Voron Griofa

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Voron Griofa
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:35 pm
Topics: 2
Race: Galdor
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
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Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:42 pm

Voron Gríofa


Race: Galdor
Birthday: Roalis, 15 2689
Age: 29
FC: Sang Woo Kim

Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Vienda
Occupation: Seventen

Physical Description

Short, even for an Anaxi galdor, he stands 5'3" tall his has a pale tone to his skin that comes from keeping it covered most of the time. Even still he is out enough, his face and hands have a deep yellow undertone. His high, angular cheekbones and narrowed eyes give him an expression that is often taken as serious even when he is just relaxed. His body is lean, but he keeps up well with his exercises and workouts, making sure to stay in top physical form. His eyes are a green tinged hazel that gives them a color that his body lacks. When at work he tends to dress in formal, yet plain colors that allow his eyes to have a piercing feel to them. His choice in clothing depends on the event, it is nearly always professional and practical, though at times he'll dress up or down if the occasion calls for it.


Quiet and observant, he was raised by a family that knew well what it was to be in the social eye. He never thrived in it much himself and learned to listen. He can be found as a hanger on at most social functions. Direct and to the point he is not the kind to muddle around in social niceties to the impediment of what he wishes to do. At the same time he understands their place and observes them. The possible execption is when it comes to humans, to them he is outwardly cold and forcibly polite often barely observing the requisit niceties if even that much.


Born to his parents, he had a promising life ahead of him. Both parents amoung the elite of galdori society, both held profesions as doctors as well as significant social standing. The held well to the ways of honor and tought him to falue culture and inteligence both. Making sure he focused both on his cultivation of culture, literature, the arts, as well as making sure that he held to the studies of a more intellectual nature. His childhood went fairly smoothly and as he devoted himself to the pursuits his parents set ahead of him with diligence he found little time to spend with those his own age outside of what he considered to be wasted unstructured time. As he got into his young teens, his parents recognized this and began to suggest activities that would help to teach him to work with others and to understand that his societal standing was as important as personal ability. Teambuilding camps and a couple years of trips with other influential families of the area helped him to learn how their society worked. The trips to nearby kindgdoms also helped him to see that perhaps the way that things were different in other places. Something interesting to be sure, though not something that pulled him away from his chosen studies. He had decided, like his parents he would learn the arts and sciences of healing. That was until only a few months later his mother died, Murdered.

At first it was kept from him how, but overhearing it being talked out about it turned out his mother was killed while on a trip to Old Rose harbor to collect something that could not wait to come upriver with the rest of things. It was in that day his pursuits changed. He was going to make himself into something that stopped this happening to anyone else. He hadn't had a plan or direction, He started working out thinking to join up with the Seventen and he could make a difference. He did not abanon his studies, but certainly they took a back seat to his efforts to get himself healthy. In two years time he applied for and joined the ranks of the Seventen. Going through the full traditional seven years of training. Voron came out of it with a drive to do some good in the world. He knew Old Rose Harbor was where he wanted to be assigned, but had since learned that was something that was not possible, so he chose to stay in the capitol. Working in the Capitol he would strive to do what he could to succeed in his duties to rise to the point where, one day, he might be in a position to change things about that.

His efforts as a guard patrol member were adequate and his paperwork exemplary. He had a keen mind that helped him to progress when others didn't as much. When it came to magic, however, he found there were advantages to focusing on the conversation of clarivoyance. Though he had not taken much time to develop it he showed an inate aptitude for being able to pull from it what was accurate and not, as well, in many respects, where to look next. Some supersticious thought he must have some knowledge of the future, but in reality it was simply a good intuition mixed with deductive reasoning. Still. His father touted his case in many of the social functions, and despite his determination to make it on his own, his fathers overbearing voice saw him advancing quickly through the lower ranks. Through his time there he managed to get bits and pieces of what happened to his mother, from what he could tell she was killed by one of the bad brothers for nothing more than bing in the wrong place at the wrong time. There wasn't anything in the way of facts or proof, but there was enough evidence to know it had to have been a human. It was something he had suspected for a long time and upon learning that he redoubled his work.

With his advancement came appointment to some of the higher profile cases that with them came further advancement and soon he found himself being looked at for the position of inspector. Though he had not get been given that last snap he has made it known that is where his acreer goals lie. The freedom of mobility from there he was sure, would give him freedom enough to discretely look at what was happeing in the Old Rose, that place where his mother had been killed, where the Seventen had so little presence. All he needed was a little bit of dirt out of there on someone with a strong enough political position and he might be able to show them just why the Seventen belonged there. His break came when some Some elements came into the city with the effort of taking infromation to blackmail few of the most social elite in Vienda. He happened to be on the case, and made a point to work with the inspector that was on that case. The crime having happened in an area he was familiar with and moreso one of the persons he had under observation for smuggling had dropped off the radar. Using both talents and gifts he was able to track down the man carrying the information and safely have it recovered from the human that was carrying it. Though on the younger side and lacking perhaps the experience he should have, circumstance lead to him being in the position for an early promotion to inspector. Now just to find the excuse, the reason to look into the goings on there. He knew he'd have to be careful, and bide his time, but he could taste it, his chance was near at hand.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Ranged Weapon: Beginner


Clairvoyance: Beginner


Seventen: Proficient

Career and Income


Investigator often called when crime is expected to be higher in a region or over a period of time he moves from local to local putting out fires.

Income: Wealth Level

Wealthy. He has a solid position in the Seventen and has come from a wealthy family, having learned how to manage money, he is certainly on his way to growing fully into that wealth.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

City Dweller's housing package


four sets of clothing (quality adaptable as per Race, Income Tier, and location. This will include a coat or cloak, shirt or blouse, pants or skirt, undergarments, and a pair of shoes.)
One set of toiletries: soap, a comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste
One water skin
Two sets of eating utensils
Steam powered crossbow
Galdori conviniences


Short term:
Continue advancement in current position, proving its appointment justified
Find evidence of increased crime caused by traders coming upstream from Old Rose Harbor
Establish political connections that will be needed to weather the fallout of any failed investigation for high profile case.

Long Term:
Find and punish Mother's Murderer
Remove Human control of Old Rose Harbor's criminal elements
Advance to Department head of his department.

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