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Re: Templates

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:37 pm
by Fermin
location | time
Words go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, the Googlefont of choice is also editable, too.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse erat ante, molestie et risus at, posuere egestas neque. Nunc ligula leo, luctus commodo iaculis vel, accumsan non metus. Suspendisse pharetra massa est, eu dignissim tortor convallis et. Cras ac risus placerat, porta neque et, cursus mi.

"Dialogue goes here."

Aliquam rutrum nisi sapien, sed scelerisque tellus bibendum non. Donec egestas arcu augue, eget cursus metus finibus at. Sed nec auctor eros, vel consectetur nisi. Aenean quam nibh, venenatis sed dapibus et, luctus efficitur risus. Donec hendrerit lectus pulvinar, lacinia ligula quis, suscipit tortor. Donec justo leo, vehicula ut feugiat eget, blandit eu ante. Integer congue semper mollis.

Code: Select all

[style=width: 90%; margin: 0px auto; padding: 20px; background: #FFFFFF; color:#332613; line-height:1.25em; font-size:1.25em;]
location | time[/color][/size][/googlefont][/align]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:30px auto 20px auto; padding:30px 0px; border-top:1px solid #4f9666; border-bottom:1px solid #4f9666;"][float=right][img][/img][/float][googlefont=Cardo][dropcap][color=#D7672A]W[/color][/dropcap][color=gray]ords go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, the Googlefont of choice is also editable, too.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse erat ante, molestie et risus at, posuere egestas neque. Nunc ligula leo, luctus commodo iaculis vel, accumsan non metus. Suspendisse pharetra massa est, eu dignissim tortor convallis et. Cras ac risus placerat, porta neque et, cursus mi. 

[color=#D7672A][b]"Dialogue goes here."[/b][/color]

Aliquam rutrum nisi sapien, sed scelerisque tellus bibendum non. Donec egestas arcu augue, eget cursus metus finibus at. Sed nec auctor eros, vel consectetur nisi. Aenean quam nibh, venenatis sed dapibus et, luctus efficitur risus. Donec hendrerit lectus pulvinar, lacinia ligula quis, suscipit tortor. Donec justo leo, vehicula ut feugiat eget, blandit eu ante. Integer congue semper mollis.[/color]

Re: Templates

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 11:53 pm
by Fermin
Date ● Time
Words go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

"Dialogue goes here."

Code: Select all

[style=width: 90%; margin: 0px auto; padding: 15px; background: #FFFFFF; color:#333333; line-height:1.35em; font-size:1.25em;]
[align=center][googlefont=Maven Pro][size=120]Location[/size][size=150][color=#428491]
Date ● Time[/color][/size][/googlefont][/align]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:5px auto;"][align=center][img][/img][/align][/style2]
[style2="width:40%; margin:20px auto 1px auto; border-bottom:1px solid #428491;"][/style2]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:20px auto; padding-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px; border-bottom:4px double #644e5a;"][googlefont=Indie Flower][dropcap][color=#428491]W[/color][/dropcap][/googlefont][googlefont=Maven Pro][size=80]ords go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

[color=#428491][b]"Dialogue goes here."[/b][/color]

Re: Templates

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 11:57 pm
by Fermin
Date ● Time
Words go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

"Dialogue goes here."

Code: Select all

[style=width: 90%; margin: 0px auto; padding: 15px; background: #FFFFFF; color:#333333; line-height:1.35em; font-size:1.25em;]
[align=center][googlefont=Oleo Script][size=120]Location[/size][size=160][color=#705d44]
Date ● Time[/color][/size][/googlefont][/align]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:5px auto;"][align=center][img][/img][/align][/style2]
[style2="width:40%; margin:20px auto 1px auto; border-bottom:1px solid #705d44;"][/style2]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:20px auto; padding-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px; border-bottom:4px double #644e5a;"][googlefont=Oleo Script][dropcap][color=#705d44]W[/color][/dropcap][/googlefont][googlefont=Maven Pro][size=80]ords go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

[color=#705d44][b]"Dialogue goes here."[/b][/color]

Re: Templates

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:00 am
by Fermin
Date ● Time
Words go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

"Dialogue goes here."

Code: Select all

[style=width: 90%; margin: 0px auto; padding: 15px; background: #FFFFFF; color:#333333; line-height:1.35em; font-size:1.25em;]
[align=center][googlefont=Maven Pro][size=120]Location[/size][size=150][color=#946cb5]
Date ● Time[/color][/size][/googlefont][/align]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:5px auto;"][align=center][img][/img][/align][/style2]
[style2="width:40%; margin:20px auto 1px auto; border-bottom:1px solid #946cb5;"][/style2]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:20px auto;"][googlefont=Indie Flower][dropcap][color=#946cb5]W[/color][/dropcap][/googlefont][googlefont=Maven Pro][size=80]ords go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

[color=#946cb5][b]"Dialogue goes here."[/b][/color]

Re: Templates

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:05 am
by Fermin
Date ● Time
Words go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

"Dialogue goes here."

