[Memory] - All hands on deck !

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Sun Aug 11, 2019 6:31 pm

Somewhere between the begining and the end of times
Kirrah shrugged at Niccolette comment, and just whispered back.

– Insulting? And I thought we were on the fast track to be best friend. You hurt my feelings.

She then definitely let go of this bickering. While it was fun while it lasted, they did have some work to do, and failing to do so in a timely manner because they were infighting would be the fastest way to have their bodies and heads buried in two distinct places.

She left her lair with both gollies, still considering something though.

As far as Niccolette was concerned, she was pretty sure of what she thought and what to await from her. The girl was a hot pepper, with a high sense of self pride, and, despise that, a face thicker than a city wall. She also seemed to genuinely care for her husband, which overall dressed the portrait of someone pretty straightforward and simple, while also likely not at all a good person if provoked.

But despite that, it was Uzoki that let Kirrah pondering. Despite all their nonsense sooner, the man kept a perfect mastery over his emotions, and communication, not letting anything see through his mask of perfect nice guy. As someone with a doctorate degree in paranoia, Kirrah couldn’t help but wonder what the man really thought.

She chose to relegate these notions for further consideration later but kept in mind to keep her guard up against the Galdor, he “might” just be this straightforward good guy, or he might be the schemer type as far as Kirrah was concerned.

While this whole train of thought was exhausting, one of the reason Kirrah kept her social interaction to a minimum, this solid amount of carefulness was one of the reason she managed to survive to this day, and she definitely intended to continue on breathing for the longest time.

When they reached the street, the atmosphere was boiling.

Kirrah caught some non-descript beggar to ask him about the reason for all of this action, and the guy just answered with a deep mariner’s accent:

- Silas sen’ the wor’ that he’ll be cleanin’ house, and tha’ some poor lads are getting a public execution as dawn, but didn’ tell where to avoid the gollies sho’ing up. Somethin’ to do with spies.

Kirrah suddenly had a strike of understanding, and muttered to herself, though accidentally loud enough for Nicco and Uzoki to hear:

– That’s what he had in mind for him … I wonder who are the others …

She turned to the gollies :

- We’ll be missing the spectacle though, but it’ll do as good a distraction as any. Any agent of the Drain and the such must be scouring the city as of now. We might want to hurry though as thing might blow up a notch or two depending on what Silas have in mind. I still prefer that to the option of leaving my lair through the sewer by riding a corpse as a canoe.

This sense of flair was along the character of Silas but making it big meant the drug deal they were checking might be a tad bigger that what she had in mind. Which raised the question: Why did Silas choose two newbies to go with her? Or did he have some way to make sure they played ball?

Kirrah shrugged: It wasn’t her problem in the end, as long as the airship manage to land with her inside, she would be good with it.

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Niccolette Ibutatu
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Sun Aug 11, 2019 9:22 pm

Evening, 25th Vortas, 2713
The Streets of Old Rose Harbor
The passive led the way; Uzoji followed behind her, and Niccolette brought up the rear of the little group; she did not mind having her husband between her and the passive, and it was often their way in uncertain situations that he would lead, and she would follow.

There was little Niccolette or Uzoji could do hide that they were galdori; Kirrah, too, stood out on the streets of Old Rose Harbor. Even a true Gioran would have been rare; her grayish pallor and delicate features would always have drawn attention. Niccolette pulled the hood of her cloak up over her head, at least, tucking the long strands of her hair away over her shoulders. Uzoji did not have a hood; if he had, Niccolette was not sure if he would have bothered putting it up. She had never known him to try and hide; it was not in him.

The Bastian couldn’t help the feeling of love that seemed to slip through her composure as they navigated through the twisted alleyways. It spread out into her field, tangling at the edges with her husband’s, shifting the air around her faintly pink in the night light.

Uzoji glanced back over his shoulder at her, and smiled. He slowed a pace – one, two, letting Kirrah go ahead and out of his range. Only then did his field flex, gently, and caprised hers, love and apology mingled together, his warm strength pressing against her.

This time Niccolette smiled before she could help herself. She scowled – tried to scowl – and ended up almost blushing.

Uzoji grinned a little wider, and winked at her.

Niccolette found her scowl then, and frowned at him.

