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Re: [OPEN] Evolutionary Gaps And How To Aggrivate Them

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 3:54 pm
by Ezre Vks
The Lawn
24th of Ophus, 2718
The younger Gioran carried burdens that Ezre was simply not in the right state of mind to address, but he paused none the less, dark eyes studying the albino boy for a moment without any noticeable shift in his otherwise unreadable expression. If there was a hint of concern in the Hoxian's field, it was there without his bidding, a weakness in his youthful rhakor, a sign that he was, in fact, still young and far from mastering himself.

Dressing for the wintery Ophus weather was a welcome distraction, however, and Ezre was the least layered of the unlikely trio, far too used to the harsh, mountainous northern Kingdom of Hox to find mild Anaxas weather worth bundling up for. He listened while Lilanee described their would-be opponents, having already passed his own judgment on their capabilities as sorcerers. All talk and perhaps some natural talent, but not enough internal discipline to really make anything of themselves other than a nuisance. Admittedly, he knew nothing of the Hessean's and the Gioran's abilities other than what he could caprise in their fields,

"This is autumnn weather if Hox had a autumn. It does not." The tattooed boy offered in defense of his light wool coat, following the other two out of the Cafeteria and trudging quietly across campus with a quiet air of contemplation, strongly desiring to make sure that his motives were truly to honor the gods and not simply to trounce a couple of troublemakers. Ezre was mostly sure, at least, and that would just have to do. Setting others along the right path was the duty of the community, and if doing so happened to be through magical defeat in a duel, then both society and the Circle could be blessed by such an offering.

Greeted by a crowd, aware that over Winter Break there was very little other entertainment for the remaining students save that which they made for themselves, the Hoxian couldn't help but smirk at Marissa's impatience.

He at least managed to set his bag down before the first syllables of Monite were even uttered. Dueling in Anaxas was so informal, especially outside the bounds of League rules and regulations. Here on the Field if Practical Application, Brunnhold youths rarely had a sense of ritual or formality as if they were above it somehow. Freckstat students, Hoxians in general, would have been horrified. Ezre simply accepted it for what it was, adding it to the list of things he missed about home.

At first glance to the outside observer, it would have appeared that Ezre was taking his time on purpose, perhaps out of fear or hesitance, but instead he waited to further observe, feeling the shift of the various types of mona between Lilanee and Marissa, caprising Janse's field, caprising the fields of the other two students who'd joined their little group of bullies, and carefully gathering his own as if he was cultivating some precious garden.

He didn't waste time, however, stepping in between Lilanee's weak counterspell and returned Anesthetic, speaking his spellwork with an almost enviable air of calm, seeking to reach into the mind of Janse first and the others if he could manage, the Perceptive mona thick in his field washing over them like a frigid wind, biting through their fleshly outer shells and crawling into the inner recesses of their truest selves.

Even as he was casting, aware that effective Perceptive spells took time, Janse and a tow-headed lackey were bringing their counters, the taller ginger jumping straight into the student-favored Lashing and his shorter friend following Eirik's prediction of speaking that comfortable, familiar, single syllable for Push.

Janse & FriendShow
SidekickBOT| Today at 3:18 PM
Muse: 2d6 = (5+3) = 8

Perhaps it was the other boy's chattering teeth or the freckled bully's total overconfidence, but his Monite seemed to thicken on his tongue and the mona obeyed sluggishly, strangely causing the taller Anaxi to immediately break into hives while everyone in their little circle of magical combat felt a brief, sharp lash-like sting crawl over their exposed skin without the normal tell-tale marks left behind in its wake. Ezre winced as he caught the brunt of the spell, deep red lines clawing into his forearms, willing himself to press through. The other boy's push seemed misdirected, thrown off course by the sudden sting, and the force of his Push tossed snow and chunks of dirt up at Ezre while he blinked, staggering backward and scrambling to finish his casting instead of brailing, having used their terrible spellcraft to gain a foothold in the minds of the two other boys and grip their thoughts.

He immediately quipped phrases of very direct, very focused bodily control, familiar with the workings of anatomy as parts of his admittedly morbid choice of study, placing imaginary pressure on Janse's bladder as if he'd forgotten to relieve himself all day while simply requesting to make the other boy lose total sensation in his tongue, severing subtle connection with nerves in order to keep him from casting.

SidekickBOT | Today at 3:30 PM
Muse: 2d6 = (6+4) = 10

It was cruel and humiliating, that much was undeniable when the taller redhead lost control of his own body, unable to keep himself from wetting his own pants as a near-adult galdor there in front of the crowd. As far as Ezre was concerned, it was fitting for a young man who couldn't control their countenance to experience such consequences, and somewhere beneath his own emotionless countenance, it was also just a little funny, honestly. He couldn't help it—there were so few outlets for his impish sense of humor to find expression, after all.