Code: Select all

[style=width: 90%; margin: 0px auto; padding: 15px; background: #FFFFFF; color:#333333; line-height:1.35em; font-size:1.25em;]
[align=center][googlefont=Maven Pro][size=120]Location[/size][size=150][color=#946cb5]
Date ● Time[/color][/size][/googlefont][/align]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:10px auto;"][float=right][img][/img][/float][/style2]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:10px auto;"][googlefont=Indie Flower][dropcap][color=#946cb5]W[/color][/dropcap][/googlefont][googlefont=Maven Pro][size=80]ords go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

[color=#946cb5][b]"Dialogue goes here."[/b][/color]

Re: Templates

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:09 am
by Fermin
Date ● Time
Words go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

"Dialogue goes here."

the color continues to go down as you write so it wont look wonky

lorem ipsum doleret amet or whatever latin words ave maria versace gianni donatella um i'm listening to fleetwood mac right now cause it makes me think of apocalypse, i think the test to become the next supreme was called the seven wonders because fleetwood mac has a song called seven wonders, and fleetwood mac was IN apocalypse not only in music but stevie nicks also showed up in that one episode, where the witch just stared at her for like five minutes straight and she sang gypsy. this should be enough text

Code: Select all

[style=width: 90%; margin: 0px auto; padding: 15px; background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #fdcbf1 0%, #fdcbf1 1%, #e6dee9 100%); color:#333333; line-height:1.35em; font-size:1.25em;]
[align=center][googlefont=Maven Pro][size=120]Location[/size][size=150][color=#946cb5]
Date ● Time[/color][/size][/googlefont][/align]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:10px auto;"][float=right][img][/img][/float][/style2]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:10px auto;"][googlefont=Indie Flower][dropcap][color=#946cb5]W[/color][/dropcap][/googlefont][googlefont=Maven Pro][size=80]ords go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

[color=#946cb5][b]"Dialogue goes here."[/b][/color]

the color continues to go down as you write so it wont look wonky

lorem ipsum doleret amet or whatever latin words ave maria versace gianni donatella um i'm listening to fleetwood mac right now cause it makes me think of apocalypse, i think the test to become the next supreme was called the seven wonders because fleetwood mac has a song called seven wonders, and fleetwood mac was IN apocalypse not only in music but stevie nicks also showed up in that one episode, where the witch just stared at her for like five minutes straight and she sang gypsy. this should be enough text

Re: Templates

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:21 am
by Fermin
Date ● Time
Words go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

"Dialogue goes here."

the color continues to go down as you write so it wont look wonky

dude tommy looks depressed here doesn't he. i really am not a fan of this song second hand news. i'm changing it immediately but it's already been on for almost two minutes. i put gold dust woman back on for the 50th time tonight. nothing can stop me now. not even tommy. augustus can't either.

Code: Select all

[style=width: 90%; margin: 0px auto; padding: 15px; background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, #f5f7fa 0%, #c3cfe2 100%); color:#333333; line-height:1.35em; font-size:1.25em;]
Date ● Time[/color][/size][/googlefont][/align]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:10px auto;"][float=right][img][/img][/float][/style2]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:10px auto;"][googlefont=Merienda][dropcap][color=#7097cc]W[/color][/dropcap][/googlefont][googlefont=Maven Pro][size=80]ords go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

[color=#7097cc][b]"Dialogue goes here."[/b][/color]

the color continues to go down as you write so it wont look wonky

dude tommy looks depressed here doesn't he. i really am not a fan of this song second hand news. i'm changing it immediately but it's already been on for almost two minutes. i put gold dust woman back on for the 50th time tonight. nothing can stop me now. not even tommy. augustus can't either.

Re: Templates

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:29 am
by Fermin
Date ✦ Time
Words go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

"Dialogue goes here."

the color continues to go down as you write so it wont look wonky

corporate wants you to spot the difference in these pictures.

it's the same picture. seriously though, tommy manages to look exactly the same in two very different settings and very different scenes, and i'm not sure if that's more of a talent or a shame.

Re: Templates

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:46 am
by Fermin
Date ❤ Time
Words go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

"Dialogue goes here."

Code: Select all

[style=width: 90%; margin: 0px auto; padding: 15px; background: #FFFFFF; color:#333333; line-height:1.35em; font-size:1.25em;]
Date ❤ Time[/color][/size][/googlefont][/align]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:10px auto;"][float=right][img][/img][/float][/style2]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:10px auto;"][googlefont=Lustria][dropcap][color=#af2d59]W[/color][/dropcap][/googlefont][googlefont=Lustria][size=80]ords go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

[color=#af2d59][b]"Dialogue goes here."[/b][/color]
Moses CaldwellShow
date ꧁꧂ time
Words go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

"Dialogue goes here."

Code: Select all

[style=width: 90%; margin: 0px auto; padding: 15px; background: #FFFFFF; color:#333333; line-height:1.35em; font-size:1.25em;]
date ꧁꧂ time[/color][/size][/googlefont][/align]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:10px auto;"][float=right][img][/img][/float][/style2]
[style2=width:100%;marigin:10px auto;"][googlefont=Lustria][dropcap][color=#63aa7e]W[/color][/dropcap][/googlefont][googlefont=Lustria][size=80]ords go here. A simple, typography-focused template. You can edit the text color, the line colors, the dropcap color, and the dialogue text color. Of course, you can change the height of the image and customize all of the typography to the Googlefont(s) of your choice.

[color=#63aa7e][b]"Dialogue goes here."[/b][/color]