Uzoji just grinned, turning back forward, his hands sliding back into his pockets. He navigated the narrow alleys of Old Rose Harbor with an easy grace, keeping one eye on Kirrah and one on Niccolette, never tripping on the rough and uneven ground below. It was not so easy for Niccolette; she needed to pay attention to keep pace with Kirrah’s longer legs and Uzoji’s confident stride. She did it, though; she had no intention of falling behind.

They emerged from the last of the twisting alleys onto one of the Rose’s main streets. When they had left it, things had been quiet enough; it was a cold, dark night, and the sun had seemed to set early, sinking to invisibility behind the sprawling old wood houses. The last of its rays had been winking good bye when the galdori had left the main track for Kirrah’s lair.

Now it was full evening, and the street they had left was hardly the one they found. Clusters of men stood here and there, dotting the street and sidewalk; the few broken lights shone down on hard faces, scowling anger mingled with bloodthirsty excitement. The clink of bottles echoed in the night, and the smell of liquor and urine rose up on the evening air, pouring from doorways and alleyways alike.

Uzoji offered Kirrah a grin at what Niccolette thought he surely must have taken as a joke; she herself was not so sure. She glanced sideways at the passive, wondering if the stench of sewage would still cling to her when they reached the airship. Niccolette hoped it would not, but she felt it hard to be sure.

“It’s HER!” A drunken voice roared. Kirrah would recognize one of the two humans she had chased off earlier. He was stumbling slightly; alcohol seemed to have fanned the flames of his earlier anger. He drank the last of what looked like a bottle of rotgut rum, and hurled it to the street. The smash of glass against the stones there seemed to echo through the air, heads turning here and there to look at them.

“Th’ bitch viper,” The man spat, wiping his filthy mouth on his equally filthy sleeve. “Th’ butcher o’ th’ Rose!” He wobbled back and forth, and did his best to clasp the shoulder of a taller man standing nearby, a burly-looking human with the thick nose of a man who’s had it broken more than once.

The other, taller man shrugged him off, sliding back and glancing away. “Ent the night f’r it, kov,” he said, his voice a low, thick rumble in his throat.

“Killed my friend, she did,” The drunkard continued as if he hadn’t heard, tears glistening in his eyes, his shaven, unkempt beard thick with saliva. He wiped his eyes against his sleeve. “Killed my friend, and cut him up!”

“C’mon,” The second of the men from earlier stumbled out into the pool of shallow light, reeking of alcohol as heavily as the first. He grabbed the first man’s coat, tugging at him, glancing briefly at Kirrah then away. “That’s the deal, Hutch, y’know it as well as anyone. C’mon, ent no use.”

“Ne!” Hutch yanked his arm away from the second man, and turned towards Kirrah, his chest heaving. “I’m sick o’ this! I ent gon’ t’ let her use no honest man f’r them experiments, not again!” He fumbled into his pocket, and emerged with a surprisingly sharp looking knife, moving aggressively towards Kirrah. The moment he was in range, he took a swing at her, the knife glinting through the evening air.

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Mon Aug 12, 2019 11:04 am

Somewhere between the begining and the end of times
There might be some saying about everything always turning more or less for the worst case scenario. But it was some serious bad luck to find this exact thug here, tonight, in a city full of them.

- Piss off Mike. Nick should not have gotten stabbed if he wanted to avoid dying. Simple as that.

The thug was drunker than a fish in a barrel of whisky, and probable twice as dumb even in his normal state.

He drew his knife, clearly aiming to off a pound of flash off Kirrah.

Despite his wobbling, the thug was more or less steady in how he holds his knife, showing at least some muscle memory on how to shiv someone in the belly.

As adrenaline was pumping, he even got a few second a clarity in his drunken haze, taking a proper fighting stance.

Kirrah was still pondering on how to deal with it. In one hand, she was quite fond on the idea of using her two gollies body guard and set them to work, on the other, a show of offensive magic in the dark night, especially with the explosive atmosphere running around since Silas’s announcement, would definitely trigger some unrest. And none of the lads in Old Rose Harbor held any love for gollies.

There was also the “restrain” factor. Kirrah didn’t knew if her two new best friends had any and killing one of Silas men in broad moonlight would get them fined at best as he started it, or collectively punished in a more creative way depending on the big boss mood.