The crowd of students in the cold erupted into giggles, chortles, boos, and harassment aimed at both Janse as well as the Hoxian. The blond boy wasn't sure whether to laugh or step away, however, his tongue no longer obeying his own direction in its sudden, overwhelming numbness.

Re: [OPEN] Evolutionary Gaps And How To Aggrivate Them

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:32 pm
by Eirik Maste
Time Stamp
Breath pulled into Eirik's lungs, his shoulders in a steady rise and fall as the trio made their way towards the Field of Practical Application. When they arrived on the Lawn, the three bullies from before were awaiting them. The Gioran felt a flicker of anticipation. Dueling, while not explored extensively until magic was more thoroughly taught, was something he'd always taken an interest in. Private indulgence into the formalities and practice of dueling had the boy calmer than he expected to be. And yet... there was an electricity in the air. Both Lilanee and Ezre projected their own feelings, bubbled up in their field. Ezre was the picture of calm, his presence a cool focus that the Gioran couldn't ascertain much from. On the other hand, Lilanee was the picture of nerves. She was clearly gripped by the cold and brought it up more than once as they ventured forth. Eirik Maste shrugged his shoulders, raising a hand to ruffle up his own hair as he mused,

"You're the archaeologist, aren't you? It's got to be some evolutionary trait," he teased her as they arrived. Eirik, unlike his teammates or the other side of the conflict, bent his back into a bow. It was only proper to show the practice of dueling the respect it deserved. Even if the people involved were undeserving of any such respect. As if to prove the boy right, immediately the other team began their assault. Monite parted Marissa's lips, and the spell wasn't fully recognized by the Maste child. However, the twisting of Perceptive mona brought him to the realization that countermagic needed to be at the ready. Eirik rose to his standing position, and immediately he recited the familiar verses in Monite in turn.

However, the boy didn't realize that Lilanee was already on top of it. The spell unraveled, and Eirik felt like a fool for not paying attention to his compatriots. A smirk caught upon his features as a surge of adrenaline coursed throughout his body. Ezre and Lilanee took their opponents, engaging them in their own displays of the arcane. Eirik felt the wax and wane of the Mona as it was called and stretched into spell casting. Perceptive mona was ablaze, whirring to and fro as the bunch of students all seemed to share the same proficiency. However, the stocky Anaxi boy in front of Eirik had force pushing down on his shoulders and outward from his presence.

A Physical practitioner? the boy wondered, only to be proven right by the shifting of the mona around the other boy.

Physical Magic (light and heavy push), Counterspell
SidekickBOTToday at 12:45 PM
@Satyr: 3d6 = (1+4+2) = 7

The crackle of spellcraft shifted as the elder boy began his attempt. Eirik listened to his cast, and heard in it a number of familiar words that seemed slurred and broken. The boy spoke too quickly, and the bending of light he attempted instead shifted in his own direction. Eirik arched his eyebrows in surprise, holding back laughter. Clearly, this boy was either far behind in his studies, or the mona rebuked his broken entreatment. The Maste child raised his hand, wiggling his four fingers back and forth in an obvious show of 'Come'. The Anaxi student, with one eye closed from blindness and the other wide with rage, uttered his next spell. This one he uttered correctly, and force far greater than the basic Push the ringleader spoke threw itself forth at Eirik.

The Gioran braced himself, planting his feet firmly on the ground as he attempted his counterspell. The words spoken to enhance the Push threw the scale of the endeavor beyond what the Maste child had dealt with. His countermagic threw forth, his field waxing just as the spell collided with the force. Splintered apart, Eirik received part of that force, focused on his knees which buckled under the attack. Eirik fell forward, but his own string of Monite poured from his lips.

Static Magic (Water and Phase-Change)
SidekickBOTToday at 12:45 PM
@Satyr: 1d6 = (5) = 5

SidekickBOTToday at 1:20 PM
@Satyr: 1d6 = (1) = 1

Water. Eirik Maste felt the particles of Static mona pull forth at his behest. The air began to turn dry and hoarse as the Gioran pulled the particles closer and closer together. The Maste's breath, which drew heavy plumes of steam, no longer seemed to do so as the moisture particles tethered to one another. The moisture convened into liquid, and the Gioran added pressure in his effort to throw the liquid at his opponent. Water knocked the other galdor off balance, slipping on it as it fell to the floor. Eirik's cast wasn't complete, and he continued his utterances in Monite in his effort to solidify the liquid into ice. His throat, deprived of moisture, grew thick with his effort to speak. His words were slurred, and he furrowed his brow as the water just stayed put. The Gioran furrowed his brow as the Anaxi rose to his feet, uninjured but with cheeks flushed heavily with embarrassment.

Oh... well... he trailed off, licking his lips. He tasted salt on the flat of his tongue, and his jaw was uncomfortably lax as he looked over his struggling opponent What next?

