Elora Thedan

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Elora Thedan
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Jun 24, 2018 7:16 pm
Topics: 1
Race: Writer
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
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Wed Jun 27, 2018 1:02 am

Elora Thedan


Race: Galdori
Birthday: Bethas , 40, 2696
Age: 20
FC: Lululeika Ravn Liep

Place of Origin: Vienda, Anaxas
Current Location: Vienda, Anaxas
Occupation: Graduate, Intern, Socialite, & wanna-be explorer

Physical Description


Like most children of Anaxas, Elora carries the trademark red hair of Anaxi galdori. Her body, while lithe and weak boned, does not do justice to the impressive mind hiding behind the weak facade of a body that she was given. Elora uses her frail, petite form to her advantage, letting others make assumptions about her appearance, never questioning the razor sharp tongue she possesses, or the inquisitive brown eyes that seem to notice everything going on in a room.

The cold and proud demeanors of her mother and father have rubbed off on Elora, and the girl carries herself proudly, her prideful appearance making her seem taller than her real height. In reality, Elora is small for her age, frail looking due to years of sickness. As a child, her parents feared that she would not be able to go away to school, seemingly showing rare kindness for their sick daughter. Yet, at the age of 9, she recovered, in a way that the doctors claimed was magical. Even so, the effects of sickness have lingered, years later, leading her body to be underdeveloped, tiny, and frail.

Even with these aliments to her appearance, Elora dresses in rich dresses and gowns, refusing to admit that they do not fit well with her childlike stature. She stands tall and proud, and one could almost delude themselves into thinking she looks pretty, beautiful even, in her dresses. Of course, Elora does not think that of herself, but stands with a head held high, even when her gut screams at her to run away.

Her face is long and oval-like, strands of straight reddish blonde hair covering most of her ivory skin. Skin pale and plain, Elora is just average. She is not a beauty, but she is not ugly either. To enhance her average features, Elora can normally be spotted wearing light makeup to bring out her features, but never wears too much of it, afraid of looking as superficial as her mother.



Elora has always been odd. A naive child, she was once caught playing with a human that wandered through the streets, not knowing any better. Rumors followed in her footsteps, and when she fell sick at the age of 7, there were rumors she had been poisoned by her parents, who did not want a daughter as strange as Elora in their bloodline.

Yet she survived. As an adult, Elora has learned to be manipulative, to be cunning enough to act normal, to act like she fits in. While she does not associate with any passives, humans, and wicks, Elora still feels more attracted to their lives than the glamoured-up life of the galdori, however adept she sometimes proves at maneuvering her way through life with lies and fake smiles. Constantly reminding herself of the rules of society, Elora is unable to understand just how the life of a galdor works. Her parents have always taught her to be perfectly poised, prideful, and polite, yet all of Elora rebels against her parents rules on the inside, while trying to be the perfect daughter on the outside.

The woman truthfully wishes nothing more than to escape from the life of politics and ambitious know-it-alls, and wants to learn more about the world. She sometimes lets this side of her slip in conversation, often when others bring up humans and their strangeness. While not a sympathizer, Elora is fascinated by humans and wicks, wondering if their society and customs are easier to fit into.

Not only interested in lesser creatures, Elora has a deep passion for exploring, and her passion to "escape" the dull world around her sometimes rubs off, as well, to which she will get flustered about, still attempting to hide her true self under layers of polite perfection, just as her parents want.


They called her their flower when she was born on the last day of Bethas. She was a miracle, born to a mother who was unable to give birth to children before Elora, and a father who was busy with work, but ready for the life of a parent. Yet, they did not love their little flower the way they thought they would. They only loved the idea of a complaint child to carry on the family legacy, to look pretty and stand next to them at dinners. Her mom and dad did not anticipate the screaming, the crying, the sheer exhaustion that having a child provided. The two grew tired of their daughter quite fast, and left her to her own devices, only showing love and affection for her at the galas and balls that she frequently visited, as her parents made an attempt to parade her around.

But without proper care, flowers can wilt, a lesson Elora learned the hard way.

From a young age, Elora's mother taught her to be polite, to think outside of the box, to be a true lady. These lessons never had any sway on the thoughts or mind of Elora, who spent most of her time outside, playing on the streets of Vienda. When her parents found her playing with a human girl, they went a little crazy. As per usual, her mother gave the girl a lecture on the superiority of galdori, and how Elora shouldn't associate with those below her. Of course, the main topic of the conversation was that Elora should know better. Yet, the girl refused to heed her mother's words, insisting that the human was her friend with the innocence and fervor of childhood.