Kirrah sighed, doing a quick cost/benefit analysis while the thug was reaching to get a swing at her.

Despite him being more or less steady, his drunken stupor wasn’t exactly a fitting state to fight, meaning Kirrah was in sort able to easily deflect the dagger swing with her own in a clear clash of metal.

In a non-comital way, Kirrah snapped her finger at his face, spraying him with the handful of powder she took from her belt. It was an experimental piece of biological warfare she had been experimenting with, created from the dried roots of the Valerian plant. The intent of it was to do no more than put the user into a quick, deep sleep, should they breathe enough of it.

Powder Dice Roll - Major Success!Show
SidekickBOTAujourd’hui à 00:04
@Kirrah: 1d6 = (6) = 6

The man inhaled sharply as the substance flew at his face, startled by the movement. He started tumbling, seemingly trying to find his footing to no avail, until he finally fell on the street. A gentle breeze wafted the powder over him, away from Kirrah and Nicco.

His mate ran to him, in panic:

- Ya’ve killed him!

The man then started mumbling, visibly resisting to fall asleep.

- I think this corpse is likely to resuscitate tomorrow as of noon.

She then turned to Nicco and Uzoki with a crisped face:

- We should hurry now, this kind of commotion is exactly what may get someone on our trail.

To be fair, she was quite proud of the dramatic effect of what she just did, looked kinda cool, but she had to thank for it the heavy intoxication of the man which was already drunk enough to fall asleep on his own sooner or later. Frankly, she had just, helped him along to his pleasant slumber.

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Niccolette Ibutatu
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Wed Aug 14, 2019 2:43 pm

Evening, 25th Vortas, 2713
The Streets of Old Rose Harbor
When Kirrah looked back at the two galdori, she would find Uzoji holding a wicked curved knife in one hand, his stance easy and ready. He grinned at her and tucked it back away beneath his cloak. Niccolette was waiting, arms crossed over her chest, and if anything she managed to look even more impatient than before.

“Was that one of your creations?” Uzoji asked, curiously, peering behind the passive at the man she’d taken down so easily. “Very impressive,” he glanced sideways at Niccolette, raising an eyebrow.

Niccolette pursed her lips, and made a faint shrugging gesture with her shoulders, shifting the long folds of her cloak. “We shall go now?” She asked. “Or shall we draw yet more attention?”

The rest of the walk was much less eventful; they would find more of the same noisy grumblings on other streets, but no one else approached Kirrah and the two galdori. Before long, they were off of the main streets of the Rose, into the small quiet areas where if noises drifted from homes and shops, they did so quietly and discretely, where secrets and silence seemed to reign. Even the smell seemed more subdued.

The airship hangar sat on the edges of the city - a small, quiet dock, not quite a secret, but hardly well-used either. Once Kirrah had taken them to the edge of it, Uzoji took over, leading the three of them through the dockyard. A handful of ships gleamed overhead against the night sky; other moorings were empty, and yet others had collapsed into piles of wood and metal, rusty debris littering the ground. One ship sagged worryingly, the rope that held it to its tether bent down in the middle and back up, and a gust of wind sent its hull rattling against the pier. There were no sleek passenger airliners here, no pleasure crafts, and certainly none of the heavy massive things that shuttled between cities.

Uzoji didn’t even bother looking around, leading them unerringly to the far edges of the dock. He glanced up overhead at a long high pier with a platform two thirds of the way up, and whistled sharply, waving a hand. Not so far above that platform, Kirrah would be able to see the sleek black curved shape of a hull, glinting in the light of the moon and stars.

A dark head emerged from a window, and vanished again. There was a sense of shifting movement, and then a figure on deck - more like a silhouette, really, against the sky above. A hard ladder emerged over the edge of the deck and dropped hard towards the platform below. Almost before it had hit the figure was descending, hard and fast, somewhere between a climb and a fall.

He landed in an easy crouch, busy with his hands for a moment against the platform. A gust of wind rocked the ladder but it held, newly tethered.

The figure crossed the platform to the pier, and skimmed down the welded ladder that ran down it just as effortlessly. He landed facing them and grinned. He was Mugrobi as well, perhaps an inch taller than Uzoji, and his shirtless chest and arms gleamed with muscle.

“Poa’xa,” Uzoji extended a hand to him; the two clasped hands, then embraced.

