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A Guide to Creating Secondary Characters

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:48 am
by Muse
A Guide to Creating
Secondary Characters

This is a detailed guide to the creation of Secondary Characters. Secondary Characters are characters that are integral to another PC's story, but are not necessarily full PCs themselves. These can include family members, co-workers, etc. A Secondary Character has a few requirements, which will be listed below.

A Secondary Character is a supporting character to your Main, or Player Characters. These are characters who play a much stronger role in your narrative than the average Non-Player Character (NPC), and who may have lasting impact on not only your story, but the story of other players involved in your plot arcs. Secondary Characters are not meant to be simply tools to accomplishing skill goals, but instead meant to compliment your progression of your main character through their plots and through their advancement.

Please use Secondary Characters sparingly and consider your reasons for wanting to add one to your writing arsenal. They are allowed to have skills, hold jobs, and do many of the same things that Main Characters do, so you must be willing to track and manage these things. That said, they are not meant to surpass or overshadow your characters or any other Player Characters in the game.

We trust you not to be a jerk with them unless, of course, their personality says otherwise, but surely you get the jist.

Rules & Guidelines

Each Main Character can only have up to THREE (3) Secondary Characters active and in use at a time. Additional characters needed for your narratives can be submitted as Non-Player Characters, so please keep that in mind when building your stories. Secondary Characters can be retired as seen fit to move with the changes of your stories, the completion of plot arcs, or death, but please be mindful of the impact they should maintain on the PC's story.

Secondary Characters MUST be posted as from the player's OOC account. This is to help keep track of whose Secondary Character is where at any given time.

Other writers may use your Secondary Characters, with your consent, in their stories as well. Please take this rule seriously, as your Secondary Characters should carry their knowledge from those threads as well. A player can give permission to another player to write their Secondary Character at any time, but please make sure Admins know of this permission via PM here, DM on Discord, and an Offtopic note in the beginning of your thread.

ALL Secondary Characters MUST be approved by the Admins. We are not imposing hard attribute or skill restrictions as of now (unlike Main Characters), but please be aware of the levels they would have. Since Secondary Characters will vary from story to story, we want to try and keep the levels open, but please be realistic. If you are asked by an Admin to change their skill levels, we will be open to discussion regarding your justification for the skill levels. However, if the judgement stays, please change the levels promptly.

Secondary Characters are welcome follow the same requirements for advancement as other PCs, so submit requests for advancement much the same as you would your PCs. This includes their Aptitude Skills, their Focus Skills, as well as their Occupation and Income Tier.

In order to submit a Secondary Character, you will need fill out a Character Sheet as you would a Main Character, which can be found here in the Secondary Character Forum. Please submit for approval just as you would a normal PC, except please use your OOC Writer's Account.

Conversion into a Main Character

It is possible to convert a Secondary Character into a Main Character, though there are some things to be observed.

Because Secondary Characters don't follow the same level restrictions as Main Characters, in order to stop people from creating powerful Secondary Characters and then playing them, both the Secondary Character and the primary Main Character it is attached to must be played for no less than 3 consecutive seasons. This may seem steep, but we feel that it is an adequate amount of time to establish the Secondary Character's motivations and personality. During this time, at least 3 threads involving the Secondary Character must be written.

Upon conversion, simply PM an Admin to have them review the conversion. We will ask your goals and motivations for the character going forward, and would like to hear a narrative reason for why you're taking over the Secondary Character. While we understand that the Secondary Character is integral to your story, sometimes we may feel as though they should remain Secondary Characters in order to progress that story.

Conversion into an Non-Player Character

There may come a time that the Admins may feel that your Secondary Character has grown into a position that affects the game-world at large. If your Secondary Character comes into a position of great power, we may ask that you relinquish the PC to us in order to have them influence the game world and lore going forward. You may refuse, of course, but keep in mind limitations may be placed on a Secondary Character that we deem too powerful.