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Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:38 pm
Topics: 1
Race: Raen
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Bard
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Tue Jul 03, 2018 12:18 pm



Race: Raen
Birthday: Acthus 11, 2504
Age: 204 years
FC: Magdalena Zalejska

Place of Origin: Brunnhold, Anaxas
Current Location: Vienda, Anaxas
Occupation: Journalist


Being a Raen, Caraa's original form is forgotten to time. Even she doesn't remember what she looked like when she was first alive; she couldn't even remember her own name.

Instead, she inhabits the body of Circe Larbalestier. She stands at five feet and eleven inches tall, with long willowy limbs and intelligent eyes. She has long, chestnut brown hair that falls to her mid-back, but she usually keeps it tied behind her head with a black ribbon. She is thin and lithe, though she doesn't work out or maintain her health, she just doesn't eat much. Her eyebrows are such that they always appear to be inquisitive, which is a natural state of being for Circe.
Asphyxiate (Living) - In the radius of a small room, this Diablerie causes all the oxygen into the room to dissipate, pushing it from the area and leaving the 30ft. radius with no way to draw breath. This happens rapidly, and the severe deprivation causes faintness immediately, leaving those caught within to asphyxiate and die.


Circe has always been the type of girl to prefer doing things her own way. Even as a child, she was independent and preferred to go it alone, despite her parents' and her brother's wishes to help her. As she grew, she grew more distant from them, going off on her own instead to pursue her own goals.

She is extremely curious, all the time. If she doesn't know something, she strives to find out the truth and understand it. She doesn't care for physical labour, but will do so if it means she can get to the bottom of whatever it is she is seeking. She is no less determined than her brother, but she goes about her business differently. She prefers to be clever and intelligent, gaining the trust of those around her before she finds the scoop.

She is also determined. She's never been called a quitter, and she didn't intend to start now. As a journalist in Vienda (now), she has been known to follow the story anywhere, even into dangerous territory. Fearless and pragmatic, she knows that whatever she gets herself into, she will get herself out of, one way or the other.

But most importantly, she is fiercely loyal to herself. Not that she doesn't care about others, but above all, she is keen on self-preservation. She knows that the only way to expose the truth is to constantly fight for it, and in order to do so, she has to keep herself first and foremost. Sometimes described as selfish, she will always choose herself over others; over anything except the truth.

The Tale

Inseparable. That's what they were. Zannifer and Caraa were born together, and they grew together. Where you found one, you found the other, always. Zannifer, the stronger and older of the two, would always ensure that Caraa was allowed to be where she was. If Zannifer got something and Caraa didn't, Zannifer shared. Caraa loved her, admired her, aspired to be her... And when they were sent to Brunnhold to take their Exam, Caraa was flooded with excitement that the two of them would share the same talent, the same proclivity for a Conversation type, and that they would spend their ten years at the University as close as ever.

Fate had other plans.

Zannifer, the strong and older sister, scored a nine out of ten. Their parents were so proud. They fawned over her score, praising her for her raw magical talent, even at her young age. When they found out about Caraa's score, though, they were horrified. Their daughter, a scrap... A passive. No, it was too much to handle. Rather than keep Caraa at home and suffer the shame of living with an inhibited daughter, they gave her to the University to be put to work. If she couldn't produce any monite, perhaps they could still teach her to be useful.

Living in the same-sex dorms, Caraa found Zannifer there as often as not, and at first, she loved it. Even though she was less than her peers, Zannifer saw Caraa still as her little sister, and that meant the world to Caraa. She loved spending time with her sister, who taught her everything she was learning except how to converse with the Mona. Caraa was so grateful to her sister, and they spent all their free time together.

And then Zannifer demanded they spend all their free time together. Caraa wasn't particularly popular, but she had started to make other passive friends, and Zannifer wouldn't allow it. The two would often sit there, in silence, as Caraa seethed at her stolen choice. This culminated in an argument where Caraa's Diablerie killed the both of them, suffocating them together. As in birth, so in death.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills




Human, so none


Professional (Journalist) - Professional

Career and Income


As a journalist, Circe is tasked with investigating stories and writing them for periodical release.

Income: Poor

It doesn't pay well.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Apartment

A dingy apartment in Vienda.


Just stuff to live off of.


Become the best journalist in Vienda.

Get to know her brother.

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