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Aurelie Steerpike
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
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Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:43 pm

Dentis 13, 2719 - Morning | Sophronios' Office, Brunnhold
Yazad took his tea with none of the things Aurelie had included on the tray, before she had known who it was all for. She made note of that, too, along with all of the rest of it. Although, she thought with a little internal sort of frown, she might include them next time as well—just to make sure it was a general preference, and not a preference just for the day.

The tea was better than what was usually on hand for the passive staff; she felt a little guilty about that. A strong Hessean blend, reserved for the faculty lounge and that sort of thing. Not quite the stuff kept in reserve for important guests, but certainly better than what she normally had with breakfast. Certainly not meant for her, or—Aurelie thought uneasily—for Yazad, either. He wasn't gated, but she didn't think... Well. It was theirs now, and she did resolve to enjoy it. It was just tea, after all.

Aurelie meant to wait until Yazad had taken a scone first before she would take one herself. She was his guest, she supposed, but she had made them—or likely had—and it felt strange to take first of something she had even hypothetically made. She watched as she spread one of the linen napkins over his lap, and carefully removed one of his gloves. His hands were just as neat and orderly as the rest of him, Aurelie thought. Nails neatly trimmed, clean-scrubbed ovals at the ends of elegant fingers. Aurelie curled her hands in her lap, hiding her own nails that were really very ragged from a biting habit that had renewed in strength of late, and she made herself look away.

Instead she took a napkin and a small plate for herself, splitting the scone in half down the middle and spreading some of the clotted cream on one half. That, too, was something she didn't get to have for herself very often. A particular favorite in childhood, and she did so miss it. Her bite was careful and small, much more so than it might have been were she alone. Something about Yazad's careful polished elegance made her rather sharply aware of herself. She smiled around the bite anyway, putting her hand in front of her face and setting the rest back down on the plate.

"I'm glad you think so," she managed when she had finished swallowing. There was a little crumb at the corner of her mouth that she licked off without thinking. That was at least one of the advantages to working in a kitchen of this size—Aurelie helped a little with managing the inventory of the pantry, but it was only a bit, and largely someone else's responsibility. Helping was nice, though. She was rather better with numbers than words, at least. As long as it was something that could be tracked, measured, something that was solid and real, anyway. She did sometimes hear strains of an upper-form mathematics lecture or two, and hadn't the faintest idea what any of that meant.

"And I do enjoy listening to what you think."

Aurelie blinked and looked up, faintly stunned. Whatever for? Her thoughts weren't particularly interesting. Aurelie's lips parted, and she almost thought to say so. But rather abruptly, the office door came bursting open and in came a whirlwind that she knew was a man at first mostly because his field came with him. Her spine stiffened immediately, all her muscles tense. He scurried in and looked towards them both; unthinkingly, Aurelie looked down and tried, rather desperately, not to think about how visible she was in this moment. Herself, all of this.

She supposed some part of her knew that the only man who would come bursting in to this office was the owner and occupant himself. And also that he knew they were there, and presumably thought nothing of it. But that part was small and quiet, overwhelmed by the rest of her that was gripped with a very animal sort of terror. She should not be here, she should not be doing this. None of these things were for her, and moreover, she wasn't supposed to talk to—not supposed to be alone with—

And then he was gone. Yazad had said nothing, Sophronios had said nothing. Aurelie, indeed, had also said nothing. She couldn't have, except perhaps to mumble an apology, and even that was unlikely. When Yazad turned his dark head to look at her, she managed to look back, and she did nod. But she didn't move to do so at all, her hands balled into fists and her shoulders tight. Breathe, she reminded herself; it was fine. She just had to breathe.

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Fri Oct 02, 2020 11:05 am

Sophronios’ Office
Dentis 13, 2719 - Morning
T he sparsely furnished office returned to being fieldless once again after Sophronios’ hasty departure, leaving two passives to their little tea party in an atmosphere where the chaotic energy of the moment still lingered. If Yazad’s minimal reaction spoke of anything, it would be just how used he is to this kind of thing. The galdor had no mind for anything other than his scholarly interests--but Yazad did not expect Aurelie to really know that. When he had looked at his guest, the male noted that she was visibly stiff and rigid in posture. Really, could he even blame her?

