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Mon May 14, 2018 8:13 pm

Name: Naviri
Race: Wick (Spoke)
Birthday: Vortis 38th, 2691
Age: 27
Place of Origin: Manatse, Mugroba
Current Location: Vienda, Anaxas
Occupation: Fortune Teller, Thief, Odd Jobs Dealer
Last edited by Naviri on Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Mon May 14, 2018 8:14 pm

Height: 5’7”

Born with dark hair and electric eyes, Naviri has a haunting appearance, strong and unforgettable. Her skin is lightly tanned, taking on a ruddy coloring when exposed to excessive sun and she is quite comfortable in traditional wick clothing. Skirts often with high slits on either side of her legs, or midriff tops this woman enjoys showing her tattooed skin. This includes both permanent ink, as well as self applied henna. Rings, mostly stolen, decorate her fingers and long necklaces drape over her chest.

Her style varies greatly with each unpredictable mood. As haunty as any Galdori, when money flows well, Naviri will dress up, head held high in fine fabrics. Relaxation calls for less and if working, then Neviri prefers pants and fitted leathers.

Makeup isn’t an uncommon feature in her arsenal, utilizing both eyeliner and or lip stain when the mood strikes. The same goes for dying her hair or any piercings. Currently, her tongue, nose, both nipples and her ears are pierced. Naviri likes adorning herself in decoration. It’s a terrible insult to be called boring, after all.
Last edited by Naviri on Tue May 15, 2018 9:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Tue May 15, 2018 9:16 am

Positive Traits

Neutral Traits

Negative Traits

“The Commander” (ENTJ-A)
If there’s anything Commanders love, it’s a good challenge, big or small, and they firmly believe that given enough time and resources, they can achieve any goal. This quality makes people with the Commander personality type brilliant entrepreneurs, and their ability to think strategically and hold a long-term focus while executing each step of their plans with determination and precision makes them powerful business leaders. This determination is often a self-fulfilling prophecy, as Commanders push their goals through with sheer willpower where others might give up and move on, and their Extraverted (E) nature means they are likely to push everyone else right along with them, achieving spectacular results in the process.

At the negotiating table, be it in a corporate environment or buying a car, Commanders are dominant, relentless, and unforgiving. This isn’t because they are coldhearted or vicious per se – it’s more that Commander personalities genuinely enjoy the challenge, the battle of wits, the repartee that comes from this environment, and if the other side can’t keep up, that’s no reason for Commanders to fold on their own core tenet of ultimate victory.

If there’s anyone Commanders respect, it’s someone who is able to stand up to them intellectually, who is able to act with a precision and quality equal to their own. Commander personalities have a particular skill in recognizing the talents of others, and this helps in both their team-building efforts (since no one, no matter how brilliant, can do everything alone), and to keep Commanders from displaying too much arrogance and condescension. However, they also have a particular skill in calling out others’ failures with a chilling degree of insensitivity, and this is where Commanders really start to run into trouble.

Especially in a professional environment, Commanders will simply crush the sensitivities of those they view as inefficient, incompetent or lazy. To people with the Commander personality type, emotional displays are displays of weakness, and it’s easy to make enemies with this approach – Commanders will do well to remember that they absolutely depend on having a functioning team, not just to achieve their goals, but for their validation and feedback as well, something Commanders are, curiously, very sensitive to.
Last edited by Naviri on Thu May 17, 2018 12:57 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Tue May 15, 2018 9:20 am

Vortis 38th 2691
DATE Introduction to Scrying
DATE Learns to read and write.
DATE Introduction to Stealing
DATE Dance Lessons
DATE First Job
DATE First Kiss
DATE Travel
DATE Travel
DATE Second Job
DATE First Love
DATE Catch First Love Cheating
DATE First Murder
blah blah blah

She was good for more than just parlor tricks and she knew it.

See how the Galdori crush the humans? How they are so quick to dismiss their passives? They fear opposition; a challenge to their society. They ostracize wicks, never allowing them to have a place, and like a dog, the nomads roll belly side up and call it a culture. A culture she was born into, bred from. A full blooded Spoke, Naviri was birthed on the floating city of Manatse in the desert country of Mugroba. It should come to no surprise that Naviri had more freedoms than many other children. Her parents believed in a very hands off style of parenting, their careers in piracy and drifter attitudes keeping the girl alive and little else. Naviri was free to do as she pleased - only ever given direction or discipline when either her mother or father ran out of coin and got some idea that she could become their next big money maker.

