Warrick "Scratcher" Brown

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Sun Jul 08, 2018 3:39 pm

Warrick "Scratcher" Brown


Race: Human
Birthday: Hamis 8, 2699
Age: 19
FC: Ben Barnes

Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Brunnhold
Occupation: Physician’s Assistant/Resistance Cadet

Physical Description

Though it is plain in his height, softness of jaw, and length of limb that Warrick “Scratcher” Brown is a man just shy of young, there is little doubt that he will become a rather attractive one once he is there. Despite the pock marks that riddle his face from the scars of a rough puberty there is an unmistakable symmetry to the root-colored eyes and dimpled chin that has had a profound impact on his development. He stands just shy of average at five foot nine and the constant running and leaping regime of his profession keeps him lithe, trim, and a strikingly handsome human. Scratcher would be automatically endearing to most he spoke to if it were not for the obvious difficulty in he possesses in meeting one’s gaze. In conversations he will tend to stare out over shoulders or feign interest in a nearby object rather than meet a person’s gaze. Often this habit is interpreted as dubious; a suspicious compulsion that is a tell-tale sign of his shiftiness.

Being a human, Scratcher has never really had access to finely tailored clothes. He tells himself that he prefers the coarse, darkly colored cottons of his loose tunics and simple trousers. Indeed, he makes every attempt to appear as inconspicuous as possible, right down to the common style of his hair and speech. As he is frequently fond of pointing out: “A hidden cadet ain’t a dead one.”


Warrick’s father, Alexander Brown, was the sort of man to always go on about how rough humans had it when the sun was falling and dinner was digesting. On many nights the only entertainment to be had was to curl up on the floor while his father packed a pipe and began to rant about how self-righteous the Galdori were, of the unfairness of their arcane ability, then finally how they could fight back against the tyranny. Alexander was Warrick’s strongest hero, a morally incorruptible paragon of rebellious virtue.

It hit like a locomotive when Warrick discovered his father was nothing more than an idealistic junkie that blatantly lied about his own heroism. Alexander had never fought in any way against the Galdori. In the end, he and his son were hardly speaking. In the end, Warrick could do nothing but watch his estranged father poison himself to death with opiates.

Warrick, now Scratcher, is jumpy, mistrustful, and paranoid of most people these days, regardless of their race. He finds himself mirroring his father’s actions despite his strongest intentions to do so and the thought of it preys upon him daily. He lashes out with biting sarcasm, cavalier remarks, any black humor that shields others from seeing the brokenness behind his eyes.

-Born in Vienda to a prostitute and a human apprentice
-Abandoned by his mother at 3 to his father’s care
-Orphaned at 12 when his father overdosed on opium
-Moved to Brunnhold to find an old friend of his father’s

-Apprenticed to the human physician Mr. Charles Barber
-Discovered Mr. Barber’s connection to the Resistance and joined up
-Became ‘Scratcher’ and helped the Resistance as a code writer/messenger


A baby that is born accidentally and ultimately survives in the Laced Mutton is invariably a problem. Children are expensive and a human whore only makes so much to feed herself, much less than what a hungry baby boy needs. This is the justification Eve, a well-established lady-of-the-night, used to tell herself at night when she cursed the luck that rendered her pregnant. A brothel is hardly any place for a kid. Even still, the years rolled by and Eve did her best to care for her offspring.

As the father of the boy was some unknown human deadbeat, Eve named the child for her best friend and fellow prostitute: Warrick. This friend ended up being the only source of aid given to the poor mother; her other friends and co-workers having cut all ties to her in order to avoid the potential obligation.

Three years later, the pair was struggling to provide for the young one and most of their inadequate wages went to food and other necessities. It was soon painfully obvious to all at the Laced Mutton that Eve’s new way of life was unsustainable. Something had to be change.

It seemed fate agreed with this notion when mother and son were out on an afternoon walk one day and Eve happened to glance a face she had seen for only a single night but had haunted her dreams ever since. Alexander Brown, the student she had offered services to long ago, was out on a particular bit of business with his close friend, one Mr. Charles Barber, when the prostitute confronted them. Eve immediately set upon the two, ranting and raving about her haggard situation and thrust the young man's toddler son into his care. Her escape solidified, Eve returned to her old life and would come to forget her child until her untimely demise at the hand of disease.

Alexander found himself in a dire bind, for he himself harbored an unsustainable way of living. An addiction to opium had recently taken hold of him and, unbeknownst to his fellow, Mr. Brown had planned on breaking off from him that day to meet with a seller of the intoxicating drug. Instead, he found himself a surprised father.

It was due to this and the obvious attraction that Charles had tried to hide for Alex that caused him to explode out in anger when Mr. Barber offered to raise the child alongside him. His cowardice and deteriorating mind raged at his closest friend and Alex fled with his son back to his original home in the Capital to live with his elderly parents. The old folks were far too scatterbrained and forgetful to realize that Alex was siphoning the last of their money to fuel his lethal habit and busied themselves with Warrick’s upbringing. They died, one night right after the other, just before the child’s twelfth year. Alexander was barely coherent on his good days at this point.