“Poa’xa. All went well?” The second Mugrobi asked. His was a more lilting accent than Uzoji’s, although it was still Estuan he spoke.

Uzoji smiled, making a faint side to side gesture with his head. “Ms. Grey,” he turned to Kirrah. “Allow me to introduce you to Aremu Ediwo. Aremu, this is Kirrah Grey, alchemist. She’ll join us to Muluku, then back again."

Aremu’s face went slack for a moment, then he nodded. “Ma’ralio, Ms. Grey,” he stepped closer and bowed. For all that he had the same short frame as Uzoji, for all that his features were far more delicate than any Mugrobi wick's or human's, Kirrah would not feel the slightest trace of a field from him. “Welcome to Eqe Aqawe,” he grinned, glancing up at the ship tethered above them.

“She is ready?” Uzoji asked, glancing up at the ship as well.

“As ready as a bride on her wedding night,” Aremu said cheerfully.

Niccolette let out an amused exhale through her nose. “What would you know of that?” She grinned at the Mugrobi.

Aremu laughed, and bowed to her. “As ready as the sun for the dawn,” he amended, grinning, his dark eyes glinting in the night. “As ready as a desert rose for a drop of rain. As ready as a spice merchant for his first sale of the day. As ready as – ”

Niccolette was laughing now, and Uzoji too, both of them grinning, and Aremu broke off his metaphor and laughed as well.

“May I take your bag?” Aremu asked Kirrah, smiling. “It’s a long climb.”

Once Kirrah had given him the bag, Aremu turned and began to make his way up the ladder again. Niccolette followed behind him; the small Bastian scooped her skirt off the ground, giving the ladder a serious look. Aremu leaned down and extended a hand, grinning. Niccolette stuck her tongue out at him, and began to climb on her own, taking the first few rungs one handed until her skirt was well-tucked behind her, and then proceeding up easily enough, boots clicking on the metal rungs. Aremu scampered up ahead of her, going up nearly as fast as he’d gone down.

Last edited by Niccolette Ibutatu on Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wed Aug 14, 2019 5:49 pm

Somewhere between the begining and the end of times
KIrrah followed suit with the galdori pair into tha hangar. The passive eyes were shining at the close-up view with so many airships. It’s not that she never saw any, but there is always a difference between seeing them from far away, seeing them up-close, and actually traveling on one.

She wasn’t a big big fan of the whole “flying thing” and was more of a “solid ground” person, but even the fear and uneasiness couldn’t take away the romanticized charm of airships. They were the one and only kings and queens of the sky.

When she reached the actual airship, Kirrah couldn’t prevent herself from gasping softly at the flying vessel, but her attention was quickly attracted by the falling ladder, and the aerial display of skill the Mugrobi was displaying.

He finally landed with some a strength and dexterity she didn’t knew the galdori to have.

Uzoji then went ahead and made the introductions.

– Pleased to meet you.

Answered Kirrah politely and with elegance, somehow awaiting with unease the moment where the galdori field would wash over her and where it would then watch her funny or react badly.

But for some reason, the moment Kirrah dreaded out of habit never came. She then recalled a bit of conversation from her lab where the name Aremu popped up.

A glint of astonishment appeared in Kirrah’s eyes: There was a massive difference between hearing about it and actually seeing galdori and passive acting perfectly naturally around each other.

Kirrah’s mind was boiling with interest for this passive that seemed perfectly okay with his condition. The only passive Kirrah got to see were mostly gated passive, or slave of any sort. Even the free passive usually ended up in some mind crushing job, living slavery under another name. Kirrah herself lacked some serious self confidence about being accepted as a person, explaining why she worked to hard to make herself useful in all circumstances: It was her only way to feel remotely accepted.

But the man was just … fitting. Seeing him joke with Uzoji and Niccolette naturally made Kirrah feel a slight shudder in her heart. She felt some … longing. It was obvious that the band were like a family, something she couldn’t even remember having.

Kirrah shivered lightly, this lone moment making her whole life feel cold in lonely.

Kirrah was broken out of her haze by the friendly hand of Aremu offering to take her bag.