"Madam?" Yazad began in concern, slowly setting down his teacup and turned his torso slightly more to face her. Of course, a chaotic arrival such as this one would startle her -and even he was-, but Aurelie seemed to be having a difficult time breaking out of her tension. "Had he scared you? I do apologize on his behalf, he is rather...too focused on his studies to pay much heed to anything else." His voice was now lower and softer, attempting to comfort the clearly distraught young woman. Upset as he is about Sophronios’ antics when he had previously told him that he will be having a guest in his office, Yazad did not want Aurelie to think ill of the man. There really is no changing this part of him. Yazad had tried, and he had failed. Such incidents were, sadly, not uncommon in his life.

After a moment of thought, and of consideration, Yazad reached with a hand that was still gloved to give the woman’s shoulder a ginger, soothing pat. The touch was little more than his fingers very lightly tapping against the fabric of her uniform. "Welcome to a day in the life of Sophronios Logarchon." There was a tiny sigh escaping Yazad’s apologetically smiling lips before he went on, "I shall give him a stern talking to at a later time regarding this, worry not." This time, his voice was less concerned and more earnest. The raven-haired man had a distinct feeling that his master had actually forgotten their earlier arrangement in his fervor to look into his peas. And again, just what was that about peas anyway?

"He does things like this sometimes. I have had him inviting himself into my room at rather inopportune moments to ask for a book to be found, or a correspondence to be written." Yazad continued to talk, returning by now to his lighthearted tone of speech. Such inopportune moments -he remembered with some amusement- included him in the middle of changing clothes, or at the verge of falling asleep in his simple and thoroughly scented bed. "More tea?" The man asked, smiling, never minding the fact that Aurelie had only taken a few sips of her so far.

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Aurelie Steerpike
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: Deeply Awkward Mom Friend
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
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Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:37 pm

Dentis 13, 2719 - Morning | Sophronios' Office, Brunnhold
Deep breath in, hold; on the exhale, Aurelie forced her shoulders to relax and her hands to unclench. Yazad had set his cup down and turned to face her, concerned. She wondered if she could explain what it was that had startled her; she had never tried before. Aurelie smiled a tight smile and shook her head.

"N-no, it's—it's all right. I'm fine." Her pulse was still high and loud in her ears, but logically she did know that there was no reason for it. He had been in and gone in a flash, a summer thunderstorm. And just as disinterested in what they were doing as a storm would be, too. The reaction was shameful and instinctive. Aurelie found she rather didn't want Yazad to understand.

As rabbit-hearted as she was in that moment, she hadn't expected the light touch to her shoulder from Yazad's still-gloved hand. She did not, thankfully, jump or flinch. But it did startle her, and she couldn't help but widen her eyes a little. She barely felt it, really; she thought it was meant to be comforting. And it was, or the intent was. The touch she was unused to, and that feeling was a little more complicated. Still, Aurelie's smile warmed as Yazad went on, sincere in his offer to scold the man later.

"It is quite all right, I promise. This is his office, and I—w-well. I was just, ah, surprised. Startled. Er. Hmm. Tea, yes, I wo—oh. I've barely touched it, haven't I?" She looked down as she spoke to see that she had, indeed, no need of any more. That was a solvable problem, at least. She took another sip of it, counting backwards from ten.

As she settled her cup back into both of her hands, feeling the heat of it seep through the porcelain, she thought it best to try and continue conversation as if nothing had been the matter. Which it hadn't, of course. Nothing important. Just her being silly, really. "He seems, ah, interesting...?" she ventured, unsure. She was rather curious about their apparently odd relationship, but at the same time didn't wish to pry.
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Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:00 am

Sophronios’ Office
Dentis 13, 2719 - Morning
R ather than continuing to speak soothingly to Aurelie, Yazad opted to give the shaken woman a moment to breathe and calm herself down. He was not expecting that the surprise of Sophronios’ sudden arrival would have this profound an effect on his guest. Sophronios was made of sharpness, both in appearance and in presence, but the galdor had barely lingered at all, and made no comment about anything. If Yazad was to make a guess, his master had not even registered that he interrupted a pleasant conversation.

Aurelie was saying that she is fine, so what could Yazad do except smile and take her word for it? She certainly did not look entirely fine--not with how tense she still appeared to be, but he could not exactly say that and risk the offense of implying that the woman was not telling the truth. No, it is better that he simply allows the other time to gather herself and speak whenever she felt like it. His hand, as slowly as it had made its way to Aurelie’s shoulder, was returned to his lap.

