Character Sheet Template

Feel free to customize as you'd like.

Submit Main Character Sheets
Post here in a new thread using your Character account with the character sheet template, and then apply for approval.

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Site Admin
Posts: 400
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2018 10:12 pm
Topics: 99
Race: Storyteller
Occupation: Your Local Admin
Location: On your monitor.
Character Sheet: My Office
Plot Notes: My Manifesto
Writer Profile: Writer Profile
Post Templates: Templates for Everyone

Wed Mar 28, 2018 4:25 pm

Hello! Welcome to Thorns! If you're ready to create a Character here, make sure you've followed these beginning steps:
  • Please create a Writer account (with any username you fancy; if you've joined our Discord, we request your writer account and Discord display name match) as well as a separate Character account in the name of the character you wish to play. Submit your character sheet with that character's account—you can link your writer and character account(s) in the User Control Panel once both have been created.
  • Please visit our Lore page and follow the Character Creation Guide. This will help walk you through all the sections of the character sheet below as well as allow you to become more familiar with the world in the process.
  • Please feel free to change the colors and make this template as pretty as you'd like. Please try to keep the formatting as similar as possible in terms of layout, however. Also attempt to keep it legible. Thank you!
If you need image help, don't hesitate to ask.

Please list your current and completed threads in your Plot Notes.

Your Name Here

An image if you'd like one.

Race: Race
Birthday: Month, Day Year
Age: Actual age
FC: Your face claim
Place of Origin: Birthplace
Current Location: Where you are now
Occupation: Your job or lifestyle
Player Name: Your OOC Account Name

Physical Description

An image if you'd like one. Delete this and the hr tag below if you don't want to use this space.

Please describe your character here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget pretium tortor, sit amet ullamcorper lacus. Integer pulvinar interdum eros non gravida. Donec a urna eget risus varius facilisis. Duis bibendum lacus tempus, mattis libero eget, tristique quam. Donec nec eleifend orci. Aenean congue ac nisl non elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce lacinia elit sit amet sapien posuere, in fermentum lacus mollis. Suspendisse porta sapien ut pretium scelerisque. Proin luctus nunc orci, quis suscipit erat varius id. Maecenas porttitor mauris eget sagittis vulputate. Proin interdum condimentum nunc scelerisque ultricies. Suspendisse potenti. Nam cursus dictum erat nec commodo.
If you're a passive, list your diablerie here.


An image if you'd like one. Delete this and the hr tag below if you don't want to use this space.

Please describe your character's personality. Including their opinions on race, society, and the current conditions of Anaxas are heavily encouraged.

Vivamus tristique ex at libero vestibulum faucibus id non ex. Ut condimentum metus at euismod molestie. Quisque et arcu blandit arcu vulputate rutrum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In arcu ligula, elementum et aliquam eu, efficitur nec lacus. Etiam at metus ac leo tincidunt imperdiet. Vivamus semper enim ac risus eleifend volutpat. Nam at erat et nisi tincidunt pulvinar. Vestibulum mattis congue justo. Ut ut lorem et urna tincidunt gravida. Donec ut urna mi.


Please describe your character's history from birth to present, taking as much room as you need to do so.

Donec nec suscipit leo. Aenean id mi aliquam, placerat urna in, tincidunt risus. Sed non quam non lorem sollicitudin venenatis. Morbi sit amet ultricies sem. Duis vel diam cursus, hendrerit velit at, scelerisque justo. Maecenas non sem faucibus, suscipit purus sit amet, commodo tellus. Vestibulum eu est sit amet eros mollis semper eu vitae massa. Nunc et molestie dui. Maecenas consectetur est sit amet libero mattis, at feugiat felis blandit. Aliquam a nunc ut lacus lobortis gravida rutrum fringilla turpis. Maecenas ultrices, enim sed vulputate cursus, magna est pulvinar nisl, id sodales massa ante eget libero.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Combat Skills Here


Language Skills Here


Magic Skills Here


Profession Skills Here

Career and Income


Summarize your job and skillset here.

Income: Wealth Level

Wealth Level goes here, perhaps with a why and a how.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Housing description, varies by Starting Package choice and region.


List your possessions here, based on your Starting Package.


Long and short-term goals can be written or listed here.

