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Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Jul 09, 2018 2:33 am
Topics: 4
Race: Passive
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Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:57 am

Rayne Scarlet Winebrook


Nickname: Lyra Neve

Race: Passive Galdor
Birthday: Hamis 7th, 2708
Age: 19
FC Unknown

Family: Sienna
Place of origin: Dorhaven, Anaxas
Current Location: Brunnhold
Occupation: Errand Girl
Diablerie: The air around her catches fire and incinerates anything that happens to be inside the radius.

The Cover

Red waves billow out of control over slender shoulders and an angular face. Her rose lips and dark eyes are set in contrast against pale, speckled, skin. Unlike when she was but a child, weak and spoiled by her Galdor lifestyle, her years in servitude as a Passive have defined her muscles. Standing a mere five feet, hidden beneath clothes too big for her, she’s still a rather delicate looking creature. Unkempt hair gives her a wild, untamed, appearance.

The Pages

Through her years spent as a gated, Ray has become imaginative and open-minded. Depending on the topic, she can be enthusiastic. Analytical and objective, she tends to be insensitive. On her own she’s very withdrawn and absent-minded. Around others, she can seem condescending, even in her own lowly position of servitude. She loathes the rules and guidelines the school has forced upon her, while at the same time, second guesses herself and her view of the world around her.

The Past

Growing up, Ray spent her years surrounded by a loving family, servants, and the lavished lifestyle that came with her families wealth. Wanting for nothing but the excitement of a future full of limitless possibilities. Oh how mother and father filled her little mind with ideas of grandeur and prominence. Trusting in the hopes and dreams that her parents had, she thought it was set in stone. So without the need to worry about her future, her days were carefree and full of adventures.

Wanting company on her adventures, Ray often brought Sienna along. Even as young ad Ray was, she needed somebody to show off to. Somebody to dazzle with her greatness. And when things went awry, somebody to blame it on. She did love her sister, but hated the idea of disappointing their parents even more. To disguise her ulterior motive, she’d fawn over Sienna and do her best to make her feel special. Thankfully it rarely came down to playing the blame game, time and years filling her mind with wonderful memories and mischief.

Whether it was bothering the servants or exploring the land around their parents properties, they could sometimes go all day without seeing their parents. There were always servants nearby who would bring them food when they were hungry. Ray would send them to get and bring back the food since eating indoors was a fuss. Indoors they had a chance of meeting their parents and having to explain why their hair and clothes were so dirty.

As the years went and her time of testing drew closer, at the advice of her parents, she started to distance herself from Sienna a little. They told her that it would make their separation easier. She reluctantly agreed. In the two seasons leading up to her tenth birthday, she spent more time alone and hiding from her sister. Because Sienna knew all their secret places, Ray couldn’t stay hidden for long before her sister would find her. Eventually she found a new place to hide out, away form Sienna. In that place she’d bring books on the theory of magic and stash them their. Thinking herself so mature for trying to read and understand such things in preparation for the school she’d no doubt be attending soon. She held them reverently, afraid and excited as she imagined the day she’d put the information on those pages into use. In the days leading up to their departure her dreams conjured up an image of what she imagined she schools gates would look like, open to her. Waiting for her to step over the threshold into her future and all the amazing opportunities she only needed to grab hold of. She wouldn’t dare dwell on anything but a bright future.


Aptitude Skills
Mental: AveragePhysical: GoodSocial: Poor

Focus Skills


Combat: Angry Knitting: Beginner




Running: Beginner
Knitting: Beginner
Manners: Beginner
Acting: Beginner

Career and Income


She's a simple errand girl. She runs things between people and delivers what needs to be delivered with as much speed as she can muster.

Income: Wealth Level

Gated Passives: Servitude Only.
Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Lives in Brunnhold in a same-sex dorm wing sharing a room with 2-4 other passives.


  • One set of personal clothing (of Poor quality).
  • One uniform.
  • One set of shoes.
  • Heirloom: A delicate bracelet from which a silver bell hangs.


Short Term:
  • Make connections.
  • Cozy up to a friendly Galdor.
  • Take up hobby.
  • Learn more skills.
Long Term:
  • Escape Brunnhold
  • Contact the resistance.
  • Assist the resistance.
  • Make a name for herself.

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