There was understanding in the pale green eyes that watched Aurelie, the passive male nodding smilingly to her words. Slowly, slowly, she was hopefully getting back to her earlier relaxed self. One can hope, at least. "I do understand. Truth be told, I would most likely be just as startled if this was not something that I am used to." He had been jolted nearly out of his skin the first few times he experienced this kind of behavior, though his instinctive yelps and flinches grew lower and less strong; dulled by years and years of adapting and adjusting. "You have not." The raven-haired man repeated with a chuckle, glad to see that Aurelie was reaching for her cup of tea again. Likewise, the man reached for his teacup to take another sip. It will no longer be as enjoyable if they were going to let it get cold.

As airy and mild as the spring breeze, Yazad’s laughter -born out of amusement- barely carried beyond the hand that he had cupped over his mouth. ‘Interesting’ was perhaps the nicest and most polite thing to call a man who had given her a fright just a few moments ago. "That is one way to put it, I suppose. I, personally, think that he is hopelessly lost to the world. But even so, he is my family, and I accept him just as he accepted me." And he did mean ‘family’ both literally and figuratively. The passive, beyond his honest admission, beyond his occasional frustration with the galdor’s antics, had nothing but care and affection to feel towards the older Logarchon who had been his only constant in a life of difficult changes.

"What about you, madam? Do you happen to have any ‘interesting’ people in your life?" The question was asked casually, with neither hesitation nor expectation. Should she choose to answer this or dismiss it, he was going to go with Aurelie’s flow.

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Aurelie Steerpike
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
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Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:31 pm

Dentis 13, 2719 - Morning | Sophronios' Office, Brunnhold
Yazad had not pressed her when she said she was fine. Aurelie wondered still if he believed her; the unease was surely obvious. It was nice of him not to ask, and to accept that she was simply startled like she said. Or perhaps he truly thought that's all it was, that she was so easily spooked. That was a fair explanation; she couldn't even say it was entirely untrue.

His laugh was light when Aurelie offered "interesting" as a description for the man who had swept in and out of the office so quickly and with seemingly no regard for anything inside of it. There were other, less polite ways to have put it, but Aurelie didn't truly think anything had warranted her being unkind.

"Family?" Aurelie said, brows rising in surprise before she could stop herself. Oh, chimes. She had sounded entirely rude. So he had been—Aurelie felt the knowledge settle in her with something like having swallowed a needle. A tiny pricking pain, somewhere in the hollow of her chest. That did explain a lot. Certainly the degree of comfort and indulgence. Family.

But Yazad was still speaking; she set aside that feeling for now, to pry apart on her own time. "Please do call me Aurelie," she offered with a smile. Being called "madam" was something she was unused to, and didn't think she could become used to either. Better to just use her name, really. Aremu had, hadn't he? This was—well, fairly different, but the idea was the same. She had almost given him the alternative of Miss Steerpike, if he should feel more comfortable that way. That name, too, sat strange in her mind. That was Ana, she thought, not her. It might have been, once, but...

Oh, such a gloomy train of thought! It wouldn't do at all. Now was hardly the time. Although, thinking on "interesting" persons in her life... "A few," she admitted, and took a sip of her tea. Fionn, Aurelie thought, was an interesting sort of person. Not quite in that way, but if she let herself think on it, she could imagine a life that had gone another way for him. An academic, maybe; they were all of them rather odd. It was easy enough to picture, for him. She could never quite imagine herself as she should have been, but with Fionn it was easier. Her thumb traced the handle of her cup absently.

And Ana? Ana felt a rather different category. Ana was beautiful, brilliant, sparkling. Interesting, but not in the way where one means "strange" and is trying to be polite. All of the people in her life were interesting, she supposed, in their own way. It was just such a short list.

A little gleam of amusement came into her eye, and she looked over at Yazad where he sat so neatly beside her. "More, I think, than there were before. None quite so—not quite like that."
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Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:56 am

Sophronios’ Office
Dentis 13, 2719 - Morning
Y azad nodded in silent affirmation, warmth tinting his pale eyes and rosy lips. If there was any offense taken by the other’s surprised exclamation, it certainly did not show. He was aware that someone being kept within their family’s circle -close or extended- after their ‘shameful’ reveal as passives was hardly that common, but Yazad found no reason to be secretive about it. Legally, socially, he is simply Sophronios Logarchon’s servant; an assistant who was educated and given free reign over matters of domestic management with the reasoning of -as Sophronions liked to put- ‘having no use for mindless drudgery and hardly any time to be bothered’.