This first happened after her fifth birthday. Having been left one day while she slept, Naviri had gone around town, staying in the tents of family friends or stealing to survive, never quite sure if she was abandoned once and for all. It never occurred to her that this pattern was unhealthy or even uncommon, her parents randomly showing up to collect her as if they had gone out for tea and nothing more. Embracing her as they always had, they talked about fantastical stories of a performance they had witnessed on their journey, and how she was to become a professional dancer. While most of their whims passed within the day, this idea lasted years.

After all, why couldn't their beautiful daughter perform with the best of them? Through elaborate string pulling, Naviri's mother got her lessons with every dancer they could - first with other wicks, and even an occasional Galdori. It didn't matter what the skill level, Naviri was to learn something, or at the very least, continue to perfect her physical form. It was a responsibility bestowed upon her, but one she wasn't able to escape. Even when her parents would disappear again, if they returned to find she had not been honing her craft, punishment was severe if not abusive. They gave her every freedom, every opportunity, only asking that she one day dance so beautifully, everyone with a little ging would be thrilled to give it away. She was perfect. She was ideal. But to be ungrateful was unacceptable.

Despite the neglect and demands, they praised her. She was more independent than the other children. Could she not see her own greatness and the risk of letting it pass her by? To be idle was to waste it. Clever. Wicked. Stunning. Graceful. Why was everyone else so content with mediocrity? I didn't take long. When Naviri's parents believed they could profit off her skill, they took her from Manatse, traveling across the seas. Naviri matured during these years, at some point developing the idea that her parents were right - dancing was a means to an end, but it was meant to open doors; not be them. Magic was where true power and wealth lied. She believed she could somehow catch the eye of a wealthy patron, perhaps earn a scholarship and attend Brunnhold. It only made sense as her next step to flawless infamy. Just as she dove into every ambition, she focused on magic, learning as much as she could with limited means.

But when she reached the fateful age of enrollment, having spent every moment of her life trying to be the best - physically, mentally, spiritually, only to be dismissed like a stray on the street...

It did something to the young witch. How dare they look over her! How dare they think she was lesser than them! Magic ran through her veins just as well! Furious and scorned, Naviri believed her parents to be liars and the whole college clearly filled with fools. She has since stopped dancing as a profession, looking for alternative moves for power, and vows to show the opposition what they missed out on. They would realize the mistakes they made.

Last edited by Naviri on Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:23 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Tue May 15, 2018 12:05 pm




Focus Skills:
Clairvoyance: Beginner
Combat (Kickboxing): Beginner
Combat (Guns): Proficient
Magic (Spokes): Beginner
Last edited by Naviri on Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Thu May 17, 2018 9:11 am

Career & Income

Income Level: Average

Naviri never doubts her own abilities and plans things quite carefully, always seemingly three steps ahead. With a history in thievery, from a pickpocket and burglar in her younger years, this Witch has decidedly branched out in her recent endeavors, taking on unethical or questiona jobs others would shake their head at. The most common name for her occupational choices would be bounty hunter or mercenary, but she prefers the title of Wishmaker. Because the work she accepts is under the table, illegal or highly dangerous, the pay can be quite nice, allowing her to live a life style of freedom and limited attachments.

You want something found?
Need something done?

Say no more.

Pirate, assassin, curator, seductress - There is no hat this woman isn't willing to try if the coin is good enough. The question is... how much are you willing to pay?
Last edited by Naviri on Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Thu May 17, 2018 9:13 am

Housing & Inventory

Nomad's Housing Package: Naviri is unfamiliar with the concept of being tied down in any capacity and has opted for keeping her possessions light, usually storing them in an inn or stable while she butters up someone for nicer accommodations. If given a reason to put down roots, Naviri could be persuaded into seeking more permanent residence, but until them, she remains difficult to locate at any given time.

Kint (130sq ft)
Clothing (Coat, blouse, skirt, undergarments, heels)
One set of Weather Gear (Thick coat, pants, undergarments, and a pair of boots.)
Rope (100ft)
Torches (x6)
Lantern & Oil
Fishing Net
Water skin
Rags (x2)

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Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:25 pm

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