She froze and panicked. The genuine smile of the Mugrobian somehow melted the layer of ice she got used to cover her heart with, which was totally out of her calculations. The man even treated her like a lady, which was actually a complete first for Kirrah. She stuttered, in a daze:

– E-Eh, yes, of course. Don’t break anything!

Suddenly realizing what she just said, which could sound quite mean, she added blushing to some scarlet red tone which really showed on the pale skin of the passive:

– I mean, thank-you… I mean… be careful! Some things are really fragile. Also they contained deadly product. Just … thank you but be careful.

At this point, Kirrah let Aremu and Nicco start climbing, still blushing like a teenager. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose in absolute embarrassment. Luckily for her, only Uzoki was witness of this moment.

She then reached for the ladder, starting the climb herself: Unlike Nicco, she wore trouser and more practical clothes, making it way easier for her to manage, especially since she was used by now to physical efforts.

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Niccolette Ibutatu
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Thu Aug 15, 2019 4:13 pm

Evening, 25th Vortas, 2713
A Quiet Hangar
Aremu’s eyes dropped to Kirrah’s bag when she told him not to break anything; he shifted, slightly, looking like he might speak, but Kirrah kept going before he could respond. He grinned again, rubbing the smooth line of his jaw with one hand. “You’re welcome. And don’t worry – I’ll be as gentle as if it were full of scorpions.”

The imbala took the bag from Kirrah and eased it onto his back. If he noticed the weight of it as he climbed, there was no sign of it; his movements were smooth and even, and even when he reached back to Niccolette, dangling briefly from the ladder, he never seemed to be in the slightest danger of falling.

If Uzoji saw Kirrah’s squeezed shut eyes, if he saw the blush on her cheeks and the way she pinched the bridge of her nose, he didn’t say anything. When she looked up, he would be scanning the yard behind them, eyes searching the darkness. He glanced back at Kirrah and smiled. “After you,” he offered.

The first ladder, up the pier to the platform, was easy enough to climb; metal rungs were secured to the platform itself, and it was sturdy and solid. Niccolette pulled herself up hand over hand; the Bastian would not have said she liked climbing, and this was a particularly high moor, but she supposed by now she ought to be used to it. She was certainly well used to doing it in skirts; as long as she could get them tucked behind her early on, it was rarely an issue.

The second ladder was another story. It was a sturdy, metal thing, latched in two places onto the platform, extending straight up overhead to the ship above. A rattling gust of wind sent it shaking and shuddering.

Aremu didn’t hesitate; he made his way up the shaking metal contraption with his usual ease. He lifted himself over onto the deck of the ship at the top, then leaned back over and waved Niccolette up.

“Wait until I have finished,” Niccolette told Kirrah, coldly, glancing over her shoulder at the passive standing on the platform behind her.

The Bastian flicked her skirts behind her, set her hands on the small metal rungs, and began to climb again, steady and sure. Aremu reached down at the top, and she grasped his hand in hers, letting him pull her over onto the deck. Niccolette readjusted her skirts, smoothed them out, nodded once to the imbala, and made her way into the ship.

“Now you,” Uzoji said, pulling himself up onto the platform behind Kirrah. “I’ll go last and bring the ladder up after us.”

Aremu would reach his hand down for Kirrah as well as she neared the top, offering his help to get her onto the deck – if she wanted it. His grasp was firm and warm, confident, and he’d use his strength to help the much-taller Gioran get over the railing of the shop onto the top deck.

Once Kirrah was fully onto the deck, Aremu would make a gesture over the edge at Uzoji, and turn his attention to the passive. The deck was made of a hard wood, perfectly clean, and the railing that rimmed it had a series of leather straps, presumably meant to keep one in place during flight. Overhead, Kirrah would see the airship’s massive balloon. Its chainmail casing gleamed in the late night; what little was visible of the watertight leather beneath looked black against the night sky.

“We’ll take off in a few minutes,” Aremu told Kirrah, smiling. “You will be inside for that. Would you like to watch from the command center, or shall I find you a berth?” He gestured with one hand at the door that led into the heart of the ship, letting Kirrah make her voice. The hallway inside was simple, a wooden floor and walls, with doors leading here or there.

Down below, Uzoji knelt at the base of the ladder, and began undoing the ties that secured it to the platform. The second came loose, and the Mugrobi galdor caught the ladder as it began to swing away in the wind. His climb was slower than Aremu’s, but he climbed the ladder as it twisted and swayed nonetheless, pulling himself over the edge of the ship and hauling the ladder up after him, layering the metal steps together and attaching them securely to the edge of the deck.