But there was more to it than that, and Yazad knew it.

"I have been in service of the good master for longer than I have been with my parents, and I consider him no less important than them." There was no bitterness to be felt for the parents who chose to exile him, nor was there any trace of heartbreak in his face or voice. The tears he had wept have long since seeped into the soil of his mind to help the man he is today grow. Yazad owes Sophronios the debt of tolerating a crying child for days without saying a word about it. In retrospect, it could have been the galdor being his completely clueless self about how to soothe a child, but he still endured more than anyone else in the same position would have.

Although Yazad’s face did not lose the cordial smile he wore, he cleared his throat softly, a faint tint of bashful pink blooming in his cheeks. "As you wish, Aurelie." Goodness, did he feel so forward speaking a lady’s name so directly, but the sense of implied comfort was -he will honestly admit- very pleasing. There was also the smile that was returning to Aurelie’s face after that episode of shock, so that is another thing to be glad about.

During the time in which the woman sipped her tea and thought about the question he asked, Yazad had reached for another cream-filled scone. Not only was he enjoying the alteration of sweet and bitter, but he also wanted for Aurelie’s hard work to not be in vain. She had put together the tray so diligently, thinking it was for the galdor whose name he waved around, but there really was no chance of Yazad disclosing the true nature of his request without someone in the crowded kitchen overhearing. Only after finishing his confection and wiping his fingertips with a clean handkerchief that he produced from his pocket did he speak again.

"It is quite fine to call him odd, mind you. I adore the man like a three-legged cat, but I am not so blind as to not see that he is rather--shall we say, socially abrasive." Another light chuckle, another sip of cooling tea. "A few is better than none, I suppose. If you are having more people in your life to share it with, then I hope that you find happiness with them." Yazad commented in soft sincerity. He never hesitated to wish people well whenever given the chance. It costs people literally nothing in either money or effort to extend a smile, a good wish, or a prayer to a fellow living being.

"I do apologize for my many questions. Your life is so unlike mine that I get rather curious." Yazad confessed casually, his gloved hand going up so the tip of his index finger can rest on his lower lip in thought. After a few seconds, his lips parted again into a playful smile. "It is your time to ask anything that you would like to ask, and I shall answer with nothing but honesty." The way he spoke about it, it nearly sounded like he was proposing a game of some sort. And in his mind, he partially was.

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Aurelie Steerpike
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
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Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:36 pm

Dentis 13, 2719 - Morning | Sophronios' Office, Brunnhold
There was nothing of bitterness or sorrow in Yazad's voice or face as he went on, just that same calm and polished manner he had the entire time. Aurelie wondered at it, a little. Longer, he'd said, than he'd been with his own parents. Her hand went to the locket at her neck, under her dress and against her skin.

Already it was coming up on time that Aurelie could say that she had been here longer—known that she was this longer—than she had ever lived any other way. The thought frightened her, in some weary way where she knew there was nothing to be done about it. Half her life, and then a little more.

She hadn't thought calling by her given name would have such a result; despite the weight of the thoughts in the back of her mind, Aurelie was smiling. There was just the lightest tinting of a blush to his face. She decided not to say anything, and instead took another bite of her scone, almost finishing it. When she swallowed, she spoke again.

"I couldn't say; I don't know many three-legged cats," she allowed. Her discomfort had nothing to do with the man's social skills, no matter how poor. He could have been the very picture of social grace, and Aurelie would have felt the same. To the rest, she could say nothing at all. Happiness seemed too tenuous a thing, and she could neither accept nor reject the idea of it. And he spoke with such sincerity, anyway, she would hate to deny that it any way.

"Oh, no, please! You don't have to apologize. It, ah, must be rather different." Being with family must be different; no, she knew it was. Ana was there in the back of her mind, an uneasy vision. But her sister didn't want her service. She didn't know, truly, what Ana wanted. What Ana had said was simply that she wanted Aurelie home. No matter her own feelings on the subject, no matter the danger of it.

