[PM to Join] Heat of the night

Bertold Cooper, thirsty after 'encouraging' a man to speak the truth. Invites the white haired passive Cailian to accompany him in his search for strong drink. The search takes them to The Spyglass tavern in Kings Court.

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Breaker Cooper
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Fri Nov 15, 2019 6:53 pm

Evening, 69 Roalis, 2719
After bidding Niccolette good evening Breaker and Cailan made there way out of the Palace, Breaker pulling on his suit coat as they went.

On the way out of the Palace a number of Bad Brothers acknowledged Breaker, some with smiles some with respectful nods, some with hints of fear and disgust. Breaker smiled and bid them good evening or just nodded. Most of his attention was on the white haired man beside him.

"So Cailan, I imagine this ain’t how you expected your evenin’ to go?"

Breaker grinned around the cigar in his teeth as he held open a door out of the Palace and motioned with a slight bow for Cailan to go first.

As they passed through Artisans Court and grew closer to Kings Court the streets got more lively and boisterous, more people on the street.

It was hot, even late in the evening as it was, the busy streets smelt of sweat, wood and tobacco smoke, booze and the tang of the sea. Breaker drew the scent and smiled broadly, this was the smell of home and he loved it. All its dirt and violence, the sheer brutality of some of it, yet it held a certain beauty as well. This was his city, his home.

Then they came to a tavern, warm yellow light streaming from broad windows, knots of folks stood around outside enjoying the breeze. From inside, carried on a cloud of fragrant smoke came the sound of accordion and fiddle. The sign above the door bore a picture of a telescope and under it written in faded gold paint, ‘The Spyglass’.

Breaker smiled as he pushed his way into the tavern. Inside it was merrily lit with oil lamps on the walls and candles on the tables. It was doing a good trade, but it wasn't crowded. Most of the pubs customers where out front or in the yard out back.

On a small stage in the back corner a small band performed, a fiddler, an accordion player and a pretty red haired woman who started sing.

Old Rose girls ain't got no combs
Haul away, haul away
They brush their hair with poorman bones
And we're bound away for The Dyin’ Rose!"

The long bar was staffed by three wicks, a witch, hair in a long braid, a younger man haircut short with a neat pointy beard and finally a rotund man of middling years with curly blond hair and bushy side whiskers. All there had hair the colour of straw and the same green brown eyes, this was Barnabus Fitzgerald, the owner and his son and daughter.

Barnabus nodded in greeting to Breaker and Cailan as they entered. Breaker turned to Cailan and said with a grin.

"You grab us a table, I'll get a round in. What do you fancy?"

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Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:38 pm

Lars appeared perfectly comfortable walking alongside the much taller (and much physically scarier) Bertold, even if, internally, the passive was a bit uneasy to be walking about the King's Court without the presence of Niccolette or, preferably, Aremu. He wasn't afraid... but he was unsure. He was hardly as well-known and respected within Hawke's men as Bertold clearly was, given the reception he found as they walked through the evening crowds, and he didn't know nearly enough about any of them - or about the group in general - to know if he was actually safe simply because he'd been recruited.

When he heard his name, he tore his wandering and curious gaze from the people and places around them, looking to the human with the hint of a smirk.

"Not quite, no," admitted the Hessean, "but I certainly don't mind."

By the time they reached their destination, the slash along his cheek had finally stopped bleeding, though it left a few thin trails of blood from cheekbone to jaw, down his neck, winding finally beneath the collar of his shirt. His hand, as well, was still smeared with dried blood but the passive didn't seem to mind in the slightest - he was in no danger of bleeding out from such tiny wounds, and the sight of it had never bothered him. He imagined that it couldn't possibly bother this Breaker either, not with his line of work.

He followed the human inside, light eyes darting about at the considerably more open space, and was rather surprised to see a single bar in the harbor be anything but overcrowded. This wasn't his usual hangout, however, and he was hardly used to the ways of the area, so the passive dropped the matter and any questions that might've accompanied it. It was fine weather outside, anyhow, he couldn't blame anyone for wanting to stay out there.

Lars didn't look immediately to Breaker when he heard him speak again, more concerned with picking out the table for them at the moment, but nodded in response. The passive was pleased - he hadn't paid for a single drink today, and that was certainly the way he preferred it.

"Surprise me," Lars replied easily, throwing a glance over his shoulder, along with a grin that flashed briefly the glimmer of sharp white teeth. He continued on, pushing past a group of of chatting patrons near the stage, making his way quickly to an unoccupied table. With a relaxed sigh, the white-haired man fell into a seat, crossing his legs and leaning back against the fabric as he awaited his companion's return.
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Sat Nov 16, 2019 6:54 pm

Roalis 69, 2719. Evening
Breaker couldn't help but laugh and grin wide at the white haired man's answer, didn't mind he says? Now that was deeply interesting considering what he had witnessed Breaker do.

