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I Promised You Some Magic

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 10:23 am
by Nauleth Siordanti
Bethas 7th, 2718
Athrym's fingers were in his hair and her distracted sigh was against his lips here on his desk in his clocking classroom just days after meeting, and Nauleth could honestly not think of an encounter quite as thrilling in his whole life. He felt the rush of excitement sing in his pulse, coursing through his veins and exuding through his freckled skin to set his field all but humming, hands slipping under too many clocking layers of skirts to rest most adventurously on the pale skin of the petite blonde's knees. Oh, he could just—

Breathe. He needed to breathe before he began to take things too far—oh, but—

Smirking lopsidedly at her hand on his chest, sure that had she wanted to, she could ask the mona to rip his rapidly beating heart from his chest, one cell at a time, so eager was it against his sternum, he chuckled at her comment,

"Prudish. The word you're looking for is prudish. Yes, foreign critics have been known to say that the Kingdom of Anaxas is perhaps just as sexually repressive as it is socially oppressive, but some of us consider ourselves intellectually enlightened. At least, on one of those arguments." The young Siordanti grinned wickedly, one side at a time, her promise and use of his title ridiculously more arousing than he thought at all mortally possible. This desk would really just have to do, thought the professor as he leaned in to meet her lips again.

He didn't hear his door open, and the poor, unfortunate creature who was tasked with the tidying of his classroom had no field with which to give more appropriate fair warning. Instead, a faint slosh and tinkle of spilled water, and the even smaller voice was like an electric shock of surprise, Nauleth's eyes widened and his hands slid away from smooth skin to disappear into his trouser pockets in desperate need to hide all things inappropriate with the speed of a startled chrove, stepping back dizzily with Athrym's equally hasty shove—

This wasn't the first time the junior professor had been caught after class in his classroom, though it was the least innocent of all moments. Usually, he'd be recording his notes from the blackboard into his worn leather-wrapped journal, having come up with something interesting through discussion with his class. Or he'd be buried under a pile of mid-terms, sorting to stay sane. Or, he'd be napping, curled up on its wooden surface after a long night of crawling through the Stacks, hungover and barely surviving his throng of students for the day. He'd run the gamut of surprise moments, truly, but this moment was by far the most scandalous.

Thank the goddess they were interrupted sooner rather than later, by the way things were headed.

—The physical mona in the room, so attuned to his constant presence, swayed and shifted with the tide of his emotions, drawn to him with a tangible pressure like an increase of gravitational pull in the small space,

"...yes! Well, uh, er, responsive to that particular inflection. I can understand the difficulty, given the linguistic differences between Estuan and Gioran, though I'd venture to say that you Gioran have made your own adaptations in Monite—and—and—yes. Other things." Nauleth rambled very quickly like a deflating balloon, making up words as if the small passive boy even clocking cared, so obvious had their actual activities been that there was very little he felt he could say to cover their indecency. The red that flushed his freckled cheeks much more embarrassment than arousal now. Still, he flashed Athrym an assuring smile—whatever gossip the passive could possibly spread through his kind would hardly end up anywhere damaging.

They were kept isolated for everyone's safety, after all. What was the harm?

Finally turning around, he offered the uniformed creature still clinging to his sloshing bucket a very thin, almost apologetic smile. Had he seen this one's face before in his classroom? Perhaps. Maybe he'd found him asleep and hungover. Or maybe he'd patiently cleaned the blackboard while Naul groaned from beneath a pile of mid-term papers. Whatever the case, he just needed to make sure the child didn't go blabbing anything about what he even thought he saw to the faculty and cover their hasty escape,

"Clocking hell, don't tell me I need to put in a request to ask for a knock before entering? I shall do that. Please take a note of it. I'll speak slowly—from now on, please knock. Yes?"

There was an authoritative weight in his tone, as if he was threatening an opponent on the Lawn, the heaviness seeping into his field and into the physical mona that lingered in the classroom, "Look, uh," Passive uniforms didn't have name tags, godsdamnit, "Boy—what's your name, anyway? Listen, we were just leaving, so you can, er, carry on with your duties. However—"

Gold-rimmed eyes held the youth's firmly, aware that he lacked the appearance of anyone threatening with his coat ruffled and his hair mussed, lips still longing for more of the Gioran Ambassador behind him. Pausing just long enough to speak a few quick, almost necessary-sounding lines of monite, the Perceptive mona in his field sluggish as if just as distracted as he'd been before the interruption. His simple spell seemed to bolster the suggestion in his next words, tugging on Edriel's consciousness to make his offer sound much more compelling than the actual truth, though in his current state of mind, Nauleth's casting was not at all as strong and the mona not at all as convincing as it could have been, leaving the boy with his own choice to make even if he felt pulled in one direction slightly more than another,

"—I recommend that you remember this moment as a extracurricularly studious one accidentally interrupted instead of a scandalous one, out of respect to our esteemed Gioran Ambassador. Do we have an understanding?"