Warrick, however, had never been content to let the lot in life he was given steamroll him over. His father’s ailment was undeniable even to his young mind and he found himself forced to mature far before his time, striking out to make money where he could, mostly as a messenger, and stealing what knowledge he found within his grasp. Warrick even learned to read a sparse number of words and even a few numerics in this way which would eventually prove to be the very foundation for his education. He would survive against the odds once more; this time by already being a capable young man when he discovered his father face down on the floor one night, overdosed and having been deceased for many hours.

Capable or not, Warrick was at a loss when faced with what to do next. Clearly he could not stay in the same home, but where else to go? With no other option, the young Mr. Brown decided to scavenge and sell what he could throughout the place. It was then that he found a small stack of letters that all appeared to be unanswered and even mostly unopened. They were all stamped with the name and address of one Mr. Charles Barber who clearly had been some sort of close friend of his fathers. The letters spake of how Mr. Barber had come to own his own physician’s practice among the Stacks of Brunnhold and how he missed his long-time companion quite dearly. To Warrick this man seemed to be not only the sole sympathizer he could possibly find to his plight but the move would provide a welcome change of scenery away from foul memories.

A twelve year old boy does not find himself with many options when attempting to sell a suspicious armful of random valuables and could find but one greasy pawn shop that would give him a pittance for his “rubbish”. It was just barely enough to buy passage to Brunnhold.

Showing up on the physician’s doorstep turned out far better than Warrick could have hoped. Not only did Mr. Barber agree to house the boy in exchange for menial labor, but he also offered to officially apprentice Warrick. The two lived relatively well together - if a bit detached from each other. The boy’s time was mostly occupied by his assigned studies, chores, and duties. Mr. Barber himself was rarely to be found when he was not attending to his patients and the pair rarely saw each other for the first few years.

It was not until Warrick’s eighteenth year that he would finally learn the true nature of his guardian’s work. The boy had grown weary of Mr. Barber’s mysterious nature and took to observing and following the chap about, undetected until one night when the physician revealed a hidden passage leading down to a room harboring all sorts of plans and other things that spoke of hostility to the Galdori race. Warrick could only come to one conclusion: this fellow had been with his father in the Resistance!

The boy burst out of his hiding spot and confronted him, demanding that he too be allowed to fight the gollies. Charles had no choice but to eventually relent after Warrick’s compelling argument of his potential usefulness as an established messenger boy from Vienda. It was a perfect way to maintain anonymity while helping the human rebels fight for independence.

Thus, Scratcher was born. Charles, or ‘Cutter’ in the Resistance, saw his deceased friend in the child he left behind and began to open up more and more to the youth. He assigned Scratcher the additional roles of leaving codes and caches for the aces of the Resistance among the many hidden nooks of the Stacks. Warrick learned to leap out among the haphazard rooftops and carve secret symbols into walls that only his fellows could read, how to stay hidden from the Seventen, all of the in’s and out’s that a cadet might need.

Scratcher was going to succeed where his father failed. He was going to take the fight to the gollies and make them pay for the way his life had gone.
Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Combat (Knives): Proficient


Professional (Messenger): Beginner
Professional (Resistance): Beginner
Professional (Physician): Beginner

Career and Income


Physician’s Apprentice: Scratcher assists with the many tasks required of a daily physician including fetching and delivering various supplies, anesthesia/restraint of patients, advertisement, and many more. His duties also include studying letters and numbers and occasionally helping Cutter’s more illicit activities.

Resistance Cadet: Scratcher leaves coded orders for the cell operatives in hidden caches about the city indicated by small symbols carved into nearby walls. These caches also sometimes include objects or supplies and can be used to leave deliveries intended for the cell leader.

Income: Poor

Scratcher is allowed a small pittance of his own from Cutter when he can manage it for his own personal use.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Shop

The Close Cut is a shop and townhome in a little human district in the Stacks, Bruunhold.
First floor: 400 sq. ft. space including one service counter, one till, one storage room and enough shaving cream, skin lotion, hair tincture, sanitizing alcohol, leeches, tonics, teas, salves, and drugs to last two months. Also, one 50 sq ft private consulting/surgery room, one 50 sq ft office, six waiting room chairs, and two shaving chairs. Scratcher sleeps on the patient’s bed when he can and on the floor upstairs when he can’t.

Second floor: 400 sq. ft. space including one bed, two chairs, one table, two knives, a three piece dining set to serve four (cup, plate, bowl), one chest, and a stove/hearth, all of which belongs to Mr. Charles Barber. This is where he keeps his personal toiletries (soap, comb, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste).


As a writer:
-Explore themes of hereditary drug tendencies
-Play as a rpg rogue-style character with depth
-Integrate ciphers and code-writing into my posts

As a character:
-Expand and make personal connections with others of the Resistance cell
-Become a full physician with a decent wage
-Help Jon Serro in any way possible until he is ready for the Final Fight

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