His grin changed slightly at Cailan's 'surprise me.' A spark of mischief danced in his eyes, but quickly vanished as Breaker nodded, gave a slightly comic bow and said.

"Boemo Cailan, I shall find you presently."

Still grinning Breaker strode to the bar, he put out his cigar in the ashtray on the bar while he waited for one of the Fitzgerald's to serve him.

Barabus himself stood before him, wiping his hands on a clean cloth.

"Far'ye, what will ya have?"

Breaker looked up from his cigar and favoured the heavy whiskered wick with a broad smile.

"Ah Mr Fitzgerald, I will 'ave a bottle of Black Comfort and two glasses, if you'd be so kind."

Fitzgerald nodded slowly and cast an eye towards where Cailan had disappeared to find a table.

"Keeping interestin' company tonight sir."

Breaker did say anything straight away, he didn't move, but it was like there was a sudden change in the air. His eyes darkened, went flat and cold.

In a voice soft, like broken glass in a velvet purse he asked.


Fitzgerald normally ruddy face turned slightly grey.

"Nothing sir, have a lovely evenin'. Here's your wine."

Breaker held his gaze for a beat, face flat black eyes flint like. Then like a cloud passing from before the sun he smiled, placing enough money on the bar to cover the wine and leave a generous tip.

"Why thank you Mr Fitzgerald."

As Breaker walked back towards the table, bottle of thick dark wine in one hand and two glasses in the other. Mr Fitzgerald let out a shaky sigh and leaned against the bar, his daughter looked at him in surprise.

"You alright da? Who was that big kov?"

Fitzgerald went back to work on the tankards he had been cleaning.

"That was Breaker Cooper, I once saw him stomp a man's head in ta bloody jam in a street fight, and heard of worse besides."

She watched Breaker's back as he vanished into the crowd, most folk giving him passage.

When he found the table by the stage Breaker did a quick glance to check for windows and doors. It wasn't in a corner, but it would be hard for anyone to get around behind him, it would suffice.

Breaker smile broadly to Cailan and held up the bottle of Black Comfort and the pair of glasses, the lamp light reflected darkly in the deep red of the wine and glinted on the gold teeth in Breaker's smile.

He put the bottle and glasses down and took off his suit coat draping it over the back of his chair, his shirt sleeves still rolled high on his brawn forearms.

"I hope you've a taste for strong red wine Cailan. I reckon they make the best Black Comfort right 'ere in Old Rose."

Breaker chuckle warmly then as he pulled the cork from the bottle and pour two generous glasses.

"But then, I am bias of course. I do love this city."

He pushed one of the glasses of thick dark wine towards the white haired passive. Breaker tilted his head then regarding the slash and tired blood on Cailan's face. Without hesitation he took a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it across the table, he indicated the wound with his wine glass.

"I assume that was a memento from that kov and 'is mates?"

He took a long drink from his wine and let out a contented sigh.

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Mon Nov 18, 2019 8:16 pm

While he waited for the human to return with their drinks, the passive used the time alone to look around and get a better feel for the place - it didn't do him much good; the place wasn't all that different from any other tavern he'd been into, besides the lack of drunken, pushing crowds occupying every inch of it. No one in particular looked all that threatening at the moment, either, besides the obvious fact of Breaker - and Lars didn't feel all that threatened by him either. He was a scary man, yes, that much had been obvious from the very first look at his massive, powerful form. His fists alone could kill him at any moment, if they so pleased, and even if the initial damage was simply external, he'd be powerless to stop the bleeding within that he knew would result. He'd been hit enough before, and he knew that he couldn't take all that much force without worse internal destruction.

But he wasn't afraid, not beyond the logical sense of it, and he couldn't say that he had been afraid of much at all since coming to the harbor. Niccolette had been frightening, and getting stabbed had been frightening, too, but he'd not felt true fear since the weeks spent traveling to the Rose, alone and independent for the first time in almost two decades.

What are we doing here, Lars?

We're just having a drink. You didn't seem all that bothered a second ago, what's the problem?

I'm just asking. This is dangerous.

Isn't everything?

A look of annoyance flashed across the man's face, briefly.

I don't want you getting yourself hurt.

