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Penelope Clarke

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:02 pm
by Penelope Clarke
Penelope Clarke


Race: Passive
Birthday: Roalis, 30 2694
Age: 25
FC: Rosie Tupper
Place of Origin: Vienda, Anaxas
Current Location: Brunnhold, Anaxas
Occupation: Gated Passive
Player Name: LoriRavenheart

Physical Description


Penelope is a petite creature, standing only at 5’4. She has soft, doll-like features, from her plush lips, to her long eyelashes, and her overall lithe build. Pale, due to never leaving Brunnhold’s halls, the passive can often be seen on her tippy toes or stool garnishing or decorating various dishes. A soft expression graces her features as green eyes are filled with hope of a liberating future.

The only scars that cover her form would be on her dainty fingers. A littering of burn marks can be seen on the back of her hand from her earlier days learning about the kitchens. Now, she is much more careful, and she sees each mark as a source of pride in her progression from scullery maid to an actual cook or baker.

Otherwise, her form is clear of any scars, showing that she was either a soft-spoken individual or a quick learner. She takes great care of her belongings, finding the powdery blue to be just as much of a life sentence as a liberation seen through the windows of the daytime sky.
Penelope’s diablerie is an olfactory assault on the senses, a powerful fragrance of roses, that is shortly followed by the accompaniment of rose thorns. Vines materialize from thin air, from the very walls and wrap around arms and legs of those nearby. These vines begin to bloom like with vibrant roses, and those ensnared may think they are suffocating on both the hold and aroma of these powerful flowers.

The effects vary from time to time. Sometimes, mental pains can result in a headache, or other times the scent just lingers for ten minutes or so afterward. Other times, the assault is swift. It honestly depends on Penelope’s constitution on that day. While the onslaught of mirage and reality merge, the passive experiences a blinding headache, dizziness, that ultimately results in her fainting. Once she faints, the magic dissipates, leaving the haunting smell of roses in the nearby air.



Penelope is a kind soul, one that constantly strives for achievements despite her confinement as a passive. She is very friendly, eager to converse with many of the other passives that live within the University. However, she is guarded when it comes to dealing with the galdori, especially as they had shown her at a very young age that she didn’t belong. Yet, she is hopeful that her personality alone might be able to charm them, or at least prevent her from meeting their ire. Obedient to a fault, it may surprise others to find that Penelope has a mischievous side to her that she reveals once she is comfortable with others around her.

As she often works in the kitchens, she is very creative, often longing to become one of the professional chefs herself. A foolish dream, she knows, one that she will never voice, but with her actions it’s obvious where her dreams lie. Her creativity has also allowed her to adapt to life within Brunnhold, especially with her vivid imagination. Instead of the cruel reality of being abandoned, she likes to pretend that she was sent here to learn to bake and calls herself Rose amongst the rest of the passives.


Born to Charlotte and Henry Clarke, Penelope had expected herself to have a comfortable life. She had been adored by her parents, raised within a close-knit family, and they had high hopes for her when it came to her education. With a little sister expected to be on the way, the young blonde had hopes for the future to meet her baby sister and do well in the University. Both dreams that never came into fruition. When she went through the examination, she had seen the frown that graced the proctor’s features and had heard the whispers. She was a passive. To add salt to the wound, her father placed his hand on her mother’s growing belly and said without even addressing her that there would be another one. Effectively disowned at ten years of age, her life as a galdori ended.

However, with that tragedy, so did her life as a passive begin. Working a variety of jobs, first as a maid cleaning parts of the school, Penelope found herself in the kitchens. Discovering that she had an aptitude for cooking, she was transitioned to the kitchens where she assists the chefs and passives. It took some time for her to learn her way about the kitchen, but now she has confidence in that area. In fact, if she one day became liberated from the University, she would like to start her own restaurant. A dream that will probably never come true, but even as she adds piping to a well-designed cake, she can imagine the possibilities.
Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills




Estuan (fluent)
Tek (Conversational)




  • Maid (Proficient) – She is decent with maintenance and household chores. She started out in this position shortly after working as a general maid. Beginning with cleaning dishes and laundry, the woman has eventually moved on to other parts of the kitchen.
  • Cook (Proficient) – She has worked in the kitchen for quite a few years, starting with cooking and moving onto baking. She is beginning to learn more advanced cooking and baking techniques.
  • Server (Beginner) – She has recently begun serving tasks between her duties in the kitchen. Thus, she is a beginner.

Career and Income


Cook/Baker. Although Penelope has worked as a servant, she is now more specialized. At the present she works in the kitchens but may be removed if necessary.

Income: Destitute

Penelope is a gated passive.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Passive Dormitory

Penelope lives with all the other passives in the dormitories at Brunnhold.


  • Standard set of Brunnhold passive uniforms.
  • Standard set of aprons.
  • Standard issue of toiletries.
  • A worn teddy bear that she received as a gift from her parents.


Penelope has long term goals of one day starting her own restaurant. Although unrealistic, she longs to be recognized for her talent and not just seen as a second-class citizen.