This was the first time Elora saw her mother truly angry, face heated, and brown eyes enraged. She declared Elora not a daughter of her's, while her father watched with an impassive face. Only days later, Elora got her first taste of the sickness that immobilized her for years. No healers were allowed to visit her, and the girl was kept away from the rest of the world, confined to her bedroom. Her parents claimed the sickness was under control, and that they had healers coming to visit her that were from out of city. Yet nobody was allowed into the girl's room, not even the foreign healers her parents claimed were coming, and thus, the Thedan girl became a figure of legend, her red hair and inquisitive eyes locked away from the public for almost three years. Yet, the day before her tenth birthday, the girl remarkably recovered. To this day, Elora believes she was poisoned by her mother, as the remarkable recovery was just days before being tested for school, and there was no healing involved in her recovery. To her parents, having a sickly daughter was better than having a daughter who could make a fool of herself in public, and keeping her contained until she was of age was a perfect solution to their woes of having a daughter who wouldn't listen.

Elora passed the initiation into Brunnhold and scored highly, to her parent's elatement, and the shock of most who knew the the girl before her sickness. The shy, skinny girl who stepped through Brunnhold's doors, dedicated to her studies and hardly able to talk to others without bursting into tears or coughing loudly was a strange difference from the friendly girl who played with humans, and always smiled at dinners, making faces and playing with her food.

Elora floated through school, never making friends, just sticking to her studies and her silence. Try as she did, the struggles of other children did not interest the girl. She did not care for their study groups, their worries, nor their ideas. All she cared about was getting into her parents good graces again, yet they never replied to her letters. After years of school, and no reply from her parents, Elora learned to watch the people around her, in an attempt to learn more about people, and to make some friends. She became good at manipulating conversations and adept at lying and pretending to be something she was not. Even so, she still pushed away from the other students, mind still lost in a different world. Her thoughts did not lay with the mona, nor with the humans or wick. All Elora thought about was exploring, to prove herself to her parents in a way that was different, that wasn't by just working for them and going to parties.

After graduating, the girl planned to adventure to different parts of the world around her, escaping the bitter loneliness of life, but her parents had other plans. While they had been emotionally detached, rude, and even callous during her childhood, things were going to be different as an adult. Elora was now of an age to gain wealth and power for her family, which meant she was back in their good graces. Her parents shoved the girl into the word of socialites head first, making her intern under her father's business, declaring she would one day inherit the family business.

All the plans of escape that Elora had built up for years dissipated, hidden under layers of wary excitement to be involved in her parent's lives again, to prove herself. Yet, after a few months of interning, Elora's cravings for escape and adventure grew again, and now she finds herself trapped in a life she finds dull, trying vainly to fill the expectations set on her shoulders by her parents.
Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills




Magic (Static)- Proficient* (Dropped a focus skill to increase to Proficient)
Magic (Perceptive)-Beginner


Profession (Intern) - Beginner

Career and Income


Elora works as an intern for her father, who is a wealthy business man. From this job, Elora has become quite adapt at bringing drinks to others, and is attempting to learn her father's trade and is also attempting to emulate his easy-going personality when it comes to customers, as it seems that she will someday inherit his company.

Income: Average

As an intern, Elora does not receive much money, but her parents pay for most of Elora's possessions. They only give her money for what is needed, nothing more, nothing less. It is more of a business arrangement than the love of parents, but Elora takes the money anyways, storing most of it away for the future.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: City Dwelling

Elora lives in an apartment paid for by her parents. It is not lavish, but it is comfortable enough, and has a homely vibe to it. The apartment is often messy, as Elora seldom receives guests, and does not feel the need to clean.


Starting Package:
  • One set of clothing
    One set of toiletries: soap, a comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste
    One water skin
    Two sets of eating utensils
City Dweller Galdori:
  • Access to a carriage. Any other mount must be bought or approved to start with by a moderator.
    Access to up to four full outfits of clothing.
    Access to a range of passives who will meet the PC's needs and requests.
    Access to tutors/trainers in appropriate Focus Skills. If in doubt, please send a moderator a PM.
  • Work Clothes
    Fancy Clothes
    Traveling Clothes
    Casual Clothes


- To finally make some connections that aren't fake, and are able to last
-To explore the Kingdom and become a well known explorer
- Learn more about the Lesser creatures like humans and wicks

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