Getting himself hurt? The irritation shifted into something else - confusion, perhaps, at the change in his companion's tone. Concern had never fit him all that well, even if it wasn't entirely unfamiliar. He'd been kinder to him, since leaving Brunnhold, more willing to work together - but it was still jarring to hear such concern.

I'm not going to get us hurt, Lars.

The discussion ended there, as he intended, and the white-haired Hessean's attention was shifted naturally to Breaker when he returned. Light eyes flicked downward to the glasses and bottle in his hands, one eyebrow raising curiously at the sight of them. Lars shook his head in response, watching as the taller poured two heavy-handed glasses.

"I can't say that I've tried it yet, actually," admitted the passive, almost appearing shy as he reached for his glass. He couldn't help a slight smirk at Breaker's words, finding that he could relate to them, as well - Old Rose had been far kinder than Brunnhold ever was.

He'd heard that one was meant to swirl the liquid in the glass, that the smell was half of the experience - but he also couldn't say that he understood the concept whatsoever. He'd served for years, but not partaken in any liquid luxuries himself, not when such things weren't meant for a servant.

So he stared into the deep red liquid for a moment, considering it, before taking a sip. It was... different from a lot of the other drinks he'd had, but not worse. His eyes darted back to the human when he spoke again, the white-haired man only noticing then the item offered out to him.

Lars accepted the handkerchief easily, bringing it slowly to his cheek, wiping gently across the skin. "Yes, you're quite right," he replied, sliding the material down his neck, all the while he kept his gaze focused on Breaker. "But I don't mind getting a little dirty. I imagine you don't mind either, do you?"

Raising the glass to his lips again, he took another sip, this time almost downing half the glass at once. No, he didn't mind the taste of this at all - it settled pleasantly against his tongue, rather than the whiskeys that burned like some strange, fiery poison, and best of all, he'd not even paid for it.

"How, exactly, have you found yourself in a job such as yours, Bertold?"
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Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:34 pm

Roalis 69, 2719. Evening
Breaker savoured the taste of the heavy wine, he watched Cailan swirl the wine in his glass and smile head tilted to one side.

There was a moment of surprise that Cailan had not tried Black Comfort, though he smiled when it looked like the white haired man enjoyed the experience.

He nodded slightly at Cailan’s answer, he had thought as much, Breaker’s eyes went from following the white haired man’s had as he slid the handkerchief down his face to his neck. Breaker’s lips twitched into a grin as he dragged his eyes back to meet Cailan’s, the passive hadn’t take his eyes from him.

Breaker’s grin went a tooth, wider at the man’s words, his gold canine catching the light.

"Yes indeed, I’ve no problem wit’ getting dirty. None at all."

He took another sip of wine, still keeping eye contact, Grin still on his face, a light of mischief in his dark eyes.

Cailan’s question Breaker let out a rumbling chuckle and smoothed his moustache, twisting the ends as he pondered how to answer.

"Well, that ain't somethin' I've pondered on much. I've turned these hands to a number of trades."

At that he held up his broad scarred hands and looked at then turning them in the light, before looking back Gailan and smiling.

""My father was a butcher, I appreciated for 'im for a time, though I never had the patience for it. My mother see, now she was a pirate, fierce strong woman. She was boatswain aboard the Southern Cross, hell of a ship that."

He got a far away look in his dark eyes.

"I even tried my hand at piracy, a fine trade for anyone from the Rose. But again I found it not for me. Oh the fightin' was grand and I saw strange lands exotic sights, but you want to know a secret?""

Breaker lent forward towards Cailan and dropped his voice.

"I can't swim and 'm bloody clockin' mortal afraid o' drowning."

He lent back nodding and spread his hands.

"Bloody foolish I know but there you are. Only thing I'm afraid of, no matter how big, mean or dangerous you are. You can't beat the sea."

He chuckled then took up his wine and took a long drink.

"So, after my short time as a pirate I worked as a dockhand for a time, be strong as I was it was easy work movin' cargo an' the like. Then some kov said somethin' or did some other damn fool thing which caused me to lose my temper. I beat him and his mates almost to death. Course the the dock was owned by the Brothers, they didn’t take to kindly to me puttin’ a few o’ their dockhands out of commission. So I they suggested I work of the debt in the Arena. Turns out I had a knack for hurtin’ folk, they offered me a permanent position, and well the rest is as they say is ‘istory."

Breaker smiled, took another sip of wine and topped up his glass. He chuckled and grinned at Cailan then.

"Now ‘ere’s me flappin’ my gob an’ I ain’t asked ‘bout you. So Cailan, what ‘as bought you into all this?"

He studied the white haired man’s fine featured face, a grin playing on his face.

"Also, would you care for more wine?"

