Horace Shrikeweed

Being Basil Ambrose Shrikeweed's legalistic father

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Runcible Spoon
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Sun Nov 24, 2019 11:30 pm

Horace Shrikeweed, esq


Race: galdor
Birthday: Bethas 17th, 2648
Age: 71
FC: Alun Armstrong
Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Vienda
Occupation: Lawyer
Player Name: Runcible Spoon

Relationships: Basil Ambrose Shrikeweed's father

Physical Description

An imposing figure, solid, stable, with a craggy face, magnificent eyebrows, and a prominent, legalistic nose, Horace Shrikeweed is an institution of a man. His once brown hair has gone a deep grey, and though it is thick where it remains, a noble baldness has cut a deep furrow through the slightly curling grey.

He is not tall, nor is he short, but of the middle height. However, his stature seems to rise considerably when he speaks. His voice is low and resonant, carrying well in both courtroom and office, and can be richly imposing, learnedly reassuring, or possessed of a mellow good humor.

In mode of dress he favors a serious and unobtrusive wardrobe as befits the legal profession.


Horace is a very careful man, thorough, rational, and precise. His professional demeanor is one of studied inevitability, for he builds his cases and his arguments brick by slow brick until the weight of it cannot be denied. There are flashes of humor even in his professional persona, but in the comfort of his private life, this blossoms considerably.

On important feasting days, which, in the Shrikeweed household has always included the opening of the courts, and days marking important legal decisions, Horace would carry to the table the main dishes and demand of his family and guests that ‘all rise for the honorable dish’. Due respect was paid to the food, compliments were given to the cook, and then the whole company would get down to the serious matter of enjoying the repast.

Toward his three children (William, Basil, and Imogen) he was not exactly a distant father, neither was he quite sure what to do with them. He therefore took on the role of a sort of benevolent master to a set of unruly apprentices, teaching them legal methods, proper filing, and how argue over anything and from any angle whatsoever. He would not hear of turning his children over to paid nannies once they were old enough to speak. “I will not have some conventional nanny turning my children into conventional ninnies”, was a remark we was particularly fond of.

Horace loves a good argument. That is, a real battle of wits and writs, statements and facts. The give and take and the challenge of the thing is a singular joy to him.

Past & Present History

Horace is the amiable, deeply professional lawyerly father of Basil Ambrose Shrikeweed. A personal and professional anchor for is some, the two have a relationship that has warmed over the years. The younger Shrikeweed often consults his father on legal matters, and the elder Shrikeweed consults his son on political and legislative matters.

Horace Shrikeweed has been a lawyer for nearly fifty years, and in that time he has tried cases large and small, set and reset precedent, and made himself a pillar of the legal community. He is not famous in the way of some attorneys, but within the profession itself he is regarded as one of the great experts on thorny legal matters and advocacy in difficult cases. He is, in short, a lawyer’s lawyer.

The firm he helped found, Shrikeweed, Wensbrooke, and Kenge is well regarded, though not particularly large. Three senior partners, and a handful of junior partners, and a modest staff of attorneys and law clerks make up the firm. It is, however, well positioned near the courts and several of the more palatable wine shops and coffee houses. This gives the firm easy access to clients, magistrates, and other legal professionals.

Another man with such a long and successful career might find himself contemplating retirement, indeed his wife often raises the point at dinner; but Horace will not hear of it. He maintains, and not without precedent, that he would not know what to do with himself were he not in and around the courts. But, he is getting on in years and has less physical stamina that once he did. So the nature of his work has begun to change. He argues fewer cases in person, relying on the Ms Wensbrooke the Younger to be the firm’s chief forceful advocate, but devotes himself to writing commentary on the laws, perform long stretches of complicates research, and consulting with other attorneys to sort out their own conundra.

Bring Horace a difficult case with unclear or contradictory precedent and little hope of a speedy resolution and he will work away at it steadily and with care and dedication, working out conclusions and filing a steady stream of briefs, motions, and legal opinions. The cause matters far less to him than the interest of the matter. He has made his name, his fortune and hsi firm are secure, and he can well afford to indulge a little in intractable problems.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Excels in legal combat, otherwise about as useful in a fight as a brief in a knife fight.


Estuan - Fluent
Legalese - Fluent
Monite - Fluent


Clairvoyant - Beginner


Lawyer - Master

Career and Income


Horace Shrikeweed is a master lawyer, litigator, and legal scholar. He is the senior partner of Shrikeweed, Wensbrooke, and Kenge.

Income: Wealth Level

His profession provides him with a very comfortable income. He is within the upper levels of the professional class

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Horace lives in a very fine old townhouse in a desirable neighborhood near the courts. He can afford keeping a small household staff.


An impressive law library
A well apponted house with fine carpets, art, comfortable furniture.
An antique harpsichord which no one in living memory has played. Where it came from is unclear.


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