There was a playful edge, the way he offered to answer a question for her, too. A trade, or a game. Her eyebrows rose, thinking on it. "All right then," she agreed, and she thought a moment. Nothing too dour; she could turn a conversation down the wrong path far too easily. Especially with such things as were on her mind now. No, those wouldn't do. But what should she ask? After a thoughtful hum and a short pause, she turned.

"How about this one, then: if you could make anything, what would it be?" A light question, she thought with satisfaction. Suitable, and not sad or bitter or heavy. Nothing like "does it scare you, or do you know already what you're capable of?" or "how do we seem to you, how do I?" Just a normal question, the answer to which Aurelie was deeply interested in hearing.
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Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:30 am

Sophronios’ Office
Dentis 13, 2719 - Morning
T he chuckled reply of "Fair enough." was all the man could say. Indeed, he did not expect every person to have a Sophronios in their lives, and it would be a small mercy to them as well. But for all the things that he could say about the galdor in frustration, there was an equal amount of things that he also appreciated and found admirable.

"Thank you kindly for your understanding. It is different indeed, I would assume. With both merits and drawbacks." It was undoubtedly far more convenient to be within the confines of a family than to be yet another number in a growing pool of passives being ‘employed’ by the Brunnhold administration. Just another dot of blue, although he had nothing against blue. Regardless, Yazad did not imagine that every passive would be delighted to hear their family news regularly, to see them living the life of unquestioned masters while their own children served them. It was even more baffling -to him, at least- to think of how a parent could stand to watch their child be robbed of everything they knew, in the name of the law and public safety. He himself could never do that, and he continuously convinced himself throughout the years that it must be what his own parents felt as well when they decided his fate.

Aurelie’s apparent agreement to participate in his little game of questions had caused Yazad’s face to brighten up even more. A good distraction from her nervousness, he hoped. It simply cannot be just him monopolizing the conversation, and this would give Aurelie the chance to direct it in any way she wishes. For a moment, Yazad was no longer a passives secretly tucked inside a galdor’s office for a bit of covert tea and chatter--he was back to being a playful little boy proposing games to his age-similar cousins, out in the beautiful garden and small lake of the Logarchon manor.

The question asked was not anything that Yazad had anticipated. His eyes widened a smidgen, before he turned his face upwards, his index finger lightly tapping against his chin in thought. "Goodness, but this is an interesting one." Yazad sounded pleased. People often went with rather basic ones, such as favored colors and general likes. Fortunately, Aurelie had more thought and imagination than to go down that route. He would have answered those just as readily and truthfully, but they certainly with a lesser degree of indulgence.

What would he make if he was able, and spared any and all limitations? Both when he was younger, and now as an adult, Yazad had wished to be many things and to make many things. Exotic dishes, perfumes, jewelry, clothes-- the self-acknowledged vain passive had thought that he would be glad if he could make any of these. But right now, when he was asked the question directly, none of these seemed to fit. For one, they were all involving skills that can be learned with some diligence and hard work--hardly things to need unrestrained potential for. What he really wanted to make, more than anything was far less technical.

"I would very much like it if I am able to make a family." The raven-haired man chimed softly, his finger twirling a long lock of hair almost absentmindedly. It was a quirk that rarely showed itself, only surfacing when he allowed himself to consider things that made his face warm and his stomach flutter. "A family of two, perhaps a child. I would make them a home of warmth and comfort, and that would be all I could ask for." He did not want much, really. Grander ambitions were meant for those with harder hearts to satisfy. Amusingly enough -Yazad realized-, what he wanted to create was a reflective image of the life he was given during childhood, made with his own preferences in mind. He was not even sure if this is what the other meant when she asked her question, but that remained the first and most prominent answer he could give since he had promised honesty.

"What about you, Aurelie?" Yazad returned her question with similar interest, his hands returning to being neatly folded over his lap. In this small room where only the two of them existed, away from laws and rules and regulations, they were allowed at least the right to dream.

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Aurelie Steerpike
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: Deeply Awkward Mom Friend
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
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Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:37 pm

Dentis 13, 2719 - Morning | Sophronios' Office, Brunnhold
Merits—well, there must be some. Aurelie wasn't sure she knew what they were. Safety, she might have said; she couldn't say so now, not after last year. Safer, maybe; but not safe, still. So what were they? What were the merits of her life now?