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Mon Nov 25, 2019 1:02 pm

Lars let himself smile, again, a look that almost appeared sly, if a sheltered passive could be considered such a thing by anyone in the harbor. His eyes caught the light that reflected off of a gold tooth, pointed and at home in Breaker's grin, before rising steadily back upward to meet the human's gaze. At the man's admission, Lars could feel himself laughing, a quiet and short-lived sound against the conversations in the tavern but there nonetheless, and he shifted in his seat as Breaker continued to speak.

Both legs were drawn up to rest slanted beneath him, the passive leaning further against the side of his chair and setting an elbow on the arm of it, resting his chin comfortably in his hand. He seemed relaxed, bringing his glass to his lips for another drink of wine, light eyes fixed on the other man.

As Breaker lifted his hands, turning them over in the light, Lars examined them with a clear curiosity, but didn't interrupt. He wouldn't have guessed the man's father for a butcher, but then, he supposed he knew next to nothing about humans and their occupations. The ease with which Breaker wielded his tools and hung the man about the meat rack made more sense, and he wondered what exactly the difference was between butchering an animal and a man - but didn't let himself linger on the question, and followed the human's words with an air of interest about his sharp features, gray eyes bright and for the moment, concealing whatever hollowness usually resided there.

When the man leaned in, lowering his voice just a bit for his confession - afraid of the sea? - Lars' smile widened again, the Hessean amused by his words. He hadn't thought to be afraid of the sea, yet, but he figured it a wise fear to have, for a pirate. His knowledge of pirates was perhaps lacking even more than that of butchers or humans or red wine, but he had an idea of what they were, and what they did - and he had plenty of them paying visits to the Mad Queen, if he ever cared to find out more.

Lars finished off his wine, knowing he'd probably downed it too quickly, but not caring to worry about it at the moment. He tilted his head a bit, looking back to Breaker and commenting, "I would say you certainly have a knack for hurting people, yes. They made a wise choice in recruiting you, rather than trying to fight you."

Gods, he couldn't imagine willingly fighting the man. Breaker had the advantage of size and strength and experience, meanwhile Lars relied on a target's willingness to underestimate and assume him harmless. Intimidation was not his area of expertise, whereas he suspected for Breaker, it was simply a part of life.

"Oh, I don't mind listening, Bertold," he added, "you've intrigued me."

He didn't answer the man's question yet, although he did nod to the suggestion of more wine, offering out his glass, "please, that would be lovely."

Lars waited until his glass had been refilled to relax back into his seat again, and took a sip with a pleased expression before he spoke.

"I can't say that my story's as interesting as yours, but - I'm rather new to this whole... Bad Brothers business. I've only been in the harbor for a month or so," admitted the passive, eyes slipping to the side to observe Breaker again, "I'm from outside of Vienda - Bad Aisling, if you've ever been. Terribly small, but.. peaceful."

He bit his bottom lip, gently, seeming to consider his home for another moment before continuing, "my father was a farmer, and I can't say that I've ever met my mother - she could've been a pirate, too, for all I know, but my father was a good man. He taught me the ways of the farm, which were fine for Bad Aisling, but... not so useful here, unfortunately. I'm just grateful that I've fallen in with the Brothers," and he found himself grinning again, taking a drink of dark wine and shaking his head afterward.

"Though I'll admit it's a little frightening," the passive laughed, "but I'm eager to learn. I had no idea that I'd be so impressed by all of you, but here I am."
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Breaker Cooper
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Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:15 pm

Roalis 69, 2719. Evening
Cailan smiled, Breaker rather like how this white haired man smiled. He rather liked how he laughed as well, aye Breaker pondered there was a fair bit he found himself liking about Cailan. Breaker took another drink of wine as he listened to him speak of his upbringing on a farm, in some place he'd vaguely hard of.

The brawlers mind filled with images of country life, idyllic and patchy as Breaker while he had travelled, had no idea of what a rural life was really like. It conjured imagined scenes like from the romances he read at times, a guilty pleasure of his.

He smiled then and rested an elbow on the table and rested his square chin on his fist as he regarded Cailan.

Breaker gazed into the white haired passives grey eyes, yes he though, the city would a fearful place for a young country boy. A lot safer now though, he was with the Bad Brothers, and more than that. He had come into Breaker's orbit, and for his hard fists and killers eyes there was a warm heart in that broad chest.

Breaker Cooper was a fearful bad enemy to have, but he was a dependable and loyal friend. If word got round Cailan had been out with Breaker, as it surely would, it might change how folk redacted around him.

