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[Open] Healing to do.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:00 pm
by Aodh Elzo


Evening 20th of Loshis, 2720

The Stag was busy with the after work crowd from the Soot, mostly Wicks and some humans, all grubby with grime and looking for entertainment and distraction.

Aodh Elzo drained the last of the ale from the misshapen clay tankard and placed it on the bar, he took on last drag on his cigarette and grinned at the big one eye form of Ted Burns the bartender.

"Well, best be at in then."

Ted just nodded, and turned to serve another customer, Aodh picked up his mandolin and his battered violin case and headed for the stage, where a single bar stool sat.

His hair was the same wild mop it always was, he wore a tan leather waistcoat over a red collar less shirt and a pair of brown corduroy work trousers and brown boots.

Aodh was tall for a wick and wiry, an easy grin was on his narrow face. He placed his instruments next to the stool and slowly rolled up his sleeves.

The chatter near the stage quietened as the patron's eyes shifted to regard him, some curiously some with smiles and they nudged their neighbours. Aodh by now was a fairly well known performer in this part of the city.

Once he was ready he perched on the stool and took up his mandolin, then in his cigarette roughen Northern Anaxi accent he addressed the crowd.

“Good evenin’ folks far'ye? I’m Aodh Elzo, and I’m gonna be entertainin’ ya. Here’s a song I wrote called, Healin’ to do."

Then he cleared his throat and started playing an upbeat melody on his mandolin before starting to sing.

“My soul was achin'
My hands were weak
My heart was breakin'
My mouth could not speak

But times can change
Hopefully we can too
This world is strange
I guess we've all got healing to do

I played my cards the best I could
I came by it honestly
Worrying 'bout the past never did no good
What's gone is gone, you see.

No one can know what
We've been through
Goes to show
We've all got some healing to do

Now my soul is hangin' in
My hands are strong
I know I could fall again
But for now I'm holdin on

Times can change
Hopefully I can too
This world is strange
Guess we've all got some healing to do."