She couldn't think of many that didn't feel ephemeral and far from her hands. She smiled and nodded, not saying a word to the contrary.

Better to focus on the game, although thinking of it as such seemed a touch silly. There were no winners, and hardly even rules—but he had proposed it like a game, and she resolved to think of it as such. That was why she had asked what she thought was a light, silly question. Better at least than asking his favorite color, although that had occurred to her. Yazad seemed pleased by it, which pleased her in turn. Aurelie took a sip of her tea and waited patiently while he thought, gloved finger on his chin. Tap tap tap.

The answer struck her, surprised. Her eyes widened and she blinked. He said it softly, a little absently, and twined a lock of his hair around a finger. She had expected—well, an object. A recipe, or an item of clothing, or something else along those lines. That was what she had been asking, after all. A light question with an easy, equally light answer. Not this—a family of two, a child, a home.

He smiled as he answered; just as impossible for both of them, but he smiled. And turned to Aurelie, waiting for her answer with interest in his pale green eyes. A softer color than her own, like a bit of pale jade, not the spring green she had. She was utterly at a loss as to what she could say. Repeating his answer over and over in her mind, turning it over and around to see if she could find a way out of what she felt.

It would have been true enough to agree, in the end. But it was a silly thing, an idle fantasy she barely admitted to herself, let alone anyone else. Let alone someone she didn't know well. Her imaginary bakery, she had told a few people here and there about that. An acceptably out-of-reach ambition. Not like this. A family, a home, a child. She didn't need anything else, if she could have had that. A simple thing, maybe; it made her ache so terribly she couldn't bear to say it out loud. Far, far from any place her hopes or hands could touch. Too far to even dream, and too fragile.

The silence had stretched on too long; she needed to answer. To her horror, she could feel a pressure at the back of her eyes. She blinked most of it away, but just a little remained. "Yes, I—well, I certainly can't imagine... That would be..."

Bells and chimes, that wasn't an answer at all. She didn't know what else to say; anything lighter that she might have come back with was driven clean from her mind.
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Wed Oct 07, 2020 1:50 am

Sophronios’ Office
Dentis 13, 2719 - Morning
Y azad sat there and waited, patiently, through Aurelie’s silence. He was good at all of that--patience, waiting, and silence. For all the talking he was doing, he certainly could not be the same way at home. Not when there was no one to talk to. Sophronios listened to him briefly over his meals, before he went back to being lost in his own world of books, theories, and moments of inspiration. Just like everything else in his life, Yazad learned to accept and adapt. There were days when the only voice that could be heard in the peacefully quiet home was the soft humming and singing of a passive working by his lonesome in the kitchen.

Aurelie’s silence continued.

Yazad blinked and stared at her expression a bit closer. She looked rather surprised with his answer -which is not something he thought was bad, she could have simply expected something else out of him-, but right now, it was as if she lost the ability to speak. The woman’s freckled face, he mused, was more expressive than he was used to looking at. Was the question that difficult to answer for her? That, too, is a possibility. Or so he wished because the alternative that he could think of was her not wanting to answer.

The male passive busied himself with his tea, and when that had almost run out, he resorted to giving his fingers and nails another wipe before slipping his hand into its glove. Perhaps the woman had not figured out what she wanted in life yet. Or perhaps she wanted many things that choosing one was proving to be a challenge. Either way, it would be rather impolite to try and rush or pressure her for a reply.

When his companion spoke again, it was not to offer an answer, but an oddly spoken sentence of mismatched words. Was he imagining it, or is he seeing the glistening wetness of tears clinging to the corners of Aurelie’s vibrant eyes?

"Oh, goodness gracious. You are not obliged to answer me, Aurelie. I was merely curious. Pardon me if my question is rather intrusive, it was never the intention." Yazad’s body tensed up, the beginnings of a reflexive reaction beginning to kick in. It was something akin to panic, but not in the way where he felt afraid and wanted to run--no, it was a spontaneous need to reach out, to comfort, to wipe away the tears he had caused. A motherly -or perhaps paternal- an instinct that was entirely deep-seated within him. Alas, he really did not know if he should. And so, the passive with concern lacing his face simply sat on the edge of the sofa as if ready to stand up, a hand held up in the air that was frozen in motion, neither advancing nor retreating.

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