Must Have Been The Hingle…

Definitely the hingle, Tristaan. xxx

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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Sarinah Lissden
Posts: 139
Joined: Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:42 am
Topics: 19
Race: Wick
Location: Old Rose Harbor
: Passively invested
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Raksha
Post Templates: Post Templates

Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:21 pm

Roalis 50th, 2718
The dancer blushed, shaking her head with a smirk at the passive’s teasing about their toning it down, knowing full well as far as she was concerned that wasn’t happening. It wasn’t like she could get pregnant twice at once!

Her smirk grew into a smile, melting at the honest admissions of what Tristaan had wanted for them both, moving to sit on the bed beside him again and searching his steely eyes with her own.

“Yach eh kov? Proper-like? Ye are a balach to the very core Tristaan. I ent writing off all those things yet, oes? Still got…a few seasons before there’s three of us. Surwood would come just after…we could go as a fami. Ye chen? Together.” She echoed his words warmly, taking another bite of the peach, reaching to brush the tattoo on his arm fondly.

“I don’t need fancy ceremonies to say I’m yours hama, even if the idea is lovely, all of me is already yours.” Chuckling, she bumped his shoulder with hers as she took another bite.

“Besides, Greymoore ent much of a wick name. Greymoore of the Eye?” Sarinah teased, though the idea sat far more comfortably with her than she would admit right now. Sarinah Greymoore, and whoever the person was that they were creating would be a Greymoore. It rolled of the tongue far more easily than Lissden, and frankly her father didn’t deserve for his legacy to carry on after their interaction at the Festival.

Nodding, the brunette held up the peach for emphasis, feeling far better than she had when she’d been woken up. Hopefully, the worst of it was perhaps just today? Somewhere inside her mind, her subconscious laughed at her, knowing that morning sickness in the Queen could go on for ever for some of the girls. The whole pregnancy.

Clock that.

Her dark eyes averted from the man with a strange prickling sensation up her spine, realising that the scarred passive meant more than just ‘what if she felt sick’ when on the road. He meant if the bochi came whilst they were travelling. Delivering, birthing. Labour. Without a healer on hand. She swallowed the fear that burned in her chest and tickled her field. It was seasons away, nothing to dwell on now. The sudden image of trying to fly on the hoop with a giant fat baby belly brought a burst of laughter from the witch, and she wrinkled her nose.

“Wo chet, ne ye and I are definitely on the same page there. I ent even sure I could get in the hoop all big and heavy like. Probably snap the guide rope, dze. Oes, we should tell Baldur soon. Really soon. He deserves to know for sure. They all do. Ahh Taegan. He’ll throw the biggest tantum, ye chen? Poor kov. Needs a lady friend that one. I saw him make eyes at Kellie-Mae but I don’t think she’s like that, if ye know what I mean?” Sarinah waggled her eyebrows, teasing the passive gently. It wasn’t half obvious the chrove tamer had a very silly crush, but the brunette knew who had her heart, and Tristaan had already proven that he wasn’t threatened by the boy. Finishing the peach, Sarinah tossed the pit out of the open window, cleaning her fingers before moving with a lithe strength to straddle the dark haired man and push him back onto the soft linens.

“But, they don’t need to be told right this moment. It’s important that we….process the news first. Oes?” She giggled, leaning over to kiss him warmly, making her intentions for the rest of the morning very clearly known with a view choice words in his ear and a wicked grin.

They were going to have a bochi, and for once, it felt like they would be okay.

They would be okay.



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