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Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:58 am
Topics: 3
Race: Raen
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
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Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:19 pm



Race: Raen
Birthday: Acthus 11, 2504
Age: 204 years
FC: Dominic Purcell.

Place of Origin: Brunnhold, Anaxas
Current Location: Vienda, Anaxas
Occupation: Business Owner.

The Machine

As a Raen, Zannifer's spirit is currently in possession of a human called Bacchus Larbalestier.

Standing at 6 feet 2 inches, the man is built like a bull both physically and spiritually. With a powerful jaw and unforgiving cold eyes, Bacchus has the poise of a natural leader. Having been working the fields since early in his childhood, Bacchus has always approached work with a strong ethic; work hard, complain less, and you will be rewarded. This has paid for him, albeit leaving him somewhat obsessed with always reaching higher for a better future. In the last years of his life, Bacchus has managed to start his own lumberjack squad, as well as buying the materials to become an independent employer.

Born in humble circumstances, tragedy could not stop Bacchus nor bring him down. Married and waiting for his first born, as well as owner of his own home, perhaps the biggest regret Bacchus has is that of the tainted relationship between him and his sister Circe, who, despite being born in the same household, became radically different as the years passed, to the point of becoming nothing short of strangers. Even with his moderate success and his realistic world view, Bacchus has gathered a fair amount of friends throughout his life, and neither his rough looks nor his shriveled clothes can stop him from being the target of many smiles.

The Ghost

Zannifer has little to no memories of her original life, even her name becoming hard to remember sometimes. However, the personality she once had had remained throughout the endless number of possessions.

Her outlook on life can be summarized with 'everything has its rightful place', and said center belief never leaves her. Emotionally cold and reserved, perhaps eroded throughout the endless death and the passage of years, Zannifer is analytical, realistic, pragmatic and organized. Upon laying eyes on a room, she can immediate tell how to improve the work environment and optimize production for maximum benefit. The same could be applied to individuals she encounters; her attention can detail can immediately identify not only the little quirks of the personality, but also the flaws, big and small, it holds. Her judgmental eye makes her obsessed with fixing everything and anything all at once, be it places, businesses, people or relationships - regardless of what feelings could be hurt or if the result is the most desirable or the most convenient for those involved.

Disconnected from anything relating feelings, especially those of others, Zannifer is as ruthless as the most seasoned, battle-hardened commander. She is not afraid of using violence if its necessary or if it can have the maximum effect in the shortest amount of time. Given her strong personality, Zannifer rarely focuses on pretending to be the body she inhabits, taking control and immediately beginning a sort of reconstruction of the possessed body's life; husbands and wives are criticized and forced to improve, the workplace is forced to maximum efficiency, and friends and acquaintances without any particular use are simply discarded. No matter how many times this has ended in the premature demise of the possessed body, she refuses to subdue her strong will or peel away her arrogance.

Even if she had forgotten this long ago, Zannifer does all this for her twin sister Caraa. Born thirty minutes earlier, Zannifer is the oldest and thus bears the burden of pampering her little sister and protecting her from the dangers of the world from the moment they were born until eternity. Much like her sister, she is extremely dependable on the companionship of her twin soul, even if long-term exposure eventually brings them to absolute hatred.

Authoritarian, intolerant, detached and ruthless, Zannifer is the older sister bent on protecting her little sister from the world

The Fable

Born long ago in the golden craddle of the upper class, the only difference between the two sisters were the thirty minutes in between being born. Zannifer came first, then came her identical twin, Caraa. They grew up together, almost literally. Rarely they were a few feet away from each other, and the most common sight was them holding hands whenever possible. They had an undeniable connection; their minds worked similarly, they found the same things funny, they feared the same. In all sense and purposes, they were completely identical and equal. The first time Zannifer saw his sister laughing with that particular childish joy, she realized something; she was the oldest, and thus she had the responsibility to teach her sister. Thirty minutes was a long time; it could be the difference between life and death. Upon realizing this, Zannifer took it upon herself to take the ills of the world upon herself so that her sister never had to.They were great friends, like most twin sisters. When they had minor disagreements, rare as they were, Zannifer was always willing to take a step back and allow her sister to get the best part.

It all changed the day they were both sent to Brunnhold. Zannifer passed with grade of nine out of ten, while her sister did not pass at all. This was a cataclysmic event, at least for older sister. Not only did they say her dearest sister was an anomaly and an outcast, but they also kept them separate. This was intolerable. Zannifer, responsible and somewhat setting in her pragmatic ways, studied hard during her classes and spent the remainder of her day with her sister in the passive quarter, neglecting any possibility of friendships. Her sister was all that she needed, and she was all her sister needed. As time passed, Zannifer's overprotective nature grew somewhat oppressive. She did not allow her sister to ignore her or to not spend the limited time they had together.

Tensions between the two grew. Zannifer, still unwilling to admit her sister and her were living on different roads, studied book after book in search for an answer to her sister's abnormality. Caraa, never again to be a galdori, was not allowed to develop into her new life due to her sister. Not much is remembered about the fateful night, but there was a heated argument between the two souls. Caraa was emotional, Zannifer was cold. Tears were shed. A few words later, by a party none of the two remember, caused complete hysteria in both of them, Zannifer wielding her weak but controlled magic and Caraa's powerful and wild diablerie, and the two souls that had been born together died together.

Through every possession, the cycle repeats itself; they begin together, but as time passes, tensions grow and death arrives. An eternal cycle of repetition between the two souls that made one mind.

The Prowess


The Finesse


Beginner: Firearms


Lost to time, perhaps to be one day recovered.


Beginner: Union Leader

The Assets


Bachhus has spent his life working in metalworks. Any metal that rasps his hands can be identified and properly shaped to whatever shaped desired. Working metal since he was but a child, Bacchus has always lived in extreme poverty but he never complained. Throughout hard work he managed to become an excellent craftsman. However, his religious beliefs did not allow him to watch as other factory members suffered. Not all of them were as strong as he was. With the support of his coworkers, Bacchus took the responsibility to negotiate with his employers for better conditions. He's still looking for the perfect opportunity to take the first step.

Income: Poor

Bacchus and his wife barely manage to make a living, even if both employed.

The Tools

Housing: Type

Bacchus currently rents an appartment in Vienda, shared with his wife Tamara, although he's saving to buy a house in the outskirts to grant his child a proper home away from the factory life.


The Checklist

The Refrain

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