Derowen Navenceia

Bitterness & Longing

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Character Sheet: Character Sheet

Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:08 pm

Derowen Eria Navenceia


Race: Galdor
Birthday: Loshis 18, 2717
Age: 23
FC: Liu Wen

Place of Origin: Brunnhold, Anaxas
Current Location: Bad Aisling, Anaxas
Occupation: Plantation Owner

Physical Description


Derowen is taller than many female Galdori at 5’6. Her long hair is styled in loose waves that frame her face without looking like she put in too much effort. Conversely, Derowen spends plenty of time ensuring that her clothing and jewelry is pristine and fashionable. She dresses for the weather but prefers to leave her arms bare to showcase the variety of gem studded jewelry she has collected over the years. Her full lips and almond shaped eyes are highlighted with makeup in natural colors, though she occasionally goes for a bolder look with smoky eyeshadow and deep crimson lipstick. Derowen’s long arms and legs have very little muscle tone due to her time spent in libraries and her green house. Basic exercise ensures that she can keep her figure while indulging in rich foods in the city of Vienda.



When Derowen is alone, it wouldn’t be difficult to characterize her as aloof and brooding. She would never use such words to describe herself and instead sees herself an introspective realist. Derowen’s discontent at her inability to find her place within Brunnhold has festered over the years. As such, her commentary is bitter and filled with a longing for a life that passed her up years ago. A simple mention of her mother’s business is enough to cause anger to flash in her brown eyes, though it quickly cools to mere annoyance. So long as Derowen is busy and occupied by the thoughts of her vineyard and Vienda, she can look towards the murky future and try to plan her place within the world of the Galdori. After a few years of working in the vineyard the personality she lost in her youth has started to return. When she is around friends or deep in the pursuit of one of her hobbies, Derowen can be seen smiling and enthusiastically diving into the subject of her interest. The most noticeable shift in Derowen’s personality occurs when she in a large city. Surrounded by people, shops, and various events, the young Galdor’s loneliness fades away and her optimism and charisma shines through.

Like others of her race, Derowen pities the passive workers that she employs. They would never feel the joy of practicing magic or the prestige that came from attending University of Brunnhold. As such, her passive workers as given better than average housing and more time to pursue their own interests. While Derowen is not openly hostile to humans, her disdain is apparent in how she addresses them. Instead of insulting them, she mocks their inept and uneducated attempts to survive in roundabout ways. Her fear of the Resistance and other covert activity has made it all but impossible for Derowen to sympathize with the plight of the beleaguered humans. The galdor pays little attention to the wicks in her presence and sees them as little more than a convenient source of trade goods for her business.


Derowen was born into a family obsessed equally with academics and prestige. Her father was an eternally busy and eccentric academic who taught physical conversations at the University of Brunnhold. Derowen's mother provided a modicum of balance and stability while she awaited shipments of new gemstones and metals for her jewelry crafting business. During the seasons when both of her parents were devoted to their work, Derowen and her older brother were left to their studies under the watchful eye of a host of tutors and passives. It was expected that the duo would be more than content with this arrangement as they were given free reign to study any subjects that were of interest to them. Even with the endless choices presented to them the majority of the texts her parents brought home were a subtle nod to their chosen professions. Derowen's brother manifested an interest in physical conversations early in life and spent much of his time asking questions about gravity and light to the delight of their father. While such concepts were exceedingly difficult to explain in conversation, father's name spent many hours outside of lecturing to demonstrate various principles through experimentation. Derowen's mother attempted to dazzle her daughter with the glamorous life of a highly sought after merchant. Derowen was taken to extravagant events and shown how thankful families were when her mother crafted a perfect moon-centric heirloom that could be passed down for generations to come.

Inundated by the thinly veiled criticism and disappointment of all but her brother, Derowen spent many of her free hours wandering the city of Brunnhold. Her walks were mostly silent, punctuated by an occasional chat with a merchant or foray into the outside edges of the University's famed western gardens. Derowen felt at home in the gardens and the influence of the meticulous gardeners swayed her into the realm of natural magic.

