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Saryn Desperia
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Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2019 9:27 pm
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Writer: Jinxed
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Wed May 08, 2019 9:40 pm

Saryn Desperia

Intas 23rd


"Alright with that finished, I am going to move on, I was asked to clean a room so I will be back after I finish. Make sure you are thorough you slowpokes!" Saryn said in a bit of a joking manner as they would most definitely be able to catch up .

Saryn then detached herself from the group of passive maids she was working with. She sighed to herself and touched her earring, a habit she had developed over time in order to cope with either high amounts of energy or stress. She didn't know why, but the earring was something that would calm her without fail. She had left the group mostly because she had a job to do, but also she didn't ask for any help from her peers as she wouldn't be able to dispose of her quarry, which she had stolen earlier in her shift, with them scouring the area while cleaning. She held no resentment for that though, only minor annoyance, as she had known for the people that she worked with for a while. They shouldn't be implicated with her problems, if they were she would most definitely feel at least guilty, if not fully apologetic.

That was something that she hated doing as it made her feel bad.

Recently speaking, she had been asked to clean a lot of offices or private rooms. Apparently she had been doing at least a half decent job she thought to herself. She had only heard complaints sparingly and even then, most galdor didn't pay enough attention to notice if a detailed enough job was done anyway. Not that she had not done the best job she could as she wasn't one to take the risk of angering a galdor professor.

She shuddered to herself at some of the injuries that her workplace associates sustained "on the job".

Saryn slowly straightened out her uniform. It was, as always, cleaned to the standard of the maids around her. She had made sure of it as her clothes the night before were some of the "most stubborn pieces of cloth to clean on the continent". She had been helping in the kitchens and as a result had gotten flower all over her uniform. It had been a pain to completely get the residue of flour and other baking materials out of her uniform. Saryn's hair was put up in her signature slightly less than tight bun that sat on top of her head, allowing it to bob up and down as she walked. Her face was slightly reddened from the amount of work she had put into her assignments as well as the small amount of adrenaline that she felt when she held what she considered to be "contraband".

She had finally made it to her destination and poked her head in.

"Hello? I am here to do a bit of cleaning? Please excuse my intrusion."

Saryn then got to work, cleaning the room and over the period of thirty minutes or so she had managed to turn the room from being relatively messy to being satisfactorily clean. During her cleaning session though, she had managed to pocket a couple more items. Nothing too large, just pens and a book, but this would spell a dilemma for Saryn as she needed to then find a place to deposit the items that she had stolen.

She would most definitely not be able to return to working effectively before she disposed of the evidence, so after she excused herself from the room, she immediately sauntered over to what seemed to be a small broom closet and started to hide the items that she had palmed.

Sadly she hadn't actually done more than a quick glance around to see if she was seen. She didn't see anyone.

She had thought that she had gotten away with depositing the stolen materials when she accidentally dropped the book that she had stolen earlier.

The book landed with a loud thud on the ground.



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Ezre Vks
Posts: 285
Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2019 11:02 am
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Location: Brunnhold, Anaxas
: better with the dead
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Muse
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Fri May 24, 2019 3:14 pm

On Campus
After Lunch on the 23rd of Intas, 2719
Ezre Vcks left the cafeteria as he'd entered it today—alone. While the eighth form had been invited to share lunch with Liliana and Eirik anytime he desired, today he'd been late to the Cafeteria and lost in his own thoughts, consumed by curiosities and chasing the etherial whispers of ideas that had blossomed in the dim light of the Crypts beneath Brunnhold's Church of the Moon. He wanted to chase those whispers—literally, really—reaching out with the mona itself through magic to somehow contact the spirits and lost souls that wandered Vita in order to either learn more about them or, perhaps one day, help them all find their way into rest by actually communicating with them.

Impossible, Madame Exedus had told him. So many times.

The Hexxos-born child refused to believe her, if only because he was aware he knew far more about the disturbed Afterlife of those who'd been strangely spat out of the Cycle already. His professors didn't know. His fellow students didn't know. So, the doors were wide open into the inviting, cold darkness of the unknown, and Ezre was willing to explore beyond them, one step at a time.

After he'd finished his quiet lunch, he made his equally quiet way out into the snow and across part of Campus, toward the Clairvoyant Conversation wing—Holdyn Hall, specifically, in order to make his way to the Madames' offices and see who was in. Intending to ask more about the use of organic objects in plots and their success rates for expanding the range of Clairvoyant communications, he was already quite lost in his own musings by the time he turned down the tiled hall. Dark eyes didn't even glance up at the name plates, mind wandering back into the Crypts where he'd been a few days before, traveling through his mental notes of strange activity he'd been wanting to investigate.

Ezre didn't even notice he'd passed Madame Exedus' office or the offices of the other faculty he was in search for. Sunlight danced through the long windows and paintings of Brunnhold's prestigious faculty stared back at him as if they were ghosts themselves from their places on the wall.

To say the Hoxian didn't scare easily would have been an understatement, considering the boy had been born of a raen and raised in the company of the dead, but there was something about the totally unexpected thud of a book hitting the hard tile that shook him from his thoughts with the most undignified of gasps. None of his peers were around to appreciate the humor of his surprise, and perhaps Ezre was glad for that.

"Oh!" Dark eyes blinked, glancing first downward at the large tome before following the natural path upward to find himself glancing over the tidy, well-pressed uniform of a Gated passive woman half in a broom closet and half in the hall. He made a motion to reach for the book, unconcerned about who was before him—or what she was—tattooed fingers brushing over the cover, suddenly unsure if he should be handing the book back or asking why she had it.

He looked to the title. Something uninteresting and academic. Something secular. Not even an exciting book on magical theory. This wasn't the library—where had it come from? The broom closet.

Ezre looked past the passive into the little room overflowing with towels and dusters, brooms and a mop, before he finally let his almost effeminate features settle on Saryn's face,

"Are you meaning to return this?" Ezre's question was clever, his soft tone almost coy, but his expression held no emotion, as was expected of a proper Hoxian.
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