Death on Two Legs (Solo)

In which Albigence decides the shop is now his.

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Albigence Fitz
Posts: 20
Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2019 2:50 pm
Topics: 5
Race: Passive
Occupation: Glass blower.
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Quix
Writer Profile: Quixotic

Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:23 am

Roalis 18, 2719
He supposed a dead body tended to throw a wrench in things. It was nearly 15th hour, and Bjorn Bradshaw, owner of Hot House Glass, had not yet emerged from his apartment on the third floor of the shop building. At his scheduled lunch break, in which they always closed the shop for an hour mid-day, Albigence locked the door, turned off the lights on ground level, and headed back upstairs. He passed his own apartment on the way, grumbling something under his breath about the old drunk being neck deep in a beer, but, no, the upper level of the apartment building was merely unsufferably hot and quiet. There was none of the familiar groaning that came from Bjorn in his post-drinking mornings. In fact, the door of Bjorn's apartment, the nicest of the four, was cracked open. Albigence pushed it open the rest of the way and stepped back as if some booby trap was going to spring, but absolutely none did. He crept in.

And there, on the floor, was the undeniably dead. There was no question of whether or not he was sleeping, and the details of the body were certainly some that no play he had ever seen delved into. Bjorn's once thin body was bloated nearly beyond recognition, and his arms and legs stuck out at odd angles from his torso as he laid on his side. The buttons on his shirt were nearly bursting with the tension under his pale, blueish skin, and his eyes were stuck open on the door. Albigence shuddered. A red foam had seeped from the man's nose and mouth into the floor. It was, needless to say, disgusting.

Yet, above all else, Albigence was scared. Bjorn was, first and foremost, Albigence's master, his only reason to be alive in the free world outside of Brunnhold. Without him, Albigence was in danger of going to Brunnhold, and he did not want to be surrounded by children all day, did not want to lose what he loved- glass blowing. The moment he reported this- the moment someone found this body, Albigence was absolutely, royally dead.

But that would require the body to be found. Albigence blinked, wondering if he had heard his internal voice correctly. No body meant Bjorn was alive until it was found. Bjorn was on holiday, Bjorn was travelling, Bjorn was overseas.

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Albigence Fitz
Posts: 20
Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2019 2:50 pm
Topics: 5
Race: Passive
Occupation: Glass blower.
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Quix
Writer Profile: Quixotic

Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:03 pm

Time Stamp
Away from the life of Old Rose Harbor, a man collapsed to his knees on the warm beach, his dark clothes soaked to the chest and clinging to his small body. His hair was tied haphazardly above his head, and he was staring out at the water, oblivious to the wetness soaking his body, the sharp squaw! of a curious seagull, the sand that had made a permanent home in his shoes, and the absolute beauty of a bright red sunset bleeding in the sky over the water. No, he dug his fingers into the sand as if to anchor himself to a ceasing earth, and his shoulders shook in what could be described, at a distance, as tears.

Albigence Fitz was laughing. It was a good laugh, one that bubbles up from the stomach and shakes the entire body, one that causes one to shake their head in disbelief of how uncontrollably funny something was. His hair fell around him as he grabbed the sand to feel something real and familiar, feel something he knew so well because he hated so much. He couldn't fucking believe it. He looked up, watching Bjorn's body as it crested a wave with a strange, rigid grace brought on by the bloating of his body and ducked under the water.

He had just disposed of Bjorn's body, and, in an oddly poetic moment for himself, he realized he had just, perhaps temporarily, disposed of his passive chains. His laugh choked in his throat, and he sat back on his knees and stared at the sky, the smile fading from his face slowly as disbelief replaced it. He stood slowly and unsteadily as the sand shifted under his feet.

18 years of a passive life, and it had only taken Albigence 8 hours of hiding, plotting, mental breakdowns, dragging a body down a flight of stairs, cleaning up blood and his own vomit, and nervously pushing a body through a city of people before dragging it as far as he could into the sea for him to gain his freedom. Tonight, he was free.

Albigence Fitz floated back to the shop in a daze. Yet, the moment he entered the silent shop, he shriveled with his back against the door. It was only a matter of time before someone noticed, before someone reported him, before his freedom ended.

What the clock did I just do? he thought to himself, the sand suddenly present in his shoes, the cold wetness of his pants and shirt suddenly frigid against his bones. He slid to the floor, suddenly alone in his shop.

Of course, he hadn't killed Bjorn. Yet, he was the easiest choice if the Seventen or Bjorn's family- did he have a family? Albigence had never cared to ask- found him missing, or, worse, found his body. Even if Albigence wasn't the law's murderer, he was suddenly an unclaimed passive, and, gods, to be shipped to Brunnhold and be forced to live among children- he couldn't do that. No, no. Albigence had to hide beneath his words, beneath the coolness of his breath, beneath his trade.

And, so, Albigence Fitz took in the night, finally alone in his own shop.
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