[M] Keep Your Hands to Yourself

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Race: Raen
: Too pretty for you
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Maximus
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Fri May 03, 2019 5:30 pm

Achtus 25, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
They were pretty tight against him, heart pounding, its rhythm almost erratic at his nearness and the situation. They were sufficiently grounded for now, caught in the anticipation of the moment, the sensations, the proximity. And they weren't even doing anything yet, not really but it turned out that Shae needed this. True, their libido had been a bit up and down, hormones still settling back into some semblance of... normality? Honestly, the former wick didn't know. They knew what had been normal for them - for their past body - but this one was a mystery. It didn't help that they'd begun inhabiting it in a period that was far from typical for it; Shae wasn't even sure if they'd know what 'normal' was when it hit. But this? Now? This was fine. More than fine.

The raen was growing accustomed to being near Kit, his embrace the only one they'd had since they'd died. He was the only sort of affection they'd had since then and the only source of tenderness that they'd had in a long time, far more used to casual and detached yet lustful encounters rather than lovers who cared about their well-being. He was comfortable and he was safe, even in spite of a different field organisation and strength than they were used to and one that could merge with their own tattered one, as if the two were tantalisingly close but could never touch, even when they were together in a physical sense. The matter of the field was definitely uncomfortable, more because they knew they were the reason they couldn't merge, having lost the ability to do something that they had always taken for granted. In spite of that, they were getting used to his proximity, almost needing it. Even his scent was something pleasantly familiar now, enough to make Shae want to remain close to the galdor and curl into him at every opportunity.

That probably said something about their relationship or at least Shae's view on things but it wasn't like- He'd helped them out, he'd looked after them when they'd needed it when they were at their lowest - and they were still pretty low and vulnerable right now - and he was a friend that they honestly couldn't be more grateful for. A friend that they really wanted to fuck as well but... obviously he was important. He was just a very good and attractive friend who more than likely understood the benefits of getting along very well with one another and had things in common like sex.

They were good friends. There wasn't more to it than that, there certainly wasn't any other level of need or connection. There was need here right now that was very easy to understand, very easy to get lost in, sufficiently shallow and basic enough to brush aside any silly thoughts of anything more going on between them. Right now they were sexual tension and want that had been building for the last few weeks only driven up to new heights after the Pie Debacle. There certainly wasn't any depth here although there was definitely potential for some, just not the emotional kind.

Kit pulled them so close that there probably wasn't an inch of space between their bodies, the galdor obviously eager to join them physically, even if it wasn't possible to do so in the monic sense. And that was before the raen murmured their need in his ear, the words clearly lighting a fire under him that drew a delighted giggle from them, cut off by the almost desperate kiss pressed against their smiling lips. He'd been so calm and collected the last time they'd gone to do this, so ready to tease and prolong things and so Shae had expected something the same. Oh they'd certainly hoped to make him move things along faster - their words had definitely had that intent - but they hadn't expected to be so successful.

Their face flushed, heart beating a new staccato rhythm within the confines of their ribcage at the intensity of the desire that was billowing off him. Was there a fluttery feeling in their stomach as well? Yes but what it signified... obviously it was excitement, plain and simple, it wouldn't be anything else. There also wasn't a sense of joyous relief and utter delight, definitely not. They were just caught up in the moment, certainly not thinking about things as emotions and wordless thoughts flooded them with warmth. Later though... later though they'd be able to remember those sensations and feelings and how they definitely didn't fit desire or lasciviousness. The sort of hindsight that would bring worry and despair; hindsight wasn't always a wonderful thing...

For now, such things only heightened... everything.

His hold on their backside was tight, tugging the raen close as if he was hoping to absorb them into his skin as he lifted Shae, gaze blazing with passion that made something inside the young female body melt. Their heart was truly thundering now, ready to come out their throat for sure and they found themself struggling to breathe, as mouths moved fervently. The former wick moaned, low and needy, hands moving to tangle in his hair.

Things happened so fast.

One moment, they were on the draining board, the next trying to twine their way around him like roots seeking nourishment and then one after that, they were up against his door, gasping from shock and breathlessness.

Gasping, panting, trying to drag air into their lungs, hardly able to catch their breath as his lips shifted to their throat. There was no doubt that he'd feel that giddy pulse of theirs as delicate flesh was drawn in, the force of it likely to leave a crimson blossom behind. Shae eagerly welcomed a garden of such blooms, arching their neck to give him greater access as the raen moaned softly.

The groan that came from him sent a shiver of pleasure through the youth, the yearning within them only growing stronger. They wanted to squirm, instinct driving them and they felt they had permission when his hips tilted up. They let out a soft, throaty cry, Shae doing their utmost to give more control to their legs to press them firmly together, shifting eagerly, seeking the delicious friction that they'd discovered during their last failed encounter.

"I... I don't need gentle. I won't... break, Kit. I'm not... as fragile... as you think I am," the brunette panted, voice husky, fingers moving to paw roughly through the galdor's hair. "I want this. I want you... to fuck me, Kit. Sweet Lady please, I need you to fuck me!"