Re: [OPEN] Evolutionary Gaps And How To Aggrivate Them

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:15 pm
by Lilanee Kuleda
24th Ophus, 2718
Lilanee winced, along with everyone else, as the Lashing runoff hit them with a slight slap. There were no marks, or at least none that she could see, save for the vile welts that rose on Janse’s skin. Ezre stumbled as snow and sod flicked up at him, though it seemed to barely bother him as he uttered the spellwork that seemed to stop the bodily function controls of both boys before them. An audible gasp came from the crowd, followed by a burst of laughter as Janse fell to his knees, face as red as his hair.

Oh by Ophur, he’d wet himself.

The Hessean glanced at Ezre with a delighted grin. It had been cruel, but frankly so was Janse. Her gaze flicked back to Marissa, who was a deep shade of red and avoiding eye contact with her brutish counterpart. The Hoxian hadn’t hurt them, but he’d made an absolute laughing stock of the taller boy, and that would last. There would be nicknames and rumors and repeated stories for seasons. He’d hurt the boy in the worst possible way.


On the other side, Eirik and the blonde waged their own small battle. Hampered by Ezre’s casting, the blonde boy managed to successfully blind himself with his own Physical light bending, and in an attempt to redeem himself as the Gioran laughed the Anaxi cast another Push spell. Lilanee watched as the pale creature stumbled, resisting the urge to step in—that would be poor form—and instead finding herself fascinated by the boy’s Static counter. The moisture in the air seemed to be sucked out, drying rapidly, and with a literal throw, Eirik downed the Anaxi with a plume of water.

Whatever the secondary component was of Eirik’s spell was, it fell short, his inexperience showing, and Marissa took the floor again. Grasping at the woeful mess Janse had made, the Bastian dragged out the monite for Olfactory Assault, hoping to assult everyone’s senses with the acrid smell of his urine.

Olfactory Assault is a no-go
SidekickBOTToday at 10:49

@Raksha: `d6` = (1) = 1

In a wonderful turn of the cards, the older student missed a syllable, and the jarring sensation of liquid being forced up one’s nose caused everyone’s eyes to water. Marissa tried to correct herself, but it was too late, and the spell wobbled. The area around them waved like a bubble, and suddenly the dark haired woman coughed and dry wretched. It was enough of a gap for Lilanee to cast her own spellwork.

Levitation is a go
SidekickBOTToday at 10:50
@Muse: `1d6` = (6) = 6 (because Muse is lovely and rolled for me)

Lifting her hand, Lilanee uttered the spell carefully, selecting her syllables with care and working with the mona to wrap around Marissa’s legs. Sharply, she shot her hand upwards, and the Bastian squealed as she lifted to hover in the air at least two feet off the ground. Gritting her teeth, the Hessean lifted higher and higher, till the student was floating just above their heads. She held it, breathing steadily as the gravity fought her, until the end of the spell. And like that, she merely let the girl go.

Marissa fell with an oof, landing in a heap of arms and legs on the cold hard ground, the wind escaping from her chest with a woosh. The fourth student stared between Marissa, Janse and the blonde Anaxi, blinked, and raised her arms.

“I’m out.” She said simply, refusing to engage with the trio. It was almost over before it began, Janse a cold stinking mess, Marissa sore and dealing with her unsuccessful casting and the third shivering with cold. If they continued he would no doubt become hypothermic. It was obvious who had won this round of the duel.

“This isn’t over.” Marissa said darkly as she collected herself, gagging from the smells and brushing her wet rump to remove the grass from it. Straighting with some form of lost dignity, the brunette looked down at Janse and the blonde with a sniff, before turning on her heel and stalking away.

“Well! That was invigorating!” Lilanee said with a grin, turning to face Ezre and Eirik whilst dusting her hands. The crowd of students muttered loudly, some of the older ones paying out bets, younger ones still laughing at the urine soaked red head who was ashamedly collecting himself to escape the Lawns.

Now that the bullies were gone, what was there to do.

Tucking a loose curl behind her ear, the auburn haired girl bowed briefly to the boys.

“Thankyou sir’s. That was, admittedly, rather delightfully emboldening. I don’t think I’ve seen Perceptive used to impact someones anatomy like that before, and the drawing of water from the air around us? That was rather impressive. You’re both very good at your Conversation studies.” Pausing briefly, she offered a hand hesitantly, withdrew it, and offered it again to shake in congratulations.

“So uh. You know. Tomorrow. If you feel the need for company, my table is always empty. Always. Like….always. And you’re welcome to sit. Should you want. I mean I understand if you don’t. Marissa will be back eventually no doubt, and Janse…whew…I bet he’s clocking angry with you Ezre. Furious. That will probably haunt him for ever. I—” Pressing her lips together hard, the Hessean winced.

“Sorry. I’ll…I’ll shush.”