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Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:17 pm
by Joffrey Jamie
Joffrey Jamie's Plot Notes

Character Development & Storylines

How are you looking to develop your character in terms of story arcs, goals, and skills? List that here.

Friends & Family

At the current moment, JJ comes from a three person household - his mother, father, and himself. He's sure - for now - that Joffrey Sr. is his father by blood, though it's not clear if that really is the case; his mother's in the habit of playing games, so to speak. He might have a half-sibling or two running around out there, though.

On the matter of friends, JJ tends to fall into any crowd, really. He does it more out of a need to be part of a group than actual like of someone but he usually comes to like the people around him. Usually.

Lovers & Romances

Joffrey Jamie hasn't really expressed any sort of inclination to either gender. I don't think would rightly know - or care - about it so much unless it's made a big deal of. His sexuality is something to explore further, but he's not had experience with it or really any previous concerns about it.

Antagonists & Enemies

Looking for some enemies? Everyone deserves a good challenge. What are some areas of conflict for your character and how can other players help you explore them narratively?

Miscellaneous Notes

Some character arc stuff taken from a generator: the desire for acceptance, make a name for self, become part of a group, obedience, to appease someone or something, to be admired - feelings of necessity, high aspirations, naiveté