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Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:51 pm

Somewhere between the begining and the end of times
By the time Kirrah went up the ladder, she got a good grasp back on her feelings, turning back to her normal self. When the mugrobi offered his hand, Kirrah accepted, though a bit hesitating. She started by warning, accounting for the height difference:

– Careful, I might be heav…

She never could quite end this sentence as she felt herself accelerating until she was actually standing on the bridge of the airship.

– Okay, I guess that I’m not.

She looked with appreciation at the Mugrobi, holding her questions for now, and just offering with a gentle smile:

– It seem like the man that invented the crane only thought it necessary from fault or not knowing you.

She hesitated a bit, but somehow thought it inappropriate to ask what was on her mind as of now, especially since the takeoff would happen soon.

– I’ll have to impose and ask you to take me to the command center then, I’m quite curious about airships, and I’d love to see more of it.

Then Kirrah followed suit with Aremu as he used the way to told her some bits about airships.

When she reached the command center, Kirrah took place in a corner, near Nicco, but trying to stay out of the way.

She then turned to the daldor, and said in a gentler tone than usual:

– I would like to apologize for my previous attitude. Your initial reaction sent me in a really bad place, emotionally speaking, but seeing you with your husband friends, Aremu, showed me there might be more layers to you than I would have liked to believe at first.

Kirrah didn’t add anything, not especially waiting for an answer either as it may never come. The young galdor might still be prejudiced against her, but Kirrah at least knew that despite her attitude, Nicco might actually be a decent person, deep down, under all the Galdori belief and crap. To the passive it was enough to know there was still a bit of humanity in her to soften her approach.

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Niccolette Ibutatu
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Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:31 pm

Evening, 25th Vortas, 2713
The Eqe Aqawe, Old Rose Harbor
Aremu grinned at Kirrah’s comment about the crane. As they went inside, the imbala grabbed a shirt off a hook just inside the door and pulled it on over his head, the long white garment very Mugrobi in style. “It gets colder once we take off,” he explained to Kirrah, smiling.

The Mugrobi was more than happy to tell her a few things about the airship. He stuck to light details - the command center was this way, the berths over there. He even gave her a few technical bits about the engine, eyes lighting up for a moment, gesturing with his hands, waxing poetic as he explained how powerful it was.

The only thing Aremu would insist on was that Kirrah’s bag not join them in the command center. “It is best if we strap it down,” Aremu explained. “Somewhere safe,” he grinned at Kirrah. “We are very strict, but there is a rule: no scorpions near the helm.”

Once the bag was taken care of - the work of a few moments, although Aremu would take Kirrah’s advice in securing it in a way that would not damage the contents - Aremu would lead Kirrah to the command center.

Niccolette had left her cloak somewhere; she wore only her dress, and she was busy with an instrument panel as Kirrah and Aremu entered, glancing back over her shoulder at the two of them before returning to her work.

The floor of the room was the same sleek and gleaming wood. A wheel was mounted at the front of it, at the furthest point of the curved bow, with a host of levers and other instruments to the left and right of it, a few more overhead. Here and there were gauges and dials, gleaming metal and wood mixed together.

The front panel was a massive window, clean enough that one almost wondered if it was really there. It wrapped around the front of the room, and from the side one could see the Rose not too distant and not too far down - yet - gleaming inconsistently in the night. Lights lapped from the wharf onto the sea, and the motion of the Tincta Basta could be felt, even from so far above. Other instruments, chimes and the like, hung against the windows outside; a heavy breeze blew through them, scattering them sideways and tinkling them against the glass.

The walls were lined with a handful of harnesses, and leather handholds hung here and there from the ceiling. At the wheel there were several larger ones, which looked large enough to fit around one’s waist, with straps that suggested they could be tightened.

Aremu left Kirrah there, heading off to make preparations of his own.

Niccolette finished whatever it was she was doing, and crossed back across the room, her path taking her towards Kirrah. When the passive spoke to her, the galdor paused - held still, turning to look at the taller woman. Niccolette listened, her jaw clenching slightly as Kirrah spoke.

