Boston Brilliant

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Boston Brilliant
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:04 am
Topics: 4
Race: Human
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Nate
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:01 am

Boston Brilliant


Race: Human
Birthday: 27th of Dentris, 2694
Age: 24

Place of Origin: Unknown
Current Location: Vienda
Occupation: Inventor/Salesperson

Physical Description


Boston Brilliant is a young man and looks to be just so. His face does not lack maturity, however, there is a youthful air about him. His hair is a lighter shade of black, almost an ash color, and while it is kept clean in terms of washing it, his hair is almost always unkempt and uncombed. He rarely takes the time to actually brush it which results in a rather funky hairstyle, often resembling bedhead. Despite his best attempts to grow some, he lacks all signs of facial hair, though one day he hopes to have an amazing beard. His eyes are a greenish hazel color and they seem to have a certain spark to them whenever he’s inventing or immersed into an interesting conversation.

In terms of his body Boston is rather average. He doesn’t stand particularly tall, though he isn’t short, he stands to be about 5’9 or 6’0, maybe 6’1 if he’s wearing the right kind of footwear. He doesn’t lack muscle, but he certainly isn’t known for them. He is a bit on the skinnier side, though not to the point of malnourishment, rather when he gets involved with a project he’ll often times forget to eat. He doesn’t seem to have any form of birthmark or scarring, however he does have a tattoo on his left hand. The tattoo depicts a box with an intricate design that doesn’t seem to mean anything. In the center of this design there is a keyhole marking.

When it comes to attire Boston doesn’t seem to have a large diversity of things to wear. He usually is wearing a pair brown pants with several pockets sown into it, held up by some suspenders. His shirt is a simple white color, though the sleeves are usually rolled up to be about elbow height. Over his shirt he also wears a brown vest, two pockets on the chest level and then two on each side. Boston is a man who likes his pockets. He also is usually wearing either one of two pairs gloves, the first being thick leather gloves which he uses to handle hotter or more unstable inventions or a pair slim black, fingerless gloves when he needs more precision. Around his neck he also wears a necklace, a thin chain with an old metal key attached to it, though that is almost always tucked beneath his shirt. His last piece of attire is a rather worn-out looking pair of goggles which are almost always on his person, either covering his eyes, or moved upward towards on his forehead, though this only worsens his bad hair.




Boston Brilliant is, well, not strange, but, unlike most of his inventions, not all of his screws are there. Eccentric isn’t the right word for it, instead he just has a few odd habits. He’s quick to get excited, usually about new inventions, but also about more mundane things like a new well or store or garden or really anything new. He’s easily impressed and awestruck by really anything. He’ll often come up with several strange ideas for how to solve a problem before actually offering up good advice or a good idea, though he always means well with his strange ideas. Generally speaking, he wants to help people and for his inventions to have a good use, but that doesn’t stop him from inventing completely useless things. Those tend to be the most fun.

In terms of his opinion on races and society and that whole spiel, he’s rather indifferent, so long as he has the freedom to invent, he doesn’t really mind the state of the world. Yes, it would be nice to have some more rights and equality, but he can invent, so he won’t complain. That doesn’t mean he can’t be convinced to help a cause, but whatever that cause is it’s yet to be determined.


Boston isn’t really sure where he was born, nor does he hold an interest in finding out. He knows that his story began when a strange masked woman by the name of Belle Brilliant found him out in the wilds. He always assumed his real parents were nomads and something must have happened to them, but he was lucky to have been adopted by Belle. Belle was a kind woman who had apparently adopted a few people in her time, though Boston only met one of her adopted children, a kind Wick who was training to be alchemist.

Belle had trained Boston in her own trade, inventing. Most of her money was made by selling said inventions, but she mainly taught him how to invent different gadgets and gizmos. In addition to teaching him how to invent and how to run a business, she also taught him how to fight, at least to some small degree. It was important to keep one’s mind sharp, as well as their body. Though, most of the teaching involving the body involved Belle beating up Boston, he never won a single spar against her.

During his time training and learning from Belle they traveled a lot, Belle believing it was important for an inventor to travel the world and see what people needed and wanted, plus it just helped the creative process to travel. Boston saw a great many places and still tries to travel when he has the funds to. He is quite fond of Northern Tor and Dorhaven. The only place he has really yet to venture is the west, though he’s hoping one day to take a trip out that way and see the land.

Recently, Belle has left her shop, Belle’s Brilliance, in Boston’s care while she is away on a business trip that she didn’t really explain all that well to him. So! As he waits for her return, the shop is his. It has been signed over to him and he does what he can to keep it running, selling inventions he was taught to make and spending his free time trying to make new ones. While he hasn’t made anything truly groundbreaking yet, one day he hopes to make something that’ll really change the world.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Unarmed Combat (Beginner)


None whatsoever!


Inventor (Proficient)
Business (Beginner)

Career and Income


Boston invents a large series of different gadgets and gizmos and other devices, then sells them! He does take requests as to what to build, so long as they provide payment for the material, as well as a worker’s fee. He can build explosives, though people need to provide him with some form of permit to use them.

Income: Wealth Level

Average! Most of his money was inherited from Belle, same goes for his home.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Boston’s home is on second floor of his place of business. .


-A few sets of clothing, including gloves and goggles
-Water Canteen
-Eating utensils
-Heirloom Key
-Tools for inventing, screwdriver, wrench, hammer, tweezers, etc.
-Several different kinds of inventions, though he usually leaves those in his place of business
-He usually carries a few small explosives on him, not enough to cause damage to his surroundings, but rather just leave a few marks on someone.


In terms of the short-term goal, Boston promised Belle that he would expand the shop and make it bigger, get a bigger workshop so they could invent larger things as well as just have more space to work in, they’re rather cramped now. In terms of the long term goals, Boston wants to his inventions to change the world for the better. He wants to make an impact on society and be remembered for something.

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