As expected, Derowen passed her coming of age ceremony shortly after her tenth birthday. While her score would have been fine in less ambitious Galdori families, her parents were far more interested in the progress of her brother. It was apparent that he would carry on the Navenceia name and follow in his father's footsteps - anything that Derowen managed to accomplish was a bonus. During her ten years at the University of Brunnhold, Derowen could never shake the feeling that she needed to be elsewhere. Many hours of writing in her diary and researching maps of Anaxas were for naught - she could do little more than express a distinct displeasure with the world of academia.

Shortly after completing her studies, Derowen confided in her mother about her desire to travel. While the young Galdori had expected some resistance, she was taken aback by how strongly her mother reacted. A family meeting was called in the evening and it was pointedly explained that the reputation of her mother's business would be at risk if Derowen made any missteps in her journey. Additional considerations were brought to the table - what if she was captured by the humans working with the resistance? Her mother had definitely heard of that happening to a client's daughter. Her brother was the first to sense that Derowen was close to the brink of simply leaving - even if it meant being cut off from the family fortune and the only life she had known. He offered her the family plantation that he had inherited as the eldest child. The vineyard was located just outside Vienda, near a small town called Bad Aisling. The Tangled Vine Winery had accumulated debt after years of overgrowth threatened to swallow the grape vines and their trellises. Derowen had visited the vineyard and her youth and secretly dreamed of owning the plantation later in life. She had been too afraid to ask about the future of the vineyard and instead devoted her time to working with the plants within the University.

Her parents were astounded by the idea and praised her brother for his quick thinking and generosity. Derowen accepted without thinking - careless of the fact that it would take many years of failure before she produced a wine that was good enough to sell to the cultured Galdori in Brunnhold.

Currently, Derowen tends to the vineyard and does her best to fill the void left by the loneliness and longing that plague her. While the Tangled Vine was an escape from academia and Brunnhold, she still struggles with the feeling that she hasn't found a place in Anaxas that is truly her own. The many seasons spent alone have led to her missing city life. Derowen makes occasional trips to Vienda in order to sell her wine and catch up on the events that occur in the capital. More than anything, Derowen fears that her current state will lead to her becoming a near replica of her mother - a merchant who is only concerned about the ledgers and praise of those who adore her products.
Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Professional (Trade): Beginner
Professional (Agriculture): Proficient


Magic (Living): Beginner



Career and Income


Derowen owns the Tangled Vine Winery and manages the affairs of the plantation from her home just outside the town of Bad Aisling. She can be found picking between different varieties of grapes, testing the progression of aging wine barrels, or offering wine tasting sessions to interested visitors. As the sole proprietor of the winery, Derowen strives to sell her wine in Vienda and beyond so that her business will be known across Anaxas.

Income: Wealth Level

Average - Paying off the costs of reviving the family plantation

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Plantation

1/4 acre of land outside of Bad Aisling, Anaxas that contains a small vineyard, a wine processing factory, and 1000 square foot stone house. The vineyard produces two varieties of red grapes for the purposes of making Syrah and Zinfandel wines.

The main floor (400 sq foot) is Derowen's home and office. The basement (400 sq foot) is a near replica of Derowen's living space with less amenities. The passive workers and her foreman are housed in the basement where they can cook and see to their own needs during the non-working hours. The remaining space of the house is dedicated to a small sunroom that faces east. This room is utilized as a partial greenhouse to test new cultivars and practice living magic.


Derowen's Inventory
1 set of clothing
1 set of Toiletries: Soap, A comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste
1 Ox
1 Wheel Barrow
1 Tinderbox
Derowen's pet - A small songbird named Eia

Plantation Inventory
1 team of passive workers
1 human foreman
1 carriage with mount and coachman
1 passive tutor (Professions: trade & agriculture)


Derowen wishes for the Tangled Vine Winery to be respected and hopes that her reputation as a successful merchant will give her a measure of clout in Vienda and beyond.

She also wishes to make personal connections and friendships in Vienda so that she isn't left wondering if she should return to Brunnhold.

Lastly, Derowen is seeking that mysterious something that will fulfill her and ease some of the bitterness that has taken root in her heart. Perhaps she needs love, spirituality, or time to practice her magic. Time will tell.

Thank youShow
To Sednai/Palis for finding this wonderful FC for me <3 & to Tommy for bringing me back into the fold and not giving up on me.

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