The last was much louder, desperate and wild before they dove at him, lips fiercely seeking purchase on his throat, teeth nipping as the raen moved beneath his jawline, probing for a place that garnered the most enthusiastic reaction, revelling in that attractively heady scent of his as they did so, drunk and high on him at the same time. His name escaped the former wick in a sighing whisper against his skin even as they kissed.

The fact that their field buzzed angrily around them or that their pants were still wet from the draining board were non-existent considerations, the youth noticing them only in a vague and detached way. They were too overheated now to care.

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Topics: 3
Race: Galdor
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Foxing
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Mon May 20, 2019 3:52 pm

25th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
The wick's fingers threaded through tousled auburn locks as her legs wrapped eagerly around Kit's waist, and any concern he may have felt about moving too fast, too aggressively, melted away at the sounds she made…

...Alioe...yes, more of that PLEASE…

The way she bared her throat so eagerly to his teeth, tugging his body into even closer contact with hers, made his pulse race… but when she begged so desperately the last vestiges of his carefully-crafted control unravelled entirely.

His name, breathed against his skin as she gave as good as she got sent a thrill through him, but-

"...gods I knew you were...aah...trouble…" he gasped as her tongue found a sensitive spot just below his ear.

Kit's groping hand finally found the doorknob, and the galdor shifted his other arm to take more of her weight as he jerked backwards, tugging the door open with such force that it flew into the wall with a slam as the two fell through into the bedroom. Two stumbling steps and they were falling onto the bed, mattress and bedframe squeaking alarmingly.

The musician wasted no time, one knee sliding between her legs to press inexorably up and in as long, nimble fingers made short work of her shirt buttons, kissing and nipping his way down the girl's already marked neck, over collarbones and freshly revealed skin.

"I have...wanted…" he growled, "...to do...this since the first...day we met…"

In his haste he missed the last button as he tugged the shirt hem from her trousers, and there was a small ripping noise...and a wince as said button hit him in the forehead.


But he sounded far from apologetic, looking down at her with that impish grin as he ducked to kiss her once more, strong and purposeful, tongue thrusting unsubtly between warm lips. Hands skated over pale sides, up to palm the breasts that Shae almost seemed to forget were there most days, long fingers curling under the edge of her stays, tugging the fabric down just enough to let calloused musician's fingertips brush taut nipples.

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Race: Raen
: Too pretty for you
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Maximus
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Sat May 25, 2019 5:45 pm

Achtus 25, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
The raen was truly beginning to inhabit this borrowed skin of theirs, wriggling into it eagerly, accepting it in this moment because the sensations were theirs, all theirs. They didn't belong to Cordelia, they weren't the body's in some detached way.

This was all theirs. Kit was all theirs.

Something in him broke, his desperation mirroring Shae's own and the frantic actions between them increased. His comment elicited something between a breathy laugh and a growl as they made to nip the same spot that had seemed to enthuse him so. Instead, they were merely bumped against him, teeth happily not in use as the man staggered them into his room and tumbled them in a tangle of limbs onto the bed.

Air whooshed out of already panting lungs, the young female body struggling to get breath back as the man set to work, his fingers too fast, his advantage too great. Letting themself melt into the bed and simply allowing him to do all the work while they drank in the sensation would have been so easy, so wonderful.

But the youth was far, far too thirsty for that.

They ground against his knee, feeding into the pleasure that he was already giving them, sensation buzzing through them, a light tremor rushing through them that only added fuel to the flames. Kit was concerned with buttons to get at what he wanted but Shae didn't have the patience or the thought. Instead, the former wick's hands scrabbled down his back, tugging at his shirt to pull it free of his trousers so they could slide fingers over bare flesh, short nails perhaps finding some purchase as the youth sought to drag their partner into them.

His button fiddling meant that his face and neck were difficult to get to, a game of cat and mouse ensuing as the raen tried to plant quick nips and kisses on his skin when he came into range. Tantalisingly out of reach when they were eager to devour him whole, yet not against what he was doing at the moment. They couldn't have both and so they could only make do with what they could get of him while he was otherwise engaged.

The ardour that had the button bouncing off the galdor's forehead drew a snort and giggles from the raen along with a playful mutter of "Idiot!" before his lips found theirs again, the thrust of his tongue welcomed enthusiastically as Shae's fingers sought the back of his neck, trying to keep him there.

Old habit tried to make them move their field, to entwine their auras as readily as they'd entwined their limbs. It was like trying to catch something coated in soap, the grasp at control answered only with a buzz of irritated energy rather than obedience.

Need and frustration tangled in the mewl that strained to get out in spite of their dancing tongues, something aggressive making the youth shift a leg free so that they could hook it around his waist. Hands already moving to find the back of his head, even though it meant freeing it from his shirt fabric so they wouldn't throttle him.

To tangle, to pull close, to-

Sweet Lady!

They tried to purr his name, back arching so they could give him greater access.

Right hand twisting fingers into auburn strands. Left hand moving down to his waistband. Fingers following the curve of his waist until they reached the front and could dip down if he didn't stop them. To cup, to squeeze, to feel his interest piqued.

They wanted him to react. They wanted to press his buttons. They needed it if he'd only let them.

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