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"The Pox"

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:33 am
by jadeowl
Gutter pox, commonly just called "the pox", is a disease often found in the dirty, close quarters of the slums of cities, though it does occur in other areas. It's unknown what causes it, but the symptoms include a blistering rash that circles around the trunk of the body and a very high fever that can cause seizures. The fever can kill children, especially if they're young, or leave them with permanent brain damage. The lesions can leave scars if the scabs are picked at. It can be transmitted by touching open lesions, which makes it difficult to treat. The usual treatment is to wrap the trunk of the sick person with gauze and, if possible, give cold baths to combat the fever. Another treatment that helps the fever is chamomile tea, though it's not always an effective treatment. For the richer members of society, a new drug called aspirin is known to reduce fever very well. Unfortunately, aspirin is expensive and not commonly available unless you're galdori. The disease usually runs its course within a couple weeks.

Luckily, once someone gets a case of the pox, they are usually immune to it for the rest of their life. It's considered a childhood disease, though it is not uncommon for adults to get a second case of the pox if they're under extreme stress. Usually, adults get a milder case, though it can cause miscarriage or stillbirth if a pregnant woman gets it.

Re: "The Pox"

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:05 pm
by Raksha
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