Eager to learn… Breaker grinned at that and took his chin from his fist and drained the rest of his wine in one swallow before reaching for the bottle again. He grinned again, teeth left slightly red from the thick wine, he touched the tip of that pointed gold tooth with his tongue.

The wine, the company and the bloody work he had done earlier filled his head and bought a slight flush to his cheeks. The blood started to roar softly, like distant waves in his ears, he knew it would grow louder. A dark light started to come into his eyes, he glanced at the bottle, reckoned there was about a glasses worth left. He looked back to Cailan, grin still dancing on his lips, mischief in his black eyes.

"There is certainly a lot to be learned in this city. 'Bout all manner of things…"

Breaker trailed off, pick up his wine and took a sip. He gazed into those grey eyes, seeing what he read there.

"So Cailan, what manner of thing would you be lookin' to learn Cailan? Maybe I can help, in some way."

Breaker looked at the depleted bottle of wine again, then back to the handsome white haired man across from him, he smoothed his moustached and twirled the ends. It was clear from the light in his eyes he wasn't thinking of ordering another bottle of wine. Although, what happened next rather depend on what Cailan wanted to do.

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Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:58 am

Lars stared across at the taller man, a smile still on display on his rosy face. His eyes followed Breaker's every movement, from the tapping of his tongue against his golden tooth to his hands as they grabbed for more wine - wine that the human downed quickly, leaving their bottle emptied. The passive didn't move to bring his own glass back to his lips; he'd had plenty of wine tonight and wasn't certain that he really needed (or wanted) any more of it. No, he would stop while he still had some wits about him.

"I'm sure you can," he replied, meeting the fighter's gaze even though his own was unreadable - bright, and mischievous to a degree, but otherwise unclear. "All manner of things, really..."

He shifted in his seat, moving to sit closer to the edge, his head tilted slightly as he observed the older man. One hand came up to run through his hair, pushing the white locks out of his face, and Lars glanced briefly away as he seemed to consider what, exactly, he wanted Breaker's help with - what a dear young country boy should learn, now that he was here in the dangerous harbor all alone.

Poor Lars, all alone. How pitiful.

"I can't say that I'm very experienced with anything, in a place like this," he mentioned coyly, light eyes flicking over to Breaker's face for a brief moment, "what do you think, Bertold? I think I need your guidance - it's all just so new, and frightening, and exiting. I think I need someone with experience around the harbor, to show me the way."
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Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:23 pm

Roalis 69, 2719. Evening
The empty wine glass sat between Breaker's broad scarred hands where they rested on the table top. His dark eyes went from the glass, to the bottle, to Cailan's smooth handsome face, those grey unreadable eyes.

Such eyes, a man could lose himself in such eyes.

Breaker shook his head slightly trying to clear it, to much wine on an empty stomach mixed with the adrenalin still pumped and roared. In his veins.

Focus, he told himself.

Breaker transferred his full attention to the white haired passive, followed his hand as it moved through that thick white hair. Breaker's thoughts turned to how it would be to move his own hand through that hair.
He shifted in his own seat, leaning forward as the other man spoke.

Breaker tilted his head slightly, something niggled at the back of his fogged mind, he ignored it.

Cailan had asked him for advice, nay help.

No, for protection.

He and Niccolette had been attacked had they not? They'd marked that fine featured face.

Breaker's jaw tightened as his anger rose, he'd been to soft on that bastard he'd had on the hook. The table under Breaker's hands creaked as he pushed down, as if to rise. He took a slow breath in through his nose and out again, then he locked eyes with Cailan. Breaker's big right hand rose and made a fist, then he japped a meaty index finger into the table top with a thud.

"Cailan, any one so much as looks you in a manner you don't like, you tell me and I will render their face into a bloody jam.
Anyone lays a clockin' finger on you, they are dead. An' not the soft death that mung kov I had on the hook neither."

Breaker's voice was low, not much above a whisper. There was dark menace in that voice and the light of savage rage burned in his black killers eyes.

Not directed at Cailan, but outward, then his black eyes raked over the crowd, looking for a target for his wrath, no one met his withering gaze.

Then as swiftly as it had risen, it was past.
Breaker smiled, smoothed his moustache with the fingers of his right hand as he picked up the wine bottle with his other hand.
He inclined his head in apology.

"My apologies Cailan. Yes it would be my pleasure to show you around this city. Consider me at your service."

Breaker's smile widened and he shook the bottle toward Cailan.

"Now, if I can't tempt you with the last glass or so of this, I may drink it myself. Would be a shame to waste it after all."

The grin on his face was almost impish and mischief danced in his dark eyes.

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