out to place their arms around the man's neck, leaning close, almost kissing him but not.

"Can we go to your room? Please? I want... you... but not here," they whispered.

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Posts: 60
Joined: Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:03 pm
Topics: 3
Race: Galdor
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Foxing
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:57 am

25th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
The musician gave a theatrical overreaction to the sting in his ear- a wincing hiss that slid into a low chuckle.

“Oh dear. Really? I can help you get rid of them if you like…” he added as Shae squirmed against him, pulling her in tighter as she gave in, wrapping her legs around his waist.

There was a certain amount of smug satisfaction in knowing that he’d made the girl exasperated and uncomfortable… but that she still wanted his touch enough to ignore it.

She was shrugging out of her braces, the displeasure on her pretty features melting into need, and the wick’s next words sent heat spilling through him, with just a hint of triumph.

"...Please? I want... you... but not here,"

“My thoughts exactly,” he murmured in response with a wicked grin, adding “Hold on-” before tightening his grip and stepping back- as he lowered his head just enough to met her lips with a hungry kiss.

Before he had been teasing, gentle, patient...and there was still an edge of restraint- after all, the wick was a tiny thing, and last time had ended poorly- but as he lifted her now, long fingers splayed to cup her backside, tugging her against him, the galdor’s blue gaze was filled with nothing but desire. He didn’t stop kissing her, no matter how teeth clashed or bit, and a moment later he had crossed the small room. Two strides were all it took, heedless of the chair in his way that skittered along the floorboards before being finally knocked over. He chuckled briefly against her lips, but otherwise paid it no mind, having a much more important matter in hand.

Now as they came up against the bedroom door with a thud (Kit being careful not to smash the back of her head against the wood) he could free a hand to curl around her jaw under her ear, thumb stroking firmly along a dainty cheekbone and tilting her chin up as lips travelled to her throat, to the beating warmth of her pulse and sucked a little harder than he had intended.

This was weeks of built-up pressure, and while the musician firmly believed that pleasure could indeed taste sweeter for the wait… it had been a tantalising wait.The fire of it was burning through him from that one phrase of longed for consent- “...I want you…” -and he groaned as he broke off, breathing hard, resting his forehead against the door.

“I don’t...I don’t know...” he growled softly “..if I can be...gentle…” Kit’s words were almost involuntarily punctuated by the tilt of hips up into the girl’s own as he held her there against the door, his hand leaving her throat to grope blindly for the doorhandle.

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