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Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2018 9:57 pm
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Race: Human
Location: Charles Barber
: Let me take a look at that.
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Post Templates: Business Plan

Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:27 pm

Charles “Cutter” Barber


Race: Human
Birthday: Roalis, 58 2684
Age: 34
FC: Paul Bettany

Place of Origin: Vienda, Anaxas
Current Location: Brunnhold, Anaxas
Occupation: Physician, Resistance Cell Leader

Physical Description

Cutter stands at about 6’5”, though you wouldn’t know it with the way he leans over his work. He is often focused on his hands, which are always clean and well-manicured. His sleeves are usually rolled back in preparation for some task; otherwise, his clothes are well-tailored but plain, as unassuming as possible without leaving a stray thread. He has blue eyes, fair hair, and a pale complexion, all on a face that scrutinizes whatever it sees. He can be most often found inspecting some person or item in his shop, covering his mouth in thought. Maybe it’s because of his furrowed, deliberate demeanor that he often looks older than he is--or maybe that’s just the burden of every shop owner in a university city.



Though he might claim otherwise, Mr. Barber would never be quite content with a good job and a safe home. Of course he prides himself in his work, a professional until the end, but he is a restless man. There is always some other project, some other problem to solve in the back of his mind while the one before it hangs in the balance. He is not the only man to find comfort in distraction, and neither was he the first to turn his unrest into ambition. It was equal parts luck, honor, and merit that got him where he is today. Anything that threatens to take that away from him is to be destroyed, a rule that was born of a low-burning anger that has only been stoked by his current circumstances. He’ll say that it is his work ethic that makes him abrupt at best, though anyone who talks to him more than once learns not to take it personally. Most of his customers and patients take ease in his efficiency, and the rest can’t exactly afford bedside manner.

Charles is hardly an exception to his race, a typical member of the resistance in Anaxis. He says he believes in equality, but he harbors a cultural resentment for his oppressors and their magic. In his experience, the galdori find little use for his skills and seem to question his intelligence at every turn. Wicks can be useful if they share his sensibilities, though he usually doesn’t have the patience for them. He has never personally met a raen or a passive, though it’s possible he just didn’t know it when he did.


A child bully beaten by dad
Physician’s apprentice, Mr. Fowler
Ghosted by a dear friend, Mr. Brown
Built a business as a barber-surgeon
Joined the Resistance
Started side hustle selling drugs

Charles Harold Barber was born to a pair of domestic servants in the capital of Anaxis, the youngest of three children. He learned quickly enough how to navigate his world, how to quell his rage and keep his head down. Among childhood friends, the ash-footed urchins who cornered each other in Dives back alleys, he was something of a leader. He had good ideas, the will to enact them, and the wit to gather others to enforce them. He also had the motivation to leave the house: Charlie’s father, an alcoholic, had high expectations for his only son, too many of which seemed impossible to reach. He understood the abuse to be love, internalizing the anger and ambition that would eventually define him. There was no question when Mr. Barber arranged an apprenticeship with a local physician for Charlie to rise above his family’s station.

Mr. Gregory Fowler was a gentle and patient man, perhaps too wise for the brash apprentices he took in those days. He would accept a new boy every year, keeping four or five on rotation to help him cover the injuries and sicknesses that had rooted themselves in the human community. It was during these formative years that he met the man who would become his greatest friend. Alexander Brown was smart but stubborn, easily the brightest among his peers. He was the first person Charlie could not successfully intimidate, instead turning aggressions into jokes and stress into determination. Alex was wild and confident and beautiful and easy to admire. Charlie had a knack for more kinesthetic practices, more often called to set bones than diagnose diseases; Alex was his foil in this, making sick patients smile with astute deductions about their health. They were a great pair.

Maybe it was inevitable that Mr. Brown soon found himself with an infant son born of a prostitute, his prospects squeezed by the responsibilities of fatherhood. Mr. Barber jumped at the chance to be of help, formulating plans by which they could work, live, and raise the child together. But despite his propensity for optimism, Mr. Brown was not prepared for such enthusiasm. He refused and fled, leaving little trace for his oldest friend to follow.

Mr. Barber knew how not to dwell on his failures. When he finished his apprenticeship, he took a loan from Mr. Fowler and opened shop in one of the last cities without a barber: Brunnhold. He is known to the human community there as a physician or surgeon, but he found that many of the services he learned from his father--shaving, grooming, and cures for common ailments--were in much higher demand. He spent many years building his practice, advertising himself as a valet for the masses and eventually becoming staple of the neighborhood.

It was this reputation, in combination with a well-timed connection with a local freedom fighter, that put him under the eye of the Resistance. His shop was a perfect location as a safe house, and he was approached to serve as a “Nice Guy” and help people who needed protection. He asked what he could and managed to learn quite a bit about the people who would work closely out of a private back room in his shop. And he learned again the recklessness of friendships when four of his associates were captured by Oculus operatives, never to be heard from again. It hadn’t been a week before he received a letter that declared him the new leader of his cell.

When his mother died, it took a toll on the family. His father retired to live with his eldest sister in Vienda, through proves to be as sullen as ever. Whatever the details of debt or disease, the Barbers found themselves in need of money; as one of the few remaining with an income, Cutter found himself obligated to send them a bit every month. Fortunately, he found a convenient cash flow in the form of promising young students and their enthusiasm for mind-altering substances. Between his connections with the physician’s guild and the freedom fighters, the flow of opiates and other drugs was plenty, and his money troubles have subsided for the time being.
Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Profession: Physician (Proficient)
Profession: Barber (Beginner)
Profession: Resistance Leader (Beginner)


Combat: Gunplay (Beginner)

Career and Income


Sawbones Physician. Cutter offers the grooming skills of a valet to those who could not otherwise afford it, from shaves and massages to bloodletting and joint-setting. He consults about hygiene and pain, selling various tonics, tinctures, and herbs to those who can be trusted with them. On the side, he sells psychoactive substances to university folk. He also earns a stipend for leading a How for the resistance.

Income: Average

Despite how busy he seems to be, Charles cannot seem to build wealth. He toils long and hard for an average income, sending home a portion and seeming to pay the rest in taxes to the city.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Shop

Barber's is a shop and townhome in a little human district in the Stacks, Brunnhold.
First floor: 400 sq. ft. space including one service counter, one till, one storage room and enough shaving cream, skin lotion, hair tincture, sanitizing alcohol, leeches, tonics, teas, salves, and drugs to last two months. Also, one 50 sq ft private consulting/surgery room, one 50 sq ft office, six waiting room chairs, and two shaving chairs.
Second floor: 400 sq. ft. space including one bed, two chairs, one table, two knives, a three piece dining set to serve four (cup, plate, bowl), one chest, and a stove/hearth. This is where he keeps his personal toiletries (soap, comb, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste) and tinderbox. An attached room (50 sq. ft.) contains a second bed and chest, which he shares with Scratcher.
Hidden room: 250 sq. ft. space including a large table, six chairs, an armoire, a pair of chests, and a large map of Anaxis.


One set of plain, well-stitched clothing
One water canteen
One pistol


Improve professional skills
Infiltrate University intellectual circles
Expose promising young galdori students to the lure of drugs
Recruit humans to even the most minor role in the Resistance
Follow orders from Resistance leadership
Research mona blocking theories
Investigate the role of sexual exploration in mental health

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