Code: Select all

[style="max-width:90%; padding: 15px; background: #e8e4da; margin:0px auto; border:5px double #000000; color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.35em;"]
[align=center][googlefont=Metamorphous][size=200]Your Name Here[/size][/googlefont][/align]
[align=center]An image if you'd like one.[/align]

[style2="width:95%; margin :0px auto; display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap;  justify-content: start; align-content: left; text-align:left; font-size:1em; line-height: 1.25em; padding: 10px;"]
[style3="margin: 0px auto; flex-grow:2;"]
[b]Race:[/b] Race
[b]Birthday:[/b] Month, Day Year
[b]Age:[/b] Actual age
[b]FC:[/b] Your face claim
[style3="margin: 0px auto; flex-grow:2;"]
[b]Place of Origin: [/b] Birthplace
[b]Current Location:[/b] Where you are now
[b]Occupation:[/b] Your job or lifestyle
[b]Player Name:[/b] Your OOC Account Name

[align=center][googlefont=Metamorphous][size=200]Physical Description[/size][/googlefont][/align]
[align=center]An image if you'd like one. Delete this and the hr tag below if you don't want to use this space.[/align]

Please describe your character here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget pretium tortor, sit amet ullamcorper lacus. Integer pulvinar interdum eros non gravida. Donec a urna eget risus varius facilisis. Duis bibendum lacus tempus, mattis libero eget, tristique quam. Donec nec eleifend orci. Aenean congue ac nisl non elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce lacinia elit sit amet sapien posuere, in fermentum lacus mollis. Suspendisse porta sapien ut pretium scelerisque. Proin luctus nunc orci, quis suscipit erat varius id. Maecenas porttitor mauris eget sagittis vulputate. Proin interdum condimentum nunc scelerisque ultricies. Suspendisse potenti. Nam cursus dictum erat nec commodo.

[style2="width:40%; margin:20px auto 20px auto; border-bottom:1px solid #231c10;"][color=transparent]text[/color][/style2]
[align=center][b]Diablerie: [/b]
If you're a passive, list your diablerie here.[/align]

[align=center]An image if you'd like one. Delete this and the hr tag below if you don't want to use this space.[/align]

Please describe your character's personality. Including their opinions on race, society, and the current conditions of Anaxas are heavily encouraged.

Vivamus tristique ex at libero vestibulum faucibus id non ex. Ut condimentum metus at euismod molestie. Quisque et arcu blandit arcu vulputate rutrum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In arcu ligula, elementum et aliquam eu, efficitur nec lacus. Etiam at metus ac leo tincidunt imperdiet. Vivamus semper enim ac risus eleifend volutpat. Nam at erat et nisi tincidunt pulvinar. Vestibulum mattis congue justo. Ut ut lorem et urna tincidunt gravida. Donec ut urna mi.


Please describe your character's history from birth to present, taking as much room as you need to do so.

Donec nec suscipit leo. Aenean id mi aliquam, placerat urna in, tincidunt risus. Sed non quam non lorem sollicitudin venenatis. Morbi sit amet ultricies sem. Duis vel diam cursus, hendrerit velit at, scelerisque justo. Maecenas non sem faucibus, suscipit purus sit amet, commodo tellus. Vestibulum eu est sit amet eros mollis semper eu vitae massa. Nunc et molestie dui. Maecenas consectetur est sit amet libero mattis, at feugiat felis blandit. Aliquam a nunc ut lacus lobortis gravida rutrum fringilla turpis. Maecenas ultrices, enim sed vulputate cursus, magna est pulvinar nisl, id sodales massa ante eget libero.

[align=center][googlefont=Metamorphous][size=200]Aptitude Skills[/size][/googlefont][/align]

[style2="width:95%; margin :0px auto; display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-around; align-content: center; text-align:center;font-size:1.25em; line-height: 1.25em;"][style3="margin: 0px auto; display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex: 100% 0 30%; padding: 10px 15px;"]
[/style3][style3="margin: 0px auto;display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex: 100% 0 30%;  padding: 10px 15px"]
[/style3][style3="margin: 0px auto;display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex: 100% 0 30%; padding: 10px 15px;"]

[align=center][googlefont=Metamorphous][size=200]Focus Skills[/size][/googlefont][/align]

Combat Skills Here[/tab]

Language Skills Here[/tab] 

Magic Skills Here[/tab]

Profession Skills Here[/tab][/tabmenu]

[align=center][googlefont=Metamorphous][size=200]Career and Income[/size][/googlefont][/align]

Summarize your job and skillset here.[/tab]
[tab=Income: Wealth Level]
Wealth Level goes here, perhaps with a why and a how.[/tab]

[align=center][googlefont=Metamorphous][size=200]Housing and Inventory[/size][/googlefont][/align]

[tab=Housing: Type]
Housing description, varies by Starting Package choice and region.[/tab]

List your possessions here, based on your Starting Package.



Long and short-term goals can be written or listed here.


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