“I do not care what you think of me,” the galdor said, finally, simply. Her tone wasn’t exactly harsh so much as - perhaps - simply uninterested. She turned and walked away, making her way back to the helm, and kneeling to make a few adjustments there.

“Shall we?” Uzoji strode into the control center with a broad grin. “Chibugo is awake,” he grinned at Kirrah. ”Our other pilot, Chibugo pez Kadare. I’ll make the introductions after he has taken some kofi for his hangover.”

Niccolette huffed, but there was something affectionate in it. “The controls are set,” She rose, glancing at her husband.

Uzoji crossed to the side of the room, opening a small window and peering out of it. He called something out in Mugrobi, and a loud, bright whistle answered him. “Aremu’s ready with the ropes,” the galdor said, grinning, cheerful and excited as he made his way to the wheel.

Uzoji inhaled deeply, exhaled. His hands flexed, and settled comfortably - one on the wheel, the other on a large lever next to it.

Static mona popped in the air around him, and Uzoji spoke a long phrase of monite. The ship hummed to life beneath his hands, the engines thrumming sleek and powerful throughout.

Niccolette crossed to the window, leaning out. “Ropes are secure!” She called, pulling herself back in, her thick heavy hair stirring about her head. She grinned at Uzoji, and there was a crackle of energy between them, a heat in the air that pulsed from their fields. Niccolette shut and latched the window.

“Here we go,” Uzoji grinned back at Kirrah. ”You might want to hold on!”

The galdor pushed forward, hard, on the lever in his right hand - and the airship began to move. He was murmuring now, a steady soft stream of monite like a prayer, and his field snapped etheric around him as he heated the gas in the bubble above, as he asked the mona to show him the paths of the wind before them.

The Eqe Aqawe glided forward, lifting up into the air above the Rose, leaving the dirty depths of the city behind. There was a moment, a feeling like weightlessness, and then they swept into the current, the wind carrying them off. Uzoji’s joy soared out through his field, the happiness lifting and spreading through the cabin. Niccolette laughed as well, coming to stand behind her husband, and he shot her a look of pure joy, one she returned with shining eyes.

This, Niccolette thought, glowing - this was living!

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Fri Aug 16, 2019 4:24 pm

Somewhere between the begining and the end of times
Kirrah shrugged, half smiling. This lass lacked any sense of class whatsoever, but as far as Kirrah was concerned, she was over it. Whatever pride and contempt the girl hold over her mattered less than a fart into the wind in the end.

Kirrah was most interested into the take-off procedure, observing whatever lever was pulled, whatever order was given, and trying to make some sense out of it. She wasn’t quite interested into an airship pilot career, but knowledge was knowledge, and if the passive was one thing it was curious.

She got a bit disappointed when Uzoji started chanting a spell though: She hoped for a pure display of engineering and skills, magic felt like cheating at this point.

In her mind, Kirrah started imagining a world where the Mona would be as silent to everyone as it was to her. She grinned silently: Wouldn’t that be a sight? See all those despondent galdori find out if they were that much better than everyone else.

Balance Dice Roll - SuccessShow
SidekickBOTAujourd’hui à 22:00
@Kirrah: 1d6 = (5) = 5

The airship started moving, jumping into the airs like a caged bird suddenly freed from it. Kirrah face got paler, if it was possible, with the sudden fright of not having quite anticipated the “balancing herself” issue during the take-off.

She took an educated guess at what the airship movement should be, in theory, to counterbalance the sudden movement.

Out of luck, the guess she took was the right one as she avoided faceplanting on the hardwood of the command center deck.

Kirrah felt the slight rush of adrenaline going down as she wiped some cold sweat of her forehead: At this point it really would have hurt her pride to fall headfirst.

The sudden feeling of weightlessness didn’t bode to well with Kirrah though.

Stomach control Dice Roll – Not quite successfulShow
SidekickBOTAujourd’hui à 22:13
@Kirrah: 1d6 = (2) = 2

Kirrah managed to hold her growing nausea until the airship stabilized in flight, and suddenly exited the command center unto the deck, walking herself with growing unease to one side of the airship under the curious look of the crew. When she finally reached the guard-rail, she gripped it with two hands and let go of the content of her upset stomach, offering a last parting gift to the city of Old Rose Harbor down below.

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