His hands were straightening out his coat, his collar, his shirt before running nervous fingers through his hair, pulse racing in his ears. Without waiting for an answer, the young Siordanti was already gathering his things, but he kept his gaze on the boy expectantly.

I Promised You Some Magic

Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 7:22 pm
by Edriel Rivaen
I Promised You Some Magic

7th Bethas, 2718

There was some scientific lesson to be learned in the classroom after all. It is said that prey when confronted by its predator defaults to either fight or flee, but an entirely different instinct was on display here, only known to those select few who dedicated their lives to the study of rabbits. For like a rabbit staring into the eyes of a cunning fox, Edriel froze completely. He wasn’t fighting or fleeing, not even mopping the floor as he was supposed to, not dropping his bucket in startled surprise, not mumbling some apology, not even averting his gaze as one would expect from a good and loyal servant.

Instead his eyes flitted between the Professor and his intimate acquaintance, the ambassador, and there was a certain inevitability to the connections he was making. They could call him freak, they could call him impure, they could order him about like a pet, but the one thing they couldn’t take from him was his mind, and the little cogs inside had already started to whir, reaching the inescapable, scandalous conclusion that had been laid bare before his very eyes. He almost sneered at their sad attempts to befuddle him with big words, as if he hadn’t listened in on countless lectures while cleaning the hallways, oh no, he knew all about the technicalities of magic even though he couldn’t apply any of it. Except for now, because now he knew the two were talking, as the phrase goes, out of their proverbial buttholes.

He opened his mouth to speak, to lie that he had knocked, but then he thought better of it and only moved to put the bucket of steaming water down and sloshed the mop around in it. So often it had been the other way around, so often he had been the flustered one scrambling for an excuse to explain his wrongdoings, and he knew that in those moments he had been the powerless one. Not this time. This time the adults were without power and not even their precious magic could save them.

In silence he started his duty, wetting the hardwood boards with hot floor soap, pretending neither of them were even there, wholeheartedly ignoring whatever deal they were trying to strike with him. The beauty of it was that they could hardly fault him for doing his job in silence, as he was supposed to. Now that he had had a taste of power, he clung to it and some macabre satisfaction swelled in his chest as he mopped the floors with more cheer than ever before, knowing full well that he held power over the two adults as long as he kept his mouth shut.

It wasn’t until he reached the desk with his mop that he looked up again and muttered an “excuse me” so he could reach the part of the floor currently obstructed by two pair of legs.

I Promised You Some Magic

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 7:14 pm
by Athrym Bruthgrave
Bethas 7th, 2718 - Afternoon
Athrym looked at Naul with a narrowed glance. Other things? For the love of Imaan, had the professor never found himself in such a situation? Was Anaxas just that….prudish. It was so ridiculous, she had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing as her gaze landed back on the young boy.

As the taller red head berated him, the Gioran took note that the young passive didn’t reply. He didn’t even answer Nauleth, and by the Gods, it couldn’t have been more aggravating for the Anaxi. The child had bravery, it seemed, standing his ground in defiant silence before muttering a request for them to move so he could finish his mopping. Bold, she could appreciate that, even if his timing was infuriating. The blonde took another deep breath to settle her temper, looking up as the sensation of gathered perceptive mona brushed her own field, the Gioran raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t think it’s working.” She said quietly, before offering Naul a quick smile, tapping her paper against her other hand even as the color began to fade from her cheeks.

“Well, as delightful as this lesson has been, I must really be off. Professor Siortani, I am sure we shall catch up again soon enough.” Offering him a small bow, she looked back at the passive and nodded.

“Good day, young man.” Athrym said in a clipped tone, unable to deny the frustration that his appearance had caused, but unwilling to take it out on him. It was, afterall, possibly not the best of places to have….personal relations. Turning on her heel, the ambassador made a hasty exit, heels clicking on the polished floor. As she disappeared from their view, her pale lips drew into a wistful grin, dimpled cheeks flushing again as she relieved the brief interlude with the tall red head. Perhaps she would visit him again later. It made sense. She would need to speak with him about timing for their tutelage.

Yes, tutelage. That’s what you’ll be coming to see him about.

Her blush darkened at her own self-deprecating thoughts, pushing the doors to the wing open and taking the stairs rapidly. Smoothing her hair, she lifted her chin and put a far less goofy smile on her face, making her way to the Living Wing. At least there she could find something to focus her mind on, rather than the warmth of the junior professor’s lips or the brush of his hands on her knees.

Clocks. Damn passives.